[Lobster] optional scalars support
This commit is contained in:
@ -257,6 +257,10 @@ class builder:
def PrependSlot(o:int, x, f):
def PrependBoolSlot(o, x, d): PrependSlot(o, x, d): PrependBool(_)
def PrependByteSlot(o, x, d): PrependSlot(o, x, d): PrependByte(_)
def PrependUint8Slot(o, x, d): PrependSlot(o, x, d): PrependUint8(_)
@ -270,6 +274,19 @@ class builder:
def PrependFloat32Slot(o, x, d): PrependSlot(o, x, d): PrependFloat32(_)
def PrependFloat64Slot(o, x, d): PrependSlot(o, x, d): PrependFloat64(_)
def PrependBoolSlot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependBool(_)
def PrependByteSlot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependByte(_)
def PrependUint8Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependUint8(_)
def PrependUint16Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependUint16(_)
def PrependUint32Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependUint32(_)
def PrependUint64Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependUint64(_)
def PrependInt8Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependInt8(_)
def PrependInt16Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependInt16(_)
def PrependInt32Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependInt32(_)
def PrependInt64Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependInt64(_)
def PrependFloat32Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependFloat32(_)
def PrependFloat64Slot(o, x): PrependSlot(o, x): PrependFloat64(_)
def PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(o:int, x:offset):
if x.o:
@ -110,11 +110,14 @@ class LobsterGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
offsets + ")";
} else {
auto defval = field.nullable ? "0" : field.value.constant;
acc = "buf_.flatbuffers_field_" + GenTypeName(field.value.type) +
"(pos_, " + offsets + ", " + field.value.constant + ")";
"(pos_, " + offsets + ", " + defval + ")";
if (field.value.type.enum_def)
acc = NormalizedName(*field.value.type.enum_def) + "(" + acc + ")";
if (field.nullable)
acc += ", buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, " + offsets + ")";
code += def + "():\n return " + acc + "\n";
@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ class LobsterGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
NormalizedName(field) + ":" + LobsterType(field.value.type) +
"):\n b_.Prepend" + GenMethod(field.value.type) + "Slot(" +
NumToString(offset) + ", " + NormalizedName(field);
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type))
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) && !field.nullable)
code += ", " + field.value.constant;
code += ")\n return this\n";
@ -2258,7 +2258,8 @@ CheckedError Parser::CheckClash(std::vector<FieldDef *> &fields,
bool Parser::SupportsNullableScalars() const {
return !(opts.lang_to_generate & ~(IDLOptions::kRust | IDLOptions::kSwift));
return !(opts.lang_to_generate &
~(IDLOptions::kRust | IDLOptions::kSwift | IDLOptions::kLobster));
bool Parser::SupportsAdvancedUnionFeatures() const {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ set TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS=%TEST_BASE_FLAGS% --no-includes --no-fb-import
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp %TEST_BASE_FLAGS% --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr native_type_test.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the optional scalar code for tests.
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --rust optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --rust --lobster optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the schema evolution tests
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --scoped-enums %TEST_CPP_FLAGS% -o evolution_test ./evolution_test/evolution_v1.fbs ./evolution_test/evolution_v2.fbs || goto FAIL
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ $TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS $TEST_CPP_FLAGS $TEST_CS_FLAGS -o namespace_test namespace_te
../flatc --dart monster_extra.fbs
# Generate optional scalar code for tests.
../flatc --rust optional_scalars.fbs
../flatc --rust --lobster optional_scalars.fbs
# Generate the schema evolution tests
../flatc --cpp --scoped-enums $TEST_CPP_FLAGS -o evolution_test ./evolution_test/evolution_v*.fbs
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
import from "../lobster/"
import monster_test_generated
import optional_scalars_generated
def check_read_buffer(buf):
// CheckReadBuffer checks that the given buffer is evaluated correctly as the example Monster.
@ -108,6 +109,28 @@ def make_monster_from_generated_code():
return b.SizedCopy()
def test_optional_scalars():
def build(add_fields):
let b = flatbuffers_builder {}
let ss = optional_scalars_ScalarStuffBuilder { b }.start()
if add_fields:
return optional_scalars_GetRootAsScalarStuff(b.SizedCopy())
var root = build(true)
assert root.just_i8() == 1 and root.default_i8() == 1
var maybe_val, maybe_present = root.maybe_i8()
assert maybe_val == 1 and maybe_present == true
root = build(false)
assert root.just_i8() == 0 and root.default_i8() == 42
maybe_val, maybe_present = root.maybe_i8()
assert maybe_val == 0 and maybe_present == false
// Verify that the canonical flatbuffer file (produced by the C++ implementation)
// is readable by the generated Lobster code.
let fb2 = read_file("monsterdata_test.mon")
@ -134,4 +157,7 @@ assert not err2
// Check the resulting binary again (full roundtrip test):
print "Lobster test succesful!"
// Additional tests.
print "Lobster test succesful!"
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
import flatbuffers
namespace optional_scalars
class ScalarStuff
class ScalarStuff : flatbuffers_handle
def just_i8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 4, 0)
def maybe_i8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 6, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 6)
def default_i8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 8, 42)
def just_u8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 10, 0)
def maybe_u8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 12, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 12)
def default_u8():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 14, 42)
def just_i16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 16, 0)
def maybe_i16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 18, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 18)
def default_i16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 20, 42)
def just_u16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 22, 0)
def maybe_u16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 24, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 24)
def default_u16():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int16(pos_, 26, 42)
def just_i32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 28, 0)
def maybe_i32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 30, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 30)
def default_i32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 32, 42)
def just_u32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 34, 0)
def maybe_u32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 36, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 36)
def default_u32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int32(pos_, 38, 42)
def just_i64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 40, 0)
def maybe_i64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 42, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 42)
def default_i64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 44, 42)
def just_u64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 46, 0)
def maybe_u64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 48, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 48)
def default_u64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int64(pos_, 50, 42)
def just_f32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float32(pos_, 52, 0.0)
def maybe_f32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float32(pos_, 54, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 54)
def default_f32():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float32(pos_, 56, 42.0)
def just_f64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float64(pos_, 58, 0.0)
def maybe_f64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float64(pos_, 60, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 60)
def default_f64():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_float64(pos_, 62, 42.0)
def just_bool():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 64, 0)
def maybe_bool():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 66, 0), buf_.flatbuffers_field_present(pos_, 66)
def default_bool():
return buf_.flatbuffers_field_int8(pos_, 68, 1)
def GetRootAsScalarStuff(buf:string): return ScalarStuff { buf, buf.flatbuffers_indirect(0) }
struct ScalarStuffBuilder:
def start():
return this
def add_just_i8(just_i8:int):
b_.PrependInt8Slot(0, just_i8, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_i8(maybe_i8:int):
b_.PrependInt8Slot(1, maybe_i8)
return this
def add_default_i8(default_i8:int):
b_.PrependInt8Slot(2, default_i8, 42)
return this
def add_just_u8(just_u8:int):
b_.PrependUint8Slot(3, just_u8, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_u8(maybe_u8:int):
b_.PrependUint8Slot(4, maybe_u8)
return this
def add_default_u8(default_u8:int):
b_.PrependUint8Slot(5, default_u8, 42)
return this
def add_just_i16(just_i16:int):
b_.PrependInt16Slot(6, just_i16, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_i16(maybe_i16:int):
b_.PrependInt16Slot(7, maybe_i16)
return this
def add_default_i16(default_i16:int):
b_.PrependInt16Slot(8, default_i16, 42)
return this
def add_just_u16(just_u16:int):
b_.PrependUint16Slot(9, just_u16, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_u16(maybe_u16:int):
b_.PrependUint16Slot(10, maybe_u16)
return this
def add_default_u16(default_u16:int):
b_.PrependUint16Slot(11, default_u16, 42)
return this
def add_just_i32(just_i32:int):
b_.PrependInt32Slot(12, just_i32, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_i32(maybe_i32:int):
b_.PrependInt32Slot(13, maybe_i32)
return this
def add_default_i32(default_i32:int):
b_.PrependInt32Slot(14, default_i32, 42)
return this
def add_just_u32(just_u32:int):
b_.PrependUint32Slot(15, just_u32, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_u32(maybe_u32:int):
b_.PrependUint32Slot(16, maybe_u32)
return this
def add_default_u32(default_u32:int):
b_.PrependUint32Slot(17, default_u32, 42)
return this
def add_just_i64(just_i64:int):
b_.PrependInt64Slot(18, just_i64, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_i64(maybe_i64:int):
b_.PrependInt64Slot(19, maybe_i64)
return this
def add_default_i64(default_i64:int):
b_.PrependInt64Slot(20, default_i64, 42)
return this
def add_just_u64(just_u64:int):
b_.PrependUint64Slot(21, just_u64, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_u64(maybe_u64:int):
b_.PrependUint64Slot(22, maybe_u64)
return this
def add_default_u64(default_u64:int):
b_.PrependUint64Slot(23, default_u64, 42)
return this
def add_just_f32(just_f32:float):
b_.PrependFloat32Slot(24, just_f32, 0.0)
return this
def add_maybe_f32(maybe_f32:float):
b_.PrependFloat32Slot(25, maybe_f32)
return this
def add_default_f32(default_f32:float):
b_.PrependFloat32Slot(26, default_f32, 42.0)
return this
def add_just_f64(just_f64:float):
b_.PrependFloat64Slot(27, just_f64, 0.0)
return this
def add_maybe_f64(maybe_f64:float):
b_.PrependFloat64Slot(28, maybe_f64)
return this
def add_default_f64(default_f64:float):
b_.PrependFloat64Slot(29, default_f64, 42.0)
return this
def add_just_bool(just_bool:int):
b_.PrependBoolSlot(30, just_bool, 0)
return this
def add_maybe_bool(maybe_bool:int):
b_.PrependBoolSlot(31, maybe_bool)
return this
def add_default_bool(default_bool:int):
b_.PrependBoolSlot(32, default_bool, 1)
return this
def end():
return b_.EndObject()
Reference in New Issue