97 lines
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97 lines
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import Foundation
/// FlatbufferObject structures all the Flatbuffers objects
public protocol FlatBufferObject {
var __buffer: ByteBuffer! { get }
init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32)
public protocol NativeTable {}
public protocol ObjectAPI {
associatedtype T
static func pack(_ builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder, obj: inout T) -> Offset<UOffset>
mutating func unpack() -> T
/// Readable is structures all the Flatbuffers structs
/// Readable is a procotol that each Flatbuffer struct should confirm to since
/// FlatBufferBuilder would require a Type to both create(struct:) and createVector(structs:) functions
public protocol Readable: FlatBufferObject {
static var size: Int { get }
static var alignment: Int { get }
public protocol Enum {
associatedtype T: Scalar
static var byteSize: Int { get }
var value: T { get }
/// Mutable is a protocol that allows us to mutate Scalar values within the buffer
public protocol Mutable {
/// makes Flatbuffer accessed within the Protocol
var bb: ByteBuffer { get }
/// makes position of the table/struct accessed within the Protocol
var postion: Int32 { get }
extension Mutable {
/// Mutates the memory in the buffer, this is only called from the access function of table and structs
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
/// - index: index of the Element
func mutate<T: Scalar>(value: T, o: Int32) -> Bool {
guard o != 0 else { return false }
bb.write(value: value, index: Int(o), direct: true)
return true
extension Mutable where Self == Table {
/// Mutates a value by calling mutate with respect to the position in the table
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
/// - index: index of the Element
public func mutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
guard index != 0 else { return false }
return mutate(value: value, o: index + postion)
/// Directly mutates the element by calling mutate
/// Mutates the Element at index ignoring the current position by calling mutate
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
/// - index: index of the Element
public func directMutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
return mutate(value: value, o: index)
extension Mutable where Self == Struct {
/// Mutates a value by calling mutate with respect to the position in the struct
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
/// - index: index of the Element
public func mutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
return mutate(value: value, o: index + postion)
/// Directly mutates the element by calling mutate
/// Mutates the Element at index ignoring the current position by calling mutate
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
/// - index: index of the Element
public func directMutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
return mutate(value: value, o: index)
extension Struct: Mutable {}
extension Table: Mutable {}