943 lines
33 KiB
943 lines
33 KiB
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:flat_buffers/flat_buffers.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import './monster_test_my_game.example_generated.dart' as example;
import './monster_test_my_game.example2_generated.dart' as example2;
import './list_of_enums_generated.dart' as example3;
import './bool_structs_generated.dart' as example4;
import './keyword_test_keyword_test_generated.dart' as keyword_test;
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
int indexToField(int index) {
return (1 + 1 + index) * 2;
class CheckOtherLangaugesData {
test_cppData() async {
List<int> data = await io.File(path.join(
example.Monster mon = example.Monster(data);
expect(mon.hp, 80);
expect(mon.mana, 150);
expect(mon.name, 'MyMonster');
expect(mon.pos!.x, 1.0);
expect(mon.pos!.y, 2.0);
expect(mon.pos!.z, 3.0);
expect(mon.pos!.test1, 3.0);
expect(mon.pos!.test2.value, 2.0);
expect(mon.pos!.test3.a, 5);
expect(mon.pos!.test3.b, 6);
expect(mon.testType!.value, example.AnyTypeId.Monster.value);
expect(mon.test is example.Monster, true);
final monster2 = mon.test as example.Monster;
expect(monster2.name, "Fred");
expect(mon.inventory!.length, 5);
expect(mon.inventory!.reduce((cur, next) => cur + next), 10);
final test4 = mon.test4!;
expect(test4.length, 2);
expect(test4[0].a + test4[0].b + test4[1].a + test4[1].b, 100);
expect(mon.testarrayofstring!.length, 2);
expect(mon.testarrayofstring![0], "test1");
expect(mon.testarrayofstring![1], "test2");
// this will fail if accessing any field fails.
'pos: Vec3{x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0, test1: 3.0, test2: Color{value: 2}, test3: Test{a: 5, b: 6}}, '
'mana: 150, hp: 80, name: MyMonster, inventory: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], '
'color: Color{value: 8}, testType: AnyTypeId{value: 1}, '
'test: Monster{pos: null, mana: 150, hp: 100, name: Fred, '
'inventory: null, color: Color{value: 8}, testType: null, '
'test: null, test4: null, testarrayofstring: null, '
'testarrayoftables: null, enemy: null, testnestedflatbuffer: null, '
'testempty: null, testbool: false, testhashs32Fnv1: 0, '
'testhashu32Fnv1: 0, testhashs64Fnv1: 0, testhashu64Fnv1: 0, '
'testhashs32Fnv1a: 0, testhashu32Fnv1a: 0, testhashs64Fnv1a: 0, '
'testhashu64Fnv1a: 0, testarrayofbools: null, testf: 3.14159, '
'testf2: 3.0, testf3: 0.0, testarrayofstring2: null, '
'testarrayofsortedstruct: null, flex: null, test5: null, '
'vectorOfLongs: null, vectorOfDoubles: null, parentNamespaceTest: null, '
'vectorOfReferrables: null, singleWeakReference: 0, '
'vectorOfWeakReferences: null, vectorOfStrongReferrables: null, '
'coOwningReference: 0, vectorOfCoOwningReferences: null, '
'nonOwningReference: 0, vectorOfNonOwningReferences: null, '
'anyUniqueType: null, anyUnique: null, anyAmbiguousType: null, '
'anyAmbiguous: null, vectorOfEnums: null, signedEnum: Race{value: -1}, '
'testrequirednestedflatbuffer: null, scalarKeySortedTables: null, '
'nativeInline: null, '
'longEnumNonEnumDefault: LongEnum{value: 0}, '
'longEnumNormalDefault: LongEnum{value: 2}, nanDefault: NaN, '
'infDefault: Infinity, positiveInfDefault: Infinity, infinityDefault: '
'Infinity, positiveInfinityDefault: Infinity, negativeInfDefault: '
'-Infinity, negativeInfinityDefault: -Infinity, doubleInfDefault: Infinity}, '
'test4: [Test{a: 10, b: 20}, Test{a: 30, b: 40}], '
'testarrayofstring: [test1, test2], testarrayoftables: null, '
'enemy: Monster{pos: null, mana: 150, hp: 100, name: Fred, '
'inventory: null, color: Color{value: 8}, testType: null, '
'test: null, test4: null, testarrayofstring: null, '
'testarrayoftables: null, enemy: null, testnestedflatbuffer: null, '
'testempty: null, testbool: false, testhashs32Fnv1: 0, '
'testhashu32Fnv1: 0, testhashs64Fnv1: 0, testhashu64Fnv1: 0, '
'testhashs32Fnv1a: 0, testhashu32Fnv1a: 0, testhashs64Fnv1a: 0, '
'testhashu64Fnv1a: 0, testarrayofbools: null, testf: 3.14159, '
'testf2: 3.0, testf3: 0.0, testarrayofstring2: null, '
'testarrayofsortedstruct: null, flex: null, test5: null, '
'vectorOfLongs: null, vectorOfDoubles: null, parentNamespaceTest: null, '
'vectorOfReferrables: null, singleWeakReference: 0, '
'vectorOfWeakReferences: null, vectorOfStrongReferrables: null, '
'coOwningReference: 0, vectorOfCoOwningReferences: null, '
'nonOwningReference: 0, vectorOfNonOwningReferences: null, '
'anyUniqueType: null, anyUnique: null, anyAmbiguousType: null, '
'anyAmbiguous: null, vectorOfEnums: null, signedEnum: Race{value: -1}, '
'testrequirednestedflatbuffer: null, scalarKeySortedTables: null, '
'nativeInline: null, '
'longEnumNonEnumDefault: LongEnum{value: 0}, '
'longEnumNormalDefault: LongEnum{value: 2}, nanDefault: NaN, '
'infDefault: Infinity, positiveInfDefault: Infinity, infinityDefault: '
'Infinity, positiveInfinityDefault: Infinity, negativeInfDefault: '
'-Infinity, negativeInfinityDefault: -Infinity, doubleInfDefault: Infinity}, '
'testnestedflatbuffer: null, testempty: null, testbool: true, '
'testhashs32Fnv1: -579221183, testhashu32Fnv1: 3715746113, '
'testhashs64Fnv1: 7930699090847568257, '
'testhashu64Fnv1: 7930699090847568257, '
'testhashs32Fnv1a: -1904106383, testhashu32Fnv1a: 2390860913, '
'testhashs64Fnv1a: 4898026182817603057, '
'testhashu64Fnv1a: 4898026182817603057, '
'testarrayofbools: [true, false, true], testf: 3.14159, testf2: 3.0, '
'testf3: 0.0, testarrayofstring2: null, testarrayofsortedstruct: ['
'Ability{id: 0, distance: 45}, Ability{id: 1, distance: 21}, '
'Ability{id: 5, distance: 12}], '
'flex: null, test5: [Test{a: 10, b: 20}, Test{a: 30, b: 40}], '
'vectorOfLongs: [1, 100, 10000, 1000000, 100000000], '
'vectorOfDoubles: [-1.7976931348623157e+308, 0.0, 1.7976931348623157e+308], '
'parentNamespaceTest: null, vectorOfReferrables: null, '
'singleWeakReference: 0, vectorOfWeakReferences: null, '
'vectorOfStrongReferrables: null, coOwningReference: 0, '
'vectorOfCoOwningReferences: null, nonOwningReference: 0, '
'vectorOfNonOwningReferences: null, '
'anyUniqueType: null, anyUnique: null, '
'anyAmbiguousType: null, '
'anyAmbiguous: null, vectorOfEnums: null, signedEnum: Race{value: -1}, '
'testrequirednestedflatbuffer: null, scalarKeySortedTables: [Stat{id: '
'miss, val: 0, count: 0}, Stat{id: hit, val: 10, count: 1}], '
'nativeInline: Test{a: 1, b: 2}, '
'longEnumNonEnumDefault: LongEnum{value: 0}, '
'longEnumNormalDefault: LongEnum{value: 2}, nanDefault: NaN, '
'infDefault: Infinity, positiveInfDefault: Infinity, infinityDefault: '
'Infinity, positiveInfinityDefault: Infinity, negativeInfDefault: '
'-Infinity, negativeInfinityDefault: -Infinity, doubleInfDefault: Infinity}'
/// Test a custom, fixed-memory allocator (no actual allocations performed)
class CustomAllocator extends Allocator {
final _memory = ByteData(10 * 1024);
int _used = 0;
Uint8List buffer(int size) => _memory.buffer.asUint8List(_used - size, size);
ByteData allocate(int size) {
if (size > _memory.lengthInBytes) {
throw UnsupportedError('Trying to allocate too much');
_used = size;
return ByteData.sublistView(_memory, 0, size);
void deallocate(ByteData _) {}
class BuilderTest {
void test_monsterBuilder([Builder? builder]) {
final fbBuilder = builder ?? Builder();
final str = fbBuilder.writeString('MyMonster');
fbBuilder.writeString('test2', asciiOptimization: true);
final testArrayOfString = fbBuilder.endStructVector(2);
final fred = fbBuilder.writeString('Fred');
final List<int> treasure = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
final inventory = fbBuilder.writeListUint8(treasure);
final monBuilder = example.MonsterBuilder(fbBuilder)
final mon2 = monBuilder.finish();
final testBuilder = example.TestBuilder(fbBuilder);
testBuilder.finish(10, 20);
testBuilder.finish(30, 40);
final test4 = fbBuilder.endStructVector(2);
() => testBuilder.finish(5, 6),
final mon = monBuilder.finish();
void test_error_addInt32_withoutStartTable([Builder? builder]) {
builder ??= Builder();
expect(() {
builder!.addInt32(0, 0);
}, throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
void test_error_addOffset_withoutStartTable() {
Builder builder = Builder();
expect(() {
builder.addOffset(0, 0);
}, throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
void test_error_endTable_withoutStartTable() {
Builder builder = Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
void test_error_startTable_duringTable() {
Builder builder = Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
void test_error_writeString_duringTable() {
Builder builder = Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
void test_file_identifier() {
Uint8List byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.endTable();
builder.finish(offset, 'Az~ÿ');
byteList = builder.buffer;
// Convert byteList to a ByteData so that we can read data from it.
ByteData byteData = byteList.buffer.asByteData(byteList.offsetInBytes);
// First 4 bytes are an offset to the table data.
int tableDataLoc = byteData.getUint32(0, Endian.little);
// Next 4 bytes are the file identifier.
expect(byteData.getUint8(4), 65); // 'a'
expect(byteData.getUint8(5), 122); // 'z'
expect(byteData.getUint8(6), 126); // '~'
expect(byteData.getUint8(7), 255); // 'ÿ'
// First 4 bytes of the table data are a backwards offset to the vtable.
int vTableLoc =
tableDataLoc - byteData.getInt32(tableDataLoc, Endian.little);
// First 2 bytes of the vtable are the size of the vtable in bytes, which
// should be 4.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc, Endian.little), 4);
// Next 2 bytes are the size of the object in bytes (including the vtable
// pointer), which should be 4.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc + 2, Endian.little), 4);
void test_low() {
final allocator = CustomAllocator();
final builder = Builder(initialSize: 0, allocator: allocator);
expect(allocator.buffer(builder.size()), [1]);
expect(allocator.buffer(builder.size()), [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
allocator.buffer(builder.size()), [0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
allocator.buffer(builder.size()), [0, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
allocator.buffer(builder.size()), [0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
void test_table_default() {
List<int> byteList;
final builder = Builder(initialSize: 0, allocator: CustomAllocator());
builder.addInt32(0, 10, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20, 10);
int offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.buffer;
expect(builder.size(), byteList.length);
// read and verify
BufferContext buffer = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
int objectOffset = buffer.derefObject(0);
// was not written, so uses the new default value
const Int32Reader()
.vTableGet(buffer, objectOffset, indexToField(0), 15),
// has the written value
const Int32Reader()
.vTableGet(buffer, objectOffset, indexToField(1), 15),
void test_table_format([Builder? builder]) {
Uint8List byteList;
builder ??= Builder(initialSize: 0);
builder.addInt32(0, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20);
builder.addInt32(2, 30);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// Convert byteList to a ByteData so that we can read data from it.
ByteData byteData = byteList.buffer.asByteData(byteList.offsetInBytes);
// First 4 bytes are an offset to the table data.
int tableDataLoc = byteData.getUint32(0, Endian.little);
// First 4 bytes of the table data are a backwards offset to the vtable.
int vTableLoc =
tableDataLoc - byteData.getInt32(tableDataLoc, Endian.little);
// First 2 bytes of the vtable are the size of the vtable in bytes, which
// should be 10.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc, Endian.little), 10);
// Next 2 bytes are the size of the object in bytes (including the vtable
// pointer), which should be 16.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc + 2, Endian.little), 16);
// Remaining 6 bytes are the offsets within the object where the ints are
// located.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int offset = byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc + 4 + 2 * i, Endian.little);
byteData.getInt32(tableDataLoc + offset, Endian.little), 10 + 10 * i);
void test_table_string() {
String latinString = 'test';
String unicodeString = 'Проба пера';
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int? latinStringOffset =
builder.writeString(latinString, asciiOptimization: true);
int? unicodeStringOffset =
builder.writeString(unicodeString, asciiOptimization: true);
builder.addOffset(0, latinStringOffset);
builder.addOffset(1, unicodeStringOffset);
int offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
int objectOffset = buf.derefObject(0);
const StringReader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(0)),
const StringReader(asciiOptimization: true)
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(1)),
void test_table_types([Builder? builder]) {
List<int> byteList;
builder ??= Builder(initialSize: 0);
int? stringOffset = builder.writeString('12345');
builder.addBool(0, true);
builder.addInt8(1, 10);
builder.addInt32(2, 20);
builder.addOffset(3, stringOffset);
builder.addInt32(4, 40);
builder.addUint32(5, 0x9ABCDEF0);
builder.addUint8(6, 0x9A);
int offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
int objectOffset = buf.derefObject(0);
const BoolReader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(0)),
const Int8Reader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(1)),
const Int32Reader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(2)),
const StringReader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(3)),
const Int32Reader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(4)),
const Uint32Reader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(5)),
const Uint8Reader()
.vTableGetNullable(buf, objectOffset, indexToField(6)),
void test_writeList_of_Uint32() {
List<int> values = <int>[10, 100, 12345, 0x9abcdef0];
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListUint32(values);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const Uint32ListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(4));
expect(items, orderedEquals(values));
void test_writeList_ofBool() {
void verifyListBooleans(int len, List<int> trueBits) {
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
List<bool> values = List<bool>.filled(len, false);
for (int bit in trueBits) {
values[bit] = true;
int offset = builder.writeListBool(values);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<bool> items = const BoolListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(len));
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
expect(items[i], trueBits.contains(i), reason: 'bit $i of $len');
verifyListBooleans(0, <int>[]);
verifyListBooleans(1, <int>[]);
verifyListBooleans(1, <int>[0]);
verifyListBooleans(31, <int>[0, 1]);
verifyListBooleans(31, <int>[1, 2, 24, 25, 30]);
verifyListBooleans(31, <int>[0, 30]);
verifyListBooleans(32, <int>[1, 2, 24, 25, 31]);
verifyListBooleans(33, <int>[1, 2, 24, 25, 32]);
verifyListBooleans(33, <int>[1, 2, 24, 25, 31, 32]);
verifyListBooleans(63, <int>[]);
verifyListBooleans(63, <int>[0, 1, 2, 61, 62]);
verifyListBooleans(63, List<int>.generate(63, (i) => i));
verifyListBooleans(64, <int>[]);
verifyListBooleans(64, <int>[0, 1, 2, 61, 62, 63]);
verifyListBooleans(64, <int>[1, 2, 62]);
verifyListBooleans(64, <int>[0, 1, 2, 63]);
verifyListBooleans(64, List<int>.generate(64, (i) => i));
verifyListBooleans(100, <int>[0, 3, 30, 60, 90, 99]);
void test_writeList_ofInt32() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListInt32(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const ListReader<int>(Int32Reader()).read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(5));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
void test_writeList_ofFloat64() {
List<double> values = <double>[-1.234567, 3.4E+9, -5.6E-13, 7.8, 12.13];
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListFloat64(values);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<double> items = const Float64ListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(values.length));
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
expect(values[i], closeTo(items[i], .001));
void test_writeList_ofFloat32() {
List<double> values = [1.0, 2.23, -3.213, 7.8, 12.13];
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListFloat32(values);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<double> items = const Float32ListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(5));
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
expect(values[i], closeTo(items[i], .001));
void test_writeList_ofObjects([Builder? builder]) {
List<int> byteList;
builder ??= Builder(initialSize: 0);
// write the object #1
int object1;
builder.addInt32(0, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20);
object1 = builder.endTable();
// write the object #1
int object2;
builder.addInt32(0, 100);
builder.addInt32(1, 200);
object2 = builder.endTable();
// write the list
int offset = builder.writeList([object1, object2]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<TestPointImpl> items =
const ListReader<TestPointImpl>(TestPointReader()).read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items[0].x, 10);
expect(items[0].y, 20);
expect(items[1].x, 100);
expect(items[1].y, 200);
void test_writeList_ofStrings_asRoot() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int? str1 = builder.writeString('12345');
int? str2 = builder.writeString('ABC');
int offset = builder.writeList([str1, str2]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<String> items = const ListReader<String>(StringReader()).read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items, contains('12345'));
expect(items, contains('ABC'));
void test_writeList_ofStrings_inObject([Builder? builder]) {
List<int> byteList;
builder ??= Builder(initialSize: 0);
int listOffset = builder.writeList(
[builder.writeString('12345'), builder.writeString('ABC')]);
builder.addOffset(0, listOffset);
int offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
StringListWrapperImpl reader = StringListWrapperReader().read(buf, 0);
List<String>? items = reader.items;
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items, contains('12345'));
expect(items, contains('ABC'));
void test_writeList_ofUint32() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListUint32(<int>[1, 2, 0x9ABCDEF0]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const Uint32ListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(3));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 0x9ABCDEF0]));
void test_writeList_ofUint16() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListUint16(<int>[1, 2, 60000]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const Uint16ListReader().read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(3));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 60000]));
void test_writeList_ofUint8() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = Builder(initialSize: 0);
int offset = builder.writeListUint8(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 0x9A, 0xFA]);
byteList = builder.buffer;
// read and verify
BufferContext buf = BufferContext.fromBytes(byteList);
const buffOffset = 8; // 32-bit offset to the list, + 32-bit length
for (final lazy in [true, false]) {
List<int> items = Uint8ListReader(lazy: lazy).read(buf, 0);
expect(items, hasLength(6));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 0x9A, 0xFA]));
// overwrite the buffer to verify the laziness
buf.buffer.setUint8(buffOffset + 1, 99);
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, lazy ? 99 : 2, 3, 4, 0x9A, 0xFA]));
// restore the previous value for the next loop
buf.buffer.setUint8(buffOffset + 1, 2);
void test_reset() {
// We'll run a selection of tests , reusing the builder between them.
final testCases = <void Function(Builder?)>[
// Execute all test cases in all permutations of their order.
// To do that, we generate permutations of test case indexes.
final testCasesPermutations =
_permutationsOf(List.generate(testCases.length, (index) => index));
expect(testCasesPermutations.length, _factorial(testCases.length));
for (var indexes in testCasesPermutations) {
// print the order so failures are reproducible
printOnFailure('Running reset() test cases in order: $indexes');
Builder? builder;
for (var index in indexes) {
if (builder == null) {
// Initial size small enough so at least one test case increases it.
// On the other hand, it's large enough so that some test cases don't.
builder = Builder(initialSize: 32);
} else {
// Generate permutations of the given list
List<List<T>> _permutationsOf<T>(List<T> source) {
final result = <List<T>>[];
void permutate(List<T> items, int startAt) {
for (var i = startAt; i < items.length; i++) {
List<T> permutation = items.toList(growable: false);
permutation[i] = items[startAt];
permutation[startAt] = items[i];
// add the current list upon reaching the end
if (startAt == items.length - 1) {
} else {
permutate(permutation, startAt + 1);
permutate(source, 0);
return result;
// a very simple implementation of n!
int _factorial(int n) {
var result = 1;
for (var i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
class ObjectAPITest {
void test_tableStat() {
final object1 = example.StatT(count: 3, id: "foo", val: 4);
expect(object1 is Packable, isTrue);
final fbb = Builder();
final object2 = example.Stat(fbb.buffer).unpack();
expect(object2.count, object1.count);
expect(object2.id, object1.id);
expect(object2.val, object1.val);
expect(object2.toString(), object1.toString());
void test_tableMonster() {
final monster = example.MonsterT()
..pos = example.Vec3T(
x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3,
test1: 4.0,
test2: example.Color.Red,
test3: example.TestT(a: 1, b: 2))
..mana = 2
..name = 'Monstrous'
..inventory = [24, 42]
..color = example.Color.Green
// TODO be smarter for unions and automatically set the `type` field?
..testType = example.AnyTypeId.MyGame_Example2_Monster
..test = example2.MonsterT()
..test4 = [example.TestT(a: 3, b: 4), example.TestT(a: 5, b: 6)]
..testarrayofstring = ["foo", "bar"]
..testarrayoftables = [example.MonsterT(name: 'Oof')]
..enemy = example.MonsterT(name: 'Enemy')
..testarrayofbools = [false, true, false]
..testf = 42.24
..testarrayofsortedstruct = [
example.AbilityT(id: 1, distance: 5),
example.AbilityT(id: 3, distance: 7)
..vectorOfLongs = [5, 6, 7]
..vectorOfDoubles = [8.9, 9.0, 10.1, 11.2]
..anyAmbiguousType = example.AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.M2
..anyAmbiguous = null
..vectorOfEnums = [example.Color.Blue, example.Color.Green]
..signedEnum = example.Race.None;
final fbBuilder = Builder();
final offset = monster.pack(fbBuilder);
expect(offset, isNonZero);
final data = fbBuilder.buffer;
// TODO currently broken because of struct builder issue, see #6688
// final monster2 = example.Monster(data); // Monster (reader)
// expect(
// // map Monster => MonsterT, Vec3 => Vec3T, ...
// monster2.toString().replaceAllMapped(
// RegExp('([a-zA-z0-9]+){'), (match) => match.group(1) + 'T{'),
// monster.toString());
// final monster3 = monster2.unpack(); // MonsterT
// expect(monster3.toString(), monster.toString());
void test_Lists() {
// Ensure unpack() reads lists eagerly by reusing the same builder and
// overwriting data. Why: because standard reader reads lists lazily...
final fbb = Builder();
final object1 = example.TypeAliasesT(v8: [1, 2, 3], vf64: [5, 6]);
final object1Read = example.TypeAliases(fbb.buffer).unpack();
// overwrite the original buffer by writing to the same builder
final object2 = example.TypeAliasesT(v8: [7, 8, 9], vf64: [10, 11]);
final object2Read = example.TypeAliases(fbb.buffer).unpack();
// this is fine even with lazy lists:
expect(object2.toString(), object2Read.toString());
// this fails with lazy lists:
expect(object1.toString(), object1Read.toString());
// empty list must be serialized as such (were stored NULL before v2.0)
final object3 = example.TypeAliasesT(v8: [], vf64: null);
final object3Read = example.TypeAliases(fbb.buffer).unpack();
expect(object3.toString(), object3Read.toString());
class StringListWrapperImpl {
final BufferContext bp;
final int offset;
StringListWrapperImpl(this.bp, this.offset);
List<String>? get items => const ListReader<String>(StringReader())
.vTableGetNullable(bp, offset, indexToField(0));
class StringListWrapperReader extends TableReader<StringListWrapperImpl> {
const StringListWrapperReader();
StringListWrapperImpl createObject(BufferContext object, int offset) {
return StringListWrapperImpl(object, offset);
class TestPointImpl {
final BufferContext bp;
final int offset;
TestPointImpl(this.bp, this.offset);
int get x => const Int32Reader().vTableGet(bp, offset, indexToField(0), 0);
int get y => const Int32Reader().vTableGet(bp, offset, indexToField(1), 0);
class TestPointReader extends TableReader<TestPointImpl> {
const TestPointReader();
TestPointImpl createObject(BufferContext object, int offset) {
return TestPointImpl(object, offset);
class GeneratorTest {
void test_constantEnumValues() async {
expect(example.Color.values, same(example.Color.values));
expect(example.Race.values, same(example.Race.values));
expect(example.AnyTypeId.values, same(example.AnyTypeId.values));
// See #6869
class ListOfEnumsTest {
void test_listOfEnums() async {
var mytable = example3.MyTableObjectBuilder(options: [
var bytes = mytable.toBytes();
var mytable_read = example3.MyTable(bytes);
expect(mytable_read.options![0].value, example3.OptionsEnum.A.value);
expect(mytable_read.options![1].value, example3.OptionsEnum.B.value);
expect(mytable_read.options![2].value, example3.OptionsEnum.C.value);
class BoolInStructTest {
void test_boolInStruct() async {
var mystruct = example4.FooObjectBuilder(
myFoo: example4.FooPropertiesObjectBuilder(a: true, b: false));
var bytes = mystruct.toBytes();
var mystruct_read = example4.Foo(bytes);
expect(mystruct_read.myFoo!.a, true);
expect(mystruct_read.myFoo!.b, false);