diff --git a/FlatBuffers-release-process.md b/FlatBuffers-release-process.md index cf6acd6..78161bf 100644 --- a/FlatBuffers-release-process.md +++ b/FlatBuffers-release-process.md @@ -45,6 +45,39 @@ Steps to release a new version of FlatBuffers to github: 1. `twine upload dist/flatbuffers-X.X.X-py2.py3-none-any.whl` 1. Output should be on: https://pypi.org/project/flatbuffers/ +## Java (Maven) +1. Update `pom.xml` with the current version. +1. Need `gpg` key installed in local keyring. + + 1. `gpg --import private.key` + + If this times out, its because its asking for a password and doesn't show it to you. + + 1. `sudo apt install pinentry-tty` + 1. `sudo update-alternatives --config pinentry` + 1. Select the `pinentry-tty` option. + + 1. Set up `.m2/settings.xml` with + + ``` + + + + ossrh + FILL ME IN + FILL ME IN + + + + ``` +1. In root directory run `mvn clean deploy -P release` + + This will publish the version and you cannot republish the same version. So it might be good to do a ["snapshot" deplyoment](https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-maven/#performing-a-snapshot-deployment) by appending `-SNAPSHOT` to the version. + +1. It should prompt for your password during the signing stage. +1. It should eventually complete and show: https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.google.flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java + + ## To Categorize / Old Notes * Change the version number in base.h, package.json, pom.xml (and various such files in grpc/), CMakeLists.txt (FlatBuffers_Library_SONAME_FULL), CMake/Version.cmake, dart/pubspec.yaml, rust/cargo.toml (not same as FlatBuffers version), Constants.java, FlatBufferConstants.cs, idl_gen_java/csharp/kotlin/swift.cpp