1648 lines
52 KiB
1648 lines
52 KiB
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
// ignore_for_file: unused_import, unused_field, unused_local_variable
library my_game.example;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:flat_buffers/flat_buffers.dart' as fb;
import './monster_test_my_game_generated.dart' as my_game;
import './monster_test_my_game.example2_generated.dart' as my_game_example2;
/// Composite components of Monster color.
class Color {
final int value;
const Color._(this.value);
factory Color.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum Color');
return values[value];
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const Color Red = const Color._(1);
/// \brief color Green
/// Green is bit_flag with value (1u << 1)
static const Color Green = const Color._(2);
/// \brief color Blue (1u << 3)
static const Color Blue = const Color._(8);
static const Map<int,Color> values = {1: Red,2: Green,8: Blue,};
static const fb.Reader<Color> reader = const _ColorReader();
String toString() {
return 'Color{value: $value}';
class _ColorReader extends fb.Reader<Color> {
const _ColorReader();
int get size => 1;
Color read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Color.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class Race {
final int value;
const Race._(this.value);
factory Race.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum Race');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = -1;
static const int maxValue = 2;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const Race None = const Race._(-1);
static const Race Human = const Race._(0);
static const Race Dwarf = const Race._(1);
static const Race Elf = const Race._(2);
static const Map<int,Race> values = {-1: None,0: Human,1: Dwarf,2: Elf,};
static const fb.Reader<Race> reader = const _RaceReader();
String toString() {
return 'Race{value: $value}';
class _RaceReader extends fb.Reader<Race> {
const _RaceReader();
int get size => 1;
Race read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Race.fromValue(const fb.Int8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class AnyTypeId {
final int value;
const AnyTypeId._(this.value);
factory AnyTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum AnyTypeId');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 3;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const AnyTypeId NONE = const AnyTypeId._(0);
static const AnyTypeId Monster = const AnyTypeId._(1);
static const AnyTypeId TestSimpleTableWithEnum = const AnyTypeId._(2);
static const AnyTypeId MyGame_Example2_Monster = const AnyTypeId._(3);
static const Map<int,AnyTypeId> values = {0: NONE,1: Monster,2: TestSimpleTableWithEnum,3: MyGame_Example2_Monster,};
static const fb.Reader<AnyTypeId> reader = const _AnyTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'AnyTypeId{value: $value}';
class _AnyTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyTypeId> {
const _AnyTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
AnyTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new AnyTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId {
final int value;
const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(this.value);
factory AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 3;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId NONE = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(0);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId M = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(1);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId TS = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(2);
static const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId M2 = const AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId._(3);
static const Map<int,AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId> values = {0: NONE,1: M,2: TS,3: M2,};
static const fb.Reader<AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId> reader = const _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId{value: $value}';
class _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId> {
const _AnyUniqueAliasesTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId {
final int value;
const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(this.value);
factory AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (!values.containsKey(value)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId');
return values[value];
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 3;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId NONE = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(0);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M1 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(1);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M2 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(2);
static const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId M3 = const AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId._(3);
static const Map<int,AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId> values = {0: NONE,1: M1,2: M2,3: M3,};
static const fb.Reader<AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId> reader = const _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId{value: $value}';
class _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId> {
const _AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class Test {
Test._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
static const fb.Reader<Test> reader = const _TestReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
int get a => const fb.Int16Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 0);
int get b => const fb.Int8Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 2);
String toString() {
return 'Test{a: $a, b: $b}';
class _TestReader extends fb.StructReader<Test> {
const _TestReader();
int get size => 4;
Test createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Test._(bc, offset);
class TestBuilder {
TestBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
int finish(int a, int b) {
return fbBuilder.offset;
class TestObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final int _a;
final int _b;
int a,
int b,
: _a = a,
_b = b;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
return fbBuilder.offset;
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class TestSimpleTableWithEnum {
TestSimpleTableWithEnum._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory TestSimpleTableWithEnum(List<int> bytes) {
fb.BufferContext rootRef = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return reader.read(rootRef, 0);
static const fb.Reader<TestSimpleTableWithEnum> reader = const _TestSimpleTableWithEnumReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
Color get color => new Color.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, 2));
String toString() {
return 'TestSimpleTableWithEnum{color: $color}';
class _TestSimpleTableWithEnumReader extends fb.TableReader<TestSimpleTableWithEnum> {
const _TestSimpleTableWithEnumReader();
TestSimpleTableWithEnum createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new TestSimpleTableWithEnum._(bc, offset);
class TestSimpleTableWithEnumBuilder {
TestSimpleTableWithEnumBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addColor(Color color) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(0, color?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class TestSimpleTableWithEnumObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final Color _color;
Color color,
: _color = color;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
fbBuilder.addUint8(0, _color?.value);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class Vec3 {
Vec3._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
static const fb.Reader<Vec3> reader = const _Vec3Reader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
double get x => const fb.Float32Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 0);
double get y => const fb.Float32Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 4);
double get z => const fb.Float32Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 8);
double get test1 => const fb.Float64Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 16);
Color get test2 => new Color.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 24));
Test get test3 => Test.reader.read(_bc, _bcOffset + 26);
String toString() {
return 'Vec3{x: $x, y: $y, z: $z, test1: $test1, test2: $test2, test3: $test3}';
class _Vec3Reader extends fb.StructReader<Vec3> {
const _Vec3Reader();
int get size => 32;
Vec3 createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Vec3._(bc, offset);
class Vec3Builder {
Vec3Builder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
int finish(double x, double y, double z, double test1, Color test2, fb.StructBuilder test3) {
return fbBuilder.offset;
class Vec3ObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final double _x;
final double _y;
final double _z;
final double _test1;
final Color _test2;
final TestObjectBuilder _test3;
double x,
double y,
double z,
double test1,
Color test2,
TestObjectBuilder test3,
: _x = x,
_y = y,
_z = z,
_test1 = test1,
_test2 = test2,
_test3 = test3;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
return fbBuilder.offset;
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class Ability {
Ability._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
static const fb.Reader<Ability> reader = const _AbilityReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
int get id => const fb.Uint32Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 0);
int get distance => const fb.Uint32Reader().read(_bc, _bcOffset + 4);
String toString() {
return 'Ability{id: $id, distance: $distance}';
class _AbilityReader extends fb.StructReader<Ability> {
const _AbilityReader();
int get size => 8;
Ability createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Ability._(bc, offset);
class AbilityBuilder {
AbilityBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
int finish(int id, int distance) {
return fbBuilder.offset;
class AbilityObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final int _id;
final int _distance;
int id,
int distance,
: _id = id,
_distance = distance;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
return fbBuilder.offset;
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class StructOfStructs {
StructOfStructs._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
static const fb.Reader<StructOfStructs> reader = const _StructOfStructsReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
Ability get a => Ability.reader.read(_bc, _bcOffset + 0);
Test get b => Test.reader.read(_bc, _bcOffset + 8);
Ability get c => Ability.reader.read(_bc, _bcOffset + 12);
String toString() {
return 'StructOfStructs{a: $a, b: $b, c: $c}';
class _StructOfStructsReader extends fb.StructReader<StructOfStructs> {
const _StructOfStructsReader();
int get size => 20;
StructOfStructs createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new StructOfStructs._(bc, offset);
class StructOfStructsBuilder {
StructOfStructsBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
int finish(fb.StructBuilder a, fb.StructBuilder b, fb.StructBuilder c) {
return fbBuilder.offset;
class StructOfStructsObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final AbilityObjectBuilder _a;
final TestObjectBuilder _b;
final AbilityObjectBuilder _c;
AbilityObjectBuilder a,
TestObjectBuilder b,
AbilityObjectBuilder c,
: _a = a,
_b = b,
_c = c;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
return fbBuilder.offset;
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class Stat {
Stat._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory Stat(List<int> bytes) {
fb.BufferContext rootRef = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return reader.read(rootRef, 0);
static const fb.Reader<Stat> reader = const _StatReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
String get id => const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, null);
int get val => const fb.Int64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 6, 0);
int get count => const fb.Uint16Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 8, 0);
String toString() {
return 'Stat{id: $id, val: $val, count: $count}';
class _StatReader extends fb.TableReader<Stat> {
const _StatReader();
Stat createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Stat._(bc, offset);
class StatBuilder {
StatBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addIdOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVal(int val) {
fbBuilder.addInt64(1, val);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addCount(int count) {
fbBuilder.addUint16(2, count);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class StatObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final String _id;
final int _val;
final int _count;
String id,
int val,
int count,
: _id = id,
_val = val,
_count = count;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final int idOffset = fbBuilder.writeString(_id);
if (idOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, idOffset);
fbBuilder.addInt64(1, _val);
fbBuilder.addUint16(2, _count);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class Referrable {
Referrable._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory Referrable(List<int> bytes) {
fb.BufferContext rootRef = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return reader.read(rootRef, 0);
static const fb.Reader<Referrable> reader = const _ReferrableReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
int get id => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, 0);
String toString() {
return 'Referrable{id: $id}';
class _ReferrableReader extends fb.TableReader<Referrable> {
const _ReferrableReader();
Referrable createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Referrable._(bc, offset);
class ReferrableBuilder {
ReferrableBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addId(int id) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(0, id);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class ReferrableObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final int _id;
int id,
: _id = id;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
fbBuilder.addUint64(0, _id);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
/// an example documentation comment: "monster object"
class Monster {
Monster._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory Monster(List<int> bytes) {
fb.BufferContext rootRef = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return reader.read(rootRef, 0);
static const fb.Reader<Monster> reader = const _MonsterReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
Vec3 get pos => Vec3.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, null);
int get mana => const fb.Int16Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 6, 150);
int get hp => const fb.Int16Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 8, 100);
String get name => const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 10, null);
List<int> get inventory => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint8Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 14, null);
Color get color => new Color.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 16, 8));
AnyTypeId get testType => new AnyTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 18, 0));
dynamic get test {
switch (testType?.value) {
case 1: return Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 20, null);
case 2: return TestSimpleTableWithEnum.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 20, null);
case 3: return my_game_example2.Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 20, null);
default: return null;
List<Test> get test4 => const fb.ListReader<Test>(Test.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 22, null);
List<String> get testarrayofstring => const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 24, null);
/// an example documentation comment: this will end up in the generated code
/// multiline too
List<Monster> get testarrayoftables => const fb.ListReader<Monster>(Monster.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 26, null);
Monster get enemy => Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 28, null);
List<int> get testnestedflatbuffer => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint8Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 30, null);
Stat get testempty => Stat.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 32, null);
bool get testbool => const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 34, false);
int get testhashs32Fnv1 => const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 36, 0);
int get testhashu32Fnv1 => const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 38, 0);
int get testhashs64Fnv1 => const fb.Int64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 40, 0);
int get testhashu64Fnv1 => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 42, 0);
int get testhashs32Fnv1a => const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 44, 0);
int get testhashu32Fnv1a => const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 46, 0);
int get testhashs64Fnv1a => const fb.Int64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 48, 0);
int get testhashu64Fnv1a => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 50, 0);
List<bool> get testarrayofbools => const fb.ListReader<bool>(const fb.BoolReader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 52, null);
double get testf => const fb.Float32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 54, 3.14159);
double get testf2 => const fb.Float32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 56, 3.0);
double get testf3 => const fb.Float32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 58, 0.0);
List<String> get testarrayofstring2 => const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 60, null);
List<Ability> get testarrayofsortedstruct => const fb.ListReader<Ability>(Ability.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 62, null);
List<int> get flex => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint8Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 64, null);
List<Test> get test5 => const fb.ListReader<Test>(Test.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 66, null);
List<int> get vectorOfLongs => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Int64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 68, null);
List<double> get vectorOfDoubles => const fb.ListReader<double>(const fb.Float64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 70, null);
my_game.InParentNamespace get parentNamespaceTest => my_game.InParentNamespace.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 72, null);
List<Referrable> get vectorOfReferrables => const fb.ListReader<Referrable>(Referrable.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 74, null);
int get singleWeakReference => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 76, 0);
List<int> get vectorOfWeakReferences => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 78, null);
List<Referrable> get vectorOfStrongReferrables => const fb.ListReader<Referrable>(Referrable.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 80, null);
int get coOwningReference => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 82, 0);
List<int> get vectorOfCoOwningReferences => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 84, null);
int get nonOwningReference => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 86, 0);
List<int> get vectorOfNonOwningReferences => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 88, null);
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId get anyUniqueType => new AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 90, 0));
dynamic get anyUnique {
switch (anyUniqueType?.value) {
case 1: return Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
case 2: return TestSimpleTableWithEnum.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
case 3: return my_game_example2.Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 92, null);
default: return null;
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId get anyAmbiguousType => new AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 94, 0));
dynamic get anyAmbiguous {
switch (anyAmbiguousType?.value) {
case 1: return Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
case 2: return Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
case 3: return Monster.reader.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 96, null);
default: return null;
List<Color> get vectorOfEnums => const fb.ListReader<Color>(Color.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 98, null);
Race get signedEnum => new Race.fromValue(const fb.Int8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 100, -1));
List<int> get testrequirednestedflatbuffer => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint8Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 102, null);
List<Stat> get scalarKeySortedTables => const fb.ListReader<Stat>(Stat.reader).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 104, null);
String toString() {
return 'Monster{pos: $pos, mana: $mana, hp: $hp, name: $name, inventory: $inventory, color: $color, testType: $testType, test: $test, test4: $test4, testarrayofstring: $testarrayofstring, testarrayoftables: $testarrayoftables, enemy: $enemy, testnestedflatbuffer: $testnestedflatbuffer, testempty: $testempty, testbool: $testbool, testhashs32Fnv1: $testhashs32Fnv1, testhashu32Fnv1: $testhashu32Fnv1, testhashs64Fnv1: $testhashs64Fnv1, testhashu64Fnv1: $testhashu64Fnv1, testhashs32Fnv1a: $testhashs32Fnv1a, testhashu32Fnv1a: $testhashu32Fnv1a, testhashs64Fnv1a: $testhashs64Fnv1a, testhashu64Fnv1a: $testhashu64Fnv1a, testarrayofbools: $testarrayofbools, testf: $testf, testf2: $testf2, testf3: $testf3, testarrayofstring2: $testarrayofstring2, testarrayofsortedstruct: $testarrayofsortedstruct, flex: $flex, test5: $test5, vectorOfLongs: $vectorOfLongs, vectorOfDoubles: $vectorOfDoubles, parentNamespaceTest: $parentNamespaceTest, vectorOfReferrables: $vectorOfReferrables, singleWeakReference: $singleWeakReference, vectorOfWeakReferences: $vectorOfWeakReferences, vectorOfStrongReferrables: $vectorOfStrongReferrables, coOwningReference: $coOwningReference, vectorOfCoOwningReferences: $vectorOfCoOwningReferences, nonOwningReference: $nonOwningReference, vectorOfNonOwningReferences: $vectorOfNonOwningReferences, anyUniqueType: $anyUniqueType, anyUnique: $anyUnique, anyAmbiguousType: $anyAmbiguousType, anyAmbiguous: $anyAmbiguous, vectorOfEnums: $vectorOfEnums, signedEnum: $signedEnum, testrequirednestedflatbuffer: $testrequirednestedflatbuffer, scalarKeySortedTables: $scalarKeySortedTables}';
class _MonsterReader extends fb.TableReader<Monster> {
const _MonsterReader();
Monster createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new Monster._(bc, offset);
class MonsterBuilder {
MonsterBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addPos(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addStruct(0, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addMana(int mana) {
fbBuilder.addInt16(1, mana);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addHp(int hp) {
fbBuilder.addInt16(2, hp);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addNameOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addInventoryOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addColor(Color color) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(6, color?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestType(AnyTypeId testType) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(7, testType?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(8, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTest4Offset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(9, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestarrayofstringOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(10, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestarrayoftablesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(11, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addEnemyOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(12, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestnestedflatbufferOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(13, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestemptyOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(14, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestbool(bool testbool) {
fbBuilder.addBool(15, testbool);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashs32Fnv1(int testhashs32Fnv1) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(16, testhashs32Fnv1);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashu32Fnv1(int testhashu32Fnv1) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(17, testhashu32Fnv1);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashs64Fnv1(int testhashs64Fnv1) {
fbBuilder.addInt64(18, testhashs64Fnv1);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashu64Fnv1(int testhashu64Fnv1) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(19, testhashu64Fnv1);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashs32Fnv1a(int testhashs32Fnv1a) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(20, testhashs32Fnv1a);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashu32Fnv1a(int testhashu32Fnv1a) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(21, testhashu32Fnv1a);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashs64Fnv1a(int testhashs64Fnv1a) {
fbBuilder.addInt64(22, testhashs64Fnv1a);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTesthashu64Fnv1a(int testhashu64Fnv1a) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(23, testhashu64Fnv1a);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestarrayofboolsOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(24, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestf(double testf) {
fbBuilder.addFloat32(25, testf);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestf2(double testf2) {
fbBuilder.addFloat32(26, testf2);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestf3(double testf3) {
fbBuilder.addFloat32(27, testf3);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestarrayofstring2Offset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(28, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestarrayofsortedstructOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(29, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addFlexOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(30, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTest5Offset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(31, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfLongsOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(32, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfDoublesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(33, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addParentNamespaceTestOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(34, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfReferrablesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(35, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addSingleWeakReference(int singleWeakReference) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(36, singleWeakReference);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfWeakReferencesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(37, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(38, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addCoOwningReference(int coOwningReference) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(39, coOwningReference);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(40, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addNonOwningReference(int nonOwningReference) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(41, nonOwningReference);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(42, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyUniqueType(AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId anyUniqueType) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(43, anyUniqueType?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyUniqueOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(44, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyAmbiguousType(AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId anyAmbiguousType) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(45, anyAmbiguousType?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addAnyAmbiguousOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(46, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVectorOfEnumsOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(47, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addSignedEnum(Race signedEnum) {
fbBuilder.addInt8(48, signedEnum?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addTestrequirednestedflatbufferOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(49, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addScalarKeySortedTablesOffset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(50, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class MonsterObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final Vec3ObjectBuilder _pos;
final int _mana;
final int _hp;
final String _name;
final List<int> _inventory;
final Color _color;
final AnyTypeId _testType;
final dynamic _test;
final List<TestObjectBuilder> _test4;
final List<String> _testarrayofstring;
final List<MonsterObjectBuilder> _testarrayoftables;
final MonsterObjectBuilder _enemy;
final List<int> _testnestedflatbuffer;
final StatObjectBuilder _testempty;
final bool _testbool;
final int _testhashs32Fnv1;
final int _testhashu32Fnv1;
final int _testhashs64Fnv1;
final int _testhashu64Fnv1;
final int _testhashs32Fnv1a;
final int _testhashu32Fnv1a;
final int _testhashs64Fnv1a;
final int _testhashu64Fnv1a;
final List<bool> _testarrayofbools;
final double _testf;
final double _testf2;
final double _testf3;
final List<String> _testarrayofstring2;
final List<AbilityObjectBuilder> _testarrayofsortedstruct;
final List<int> _flex;
final List<TestObjectBuilder> _test5;
final List<int> _vectorOfLongs;
final List<double> _vectorOfDoubles;
final my_game.InParentNamespaceObjectBuilder _parentNamespaceTest;
final List<ReferrableObjectBuilder> _vectorOfReferrables;
final int _singleWeakReference;
final List<int> _vectorOfWeakReferences;
final List<ReferrableObjectBuilder> _vectorOfStrongReferrables;
final int _coOwningReference;
final List<int> _vectorOfCoOwningReferences;
final int _nonOwningReference;
final List<int> _vectorOfNonOwningReferences;
final AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId _anyUniqueType;
final dynamic _anyUnique;
final AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId _anyAmbiguousType;
final dynamic _anyAmbiguous;
final List<Color> _vectorOfEnums;
final Race _signedEnum;
final List<int> _testrequirednestedflatbuffer;
final List<StatObjectBuilder> _scalarKeySortedTables;
Vec3ObjectBuilder pos,
int mana,
int hp,
String name,
List<int> inventory,
Color color,
AnyTypeId testType,
dynamic test,
List<TestObjectBuilder> test4,
List<String> testarrayofstring,
List<MonsterObjectBuilder> testarrayoftables,
MonsterObjectBuilder enemy,
List<int> testnestedflatbuffer,
StatObjectBuilder testempty,
bool testbool,
int testhashs32Fnv1,
int testhashu32Fnv1,
int testhashs64Fnv1,
int testhashu64Fnv1,
int testhashs32Fnv1a,
int testhashu32Fnv1a,
int testhashs64Fnv1a,
int testhashu64Fnv1a,
List<bool> testarrayofbools,
double testf,
double testf2,
double testf3,
List<String> testarrayofstring2,
List<AbilityObjectBuilder> testarrayofsortedstruct,
List<int> flex,
List<TestObjectBuilder> test5,
List<int> vectorOfLongs,
List<double> vectorOfDoubles,
my_game.InParentNamespaceObjectBuilder parentNamespaceTest,
List<ReferrableObjectBuilder> vectorOfReferrables,
int singleWeakReference,
List<int> vectorOfWeakReferences,
List<ReferrableObjectBuilder> vectorOfStrongReferrables,
int coOwningReference,
List<int> vectorOfCoOwningReferences,
int nonOwningReference,
List<int> vectorOfNonOwningReferences,
AnyUniqueAliasesTypeId anyUniqueType,
dynamic anyUnique,
AnyAmbiguousAliasesTypeId anyAmbiguousType,
dynamic anyAmbiguous,
List<Color> vectorOfEnums,
Race signedEnum,
List<int> testrequirednestedflatbuffer,
List<StatObjectBuilder> scalarKeySortedTables,
: _pos = pos,
_mana = mana,
_hp = hp,
_name = name,
_inventory = inventory,
_color = color,
_testType = testType,
_test = test,
_test4 = test4,
_testarrayofstring = testarrayofstring,
_testarrayoftables = testarrayoftables,
_enemy = enemy,
_testnestedflatbuffer = testnestedflatbuffer,
_testempty = testempty,
_testbool = testbool,
_testhashs32Fnv1 = testhashs32Fnv1,
_testhashu32Fnv1 = testhashu32Fnv1,
_testhashs64Fnv1 = testhashs64Fnv1,
_testhashu64Fnv1 = testhashu64Fnv1,
_testhashs32Fnv1a = testhashs32Fnv1a,
_testhashu32Fnv1a = testhashu32Fnv1a,
_testhashs64Fnv1a = testhashs64Fnv1a,
_testhashu64Fnv1a = testhashu64Fnv1a,
_testarrayofbools = testarrayofbools,
_testf = testf,
_testf2 = testf2,
_testf3 = testf3,
_testarrayofstring2 = testarrayofstring2,
_testarrayofsortedstruct = testarrayofsortedstruct,
_flex = flex,
_test5 = test5,
_vectorOfLongs = vectorOfLongs,
_vectorOfDoubles = vectorOfDoubles,
_parentNamespaceTest = parentNamespaceTest,
_vectorOfReferrables = vectorOfReferrables,
_singleWeakReference = singleWeakReference,
_vectorOfWeakReferences = vectorOfWeakReferences,
_vectorOfStrongReferrables = vectorOfStrongReferrables,
_coOwningReference = coOwningReference,
_vectorOfCoOwningReferences = vectorOfCoOwningReferences,
_nonOwningReference = nonOwningReference,
_vectorOfNonOwningReferences = vectorOfNonOwningReferences,
_anyUniqueType = anyUniqueType,
_anyUnique = anyUnique,
_anyAmbiguousType = anyAmbiguousType,
_anyAmbiguous = anyAmbiguous,
_vectorOfEnums = vectorOfEnums,
_signedEnum = signedEnum,
_testrequirednestedflatbuffer = testrequirednestedflatbuffer,
_scalarKeySortedTables = scalarKeySortedTables;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final int nameOffset = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
final int inventoryOffset = _inventory?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint8(_inventory)
: null;
final int testOffset = _test?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int test4Offset = _test4?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListOfStructs(_test4)
: null;
final int testarrayofstringOffset = _testarrayofstring?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_testarrayofstring.map((b) => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList())
: null;
final int testarrayoftablesOffset = _testarrayoftables?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_testarrayoftables.map((b) => b.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder)).toList())
: null;
final int enemyOffset = _enemy?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int testnestedflatbufferOffset = _testnestedflatbuffer?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint8(_testnestedflatbuffer)
: null;
final int testemptyOffset = _testempty?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int testarrayofboolsOffset = _testarrayofbools?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListBool(_testarrayofbools)
: null;
final int testarrayofstring2Offset = _testarrayofstring2?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_testarrayofstring2.map((b) => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList())
: null;
final int testarrayofsortedstructOffset = _testarrayofsortedstruct?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListOfStructs(_testarrayofsortedstruct)
: null;
final int flexOffset = _flex?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint8(_flex)
: null;
final int test5Offset = _test5?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListOfStructs(_test5)
: null;
final int vectorOfLongsOffset = _vectorOfLongs?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListInt64(_vectorOfLongs)
: null;
final int vectorOfDoublesOffset = _vectorOfDoubles?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListFloat64(_vectorOfDoubles)
: null;
final int parentNamespaceTestOffset = _parentNamespaceTest?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int vectorOfReferrablesOffset = _vectorOfReferrables?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_vectorOfReferrables.map((b) => b.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder)).toList())
: null;
final int vectorOfWeakReferencesOffset = _vectorOfWeakReferences?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint64(_vectorOfWeakReferences)
: null;
final int vectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset = _vectorOfStrongReferrables?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_vectorOfStrongReferrables.map((b) => b.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder)).toList())
: null;
final int vectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset = _vectorOfCoOwningReferences?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint64(_vectorOfCoOwningReferences)
: null;
final int vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset = _vectorOfNonOwningReferences?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint64(_vectorOfNonOwningReferences)
: null;
final int anyUniqueOffset = _anyUnique?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int anyAmbiguousOffset = _anyAmbiguous?.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder);
final int vectorOfEnumsOffset = _vectorOfEnums?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint8(_vectorOfEnums.map((f) => f.value))
: null;
final int testrequirednestedflatbufferOffset = _testrequirednestedflatbuffer?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListUint8(_testrequirednestedflatbuffer)
: null;
final int scalarKeySortedTablesOffset = _scalarKeySortedTables?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeList(_scalarKeySortedTables.map((b) => b.getOrCreateOffset(fbBuilder)).toList())
: null;
if (_pos != null) {
fbBuilder.addStruct(0, _pos.finish(fbBuilder));
fbBuilder.addInt16(1, _mana);
fbBuilder.addInt16(2, _hp);
if (nameOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, nameOffset);
if (inventoryOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, inventoryOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint8(6, _color?.value);
fbBuilder.addUint8(7, _testType?.value);
if (testOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(8, testOffset);
if (test4Offset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(9, test4Offset);
if (testarrayofstringOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(10, testarrayofstringOffset);
if (testarrayoftablesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(11, testarrayoftablesOffset);
if (enemyOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(12, enemyOffset);
if (testnestedflatbufferOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(13, testnestedflatbufferOffset);
if (testemptyOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(14, testemptyOffset);
fbBuilder.addBool(15, _testbool);
fbBuilder.addInt32(16, _testhashs32Fnv1);
fbBuilder.addUint32(17, _testhashu32Fnv1);
fbBuilder.addInt64(18, _testhashs64Fnv1);
fbBuilder.addUint64(19, _testhashu64Fnv1);
fbBuilder.addInt32(20, _testhashs32Fnv1a);
fbBuilder.addUint32(21, _testhashu32Fnv1a);
fbBuilder.addInt64(22, _testhashs64Fnv1a);
fbBuilder.addUint64(23, _testhashu64Fnv1a);
if (testarrayofboolsOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(24, testarrayofboolsOffset);
fbBuilder.addFloat32(25, _testf);
fbBuilder.addFloat32(26, _testf2);
fbBuilder.addFloat32(27, _testf3);
if (testarrayofstring2Offset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(28, testarrayofstring2Offset);
if (testarrayofsortedstructOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(29, testarrayofsortedstructOffset);
if (flexOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(30, flexOffset);
if (test5Offset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(31, test5Offset);
if (vectorOfLongsOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(32, vectorOfLongsOffset);
if (vectorOfDoublesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(33, vectorOfDoublesOffset);
if (parentNamespaceTestOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(34, parentNamespaceTestOffset);
if (vectorOfReferrablesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(35, vectorOfReferrablesOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint64(36, _singleWeakReference);
if (vectorOfWeakReferencesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(37, vectorOfWeakReferencesOffset);
if (vectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(38, vectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint64(39, _coOwningReference);
if (vectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(40, vectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint64(41, _nonOwningReference);
if (vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(42, vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint8(43, _anyUniqueType?.value);
if (anyUniqueOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(44, anyUniqueOffset);
fbBuilder.addUint8(45, _anyAmbiguousType?.value);
if (anyAmbiguousOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(46, anyAmbiguousOffset);
if (vectorOfEnumsOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(47, vectorOfEnumsOffset);
fbBuilder.addInt8(48, _signedEnum?.value);
if (testrequirednestedflatbufferOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(49, testrequirednestedflatbufferOffset);
if (scalarKeySortedTablesOffset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(50, scalarKeySortedTablesOffset);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);
class TypeAliases {
TypeAliases._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory TypeAliases(List<int> bytes) {
fb.BufferContext rootRef = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return reader.read(rootRef, 0);
static const fb.Reader<TypeAliases> reader = const _TypeAliasesReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
int get i8 => const fb.Int8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, 0);
int get u8 => const fb.Uint8Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 6, 0);
int get i16 => const fb.Int16Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 8, 0);
int get u16 => const fb.Uint16Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 10, 0);
int get i32 => const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 12, 0);
int get u32 => const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 14, 0);
int get i64 => const fb.Int64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 16, 0);
int get u64 => const fb.Uint64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 18, 0);
double get f32 => const fb.Float32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 20, 0.0);
double get f64 => const fb.Float64Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 22, 0.0);
List<int> get v8 => const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Int8Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 24, null);
List<double> get vf64 => const fb.ListReader<double>(const fb.Float64Reader()).vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 26, null);
String toString() {
return 'TypeAliases{i8: $i8, u8: $u8, i16: $i16, u16: $u16, i32: $i32, u32: $u32, i64: $i64, u64: $u64, f32: $f32, f64: $f64, v8: $v8, vf64: $vf64}';
class _TypeAliasesReader extends fb.TableReader<TypeAliases> {
const _TypeAliasesReader();
TypeAliases createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
new TypeAliases._(bc, offset);
class TypeAliasesBuilder {
TypeAliasesBuilder(this.fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addI8(int i8) {
fbBuilder.addInt8(0, i8);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addU8(int u8) {
fbBuilder.addUint8(1, u8);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addI16(int i16) {
fbBuilder.addInt16(2, i16);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addU16(int u16) {
fbBuilder.addUint16(3, u16);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addI32(int i32) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(4, i32);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addU32(int u32) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(5, u32);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addI64(int i64) {
fbBuilder.addInt64(6, i64);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addU64(int u64) {
fbBuilder.addUint64(7, u64);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addF32(double f32) {
fbBuilder.addFloat32(8, f32);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addF64(double f64) {
fbBuilder.addFloat64(9, f64);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addV8Offset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(10, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addVf64Offset(int offset) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(11, offset);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class TypeAliasesObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final int _i8;
final int _u8;
final int _i16;
final int _u16;
final int _i32;
final int _u32;
final int _i64;
final int _u64;
final double _f32;
final double _f64;
final List<int> _v8;
final List<double> _vf64;
int i8,
int u8,
int i16,
int u16,
int i32,
int u32,
int i64,
int u64,
double f32,
double f64,
List<int> v8,
List<double> vf64,
: _i8 = i8,
_u8 = u8,
_i16 = i16,
_u16 = u16,
_i32 = i32,
_u32 = u32,
_i64 = i64,
_u64 = u64,
_f32 = f32,
_f64 = f64,
_v8 = v8,
_vf64 = vf64;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(
fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
assert(fbBuilder != null);
final int v8Offset = _v8?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListInt8(_v8)
: null;
final int vf64Offset = _vf64?.isNotEmpty == true
? fbBuilder.writeListFloat64(_vf64)
: null;
fbBuilder.addInt8(0, _i8);
fbBuilder.addUint8(1, _u8);
fbBuilder.addInt16(2, _i16);
fbBuilder.addUint16(3, _u16);
fbBuilder.addInt32(4, _i32);
fbBuilder.addUint32(5, _u32);
fbBuilder.addInt64(6, _i64);
fbBuilder.addUint64(7, _u64);
fbBuilder.addFloat32(8, _f32);
fbBuilder.addFloat64(9, _f64);
if (v8Offset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(10, v8Offset);
if (vf64Offset != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(11, vf64Offset);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String fileIdentifier]) {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
int offset = finish(fbBuilder);
return fbBuilder.finish(offset, fileIdentifier);