/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // uncomment this line to use faster ByteBuffer using System; namespace FlatBuffers { /// /// Class to mimic Java's ByteBuffer which is used heavily in Flatbuffers. /// If your execution environment allows unsafe code, you should enable /// unsafe code in your project and #define UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER to use a /// MUCH faster version of ByteBuffer. /// public class ByteBuffer { private readonly byte[] _buffer; private int _pos; // Must track start of the buffer. public int Length { get { return _buffer.Length; } } public byte[] Data { get { return _buffer; } } public ByteBuffer(byte[] buffer) : this(buffer, 0) { } public ByteBuffer(byte[] buffer, int pos) { _buffer = buffer; _pos = pos; } public int Position { get { return _pos; } set { _pos = value; } } public void Reset() { _pos = 0; } // Pre-allocated helper arrays for convertion. private float[] floathelper = new[] { 0.0f }; private int[] inthelper = new[] { 0 }; private double[] doublehelper = new[] { 0.0 }; private ulong[] ulonghelper = new[] { 0UL }; // Helper functions for the unsafe version. static public ushort ReverseBytes(ushort input) { return (ushort)(((input & 0x00FFU) << 8) | ((input & 0xFF00U) >> 8)); } static public uint ReverseBytes(uint input) { return ((input & 0x000000FFU) << 24) | ((input & 0x0000FF00U) << 8) | ((input & 0x00FF0000U) >> 8) | ((input & 0xFF000000U) >> 24); } static public ulong ReverseBytes(ulong input) { return (((input & 0x00000000000000FFUL) << 56) | ((input & 0x000000000000FF00UL) << 40) | ((input & 0x0000000000FF0000UL) << 24) | ((input & 0x00000000FF000000UL) << 8) | ((input & 0x000000FF00000000UL) >> 8) | ((input & 0x0000FF0000000000UL) >> 24) | ((input & 0x00FF000000000000UL) >> 40) | ((input & 0xFF00000000000000UL) >> 56)); } #if !UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // Helper functions for the safe (but slower) version. protected void WriteLittleEndian(int offset, int count, ulong data) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _buffer[offset + i] = (byte)(data >> i * 8); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _buffer[offset + count - 1 - i] = (byte)(data >> i * 8); } } } protected ulong ReadLittleEndian(int offset, int count) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, count); ulong r = 0; if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { r |= (ulong)_buffer[offset + i] << i * 8; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { r |= (ulong)_buffer[offset + count - 1 - i] << i * 8; } } return r; } #endif // !UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER private void AssertOffsetAndLength(int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0 || offset >= _buffer.Length || offset + length > _buffer.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } public void PutSbyte(int offset, sbyte value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(sbyte)); _buffer[offset] = (byte)value; } public void PutByte(int offset, byte value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(byte)); _buffer[offset] = value; } public void PutByte(int offset, byte value, int count) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(byte) * count); for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) _buffer[offset + i] = value; } // this method exists in order to conform with Java ByteBuffer standards public void Put(int offset, byte value) { PutByte(offset, value); } #if UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // Unsafe but more efficient versions of Put*. public void PutShort(int offset, short value) { PutUshort(offset, (ushort)value); } public unsafe void PutUshort(int offset, ushort value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ushort)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { *(ushort*)(ptr + offset) = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? value : ReverseBytes(value); } } public void PutInt(int offset, int value) { PutUint(offset, (uint)value); } public unsafe void PutUint(int offset, uint value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(uint)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { *(uint*)(ptr + offset) = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? value : ReverseBytes(value); } } public unsafe void PutLong(int offset, long value) { PutUlong(offset, (ulong)value); } public unsafe void PutUlong(int offset, ulong value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ulong)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { *(ulong*)(ptr + offset) = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? value : ReverseBytes(value); } } public unsafe void PutFloat(int offset, float value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(float)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { *(float*)(ptr + offset) = value; } else { *(uint*)(ptr + offset) = ReverseBytes(*(uint*)(&value)); } } } public unsafe void PutDouble(int offset, double value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(double)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { *(double*)(ptr + offset) = value; } else { *(ulong*)(ptr + offset) = ReverseBytes(*(ulong*)(ptr + offset)); } } } #else // !UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // Slower versions of Put* for when unsafe code is not allowed. public void PutShort(int offset, short value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(short)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(short), (ulong)value); } public void PutUshort(int offset, ushort value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ushort)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(ushort), (ulong)value); } public void PutInt(int offset, int value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(int)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(int), (ulong)value); } public void PutUint(int offset, uint value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(uint)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(uint), (ulong)value); } public void PutLong(int offset, long value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(long)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(long), (ulong)value); } public void PutUlong(int offset, ulong value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ulong)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(ulong), value); } public void PutFloat(int offset, float value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(float)); floathelper[0] = value; Buffer.BlockCopy(floathelper, 0, inthelper, 0, sizeof(float)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(float), (ulong)inthelper[0]); } public void PutDouble(int offset, double value) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(double)); doublehelper[0] = value; Buffer.BlockCopy(doublehelper, 0, ulonghelper, 0, sizeof(double)); WriteLittleEndian(offset, sizeof(double), ulonghelper[0]); } #endif // UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER public sbyte GetSbyte(int index) { AssertOffsetAndLength(index, sizeof(sbyte)); return (sbyte)_buffer[index]; } public byte Get(int index) { AssertOffsetAndLength(index, sizeof(byte)); return _buffer[index]; } #if UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // Unsafe but more efficient versions of Get*. public short GetShort(int offset) { return (short)GetUshort(offset); } public unsafe ushort GetUshort(int offset) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ushort)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? *(ushort*)(ptr + offset) : ReverseBytes(*(ushort*)(ptr + offset)); } } public int GetInt(int offset) { return (int)GetUint(offset); } public unsafe uint GetUint(int offset) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(uint)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? *(uint*)(ptr + offset) : ReverseBytes(*(uint*)(ptr + offset)); } } public long GetLong(int offset) { return (long)GetUlong(offset); } public unsafe ulong GetUlong(int offset) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(ulong)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? *(ulong*)(ptr + offset) : ReverseBytes(*(ulong*)(ptr + offset)); } } public unsafe float GetFloat(int offset) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(float)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { return *(float*)(ptr + offset); } else { uint uvalue = ReverseBytes(*(uint*)(ptr + offset)); return *(float*)(&uvalue); } } } public unsafe double GetDouble(int offset) { AssertOffsetAndLength(offset, sizeof(double)); fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { return *(double*)(ptr + offset); } else { ulong uvalue = ReverseBytes(*(ulong*)(ptr + offset)); return *(double*)(&uvalue); } } } #else // !UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER // Slower versions of Get* for when unsafe code is not allowed. public short GetShort(int index) { return (short)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(short)); } public ushort GetUshort(int index) { return (ushort)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(ushort)); } public int GetInt(int index) { return (int)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(int)); } public uint GetUint(int index) { return (uint)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(uint)); } public long GetLong(int index) { return (long)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(long)); } public ulong GetUlong(int index) { return ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(ulong)); } public float GetFloat(int index) { int i = (int)ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(float)); inthelper[0] = i; Buffer.BlockCopy(inthelper, 0, floathelper, 0, sizeof(float)); return floathelper[0]; } public double GetDouble(int index) { ulong i = ReadLittleEndian(index, sizeof(double)); // There's Int64BitsToDouble but it uses unsafe code internally. ulonghelper[0] = i; Buffer.BlockCopy(ulonghelper, 0, doublehelper, 0, sizeof(double)); return doublehelper[0]; } #endif // UNSAFE_BYTEBUFFER } }