
875 lines
34 KiB

#include "monster_test.h"
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "flatbuffers/base.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffer_builder.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/registry.h"
#include "flatbuffers/verifier.h"
#include "is_quiet_nan.h"
#include "monster_extra_generated.h"
#include "monster_test_generated.h"
#include "test_assert.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace tests {
// Shortcuts for the infinity.
static const auto infinity_f = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
static const auto infinity_d = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
using namespace MyGame::Example;
// example of how to build up a serialized buffer algorithmically:
flatbuffers::DetachedBuffer CreateFlatBufferTest(std::string &buffer) {
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
auto vec = Vec3(1, 2, 3, 0, Color_Red, Test(10, 20));
auto name = builder.CreateString("MyMonster");
// Use the initializer_list specialization of CreateVector.
auto inventory =
builder.CreateVector<uint8_t>({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
// Alternatively, create the vector first, and fill in data later:
// unsigned char *inv_buf = nullptr;
// auto inventory = builder.CreateUninitializedVector<unsigned char>(
// 10, &inv_buf);
// memcpy(inv_buf, inv_data, 10);
Test tests[] = { Test(10, 20), Test(30, 40) };
auto testv = builder.CreateVectorOfStructs(tests, 2);
// Create a vector of structures from a lambda.
auto testv2 = builder.CreateVectorOfStructs<Test>(
2, [&](size_t i, Test *s) -> void { *s = tests[i]; });
// create monster with very few fields set:
// (same functionality as CreateMonster below, but sets fields manually)
flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> mlocs[3];
auto fred = builder.CreateString("Fred");
auto barney = builder.CreateString("Barney");
auto wilma = builder.CreateString("Wilma");
MonsterBuilder mb1(builder);
mlocs[0] = mb1.Finish();
MonsterBuilder mb2(builder);
mlocs[1] = mb2.Finish();
MonsterBuilder mb3(builder);
mlocs[2] = mb3.Finish();
// Create an array of strings. Also test string pooling, and lambdas.
auto vecofstrings =
[](size_t i, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder *b)
-> flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> {
static const char *names[] = { "bob", "fred", "bob", "fred" };
return b->CreateSharedString(names[i]);
// Creating vectors of strings in one convenient call.
std::vector<std::string> names2;
auto vecofstrings2 = builder.CreateVectorOfStrings(names2);
// Creating vectors from types that are different from std::string
std::vector<const char *> names3;
builder.CreateVectorOfStrings(names3); // Also an accepted type
std::vector<flatbuffers::string_view> names4;
builder.CreateVectorOfStrings(names4); // Also an accepted type
// Make sure the template deduces an initializer as std::vector<std::string>
builder.CreateVectorOfStrings({ "hello", "world" });
// Create many vectors of strings
std::vector<std::string> manyNames;
for (auto i = 0; i < 100; i++) { manyNames.push_back("john_doe"); }
auto manyNamesVec = builder.CreateVectorOfStrings(manyNames);
TEST_EQ(false, manyNamesVec.IsNull());
auto manyNamesVec2 =
builder.CreateVectorOfStrings(manyNames.cbegin(), manyNames.cend());
TEST_EQ(false, manyNamesVec2.IsNull());
// Create an array of sorted tables, can be used with binary search when read:
auto vecoftables = builder.CreateVectorOfSortedTables(mlocs, 3);
// Create an array of sorted structs,
// can be used with binary search when read:
std::vector<Ability> abilities;
abilities.push_back(Ability(4, 40));
abilities.push_back(Ability(3, 30));
abilities.push_back(Ability(2, 20));
abilities.push_back(Ability(0, 0));
auto vecofstructs = builder.CreateVectorOfSortedStructs(&abilities);
flatbuffers::Offset<Stat> mlocs_stats[1];
auto miss = builder.CreateString("miss");
StatBuilder mb_miss(builder);
mb_miss.add_count(0); // key
mlocs_stats[0] = mb_miss.Finish();
auto vec_of_stats = builder.CreateVectorOfSortedTables(mlocs_stats, 1);
// Create a nested FlatBuffer.
// Nested FlatBuffers are stored in a ubyte vector, which can be convenient
// since they can be memcpy'd around much easier than other FlatBuffer
// values. They have little overhead compared to storing the table directly.
// As a test, create a mostly empty Monster buffer:
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder nested_builder;
auto nmloc = CreateMonster(nested_builder, nullptr, 0, 0,
FinishMonsterBuffer(nested_builder, nmloc);
// Now we can store the buffer in the parent. Note that by default, vectors
// are only aligned to their elements or size field, so in this case if the
// buffer contains 64-bit elements, they may not be correctly aligned. We fix
// that with:
builder.ForceVectorAlignment(nested_builder.GetSize(), sizeof(uint8_t),
// If for whatever reason you don't have the nested_builder available, you
// can substitute flatbuffers::largest_scalar_t (64-bit) for the alignment, or
// the largest force_align value in your schema if you're using it.
auto nested_flatbuffer_vector = builder.CreateVector(
nested_builder.GetBufferPointer(), nested_builder.GetSize());
// Test a nested FlexBuffer:
flexbuffers::Builder flexbuild;
auto flex = builder.CreateVector(flexbuild.GetBuffer());
// Test vector of enums.
Color colors[] = { Color_Blue, Color_Green };
// We use this special creation function because we have an array of
// pre-C++11 (enum class) enums whose size likely is int, yet its declared
// type in the schema is byte.
auto vecofcolors = builder.CreateVectorScalarCast<uint8_t, Color>(colors, 2);
// shortcut for creating monster with all fields set:
auto mloc = CreateMonster(
builder, &vec, 150, 80, name, inventory, Color_Blue, Any_Monster,
mlocs[1].Union(), // Store a union.
testv, vecofstrings, vecoftables, 0, nested_flatbuffer_vector, 0, false,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.14159f, 3.0f, 0.0f, vecofstrings2,
vecofstructs, flex, testv2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
AnyUniqueAliases_NONE, 0, AnyAmbiguousAliases_NONE, 0, vecofcolors,
MyGame::Example::Race_None, 0, vec_of_stats);
FinishMonsterBuffer(builder, mloc);
// clang-format off
// print byte data for debugging:
auto p = builder.GetBufferPointer();
for (flatbuffers::uoffset_t i = 0; i < builder.GetSize(); i++)
printf("%d ", p[i]);
// clang-format on
// return the buffer for the caller to use.
auto bufferpointer =
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(builder.GetBufferPointer());
buffer.assign(bufferpointer, bufferpointer + builder.GetSize());
return builder.Release();
// example of accessing a buffer loaded in memory:
void AccessFlatBufferTest(const uint8_t *flatbuf, size_t length, bool pooled) {
// First, verify the buffers integrity (optional)
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(flatbuf, length);
std::vector<uint8_t> flex_reuse_tracker;
TEST_EQ(VerifyMonsterBuffer(verifier), true);
// clang-format off
std::vector<uint8_t> test_buff;
test_buff.resize(length * 2);
std::memcpy(&test_buff[0], flatbuf, length);
std::memcpy(&test_buff[length], flatbuf, length);
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier1(&test_buff[0], length);
TEST_EQ(VerifyMonsterBuffer(verifier1), true);
TEST_EQ(verifier1.GetComputedSize(), length);
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier2(&test_buff[length], length);
TEST_EQ(VerifyMonsterBuffer(verifier2), true);
TEST_EQ(verifier2.GetComputedSize(), length);
// clang-format on
TEST_EQ(strcmp(MonsterIdentifier(), "MONS"), 0);
TEST_EQ(MonsterBufferHasIdentifier(flatbuf), true);
TEST_EQ(strcmp(MonsterExtension(), "mon"), 0);
// Access the buffer from the root.
auto monster = GetMonster(flatbuf);
TEST_EQ(monster->hp(), 80);
TEST_EQ(monster->mana(), 150); // default
TEST_EQ_STR(monster->name()->c_str(), "MyMonster");
// Can't access the following field, it is deprecated in the schema,
// which means accessors are not generated:
// monster.friendly()
auto pos = monster->pos();
TEST_EQ(pos->z(), 3);
TEST_EQ(pos->test3().a(), 10);
TEST_EQ(pos->test3().b(), 20);
auto inventory = monster->inventory();
TEST_EQ(VectorLength(inventory), 10UL); // Works even if inventory is null.
unsigned char inv_data[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
// Check compatibilty of iterators with STL.
std::vector<unsigned char> inv_vec(inventory->begin(), inventory->end());
size_t n = 0;
for (auto it = inventory->begin(); it != inventory->end(); ++it, ++n) {
auto indx = it - inventory->begin();
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_vec.at(indx)); // Use bounds-check.
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_data[indx]);
TEST_EQ(n, inv_vec.size());
n = 0;
for (auto it = inventory->cbegin(); it != inventory->cend(); ++it, ++n) {
auto indx = it - inventory->cbegin();
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_vec.at(indx)); // Use bounds-check.
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_data[indx]);
TEST_EQ(n, inv_vec.size());
n = 0;
for (auto it = inventory->rbegin(); it != inventory->rend(); ++it, ++n) {
auto indx = inventory->rend() - it - 1;
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_vec.at(indx)); // Use bounds-check.
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_data[indx]);
TEST_EQ(n, inv_vec.size());
n = 0;
for (auto it = inventory->crbegin(); it != inventory->crend(); ++it, ++n) {
auto indx = inventory->crend() - it - 1;
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_vec.at(indx)); // Use bounds-check.
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_data[indx]);
TEST_EQ(n, inv_vec.size());
TEST_EQ(monster->color(), Color_Blue);
// Example of accessing a union:
TEST_EQ(monster->test_type(), Any_Monster); // First make sure which it is.
auto monster2 = reinterpret_cast<const Monster *>(monster->test());
TEST_EQ_STR(monster2->name()->c_str(), "Fred");
// Example of accessing a vector of strings:
auto vecofstrings = monster->testarrayofstring();
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings->size(), 4U);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings->Get(0)->c_str(), "bob");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings->Get(1)->c_str(), "fred");
if (pooled) {
// These should have pointer equality because of string pooling.
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings->Get(0)->c_str(), vecofstrings->Get(2)->c_str());
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings->Get(1)->c_str(), vecofstrings->Get(3)->c_str());
auto vecofstrings2 = monster->testarrayofstring2();
if (vecofstrings2) {
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings2->size(), 2U);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings2->Get(0)->c_str(), "jane");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings2->Get(1)->c_str(), "mary");
// Example of accessing a vector of tables:
auto vecoftables = monster->testarrayoftables();
TEST_EQ(vecoftables->size(), 3U);
for (auto it = vecoftables->begin(); it != vecoftables->end(); ++it) {
TEST_EQ(strlen(it->name()->c_str()) >= 4, true);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables->Get(0)->name()->c_str(), "Barney");
TEST_EQ(vecoftables->Get(0)->hp(), 1000);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables->Get(1)->name()->c_str(), "Fred");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables->Get(2)->name()->c_str(), "Wilma");
// Test accessing a vector of sorted structs
auto vecofstructs = monster->testarrayofsortedstruct();
if (vecofstructs) { // not filled in monster_test.bfbs
for (flatbuffers::uoffset_t i = 0; i < vecofstructs->size() - 1; i++) {
auto left = vecofstructs->Get(i);
auto right = vecofstructs->Get(i + 1);
TEST_EQ(true, (left->KeyCompareLessThan(right)));
TEST_NOTNULL(vecofstructs->LookupByKey(0)); // test default value
TEST_EQ(static_cast<const Ability *>(nullptr),
if (auto vec_of_stat = monster->scalar_key_sorted_tables()) {
auto stat_0 = vec_of_stat->LookupByKey(static_cast<uint16_t>(0u));
TEST_EQ(0, stat_0->count());
TEST_EQ_STR("miss", stat_0->id()->c_str());
// Test nested FlatBuffers if available:
auto nested_buffer = monster->testnestedflatbuffer();
if (nested_buffer) {
// nested_buffer is a vector of bytes you can memcpy. However, if you
// actually want to access the nested data, this is a convenient
// accessor that directly gives you the root table:
auto nested_monster = monster->testnestedflatbuffer_nested_root();
TEST_EQ_STR(nested_monster->name()->c_str(), "NestedMonster");
// Test flexbuffer if available:
auto flex = monster->flex();
// flex is a vector of bytes you can memcpy etc.
TEST_EQ(flex->size(), 4); // Encoded FlexBuffer bytes.
// However, if you actually want to access the nested data, this is a
// convenient accessor that directly gives you the root value:
TEST_EQ(monster->flex_flexbuffer_root().AsInt16(), 1234);
// Test vector of enums:
auto colors = monster->vector_of_enums();
if (colors) {
TEST_EQ(colors->size(), 2);
TEST_EQ(colors->Get(0), Color_Blue);
TEST_EQ(colors->Get(1), Color_Green);
// Since Flatbuffers uses explicit mechanisms to override the default
// compiler alignment, double check that the compiler indeed obeys them:
// (Test consists of a short and byte):
TEST_EQ(flatbuffers::AlignOf<Test>(), 2UL);
TEST_EQ(sizeof(Test), 4UL);
const flatbuffers::Vector<const Test *> *tests_array[] = {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(tests_array) / sizeof(tests_array[0]); ++i) {
auto tests = tests_array[i];
auto test_0 = tests->Get(0);
auto test_1 = tests->Get(1);
TEST_EQ(test_0->a(), 10);
TEST_EQ(test_0->b(), 20);
TEST_EQ(test_1->a(), 30);
TEST_EQ(test_1->b(), 40);
for (auto it = tests->begin(); it != tests->end(); ++it) {
TEST_EQ(it->a() == 10 || it->a() == 30, true); // Just testing iterators.
// Checking for presence of fields:
TEST_EQ(flatbuffers::IsFieldPresent(monster, Monster::VT_HP), true);
TEST_EQ(flatbuffers::IsFieldPresent(monster, Monster::VT_MANA), false);
// Obtaining a buffer from a root:
TEST_EQ(GetBufferStartFromRootPointer(monster), flatbuf);
// Change a FlatBuffer in-place, after it has been constructed.
void MutateFlatBuffersTest(uint8_t *flatbuf, std::size_t length) {
// Get non-const pointer to root.
auto monster = GetMutableMonster(flatbuf);
// Each of these tests mutates, then tests, then set back to the original,
// so we can test that the buffer in the end still passes our original test.
auto hp_ok = monster->mutate_hp(10);
TEST_EQ(hp_ok, true); // Field was present.
TEST_EQ(monster->hp(), 10);
// Mutate to default value
auto hp_ok_default = monster->mutate_hp(100);
TEST_EQ(hp_ok_default, true); // Field was present.
TEST_EQ(monster->hp(), 100);
// Test that mutate to default above keeps field valid for further mutations
auto hp_ok_2 = monster->mutate_hp(20);
TEST_EQ(hp_ok_2, true);
TEST_EQ(monster->hp(), 20);
// Monster originally at 150 mana (default value)
auto mana_default_ok = monster->mutate_mana(150); // Mutate to default value.
true); // Mutation should succeed, because default value.
TEST_EQ(monster->mana(), 150);
auto mana_ok = monster->mutate_mana(10);
TEST_EQ(mana_ok, false); // Field was NOT present, because default value.
TEST_EQ(monster->mana(), 150);
// Mutate structs.
auto pos = monster->mutable_pos();
auto &test3 = pos->mutable_test3(); // Struct inside a struct.
test3.mutate_a(50); // Struct fields never fail.
TEST_EQ(test3.a(), 50);
// Mutate vectors.
auto inventory = monster->mutable_inventory();
inventory->Mutate(9, 100);
TEST_EQ(inventory->Get(9), 100);
inventory->Mutate(9, 9);
auto tables = monster->mutable_testarrayoftables();
auto first = tables->GetMutableObject(0);
TEST_EQ(first->hp(), 1000);
TEST_EQ(first->hp(), 0);
// Test for each loop over mutable entries
for (auto item : *tables) {
TEST_EQ(item->hp(), 1000);
TEST_EQ(item->hp(), 0);
break; // one iteration is enough, just testing compilation
// Mutate via LookupByKey
TEST_EQ(static_cast<Monster *>(nullptr),
TEST_EQ(tables->MutableLookupByKey("Barney")->hp(), 1000);
TEST_EQ(tables->MutableLookupByKey("Barney")->mutate_hp(0), true);
TEST_EQ(tables->LookupByKey("Barney")->hp(), 0);
TEST_EQ(tables->MutableLookupByKey("Barney")->mutate_hp(1000), true);
// Run the verifier and the regular test to make sure we didn't trample on
// anything.
AccessFlatBufferTest(flatbuf, length);
// Unpack a FlatBuffer into objects.
void ObjectFlatBuffersTest(uint8_t *flatbuf) {
// Optional: we can specify resolver and rehasher functions to turn hashed
// strings into object pointers and back, to implement remote references
// and such.
auto resolver = flatbuffers::resolver_function_t(
[](void **pointer_adr, flatbuffers::hash_value_t hash) {
// Don't actually do anything, leave variable null.
auto rehasher = flatbuffers::rehasher_function_t(
[](void *pointer) -> flatbuffers::hash_value_t {
return 0;
// Turn a buffer into C++ objects.
auto monster1 = UnPackMonster(flatbuf, &resolver);
// Re-serialize the data.
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb1;
fbb1.Finish(CreateMonster(fbb1, monster1.get(), &rehasher),
// Unpack again, and re-serialize again.
auto monster2 = UnPackMonster(fbb1.GetBufferPointer(), &resolver);
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb2;
fbb2.Finish(CreateMonster(fbb2, monster2.get(), &rehasher),
// Now we've gone full round-trip, the two buffers should match.
const auto len1 = fbb1.GetSize();
const auto len2 = fbb2.GetSize();
TEST_EQ(len1, len2);
TEST_EQ(memcmp(fbb1.GetBufferPointer(), fbb2.GetBufferPointer(), len1), 0);
// Test it with the original buffer test to make sure all data survived.
AccessFlatBufferTest(fbb2.GetBufferPointer(), len2, false);
// Test accessing fields, similar to AccessFlatBufferTest above.
// Test object copy.
MonsterT monster3 = *monster2;
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb3;
fbb3.Finish(CreateMonster(fbb3, &monster3, &rehasher), MonsterIdentifier());
const auto len3 = fbb3.GetSize();
TEST_EQ(len2, len3);
TEST_EQ(memcmp(fbb2.GetBufferPointer(), fbb3.GetBufferPointer(), len2), 0);
// Delete monster1 and monster2, then test accessing fields in monster3.
// Utility function to check a Monster object.
void CheckMonsterObject(MonsterT *monster2) {
TEST_EQ(monster2->hp, 80);
TEST_EQ(monster2->mana, 150); // default
TEST_EQ_STR(monster2->name.c_str(), "MyMonster");
auto &pos = monster2->pos;
TEST_EQ(pos->z(), 3);
TEST_EQ(pos->test3().a(), 10);
TEST_EQ(pos->test3().b(), 20);
auto &inventory = monster2->inventory;
TEST_EQ(inventory.size(), 10UL);
unsigned char inv_data[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
for (auto it = inventory.begin(); it != inventory.end(); ++it)
TEST_EQ(*it, inv_data[it - inventory.begin()]);
TEST_EQ(monster2->color, Color_Blue);
auto monster3 = monster2->test.AsMonster();
TEST_EQ_STR(monster3->name.c_str(), "Fred");
auto &vecofstrings = monster2->testarrayofstring;
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings.size(), 4U);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings[0].c_str(), "bob");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings[1].c_str(), "fred");
auto &vecofstrings2 = monster2->testarrayofstring2;
TEST_EQ(vecofstrings2.size(), 2U);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings2[0].c_str(), "jane");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecofstrings2[1].c_str(), "mary");
auto &vecoftables = monster2->testarrayoftables;
TEST_EQ(vecoftables.size(), 3U);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables[0]->name.c_str(), "Barney");
TEST_EQ(vecoftables[0]->hp, 1000);
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables[1]->name.c_str(), "Fred");
TEST_EQ_STR(vecoftables[2]->name.c_str(), "Wilma");
auto &tests = monster2->test4;
TEST_EQ(tests[0].a(), 10);
TEST_EQ(tests[0].b(), 20);
TEST_EQ(tests[1].a(), 30);
TEST_EQ(tests[1].b(), 40);
// Prefix a FlatBuffer with a size field.
void SizePrefixedTest() {
// Create size prefixed buffer.
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
fbb, CreateMonster(fbb, nullptr, 200, 300, fbb.CreateString("bob")));
// Verify it.
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(fbb.GetBufferPointer(), fbb.GetSize());
TEST_EQ(VerifySizePrefixedMonsterBuffer(verifier), true);
// The prefixed size doesn't include itself, so substract the size of the
// prefix
fbb.GetSize() - sizeof(uoffset_t));
// Getting the buffer length does include the prefix size, so it should be the
// full lenght.
TEST_EQ(GetSizePrefixedBufferLength(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize());
// Access it.
auto m = GetSizePrefixedMonster(fbb.GetBufferPointer());
TEST_EQ(m->mana(), 200);
TEST_EQ(m->hp(), 300);
TEST_EQ_STR(m->name()->c_str(), "bob");
// Verify that passing a larger size is OK, but not a smaller
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier_larger(fbb.GetBufferPointer(),
fbb.GetSize() + 10);
TEST_EQ(VerifySizePrefixedMonsterBuffer(verifier_larger), true);
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier_smaller(fbb.GetBufferPointer(),
fbb.GetSize() - 10);
TEST_EQ(VerifySizePrefixedMonsterBuffer(verifier_smaller), false);
void TestMonsterExtraFloats(const std::string &tests_data_path) {
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(1.0), false);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(infinity_d), false);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(-infinity_f), false);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()), true);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()), true);
using namespace flatbuffers;
using namespace MyGame;
// Load FlatBuffer schema (.fbs) from disk.
std::string schemafile;
TEST_EQ(LoadFile((tests_data_path + "monster_extra.fbs").c_str(), false,
// Parse schema first, so we can use it to parse the data after.
Parser parser;
auto include_test_path = ConCatPathFileName(tests_data_path, "include_test");
const char *include_directories[] = { tests_data_path.c_str(),
include_test_path.c_str(), nullptr };
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(schemafile.c_str(), include_directories), true);
// Create empty extra and store to json.
parser.opts.output_default_scalars_in_json = true;
parser.opts.output_enum_identifiers = true;
FlatBufferBuilder builder;
const auto def_root = MonsterExtraBuilder(builder).Finish();
FinishMonsterExtraBuffer(builder, def_root);
const auto def_obj = builder.GetBufferPointer();
const auto def_extra = GetMonsterExtra(def_obj);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(def_extra->f0()), true);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(def_extra->f1()), true);
TEST_EQ(def_extra->f2(), +infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(def_extra->f3(), -infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(def_extra->d0()), true);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(def_extra->d1()), true);
TEST_EQ(def_extra->d2(), +infinity_d);
TEST_EQ(def_extra->d3(), -infinity_d);
std::string jsongen;
auto result = GenText(parser, def_obj, &jsongen);
// Check expected default values.
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("f0: nan"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("f1: nan"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("f2: inf"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("f3: -inf"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("d0: nan"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("d1: nan"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("d2: inf"), true);
TEST_EQ(std::string::npos != jsongen.find("d3: -inf"), true);
// Parse 'mosterdata_extra.json'.
const auto extra_base = tests_data_path + "monsterdata_extra";
jsongen = "";
TEST_EQ(LoadFile((extra_base + ".json").c_str(), false, &jsongen), true);
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(jsongen.c_str()), true);
const auto test_file = parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer();
const auto test_size = parser.builder_.GetSize();
Verifier verifier(test_file, test_size);
const auto extra = GetMonsterExtra(test_file);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->f0()), true);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->f1()), true);
TEST_EQ(extra->f2(), +infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(extra->f3(), -infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->d0()), true);
TEST_EQ(extra->d1(), +infinity_d);
TEST_EQ(extra->d2(), -infinity_d);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->d3()), true);
TEST_EQ(extra->fvec()->size(), 4);
TEST_EQ(extra->fvec()->Get(0), 1.0f);
TEST_EQ(extra->fvec()->Get(1), -infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(extra->fvec()->Get(2), +infinity_f);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->fvec()->Get(3)), true);
TEST_EQ(extra->dvec()->size(), 4);
TEST_EQ(extra->dvec()->Get(0), 2.0);
TEST_EQ(extra->dvec()->Get(1), +infinity_d);
TEST_EQ(extra->dvec()->Get(2), -infinity_d);
TEST_EQ(is_quiet_nan(extra->dvec()->Get(3)), true);
void EnumNamesTest() {
TEST_EQ_STR("Red", EnumNameColor(Color_Red));
TEST_EQ_STR("Green", EnumNameColor(Color_Green));
TEST_EQ_STR("Blue", EnumNameColor(Color_Blue));
// Check that Color to string don't crash while decode a mixture of Colors.
// 1) Example::Color enum is enum with unfixed underlying type.
// 2) Valid enum range: [0; 2^(ceil(log2(Color_ANY))) - 1].
// Consequence: A value is out of this range will lead to UB (since C++17).
// For details see C++17 standard or explanation on the SO:
// stackoverflow.com/questions/18195312/what-happens-if-you-static-cast-invalid-value-to-enum-class
TEST_EQ_STR("", EnumNameColor(static_cast<Color>(0)));
TEST_EQ_STR("", EnumNameColor(static_cast<Color>(Color_ANY - 1)));
TEST_EQ_STR("", EnumNameColor(static_cast<Color>(Color_ANY + 1)));
void TypeAliasesTest() {
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
builder, flatbuffers::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min(),
flatbuffers::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), 2.3f, 2.3));
auto p = builder.GetBufferPointer();
auto ta = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TypeAliases>(p);
TEST_EQ(ta->i8(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min());
TEST_EQ(ta->u8(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
TEST_EQ(ta->i16(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
TEST_EQ(ta->u16(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
TEST_EQ(ta->i32(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
TEST_EQ(ta->u32(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
TEST_EQ(ta->i64(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
TEST_EQ(ta->u64(), flatbuffers::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
TEST_EQ(ta->f32(), 2.3f);
TEST_EQ(ta->f64(), 2.3);
using namespace flatbuffers; // is_same
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->i8()), int8_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->i16()), int16_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->i32()), int32_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->i64()), int64_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->u8()), uint8_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->u16()), uint16_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->u32()), uint32_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->u64()), uint64_t>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->f32()), float>::value, "invalid type");
static_assert(is_same<decltype(ta->f64()), double>::value, "invalid type");
// example of parsing text straight into a buffer, and generating
// text back from it:
void ParseAndGenerateTextTest(const std::string &tests_data_path, bool binary) {
// load FlatBuffer schema (.fbs) and JSON from disk
std::string schemafile;
std::string jsonfile;
(tests_data_path + "monster_test." + (binary ? "bfbs" : "fbs"))
binary, &schemafile),
(tests_data_path + "monsterdata_test.golden").c_str(), false,
auto include_test_path =
flatbuffers::ConCatPathFileName(tests_data_path, "include_test");
const char *include_directories[] = { tests_data_path.c_str(),
include_test_path.c_str(), nullptr };
// parse schema first, so we can use it to parse the data after
flatbuffers::Parser parser;
if (binary) {
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(schemafile.c_str()),
TEST_EQ(reflection::VerifySchemaBuffer(verifier), true);
// auto schema = reflection::GetSchema(schemafile.c_str());
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(schemafile.c_str()),
} else {
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(schemafile.c_str(), include_directories), true);
TEST_EQ(parser.ParseJson(jsonfile.c_str()), true);
// here, parser.builder_ contains a binary buffer that is the parsed data.
// First, verify it, just in case:
flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer(),
TEST_EQ(VerifyMonsterBuffer(verifier), true);
parser.builder_.GetSize(), false);
// to ensure it is correct, we now generate text back from the binary,
// and compare the two:
std::string jsongen;
auto result = GenText(parser, parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer(), &jsongen);
TEST_EQ_STR(jsongen.c_str(), jsonfile.c_str());
// We can also do the above using the convenient Registry that knows about
// a set of file_identifiers mapped to schemas.
flatbuffers::Registry registry;
// Make sure schemas can find their includes.
// Call this with many schemas if possible.
(tests_data_path + "monster_test.fbs").c_str());
// Now we got this set up, we can parse by just specifying the identifier,
// the correct schema will be loaded on the fly:
auto buf = registry.TextToFlatBuffer(jsonfile.c_str(), MonsterIdentifier());
// If this fails, check registry.lasterror_.
// Test the buffer, to be sure:
AccessFlatBufferTest(buf.data(), buf.size(), false);
// We can use the registry to turn this back into text, in this case it
// will get the file_identifier from the binary:
std::string text;
auto ok = registry.FlatBufferToText(buf.data(), buf.size(), &text);
// If this fails, check registry.lasterror_.
TEST_EQ(ok, true);
TEST_EQ_STR(text.c_str(), jsonfile.c_str());
// Generate text for UTF-8 strings without escapes.
std::string jsonfile_utf8;
TEST_EQ(flatbuffers::LoadFile((tests_data_path + "unicode_test.json").c_str(),
false, &jsonfile_utf8),
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(jsonfile_utf8.c_str(), include_directories), true);
// To ensure it is correct, generate utf-8 text back from the binary.
std::string jsongen_utf8;
// request natural printing for utf-8 strings
parser.opts.natural_utf8 = true;
parser.opts.strict_json = true;
TEST_NULL(GenText(parser, parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer(), &jsongen_utf8));
TEST_EQ_STR(jsongen_utf8.c_str(), jsonfile_utf8.c_str());
void UnPackTo(const uint8_t *flatbuf) {
// Get a monster that has a name and no enemy
auto orig_monster = GetMonster(flatbuf);
TEST_EQ_STR(orig_monster->name()->c_str(), "MyMonster");
TEST_ASSERT(orig_monster->enemy() == nullptr);
// Create an enemy
MonsterT *enemy = new MonsterT();
enemy->name = "Enemy";
// And create another monster owning the enemy,
MonsterT mon;
mon.name = "I'm monster 1";
TEST_ASSERT(mon.enemy != nullptr);
// Assert that all the Monster objects are correct.
TEST_EQ_STR(mon.name.c_str(), "I'm monster 1");
TEST_EQ_STR(enemy->name.c_str(), "Enemy");
TEST_EQ_STR(mon.enemy->name.c_str(), "Enemy");
// Now unpack monster ("MyMonster") into monster
// Monster name should be from monster
TEST_EQ_STR(mon.name.c_str(), "MyMonster");
// The monster shouldn't have any enemies, because monster didn't.
TEST_ASSERT(mon.enemy == nullptr);
} // namespace tests
} // namespace flatbuffers