/* * Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !os(WASI) import Foundation #else import SwiftOverlayShims #endif extension String: Verifiable { /// Verifies that the current value is which the bounds of the buffer, and if /// the current `Value` is aligned properly /// - Parameters: /// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer /// - position: Current position within the buffer /// - type: The type of the object to be verified /// - Throws: Errors coming from `inBuffer`, `missingNullTerminator` and `outOfBounds` public static func verify( _ verifier: inout Verifier, at position: Int, of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable { let range = try String.verifyRange(&verifier, at: position, of: UInt8.self) /// Safe &+ since we already check for overflow in verify range let stringLen = range.start &+ range.count if stringLen >= verifier.capacity { throw FlatbuffersErrors.outOfBounds( position: UInt(clamping: stringLen.magnitude), end: verifier.capacity) } let isNullTerminated = verifier._buffer.read( def: UInt8.self, position: stringLen) == 0 if !verifier._options._ignoreMissingNullTerminators && !isNullTerminated { let str = verifier._buffer.readString(at: range.start, count: range.count) throw FlatbuffersErrors.missingNullTerminator( position: position, str: str) } } } extension String: FlatbuffersInitializable { /// Initailizes a string from a Flatbuffers ByteBuffer /// - Parameters: /// - bb: ByteBuffer containing the readable string /// - o: Current position public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { let v = Int(o) let count = bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: v) self = bb.readString( at: MemoryLayout.size + v, count: Int(count)) ?? "" } } extension String: ObjectAPIPacker { public static func pack( _ builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder, obj: inout String?) -> Offset { guard var obj = obj else { return Offset() } return pack(&builder, obj: &obj) } public static func pack( _ builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder, obj: inout String) -> Offset { builder.create(string: obj) } public mutating func unpack() -> String { self } } extension String: NativeObject { public func serialize(type: T.Type) -> ByteBuffer where T.T == Self { fatalError("serialize should never be called from string directly") } public func serialize( builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder, type: T.Type) -> ByteBuffer where T.T == Self { fatalError("serialize should never be called from string directly") } }