# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # General function to create FlatBuffer build rules for the given list of # schemas. # # flatbuffers_schemas: A list of flatbuffer schema files to process. # # schema_include_dirs: A list of schema file include directories, which will be # passed to flatc via the -I parameter. # # custom_target_name: The generated files will be added as dependencies for a # new custom target with this name. You should add that target as a dependency # for your main target to ensure these files are built. You can also retrieve # various properties from this target, such as GENERATED_INCLUDES_DIR, # BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR, and COPY_TEXT_SCHEMAS_DIR. # # additional_dependencies: A list of additional dependencies that you'd like # all generated files to depend on. Pass in a blank string if you have none. # # generated_includes_dir: Where to generate the C++ header files for these # schemas. The generated includes directory will automatically be added to # CMake's include directories, and will be where generated header files are # placed. This parameter is optional; pass in empty string if you don't want to # generate include files for these schemas. # # binary_schemas_dir: If you specify an optional binary schema directory, binary # schemas will be generated for these schemas as well, and placed into the given # directory. # # copy_text_schemas_dir: If you want all text schemas (including schemas from # all schema include directories) copied into a directory (for example, if you # need them within your project to build JSON files), you can specify that # folder here. All text schemas will be copied to that folder. # # IMPORTANT: Make sure you quote all list arguments you pass to this function! # Otherwise CMake will only pass in the first element. # Example: build_flatbuffers("${fb_files}" "${include_dirs}" target_name ...) function(build_flatbuffers flatbuffers_schemas schema_include_dirs custom_target_name additional_dependencies generated_includes_dir binary_schemas_dir copy_text_schemas_dir) # Test if including from FindFlatBuffers if(FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE) set(FLATC_TARGET "") set(FLATC ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE}) else() set(FLATC_TARGET flatc) set(FLATC flatc) endif() set(FLATC_SCHEMA_ARGS --gen-mutable) if(FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_SCHEMA_EXTRA_ARGS) set(FLATC_SCHEMA_ARGS ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_SCHEMA_EXTRA_ARGS} ${FLATC_SCHEMA_ARGS} ) endif() set(working_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(schema_glob "*.fbs") # Generate the include files parameters. set(include_params "") set(all_generated_files "") foreach (include_dir ${schema_include_dirs}) set(include_params -I ${include_dir} ${include_params}) if (NOT ${copy_text_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "") # Copy text schemas from dependent folders. file(GLOB_RECURSE dependent_schemas ${include_dir}/${schema_glob}) foreach (dependent_schema ${dependent_schemas}) file(COPY ${dependent_schema} DESTINATION ${copy_text_schemas_dir}) endforeach() endif() endforeach() foreach(schema ${flatbuffers_schemas}) get_filename_component(filename ${schema} NAME_WE) # For each schema, do the things we requested. if (NOT ${generated_includes_dir} STREQUAL "") set(generated_include ${generated_includes_dir}/${filename}_generated.h) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${generated_include} COMMAND ${FLATC} ${FLATC_SCHEMA_ARGS} -o ${generated_includes_dir} ${include_params} -c ${schema} DEPENDS ${FLATC_TARGET} ${schema} ${additional_dependencies} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}") list(APPEND all_generated_files ${generated_include}) endif() if (NOT ${binary_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "") set(binary_schema ${binary_schemas_dir}/${filename}.bfbs) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${binary_schema} COMMAND ${FLATC} -b --schema -o ${binary_schemas_dir} ${include_params} ${schema} DEPENDS ${FLATC_TARGET} ${schema} ${additional_dependencies} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}") list(APPEND all_generated_files ${binary_schema}) endif() if (NOT ${copy_text_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "") file(COPY ${schema} DESTINATION ${copy_text_schemas_dir}) endif() endforeach() # Create a custom target that depends on all the generated files. # This is the target that you can depend on to trigger all these # to be built. add_custom_target(${custom_target_name} DEPENDS ${all_generated_files} ${additional_dependencies}) # Register the include directory we are using. if (NOT ${generated_includes_dir} STREQUAL "") include_directories(${generated_includes_dir}) set_property(TARGET ${custom_target_name} PROPERTY GENERATED_INCLUDES_DIR ${generated_includes_dir}) endif() # Register the binary schemas dir we are using. if (NOT ${binary_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "") set_property(TARGET ${custom_target_name} PROPERTY BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR ${binary_schemas_dir}) endif() # Register the text schema copy dir we are using. if (NOT ${copy_text_schemas_dir} STREQUAL "") set_property(TARGET ${custom_target_name} PROPERTY COPY_TEXT_SCHEMAS_DIR ${copy_text_schemas_dir}) endif() endfunction() # Creates a target that can be linked against that generates flatbuffer headers. # # This function takes a target name and a list of schemas. You can also specify # other flagc flags using the FLAGS option to change the behavior of the flatc # tool. # # Arguments: # TARGET: The name of the target to generate. # SCHEMAS: The list of schema files to generate code for. # BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR: Optional. The directory in which to generate binary # schemas. Binary schemas will only be generated if a path is provided. # INCLUDE: Optional. Search for includes in the specified paths. (Use this # instead of "-I " and the FLAGS option so that CMake is aware of # the directories that need to be searched). # INCLUDE_PREFIX: Optional. The directory in which to place the generated # files. Use this instead of the --include-prefix option. # FLAGS: Optional. A list of any additional flags that you would like to pass # to flatc. # # Example: # # flatbuffers_generate_headers( # TARGET my_generated_headers_target # INCLUDE_PREFIX ${MY_INCLUDE_PREFIX}" # SCHEMAS ${MY_SCHEMA_FILES} # BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR "${MY_BINARY_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY}" # FLAGS --gen-object-api) # # target_link_libraries(MyExecutableTarget # PRIVATE my_generated_headers_target # ) function(flatbuffers_generate_headers) # Parse function arguments. set(options) set(one_value_args "TARGET" "INCLUDE_PREFIX" "BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR") set(multi_value_args "SCHEMAS" "INCLUDE" "FLAGS") cmake_parse_arguments( PARSE_ARGV 0 FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}") # Test if including from FindFlatBuffers if(FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE) set(FLATC_TARGET "") set(FLATC ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE}) else() set(FLATC_TARGET flatc) set(FLATC flatc) endif() set(working_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") # Generate the include files parameters. set(include_params "") foreach (include_dir ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_INCLUDE}) set(include_params -I ${include_dir} ${include_params}) endforeach() # Create a directory to place the generated code. set(generated_target_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_TARGET}") set(generated_include_dir "${generated_target_dir}") if (NOT ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_INCLUDE_PREFIX} STREQUAL "") set(generated_include_dir "${generated_include_dir}/${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_INCLUDE_PREFIX}") list(APPEND FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_FLAGS "--include-prefix" ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_INCLUDE_PREFIX}) endif() # Create rules to generate the code for each schema. foreach(schema ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_SCHEMAS}) get_filename_component(filename ${schema} NAME_WE) set(generated_include "${generated_include_dir}/${filename}_generated.h") # Generate files for grpc if needed set(generated_source_file) if("${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_FLAGS}" MATCHES "--grpc") # Check if schema file contain a rpc_service definition file(STRINGS ${schema} has_grpc REGEX "rpc_service") if(has_grpc) list(APPEND generated_include "${generated_include_dir}/${filename}.grpc.fb.h") set(generated_source_file "${generated_include_dir}/${filename}.grpc.fb.cc") endif() endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${generated_include} ${generated_source_file} COMMAND ${FLATC} ${FLATC_ARGS} -o ${generated_include_dir} ${include_params} -c ${schema} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_FLAGS} DEPENDS ${FLATC_TARGET} ${schema} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}" COMMENT "Building ${schema} flatbuffers...") list(APPEND all_generated_header_files ${generated_include}) list(APPEND all_generated_source_files ${generated_source_file}) # Geneate the binary flatbuffers schemas if instructed to. if (NOT ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR} STREQUAL "") set(binary_schema "${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR}/${filename}.bfbs") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${binary_schema} COMMAND ${FLATC} -b --schema -o ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR} ${include_params} ${schema} DEPENDS ${FLATC_TARGET} ${schema} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}") list(APPEND all_generated_binary_files ${binary_schema}) endif() endforeach() # Set up interface library add_library(${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_TARGET} INTERFACE) target_sources( ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_TARGET} INTERFACE ${all_generated_header_files} ${all_generated_binary_files} ${all_generated_source_files} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_SCHEMAS}) add_dependencies( ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_TARGET} ${FLATC} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_SCHEMAS}) target_include_directories( ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_TARGET} INTERFACE ${generated_target_dir}) # Organize file layout for IDEs. source_group( TREE "${generated_target_dir}" PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Generated/Headers Files" FILES ${all_generated_header_files}) source_group( TREE "${generated_target_dir}" PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Generated/Source Files" FILES ${all_generated_source_files}) source_group( TREE ${working_dir} PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Schemas" FILES ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_SCHEMAS}) if (NOT ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR} STREQUAL "") source_group( TREE "${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_HEADERS_BINARY_SCHEMAS_DIR}" PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Generated/Binary Schemas" FILES ${all_generated_binary_files}) endif() endfunction() # Creates a target that can be linked against that generates flatbuffer binaries # from json files. # # This function takes a target name and a list of schemas and Json files. You # can also specify other flagc flags and options to change the behavior of the # flatc compiler. # # Adding this target to your executable ensurses that the flatbuffer binaries # are compiled before your executable is run. # # Arguments: # TARGET: The name of the target to generate. # JSON_FILES: The list of json files to compile to flatbuffers binaries. # SCHEMA: The flatbuffers schema of the Json files to be compiled. # INCLUDE: Optional. Search for includes in the specified paths. (Use this # instead of "-I " and the FLAGS option so that CMake is aware of # the directories that need to be searched). # OUTPUT_DIR: The directly where the generated flatbuffers binaries should be # placed. # FLAGS: Optional. A list of any additional flags that you would like to pass # to flatc. # # Example: # # flatbuffers_generate_binary_files( # TARGET my_binary_data # SCHEMA "${MY_SCHEMA_DIR}/my_example_schema.fbs" # JSON_FILES ${MY_JSON_FILES} # OUTPUT_DIR "${MY_BINARY_DATA_DIRECTORY}" # FLAGS --strict-json) # # target_link_libraries(MyExecutableTarget # PRIVATE my_binary_data # ) function(flatbuffers_generate_binary_files) # Parse function arguments. set(options) set(one_value_args "TARGET" "SCHEMA" "OUTPUT_DIR") set(multi_value_args "JSON_FILES" "INCLUDE" "FLAGS") cmake_parse_arguments( PARSE_ARGV 0 FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}") # Test if including from FindFlatBuffers if(FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE) set(FLATC_TARGET "") set(FLATC ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE}) else() set(FLATC_TARGET flatc) set(FLATC flatc) endif() set(working_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") # Generate the include files parameters. set(include_params "") foreach (include_dir ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_INCLUDE}) set(include_params -I ${include_dir} ${include_params}) endforeach() # Create rules to generate the flatbuffers binary for each json file. foreach(json_file ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_JSON_FILES}) get_filename_component(filename ${json_file} NAME_WE) set(generated_binary_file "${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_OUTPUT_DIR}/${filename}.bin") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${generated_binary_file} COMMAND ${FLATC} ${FLATC_ARGS} -o ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_OUTPUT_DIR} ${include_params} -b ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_SCHEMA} ${json_file} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_FLAGS} DEPENDS ${FLATC_TARGET} ${json_file} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}" COMMENT "Building ${json_file} binary flatbuffers...") list(APPEND all_generated_binary_files ${generated_binary_file}) endforeach() # Set up interface library add_library(${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_TARGET} INTERFACE) target_sources( ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_TARGET} INTERFACE ${all_generated_binary_files} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_JSON_FILES} ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_SCHEMA}) add_dependencies( ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_TARGET} ${FLATC}) # Organize file layout for IDEs. source_group( TREE ${working_dir} PREFIX "Flatbuffers/JSON Files" FILES ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_JSON_FILES}) source_group( TREE ${working_dir} PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Schemas" FILES ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_SCHEMA}) source_group( TREE ${FLATBUFFERS_GENERATE_BINARY_FILES_OUTPUT_DIR} PREFIX "Flatbuffers/Generated/Binary Files" FILES ${all_generated_binary_files}) endfunction()