#!/bin/bash -eu # Copyright (c) 2013 Google, Inc. # # This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied # warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages # arising from the use of this software. # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it # freely, subject to the following restrictions: # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not # claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software # in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be # appreciated but is not required. # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be # misrepresented as being the original software. # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. # # Build, deploy, debug / execute a native Android package based upon # NativeActivity. declare -r script_directory=$(dirname $0) declare -r android_root=${script_directory}/../../../../../../ declare -r script_name=$(basename $0) declare -r android_manifest=AndroidManifest.xml declare -r os_name=$(uname -s) # Minimum Android target version supported by this project. : ${BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION:=10} # Directory containing the Android SDK # (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html). : ${ANDROID_SDK_HOME:=} # Directory containing the Android NDK # (http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html). : ${NDK_HOME:=} # Display script help and exit. usage() { echo " Build the Android package in the current directory and deploy it to a connected device. Usage: ${script_name} \\ [ADB_DEVICE=serial_number] [BUILD=0] [DEPLOY=0] [RUN_DEBUGGER=1] \ [LAUNCH=0] [SWIG_BIN=swig_binary_directory] [SWIG_LIB=swig_include_directory] [ndk-build arguments ...] ADB_DEVICE=serial_number: serial_number specifies the device to deploy the built apk to if multiple Android devices are connected to the host. BUILD=0: Disables the build of the package. DEPLOY=0: Disables the deployment of the built apk to the Android device. RUN_DEBUGGER=1: Launches the application in gdb after it has been deployed. To debug in gdb, NDK_DEBUG=1 must also be specified on the command line to build a debug apk. LAUNCH=0: Disable the launch of the apk on the Android device. SWIG_BIN=swig_binary_directory: The directory where the SWIG binary lives. No need to set this if SWIG is installed and point to from your PATH variable. SWIG_LIB=swig_include_directory: The directory where SWIG shared include files are, usually obtainable from commandline with \"swig -swiglib\". No need to set this if SWIG is installed and point to from your PATH variable. ndk-build arguments...: Additional arguments for ndk-build. See ndk-build -h for more information. " >&2 exit 1 } # Get the number of CPU cores present on the host. get_number_of_cores() { case ${os_name} in Darwin) sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2 }' ;; CYGWIN*|Linux) awk '/^processor/ { n=$3 } END { print n + 1 }' /proc/cpuinfo ;; *) echo 1 ;; esac } # Get the package name from an AndroidManifest.xml file. get_package_name_from_manifest() { xmllint --xpath 'string(/manifest/@package)' "${1}" } # Get the library name from an AndroidManifest.xml file. get_library_name_from_manifest() { echo "\ setns android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android xpath string(/manifest/application/activity\ [@android:name=\"android.app.NativeActivity\"]/meta-data\ [@android:name=\"android.app.lib_name\"]/@android:value)" | xmllint --shell "${1}" | awk '/Object is a string/ { print $NF }' } # Get the number of Android devices connected to the system. get_number_of_devices_connected() { adb devices -l | \ awk '/^..*$/ { if (p) { print $0 } } /List of devices attached/ { p = 1 }' | \ wc -l return ${PIPESTATUS[0]} } # Kill a process and its' children. This is provided for cygwin which # doesn't ship with pkill. kill_process_group() { local parent_pid="${1}" local child_pid= for child_pid in $(ps -f | \ awk '{ if ($3 == '"${parent_pid}"') { print $2 } }'); do kill_process_group "${child_pid}" done kill "${parent_pid}" 2>/dev/null } # Find and run "adb". adb() { local adb_path= for path in "$(which adb 2>/dev/null)" \ "${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/sdk/platform-tools/adb" \ "${android_root}/prebuilts/sdk/platform-tools/adb"; do if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then adb_path="${path}" break fi done if [[ "${adb_path}" == "" ]]; then echo -e "Unable to find adb." \ "\nAdd the Android ADT sdk/platform-tools directory to the" \ "PATH." >&2 exit 1 fi "${adb_path}" "$@" } # Find and run "android". android() { local android_executable=android if echo "${os_name}" | grep -q CYGWIN; then android_executable=android.bat fi local android_path= for path in "$(which ${android_executable})" \ "${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/sdk/tools/${android_executable}" \ "${android_root}/prebuilts/sdk/tools/${android_executable}"; do if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then android_path="${path}" break fi done if [[ "${android_path}" == "" ]]; then echo -e "Unable to find android tool." \ "\nAdd the Android ADT sdk/tools directory to the PATH." >&2 exit 1 fi # Make sure ant is installed. if [[ "$(which ant)" == "" ]]; then echo -e "Unable to find ant." \ "\nPlease install ant and add to the PATH." >&2 exit 1 fi "${android_path}" "$@" } # Find and run "ndk-build" ndkbuild() { local ndkbuild_path= for path in "$(which ndk-build 2>/dev/null)" \ "${NDK_HOME}/ndk-build" \ "${android_root}/prebuilts/ndk/current/ndk-build"; do if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then ndkbuild_path="${path}" break fi done if [[ "${ndkbuild_path}" == "" ]]; then echo -e "Unable to find ndk-build." \ "\nAdd the Android NDK directory to the PATH." >&2 exit 1 fi "${ndkbuild_path}" "$@" } # Get file modification time of $1 in seconds since the epoch. stat_mtime() { local filename="${1}" case ${os_name} in Darwin) stat -f%m "${filename}" 2>/dev/null || echo 0 ;; *) stat -c%Y "${filename}" 2>/dev/null || echo 0 ;; esac } # Build the native (C/C++) build targets in the current directory. build_native_targets() { # Save the list of output modules in the install directory so that it's # possible to restore their timestamps after the build is complete. This # works around a bug in ndk/build/core/setup-app.mk which results in the # unconditional execution of the clean-installed-binaries rule. restore_libraries="$(find libs -type f 2>/dev/null | \ sed -E 's@^libs/(.*)@\1@')" # Build native code. ndkbuild -j$(get_number_of_cores) "$@" # Restore installed libraries. # Obviously this is a nasty hack (along with ${restore_libraries} above) as # it assumes it knows where the NDK will be placing output files. ( IFS=$'\n' for libpath in ${restore_libraries}; do source_library="obj/local/${libpath}" target_library="libs/${libpath}" if [[ -e "${source_library}" ]]; then cp -a "${source_library}" "${target_library}" fi done ) } # Select the oldest installed android build target that is at least as new as # BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION. If a suitable build target isn't found, # this function prints an error message and exits with an error. select_android_build_target() { local -r android_targets_installed=$( \ android list targets | \ awk -F'"' '/^id:.*android/ { print $2 }') local android_build_target= for android_target in $(echo "${android_targets_installed}" | \ awk -F- '{ print $2 }' | sort -n); do if [[ $((android_target)) -ge \ $((BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION)) ]]; then android_build_target="android-${android_target}" break fi done if [[ "${android_build_target}" == "" ]]; then echo -e \ "Found installed Android targets:" \ "$(echo ${android_targets_installed} | sed 's/ /\n /g;s/^/\n /;')" \ "\nAndroid SDK platform" \ "android-$((BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION))" \ "must be installed to build this project." \ "\nUse the \"android\" application to install API" \ "$((BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION)) or newer." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${android_build_target}" } # Sign unsigned apk $1 and write the result to $2 with key store file $3 and # password $4. # If a key store file $3 and password $4 aren't specified, a temporary # (60 day) key is generated and used to sign the package. sign_apk() { local unsigned_apk="${1}" local signed_apk="${2}" if [[ $(stat_mtime "${unsigned_apk}") -gt \ $(stat_mtime "${signed_apk}") ]]; then local -r key_alias=$(basename ${signed_apk} .apk) local keystore="${3}" local key_password="${4}" [[ "${keystore}" == "" ]] && keystore="${unsigned_apk}.keystore" [[ "${key_password}" == "" ]] && \ key_password="${key_alias}123456" if [[ ! -e ${keystore} ]]; then keytool -genkey -v -dname "cn=, ou=${key_alias}, o=fpl" \ -storepass ${key_password} \ -keypass ${key_password} -keystore ${keystore} \ -alias ${key_alias} -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 60 fi cp "${unsigned_apk}" "${signed_apk}" jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 \ -keystore ${keystore} -storepass ${key_password} \ -keypass ${key_password} "${signed_apk}" ${key_alias} fi } # Build the apk $1 for package filename $2 in the current directory using the # ant build target $3. build_apk() { local -r output_apk="${1}" local -r package_filename="${2}" local -r ant_target="${3}" # Get the list of installed android targets and select the oldest target # that is at least as new as BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION. local -r android_build_target=$(select_android_build_target) [[ "${android_build_target}" == "" ]] && exit 1 echo "Building ${output_apk} for target ${android_build_target}" >&2 # Create / update build.xml and local.properties files. if [[ $(stat_mtime "${android_manifest}") -gt \ $(stat_mtime build.xml) ]]; then android update project --target "${android_build_target}" \ -n ${package_filename} --path . fi # Use ant to build the apk. ant -quiet ${ant_target} # Sign release apks with a temporary key as these packages will not be # redistributed. local unsigned_apk="bin/${package_filename}-${ant_target}-unsigned.apk" if [[ "${ant_target}" == "release" ]]; then sign_apk "${unsigned_apk}" "${output_apk}" "" "" fi } # Uninstall package $1 and install apk $2 on device $3 where $3 is "-s device" # or an empty string. If $3 is an empty string adb will fail when multiple # devices are connected to the host system. install_apk() { local -r uninstall_package_name="${1}" local -r install_apk="${2}" local -r adb_device="${3}" # Uninstall the package if it's already installed. adb ${adb_device} uninstall "${uninstall_package_name}" 1>&2 > /dev/null || \ true # no error check # Install the apk. # NOTE: The following works around adb not returning an error code when # it fails to install an apk. echo "Install ${install_apk}" >&2 local -r adb_install_result=$(adb ${adb_device} install "${install_apk}") echo "${adb_install_result}" if echo "${adb_install_result}" | grep -qF 'Failure ['; then exit 1 fi } # Launch previously installed package $1 on device $2. # If $2 is an empty string adb will fail when multiple devices are connected # to the host system. launch_package() { ( # Determine the SDK version of Android on the device. local -r android_sdk_version=$( adb ${adb_device} shell cat system/build.prop | \ awk -F= '/ro.build.version.sdk/ { v=$2; sub(/[ \r\n]/, "", v); print v }') # Clear logs from previous runs. # Note that logcat does not just 'tail' the logs, it dumps the entire log # history. adb ${adb_device} logcat -c local finished_msg='Displayed '"${package_name}" local timeout_msg='Activity destroy timeout.*'"${package_name}" # Maximum time to wait before stopping log monitoring. 0 = infinity. local launch_timeout=0 # If this is a Gingerbread device, kill log monitoring after 10 seconds. if [[ $((android_sdk_version)) -le 10 ]]; then launch_timeout=10 fi # Display logcat in the background. # Stop displaying the log when the app launch / execution completes or the # logcat ( adb ${adb_device} logcat | \ awk " { print \$0 } /ActivityManager.*: ${finished_msg}/ { exit 0 } /ActivityManager.*: ${timeout_msg}/ { exit 0 }" & adb_logcat_pid=$!; if [[ $((launch_timeout)) -gt 0 ]]; then sleep $((launch_timeout)); kill ${adb_logcat_pid}; else wait ${adb_logcat_pid}; fi ) & logcat_pid=$! # Kill adb logcat if this shell exits. trap "kill_process_group ${logcat_pid}" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT # If the SDK is newer than 10, "am" supports stopping an activity. adb_stop_activity= if [[ $((android_sdk_version)) -gt 10 ]]; then adb_stop_activity=-S fi # Launch the activity and wait for it to complete. adb ${adb_device} shell am start ${adb_stop_activity} -n \ ${package_name}/android.app.NativeActivity wait "${logcat_pid}" ) } # See usage(). main() { # Parse arguments for this script. local adb_device= local ant_target=release local disable_deploy=0 local disable_build=0 local run_debugger=0 local launch=1 local build_package=1 for opt; do case ${opt} in NDK_DEBUG=1) ant_target=debug ;; ADB_DEVICE*) adb_device="$(\ echo "${opt}" | sed -E 's/^ADB_DEVICE=([^ ]+)$/-s \1/;t;s/.*//')" ;; BUILD=0) disable_build=1 ;; DEPLOY=0) disable_deploy=1 ;; RUN_DEBUGGER=1) run_debugger=1 ;; LAUNCH=0) launch=0 ;; clean) build_package=0 ;; -h|--help|help) usage ;; esac done # If a target device hasn't been specified and multiple devices are connected # to the host machine, display an error. local -r devices_connected=$(get_number_of_devices_connected) if [[ "${adb_device}" == "" && $((devices_connected)) -gt 1 && \ ($((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 || $((launch)) -ne 0 || \ $((run_debugger)) -ne 0) ]]; then if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Deployment enabled, disable using DEPLOY=0" >&2 fi if [[ $((launch)) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Launch enabled." >&2 fi if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Deployment enabled." >&2 fi if [[ $((run_debugger)) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Debugger launch enabled." >&2 fi echo " Multiple Android devices are connected to this host. Either disable deployment and execution of the built .apk using: \"${script_name} DEPLOY=0 LAUNCH=0\" or specify a device to deploy to using: \"${script_name} ADB_DEVICE=\${device_serial}\". The Android devices connected to this machine are: $(adb devices -l) " >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ $((disable_build)) -eq 0 ]]; then # Build the native target. build_native_targets "$@" fi # Get the package name from the manifest. local -r package_name=$(get_package_name_from_manifest "${android_manifest}") if [[ "${package_name}" == "" ]]; then echo -e "No package name specified in ${android_manifest},"\ "skipping apk build, deploy" "\nand launch steps." >&2 exit 0 fi local -r package_basename=${package_name/*./} local package_filename=$(get_library_name_from_manifest ${android_manifest}) [[ "${package_filename}" == "" ]] && package_filename="${package_basename}" # Output apk name. local -r output_apk="bin/${package_filename}-${ant_target}.apk" if [[ $((disable_build)) -eq 0 && $((build_package)) -eq 1 ]]; then # Build the apk. build_apk "${output_apk}" "${package_filename}" "${ant_target}" fi # Deploy to the device. if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 ]]; then install_apk "${package_name}" "${output_apk}" "${adb_device}" fi if [[ "${ant_target}" == "debug" && $((run_debugger)) -eq 1 ]]; then # Start debugging. ndk-gdb ${adb_device} --start elif [[ $((launch)) -eq 1 ]]; then launch_package "${package_name}" "${adb_device}" fi } main "$@"