# Formal Grammar of the schema language schema = include* ( namespace\_decl | type\_decl | enum\_decl | root\_decl | attribute\_decl | object )* include = `include` string\_constant `;` namespace\_decl = `namespace` ident ( `.` ident )* `;` attribute\_decl = `attribute` string\_constant `;` type\_decl = ( `table` | `struct` ) ident metadata `{` field\_decl+ `}` enum\_decl = ( `enum` | `union` ) ident [ `:` type ] metadata `{` commasep( enumval\_decl ) `}` root\_decl = `root_type` ident `;` field\_decl = type `:` ident [ `=` scalar ] metadata `;` type = `bool` | `byte` | `ubyte` | `short` | `ushort` | `int` | `uint` | `float` | `long` | `ulong` | `double` | `string` | `[` type `]` | ident enumval\_decl = ident [ `=` integer\_constant ] metadata = [ `(` commasep( ident [ `:` scalar ] ) `)` ] scalar = integer\_constant | float\_constant | `true` | `false` object = { commasep( ident `:` value ) } value = scalar | object | string\_constant | `[` commasep( value ) `]` commasep(x) = [ x ( `,` x )\* ]