// test schema file include "include_test1.fbs"; namespace MyGame; table InParentNamespace {} namespace MyGame.Example2; table Monster {} // Test having same name as below, but in different namespace. namespace MyGame.Example; attribute "priority"; /// Composite components of Monster color. enum Color:ubyte (bit_flags) { Red = 0, // color Red = (1u << 0) /// \brief color Green /// Green is bit_flag with value (1u << 1) Green, /// \brief color Blue (1u << 3) Blue = 3, } enum Race:byte { None = -1, Human = 0, Dwarf, Elf, } enum LongEnum:ulong (bit_flags) { LongOne = 1, LongTwo = 2, // Because this is a bitflag, 40 will be out of range of a 32-bit integer, // allowing us to exercise any logic special to big numbers. LongBig = 40, } union Any { Monster, TestSimpleTableWithEnum, MyGame.Example2.Monster } union AnyUniqueAliases { M: Monster, TS: TestSimpleTableWithEnum, M2: MyGame.Example2.Monster } union AnyAmbiguousAliases { M1: Monster, M2: Monster, M3: Monster } struct Test { a:short; b:byte; } table TestSimpleTableWithEnum (csharp_partial, private) { color: Color = Green; } struct Vec3 (force_align: 8) { x:float; y:float; z:float; test1:double; test2:Color; test3:Test; } struct Ability { id:uint(key); distance:uint; } struct StructOfStructs { a: Ability; b: Test; c: Ability; } struct StructOfStructsOfStructs { a: StructOfStructs; } table Stat { id:string; val:long; count:ushort (key); } table Referrable { id:ulong(key, hash:"fnv1a_64"); } /// an example documentation comment: "monster object" table Monster { pos:Vec3 (id: 0); hp:short = 100 (id: 2); mana:short = 150 (id: 1); name:string (id: 3, key); color:Color = Blue (id: 6); inventory:[ubyte] (id: 5); friendly:bool = false (deprecated, priority: 1, id: 4); /// an example documentation comment: this will end up in the generated code /// multiline too testarrayoftables:[Monster] (id: 11); testarrayofstring:[string] (id: 10); testarrayofstring2:[string] (id: 28); testarrayofbools:[bool] (id: 24); testarrayofsortedstruct:[Ability] (id: 29); enemy:MyGame.Example.Monster (id:12); // Test referring by full namespace. test:Any (id: 8); test4:[Test] (id: 9); test5:[Test] (id: 31); testnestedflatbuffer:[ubyte] (id:13, nested_flatbuffer: "Monster"); testempty:Stat (id:14); testbool:bool (id:15); testhashs32_fnv1:int (id:16, hash:"fnv1_32"); testhashu32_fnv1:uint (id:17, hash:"fnv1_32"); testhashs64_fnv1:long (id:18, hash:"fnv1_64"); testhashu64_fnv1:ulong (id:19, hash:"fnv1_64"); testhashs32_fnv1a:int (id:20, hash:"fnv1a_32"); testhashu32_fnv1a:uint (id:21, hash:"fnv1a_32", cpp_type:"Stat"); testhashs64_fnv1a:long (id:22, hash:"fnv1a_64"); testhashu64_fnv1a:ulong (id:23, hash:"fnv1a_64"); testf:float = 3.14159 (id:25); testf2:float = 3 (id:26); testf3:float (id:27); flex:[ubyte] (id:30, flexbuffer); vector_of_longs:[long] (id:32); vector_of_doubles:[double] (id:33); parent_namespace_test:InParentNamespace (id:34); vector_of_referrables:[Referrable](id:35); single_weak_reference:ulong(id:36, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT"); vector_of_weak_references:[ulong](id:37, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT"); vector_of_strong_referrables:[Referrable](id:38, cpp_ptr_type:"default_ptr_type"); //was shared_ptr co_owning_reference:ulong(id:39, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT", cpp_ptr_type:"naked"); //was shared_ptr as well vector_of_co_owning_references:[ulong](id:40, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT", cpp_ptr_type:"default_ptr_type", cpp_ptr_type_get:".get()"); //was shared_ptr non_owning_reference:ulong(id:41, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT", cpp_ptr_type:"naked", cpp_ptr_type_get:""); //was weak_ptr vector_of_non_owning_references:[ulong](id:42, hash:"fnv1a_64", cpp_type:"ReferrableT", cpp_ptr_type:"naked", cpp_ptr_type_get:""); //was weak_ptr any_unique:AnyUniqueAliases(id:44); any_ambiguous:AnyAmbiguousAliases (id:46); vector_of_enums:[Color] (id:47); signed_enum:Race = None (id:48); testrequirednestedflatbuffer:[ubyte] (id:49, nested_flatbuffer: "Monster"); scalar_key_sorted_tables:[Stat] (id: 50); native_inline:Test (id: 51, native_inline); // The default value of this enum will be a numeric zero, which isn't a valid // enum value. long_enum_non_enum_default:LongEnum (id: 52); long_enum_normal_default:LongEnum = LongOne (id: 53); } table TypeAliases { i8:int8; u8:uint8; i16:int16; u16:uint16; i32:int32; u32:uint32; i64:int64; u64:uint64; f32:float32; f64:float64; v8:[int8]; vf64:[float64]; } rpc_service MonsterStorage { Store(Monster):Stat (streaming: "none"); Retrieve(Stat):Monster (streaming: "server", idempotent); GetMaxHitPoint(Monster):Stat (streaming: "client"); GetMinMaxHitPoints(Monster):Stat (streaming: "bidi"); } root_type Monster; file_identifier "MONS"; file_extension "mon";