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* Copyright 2024 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// `Table` is a Flatbuffers object that can read,
/// mutate scalar fields within a valid flatbuffers buffer
public struct Table {
/// Hosting Bytebuffer
public private(set) var bb: ByteBuffer
/// Current position of the table within the buffer
public private(set) var position: Int32
/// Initializer for the table interface to allow generated code to read
/// data from memory
/// - Parameters:
/// - bb: ByteBuffer that stores data
/// - position: Current table position
/// - Note: This will `CRASH` if read on a big endian machine
public init(bb: ByteBuffer, position: Int32 = 0) {
guard isLitteEndian else {
"Reading/Writing a buffer in big endian machine is not supported on swift")
self.bb = bb
self.position = position
/// Gets the offset of the current field within the buffer by reading
/// the vtable
/// - Parameter o: current offset
/// - Returns: offset of field within buffer
public func offset(_ o: Int32) -> Int32 {
let vtable = position - bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(position))
return o < bb
.read(def: VOffset.self, position: Int(vtable)) ? Int32(bb.read(
def: Int16.self,
position: Int(vtable + o))) : 0
/// Gets the indirect offset of the current stored object
/// (applicable only for object arrays)
/// - Parameter o: current offset
/// - Returns: offset of field within buffer
public func indirect(_ o: Int32) -> Int32 {
o + bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
/// String reads from the buffer with respect to position of the current table.
/// - Parameter offset: Offset of the string
public func string(at offset: Int32) -> String? {
directString(at: offset + position)
/// Direct string reads from the buffer disregarding the position of the table.
/// It would be preferable to use string unless the current position of the table
/// is not needed
/// - Parameter offset: Offset of the string
public func directString(at offset: Int32) -> String? {
var offset = offset
offset += bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(offset))
let count = bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(offset))
let position = Int(offset) + MemoryLayout<Int32>.size
return bb.readString(at: position, count: Int(count))
/// Reads from the buffer with respect to the position in the table.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: Type of Element that needs to be read from the buffer
/// - o: Offset of the Element
public func readBuffer<T>(of type: T.Type, at o: Int32) -> T {
directRead(of: T.self, offset: o + position)
/// Reads from the buffer disregarding the position of the table.
/// It would be used when reading from an
/// ```
/// let offset = __t.offset(10)
/// //Only used when the we already know what is the
/// // position in the table since __t.vector(at:)
/// // returns the index with respect to the position
/// __t.directRead(of: Byte.self,
/// offset: __t.vector(at: offset) + index * 1)
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: Type of Element that needs to be read from the buffer
/// - o: Offset of the Element
public func directRead<T>(of type: T.Type, offset o: Int32) -> T {
let r = bb.read(def: T.self, position: Int(o))
return r
/// Returns that current `Union` object at a specific offset
/// by adding offset to the current position of table
/// - Parameter o: offset
/// - Returns: A flatbuffers object
public func union<T: FlatbuffersInitializable>(_ o: Int32) -> T {
let o = o + position
return directUnion(o)
/// Returns a direct `Union` object at a specific offset
/// - Parameter o: offset
/// - Returns: A flatbuffers object
public func directUnion<T: FlatbuffersInitializable>(_ o: Int32) -> T {
T.init(bb, o: o + bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o)))
/// Returns a vector of type T at a specific offset
/// This should only be used by `Scalars`
/// - Parameter off: Readable offset
/// - Returns: Returns a vector of type [T]
public func getVector<T>(at off: Int32) -> [T]? {
let o = offset(off)
guard o != 0 else { return nil }
return bb.readSlice(index: Int(vector(at: o)), count: Int(vector(count: o)))
/// Vector count gets the count of Elements within the array
/// - Parameter o: start offset of the vector
/// - returns: Count of elements
public func vector(count o: Int32) -> Int32 {
var o = o
o += position
o += bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
return bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
/// Vector start index in the buffer
/// - Parameter o:start offset of the vector
/// - returns: the start index of the vector
public func vector(at o: Int32) -> Int32 {
var o = o
o += position
return o + bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o)) + 4
/// Reading an indirect offset of a table.
/// - Parameters:
/// - o: position within the buffer
/// - fbb: ByteBuffer
/// - Returns: table offset
static public func indirect(_ o: Int32, _ fbb: ByteBuffer) -> Int32 {
o + fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
/// Gets a vtable value according to an table Offset and a field offset
/// - Parameters:
/// - o: offset relative to entire buffer
/// - vOffset: Field offset within a vtable
/// - fbb: ByteBuffer
/// - Returns: an position of a field
static public func offset(
_ o: Int32,
vOffset: Int32,
fbb: ByteBuffer) -> Int32
let vTable = Int32(fbb.capacity) - o
return vTable + Int32(fbb.read(
def: Int16.self,
position: Int(vTable + vOffset - fbb.read(
def: Int32.self,
position: Int(vTable)))))
/// Compares two objects at offset A and offset B within a ByteBuffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - off1: first offset to compare
/// - off2: second offset to compare
/// - fbb: Bytebuffer
/// - Returns: returns the difference between
static public func compare(
_ off1: Int32,
_ off2: Int32,
fbb: ByteBuffer) -> Int32
let memorySize = Int32(MemoryLayout<Int32>.size)
let _off1 = off1 + fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(off1))
let _off2 = off2 + fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(off2))
let len1 = fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(_off1))
let len2 = fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(_off2))
let startPos1 = _off1 + memorySize
let startPos2 = _off2 + memorySize
let minValue = min(len1, len2)
for i in 0...minValue {
let b1 = fbb.read(def: Int8.self, position: Int(i + startPos1))
let b2 = fbb.read(def: Int8.self, position: Int(i + startPos2))
if b1 != b2 {
return Int32(b2 - b1)
return len1 - len2
/// Compares two objects at offset A and array of `Bytes` within a ByteBuffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - off1: Offset to compare to
/// - key: bytes array to compare to
/// - fbb: Bytebuffer
/// - Returns: returns the difference between
static public func compare(
_ off1: Int32,
_ key: [Byte],
fbb: ByteBuffer) -> Int32
let memorySize = Int32(MemoryLayout<Int32>.size)
let _off1 = off1 + fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(off1))
let len1 = fbb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(_off1))
let len2 = Int32(key.count)
let startPos1 = _off1 + memorySize
let minValue = min(len1, len2)
for i in 0..<minValue {
let b = fbb.read(def: Int8.self, position: Int(i + startPos1))
let byte = key[Int(i)]
if b != byte {
return Int32(b - Int8(byte))
return len1 - len2