Isolate the complied Java classes into a target folder.

It is a common practice to put all the compiled classes into a
dedicated folder in order to:
 - void to mixing the code and the complied classes
 - to allow a simple way to remove the complied classes
This commit is contained in:
Romain Gilles 2016-08-25 10:40:41 +02:00
parent c1b0abe079
commit f96eb472b3
1 changed files with 11 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -19,11 +19,20 @@ echo Compile then run the Java test.
testdir=$(readlink -fn `dirname $0`)
thisdir=$(readlink -fn `pwd`)
if [[ "$testdir" != "$thisdir" ]]; then
echo error: must be run from inside the ${testdir} directory
echo you ran it from ${thisdir}
exit 1
javac -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test
java -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test JavaTest
if [ -e "${targetdir}" ]; then
echo "clean target"
rm -fr ${targetdir}
mkdir ${targetdir}
javac -d ${targetdir} -classpath ${testdir}/../java:${testdir}:${testdir}/namespace_test
java -classpath ${targetdir} JavaTest