import plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.20" id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.allopen") version "1.4.20" id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.benchmark") version "0.3.0" id("io.morethan.jmhreport") version "0.9.0" id("") version "4.1.1" } // allOpen plugin is needed for the benchmark annotations. // for more infomation, see allOpen { annotation("org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State") } group = "" version = "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT" // This plugin generates a static html page with the aggregation // of all benchmarks ran. very useful visualization tool. jmhReport { val baseFolder = project.file("build/reports/benchmarks/main").absolutePath val lastFolder = project.file(baseFolder).list()?.sortedArray()?.lastOrNull() ?: "" jmhResultPath = "$baseFolder/$lastFolder/jvm.json" jmhReportOutput = "$baseFolder/$lastFolder" } // For now we benchmark on JVM only benchmark { configurations { this.getByName("main") { iterations = 5 iterationTime = 300 iterationTimeUnit = "ms" // uncomment for benchmarking JSON op only // include(".*JsonBenchmark.*") } } targets { register("jvm") } } kotlin { jvm { withJava() compilations.all { kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() } } } sourceSets { all { languageSettings.enableLanguageFeature("InlineClasses") languageSettings.useExperimentalAnnotation("kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes") } val commonTest by getting { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("test-common")) implementation(kotlin("test-annotations-common")) } } val jvmTest by getting { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("test-junit")) } } val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-benchmark-runtime:0.3.0") implementation(kotlin("stdlib-common")) implementation(project(":flatbuffers-kotlin")) implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8") implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm:1.4.1") //moshi implementation("com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.11.0") //gson implementation("") } } /* Targets configuration omitted. * To find out how to configure the targets, please follow the link: * */ targets { targetFromPreset(presets.getAt("jvm")) } } } // This task download all JSON files used for benchmarking tasks.register("downloadMultipleFiles") { // We are downloading json benchmark samples from serdes-rs project. // see: val baseUrl = "" src(listOf("$baseUrl/canada.json", "$baseUrl/twitter.json", "$baseUrl/citm_catalog.json")) dest(File("${project.projectDir.absolutePath}/src/jvmMain/resources")) overwrite(false) } project.tasks.named("compileKotlinJvm") { dependsOn("downloadMultipleFiles") }