* [Kotlin] Control the generation of reflection with --reflect-names.
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" && make && ./tests/flatc/main.py
KotlinTests: 2 of 2 passsed
35 of 35 tests passed
* [Kotlin] Fix SampleBinary by converting Byte to UByte for ubyte fields.
* [Kotlin] Annotate all generated classes with kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes.
* Fix 64-bit default numeric enum values in typescript
If you had a default value that wasn't a valid enum value (e.g., a zero
if you used a bit_flag setting, like you get with AdvancedFeatures
in reflection.fbs), we weren't using BigInt.
* Run generate_code.py
* [DART] Handle deprecated fields & invalid enum defaults
* Update .NET test