307 lines
12 KiB
307 lines
12 KiB
#include "fuzz_test.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "test_assert.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace tests {
namespace {
// Include simple random number generator to ensure results will be the
// same cross platform.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park%E2%80%93Miller_random_number_generator
uint32_t lcg_seed = 48271;
uint32_t lcg_rand() {
return lcg_seed =
(static_cast<uint64_t>(lcg_seed) * 279470273UL) % 4294967291UL;
void lcg_reset() { lcg_seed = 48271; }
template<typename T>
static void CompareTableFieldValue(flatbuffers::Table *table,
flatbuffers::voffset_t voffset, T val) {
T read = table->GetField(voffset, static_cast<T>(0));
TEST_EQ(read, val);
} // namespace
// Low level stress/fuzz test: serialize/deserialize a variety of
// different kinds of data in different combinations
void FuzzTest1() {
// Values we're testing against: chosen to ensure no bits get chopped
// off anywhere, and also be different from eachother.
const uint8_t bool_val = true;
const int8_t char_val = -127; // 0x81
const uint8_t uchar_val = 0xFF;
const int16_t short_val = -32222; // 0x8222;
const uint16_t ushort_val = 0xFEEE;
const int32_t int_val = 0x83333333;
const uint32_t uint_val = 0xFDDDDDDD;
const int64_t long_val = 0x8444444444444444LL;
const uint64_t ulong_val = 0xFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCULL;
const float float_val = 3.14159f;
const double double_val = 3.14159265359;
const int test_values_max = 11;
const flatbuffers::voffset_t fields_per_object = 4;
const int num_fuzz_objects = 10000; // The higher, the more thorough :)
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
lcg_reset(); // Keep it deterministic.
flatbuffers::uoffset_t objects[num_fuzz_objects];
// Generate num_fuzz_objects random objects each consisting of
// fields_per_object fields, each of a random type.
for (int i = 0; i < num_fuzz_objects; i++) {
auto start = builder.StartTable();
for (flatbuffers::voffset_t f = 0; f < fields_per_object; f++) {
int choice = lcg_rand() % test_values_max;
auto off = flatbuffers::FieldIndexToOffset(f);
switch (choice) {
case 0: builder.AddElement<uint8_t>(off, bool_val, 0); break;
case 1: builder.AddElement<int8_t>(off, char_val, 0); break;
case 2: builder.AddElement<uint8_t>(off, uchar_val, 0); break;
case 3: builder.AddElement<int16_t>(off, short_val, 0); break;
case 4: builder.AddElement<uint16_t>(off, ushort_val, 0); break;
case 5: builder.AddElement<int32_t>(off, int_val, 0); break;
case 6: builder.AddElement<uint32_t>(off, uint_val, 0); break;
case 7: builder.AddElement<int64_t>(off, long_val, 0); break;
case 8: builder.AddElement<uint64_t>(off, ulong_val, 0); break;
case 9: builder.AddElement<float>(off, float_val, 0); break;
case 10: builder.AddElement<double>(off, double_val, 0); break;
objects[i] = builder.EndTable(start);
builder.PreAlign<flatbuffers::largest_scalar_t>(0); // Align whole buffer.
lcg_reset(); // Reset.
uint8_t *eob = builder.GetCurrentBufferPointer() + builder.GetSize();
// Test that all objects we generated are readable and return the
// expected values. We generate random objects in the same order
// so this is deterministic.
for (int i = 0; i < num_fuzz_objects; i++) {
auto table = reinterpret_cast<flatbuffers::Table *>(eob - objects[i]);
for (flatbuffers::voffset_t f = 0; f < fields_per_object; f++) {
int choice = lcg_rand() % test_values_max;
flatbuffers::voffset_t off = flatbuffers::FieldIndexToOffset(f);
switch (choice) {
case 0: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, bool_val); break;
case 1: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, char_val); break;
case 2: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, uchar_val); break;
case 3: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, short_val); break;
case 4: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, ushort_val); break;
case 5: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, int_val); break;
case 6: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, uint_val); break;
case 7: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, long_val); break;
case 8: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, ulong_val); break;
case 9: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, float_val); break;
case 10: CompareTableFieldValue(table, off, double_val); break;
// High level stress/fuzz test: generate a big schema and
// matching json data in random combinations, then parse both,
// generate json back from the binary, and compare with the original.
void FuzzTest2() {
lcg_reset(); // Keep it deterministic.
const int num_definitions = 30;
const int num_struct_definitions = 5; // Subset of num_definitions.
const int fields_per_definition = 15;
const int instances_per_definition = 5;
const int deprecation_rate = 10; // 1 in deprecation_rate fields will
// be deprecated.
std::string schema = "namespace test;\n\n";
struct RndDef {
std::string instances[instances_per_definition];
// Since we're generating schema and corresponding data in tandem,
// this convenience function adds strings to both at once.
static void Add(RndDef (&definitions_l)[num_definitions],
std::string &schema_l, const int instances_per_definition_l,
const char *schema_add, const char *instance_add,
int definition) {
schema_l += schema_add;
for (int i = 0; i < instances_per_definition_l; i++)
definitions_l[definition].instances[i] += instance_add;
// clang-format off
#define AddToSchemaAndInstances(schema_add, instance_add) \
RndDef::Add(definitions, schema, instances_per_definition, \
schema_add, instance_add, definition)
#define Dummy() \
RndDef::Add(definitions, schema, instances_per_definition, \
"byte", "1", definition)
// clang-format on
RndDef definitions[num_definitions];
// We are going to generate num_definitions, the first
// num_struct_definitions will be structs, the rest tables. For each
// generate random fields, some of which may be struct/table types
// referring to previously generated structs/tables.
// Simultanenously, we generate instances_per_definition JSON data
// definitions, which will have identical structure to the schema
// being generated. We generate multiple instances such that when creating
// hierarchy, we get some variety by picking one randomly.
for (int definition = 0; definition < num_definitions; definition++) {
std::string definition_name = "D" + flatbuffers::NumToString(definition);
bool is_struct = definition < num_struct_definitions;
((is_struct ? "struct " : "table ") + definition_name + " {\n").c_str(),
for (int field = 0; field < fields_per_definition; field++) {
const bool is_last_field = field == fields_per_definition - 1;
// Deprecate 1 in deprecation_rate fields. Only table fields can be
// deprecated.
// Don't deprecate the last field to avoid dangling commas in JSON.
const bool deprecated =
!is_struct && !is_last_field && (lcg_rand() % deprecation_rate == 0);
std::string field_name = "f" + flatbuffers::NumToString(field);
AddToSchemaAndInstances((" " + field_name + ":").c_str(),
deprecated ? "" : (field_name + ": ").c_str());
// Pick random type:
auto base_type = static_cast<flatbuffers::BaseType>(
lcg_rand() % (flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UNION + 1));
switch (base_type) {
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_STRING:
if (is_struct) {
Dummy(); // No strings in structs.
} else {
AddToSchemaAndInstances("string", deprecated ? "" : "\"hi\"");
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_VECTOR:
if (is_struct) {
Dummy(); // No vectors in structs.
} else {
deprecated ? "" : "[\n0,\n1,\n255\n]");
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_NONE:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UTYPE:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_STRUCT:
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_UNION:
if (definition) {
// Pick a random previous definition and random data instance of
// that definition.
int defref = lcg_rand() % definition;
int instance = lcg_rand() % instances_per_definition;
("D" + flatbuffers::NumToString(defref)).c_str(),
deprecated ? ""
: definitions[defref].instances[instance].c_str());
} else {
// If this is the first definition, we have no definition we can
// refer to.
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_BOOL:
"bool", deprecated ? "" : (lcg_rand() % 2 ? "true" : "false"));
case flatbuffers::BASE_TYPE_ARRAY:
if (!is_struct) {
deprecated ? "" : "255"); // No fixed-length arrays in tables.
} else {
AddToSchemaAndInstances("[int:3]", deprecated ? "" : "[\n,\n,\n]");
// All the scalar types.
schema += flatbuffers::TypeName(base_type);
if (!deprecated) {
// We want each instance to use its own random value.
for (int inst = 0; inst < instances_per_definition; inst++)
definitions[definition].instances[inst] +=
? flatbuffers::NumToString<double>(lcg_rand() % 128)
: flatbuffers::NumToString<int>(lcg_rand() % 128).c_str();
AddToSchemaAndInstances(deprecated ? "(deprecated);\n" : ";\n",
deprecated ? ""
: is_last_field ? "\n"
: ",\n");
AddToSchemaAndInstances("}\n\n", "}");
schema += "root_type D" + flatbuffers::NumToString(num_definitions - 1);
schema += ";\n";
flatbuffers::Parser parser;
// Will not compare against the original if we don't write defaults
// Parse the schema, parse the generated data, then generate text back
// from the binary and compare against the original.
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(schema.c_str()), true);
const std::string &json =
definitions[num_definitions - 1].instances[0] + "\n";
TEST_EQ(parser.Parse(json.c_str()), true);
std::string jsongen;
parser.opts.indent_step = 0;
auto result = GenText(parser, parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer(), &jsongen);
if (jsongen != json) {
// These strings are larger than a megabyte, so we show the bytes around
// the first bytes that are different rather than the whole string.
size_t len = std::min(json.length(), jsongen.length());
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (json[i] != jsongen[i]) {
i -= std::min(static_cast<size_t>(10), i); // show some context;
size_t end = std::min(len, i + 20);
for (; i < end; i++)
TEST_OUTPUT_LINE("at %d: found \"%c\", expected \"%c\"\n",
static_cast<int>(i), jsongen[i], json[i]);
TEST_NOTNULL(nullptr); //-V501 (this comment suppresses CWE-570 warning)
// clang-format off
TEST_OUTPUT_LINE("%dk schema tested with %dk of json\n",
static_cast<int>(schema.length() / 1024),
static_cast<int>(json.length() / 1024));
// clang-format on
} // namespace tests
} // namespace flatbuffers