(PHP) add experimental support for PHP language.
* codegen for all basic features: WIP (probably implemented all basic feature) * JSON parsing: NO * Simple mutation: NO * Reflection: NO * Buffer verifier: NO (will be add later) * Testing: basic: Yes * Testing: fuzz: Yes * Performance: Not bad * Platform: Supported Linux, OS X, Windows (has 32bit integer limitation) * Engine Unity: No flatc --php monster_test.fbs <?php //include neccessary files. $fbb = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1); $str = $fbb->createString("monster"); \MyGame\Example\Monster::startMonster($fbb); \MyGame\Example\Monster::addHp($fbb, 80); \MyGame\Example\Monster::addName($fbb, $str); $mon = \MyGame\Example\Monster::endMonster($fbb); $fbb->finish($mon); echo $fbb->sizedByteArray(); PHP 5.4 higher Currently, we do not register this library to packagist as still experimental and versioning problem. If you intended to use flatbuffers with composer. add repostiories section to composer.json like below. "repositories": [{ "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers" }], and just put google/flatbuffers. "require": { "google/flatbuffers": "*" } * PHP's integer is platform dependant. we strongly recommend use 64bit machine and don't use uint, ulong types as prevent overflow issue. ref: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.integer.php * php don't support float type. floating point numbers are always parsed as double precision internally. ref: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php * ByteBuffer is little bit slow implemnentation due to many chr/ord function calls. Especially encoding objects. This is expected performance as PHP5 has parsing arguments overhead. probably we'll add C-extension. Basically, PHP implementation respects Java and C# implementation. Note: ByteBuffer and FlatBuffersBuilder class are not intended to use other purposes. we may change internal API foreseeable future. PSR-2, PSR-4 standards. Implemented simple assertion class (respect JavaScript testcase implementation) as we prefer small code base. this also keeps CI iteration speed. we'll choose phpunit or something when the test cases grown.
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ set(FlatBuffers_Compiler_SRCS
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"name": "google/flatbuffers",
"type": "library",
"description": "FlatBuffers for PHP",
"keywords": ["google", "flatbuffers", "serialization"],
"homepage": "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4"
"require-dev": {
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Google\\FlatBuffers\\": "php"
@ -528,6 +528,13 @@ extern bool GenerateJava(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &file_name,
const GeneratorOptions &opts);
// Generate Php code from the definitions in the Parser object.
// See idl_gen_php.
extern bool GeneratePhp(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name,
const GeneratorOptions &opts);
// Generate Python files from the definitions in the Parser object.
// See idl_gen_python.cpp.
extern bool GeneratePython(const Parser &parser,
@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class ByteBuffer
* @var string $_buffer;
public $_buffer;
* @var int $_pos;
private $_pos;
* @var bool $_is_little_endian
private static $_is_little_endian = null;
public static function wrap($bytes)
$bb = new ByteBuffer(0);
$bb->_buffer = $bytes;
return $bb;
* @param $size
public function __construct($size)
$this->_buffer = str_repeat("\0", $size);
* @return int
public function capacity()
return strlen($this->_buffer);
* @return int
public function getPosition()
return $this->_pos;
* @param $pos
public function setPosition($pos)
$this->_pos = $pos;
public function reset()
$this->_pos = 0;
* @return int
public function length()
return strlen($this->_buffer);
* @return string
public function data()
return substr($this->_buffer, $this->_pos);
* @return bool
public static function isLittleEndian()
if (ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian === null) {
ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian = unpack('S', "\x01\x00")[1] === 1;
return ByteBuffer::$_is_little_endian;
* write little endian value to the buffer.
* @param $offset
* @param $count byte length
* @param $data actual values
public function writeLittleEndian($offset, $count, $data)
if (ByteBuffer::isLittleEndian()) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $i] = chr($data >> $i * 8);
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $count - 1 - $i] = chr($data >> $i * 8);
* read little endian value from the buffer
* @param $offset
* @param $count acutal size
* @return int
public function readLittleEndian($offset, $count, $force_bigendian = false)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $count);
$r = 0;
if (ByteBuffer::isLittleEndian() && $force_bigendian == false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$r |= ord($this->_buffer[$offset + $i]) << $i * 8;
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$r |= ord($this->_buffer[$offset + $count -1 - $i]) << $i * 8;
return $r;
* @param $offset
* @param $length
public function assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length)
if ($offset < 0 ||
$offset >= strlen($this->_buffer) ||
$offset + $length > strlen($this->_buffer)) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException(sprintf("offset: %d, length: %d, buffer; %d", $offset, $length, strlen($this->_buffer)));
* @param $offset
* @param $value
* @return mixed
public function putSbyte($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(-128, 127, $value, "sbyte");
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
return $this->_buffer[$offset] = $value;
* @param $offset
* @param $value
* @return mixed
public function putByte($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(0, 255, $value, "byte");
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
return $this->_buffer[$offset] = $value;
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function put($offset, $value)
$length = strlen($value);
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, $length);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$this->_buffer[$offset + $i] = $value[$i];
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putShort($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(-32768, 32767, $value, "short");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 2);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 2, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUshort($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(0, 65535, $value, "short");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 2);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 2, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putInt($offset, $value)
self::validateValue(~PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "int");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUint($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(0, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "uint", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putLong($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(~PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "long", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 8, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putUlong($offset, $value)
// NOTE: We can't put big integer value. this is PHP limitation.
self::validateValue(0, PHP_INT_MAX, $value, "long", " php has big numbers limitation. check your PHP_INT_MAX");
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 8, $value);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putFloat($offset, $value)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 4);
$floathelper = pack("f", $value);
$v = unpack("V", $floathelper);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $v[1]);
* @param $offset
* @param $value
public function putDouble($offset, $value)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($offset, 8);
$floathelper = pack("d", $value);
$v = unpack("V*", $floathelper);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset, 4, $v[1]);
$this->writeLittleEndian($offset + 4, 4, $v[2]);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getByte($index)
return ord($this->_buffer[$index]);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getSbyte($index)
$v = unpack("c", $this->_buffer[$index]);
return $v[1];
* @param $buffer
public function getX(&$buffer)
for ($i = $this->_pos, $j = 0; $j < strlen($buffer); $i++, $j++) {
$buffer[$j] = $this->_buffer[$i];
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function get($index)
$this->assertOffsetAndLength($index, 1);
return $this->_buffer[$index];
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getBool($index)
return (bool)ord($this->_buffer[$index]);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getShort($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 2);
return self::convertHelper(self::__SHORT, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUShort($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 2);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getInt($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__INT, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUint($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getLong($index)
$result = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 8);
return self::convertHelper(self::__LONG, $result);
* @param $index
* @return int
public function getUlong($index)
return $this->readLittleEndian($index, 8);
* @param $index
* @return mixed
public function getFloat($index)
$i = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__FLOAT, $i);
* @param $index
* @return float
public function getDouble($index)
$i = $this->readLittleEndian($index, 4);
$i2 = $this->readLittleEndian($index + 4, 4);
return self::convertHelper(self::__DOUBLE, $i, $i2);
const __SHORT = 1;
const __INT = 2;
const __LONG = 3;
const __FLOAT = 4;
const __DOUBLE = 5;
private static function convertHelper($type, $value, $value2 = null) {
// readLittleEndian construct unsigned integer value from bytes. we have to encode this value to
// correct bytes, and decode as expected types with `unpack` function.
// then it returns correct type value.
// see also: http://php.net/manual/en/function.pack.php
switch ($type) {
case self::__SHORT:
$helper = pack("v", $value);
$v = unpack("s", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__INT:
$helper = pack("V", $value);
$v = unpack("l", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__LONG:
$helper = pack("P", $value);
$v = unpack("q", $helper);
return $v[1];
case self::__FLOAT:
$inthelper = pack("V", $value);
$v = unpack("f", $inthelper);
return $v[1];
case self::__DOUBLE:
$inthelper = pack("VV", $value, $value2);
$v = unpack("d", $inthelper);
return $v[1];
throw new \Exception(sprintf("unexpected type %d specified", $type));
private static function validateValue($min, $max, $value, $type, $additional_notes = "") {
if(!($min <= $value && $value <= $max)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("bad number %s for type %s.%s", $value, $type, $additional_notes));
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class Constants
const SIZEOF_SHORT = 2;
const SIZEOF_INT = 4;
@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
class FlatbufferBuilder
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
public $bb;
* @var int $space
protected $space;
* @var int $minalign
protected $minalign = 1;
* @var array $vtable
protected $vtable;
* @var int $vtable_in_use
protected $vtable_in_use = 0;
* @var bool $nested
protected $nested = false;
* @var int $object_start
protected $object_start;
* @var array $vtables
protected $vtables = array();
* @var int $num_vtables
protected $num_vtables = 0;
* @var int $vector_num_elems
protected $vector_num_elems = 0;
* @var bool $force_defaults
protected $force_defaults = false;
* create flatbuffers builder
* @param $initial_size initial byte buffer size.
public function __construct($initial_size)
if ($initial_size <= 0) {
$initial_size = 1;
$this->space = $initial_size;
$this->bb = $this->newByteBuffer($initial_size);
* create new bytebuffer
* @param $size
* @return ByteBuffer
private function newByteBuffer($size)
return new ByteBuffer($size);
* returns current bytebuffer offset
* @return int
public function offset()
return $this->bb->capacity() - $this->space;
* padding buffer
* @param $byte_size
public function pad($byte_size)
for ($i = 0; $i < $byte_size; $i++) {
$this->bb->putByte(--$this->space, "\0");
* prepare bytebuffer
* @param $size
* @param $additional_bytes
* @throws \Exception
public function prep($size, $additional_bytes)
if ($size > $this->minalign) {
$this->minalign = $size;
$align_size = ((~($this->bb->capacity() - $this->space + $additional_bytes)) + 1) & ($size - 1);
while ($this->space < $align_size + $size + $additional_bytes) {
$old_buf_size = $this->bb->capacity();
$this->bb = $this->growByteBuffer($this->bb);
$this->space += $this->bb->capacity() - $old_buf_size;
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return ByteBuffer
* @throws \Exception
private static function growByteBuffer(ByteBuffer $bb)
$old_buf_size = $bb->capacity();
if (($old_buf_size & 0xC0000000) != 0) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: cannot grow buffer beyond 2 gigabytes");
$new_buf_size = $old_buf_size << 1;
$nbb = new ByteBuffer($new_buf_size);
$nbb->setPosition($new_buf_size - $old_buf_size);
// TODO(chobie): is this little bit faster?
//$nbb->_buffer = substr_replace($nbb->_buffer, $bb->_buffer, $new_buf_size - $old_buf_size, strlen($bb->_buffer));
for ($i = $new_buf_size - $old_buf_size, $j = 0; $j < strlen($bb->_buffer); $i++, $j++) {
$nbb->_buffer[$i] = $bb->_buffer[$j];
return $nbb;
* @param $x
public function putBool($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr((int)(bool)($x)));
* @param $x
public function putByte($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr($x));
* @param $x
public function putSbyte($x)
$this->bb->put($this->space -= 1, chr($x));
* @param $x
public function putShort($x)
$this->bb->putShort($this->space -= 2, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUshort($x)
$this->bb->putUshort($this->space -= 2, $x);
* @param $x
public function putInt($x)
$this->bb->putInt($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUint($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling uint correctly. use 64bit machine.");
$this->bb->putUint($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putLong($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling long correctly. use 64bit machine.");
$this->bb->putLong($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function putUlong($x)
if ($x > PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("your platform can't handling ulong correctly. this is php limitations. please wait extension release.");
$this->bb->putUlong($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function putFloat($x)
$this->bb->putFloat($this->space -= 4, $x);
* @param $x
public function putDouble($x)
$this->bb->putDouble($this->space -= 8, $x);
* @param $x
public function addBool($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addByte($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addSbyte($x)
$this->prep(1, 0);
* @param $x
public function addShort($x)
$this->prep(2, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUshort($x)
$this->prep(2, 0);
* @param $x
public function addInt($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUint($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addLong($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $x
public function addUlong($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $x
public function addFloat($x)
$this->prep(4, 0);
* @param $x
public function addDouble($x)
$this->prep(8, 0);
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addBoolX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addByteX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addSbyteX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addShortX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUshortX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addIntX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUintX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addLongX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addUlongX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addFloatX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
public function addDoubleX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $o
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addOffsetX($o, $x, $d)
if ($this->force_defaults || $x != $d) {
* @param $off
* @throws \Exception
public function addOffset($off)
$this->prep(Constants::SIZEOF_INT, 0); // Ensure alignment is already done
if ($off > $this->offset()) {
throw new \Exception("");
$off = $this->offset() - $off + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
* @param $elem_size
* @param $num_elems
* @param $alignment
* @throws \Exception
public function startVector($elem_size, $num_elems, $alignment)
$this->vector_num_elems = $num_elems;
$this->prep(Constants::SIZEOF_INT, $elem_size * $num_elems);
$this->prep($alignment, $elem_size * $num_elems); // Just in case alignemnt > int;
* @return int
public function endVector()
return $this->offset();
protected function is_utf8($bytes)
$len = strlen($bytes);
if ($len < 1) {
/* NOTE: always return 1 when passed string is null */
return true;
for ($j = 0, $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
// check ACII
if ($bytes[$j] == "\x09" ||
$bytes[$j] == "\x0A" ||
$bytes[$j] == "\x0D" ||
($bytes[$j] >= "\x20" && $bytes[$j] <= "\x7E")) {
/* non-overlong 2-byte */
if ((($i+1) <= $len) &&
($bytes[$j] >= "\xC2" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xDF" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF"))) {
$j += 2;
/* excluding overlongs */
if ((($i + 2) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xE0" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\xA0" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF" &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF"))) {
$bytes += 3;
$i +=2;
/* straight 3-byte */
if ((($i+2) <= $len) &&
(($bytes[$j] >= "\xE1" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xEC") ||
$bytes[$j] == "\xEE" ||
$bytes[$j] = "\xEF") &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF")) {
$j += 3;
$i += 2;
/* excluding surrogates */
if ((($i+2) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xED" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\x9f" &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF"))) {
$j += 3;
$i += 2;
/* planes 1-3 */
if ((($i + 3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xF0" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x90" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF")) {
$j += 4;
$i += 3;
/* planes 4-15 */
if ((($i+3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] >= "\xF1" && $bytes[$j] <= "\xF3" &&
$bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\xBF" &&
$bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF" &&
$bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF"
) {
$j += 4;
$i += 3;
/* plane 16 */
if ((($i+3) <= $len) &&
$bytes[$j] == "\xF4" &&
($bytes[$j+1] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+1] <= "\x8F") &&
($bytes[$j+2] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+2] <= "\xBF") &&
($bytes[$j+3] >= "\x80" && $bytes[$j+3] <= "\xBF")
) {
$bytes += 4;
$i += 3;
return false;
return true;
* @param $s
* @return int
* @throws \Exception
public function createString($s)
if (!$this->is_utf8($s)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("string must be utf-8 encoded value.");
$this->addByte(0); // null terminated
$this->startVector(1, strlen($s), 1);
$this->space -= strlen($s);
for ($i = $this->space, $j = 0 ; $j < strlen($s) ; $i++, $j++) {
$this->bb->_buffer[$i] = $s[$j];
return $this->endVector();
* @throws \Exception
public function notNested()
if ($this->nested) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers; object serialization must not be nested");
* @param $obj
* @throws \Exception
public function nested($obj)
if ($obj != $this->offset()) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: struct must be serialized inline");
* @param $numfields
* @throws \Exception
public function startObject($numfields)
if ($this->vtable == null || count($this->vtable) < $numfields) {
$this->vtable = array();
$this->vtable_in_use = $numfields;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++) {
$this->vtable[$i] = 0;
$this->nested = true;
$this->object_start = $this->offset();
* @param $voffset
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addStructX($voffset, $x, $d)
if ($x != $d) {
* @param $voffset
* @param $x
* @param $d
* @throws \Exception
public function addStruct($voffset, $x, $d)
if ($x != $d) {
* @param $voffset
public function slot($voffset)
$this->vtable[$voffset] = $this->offset();
* @return int
* @throws \Exception
public function endObject()
if ($this->vtable == null || !$this->nested) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: endObject called without startObject");
$vtableloc = $this->offset();
for ($i = $this->vtable_in_use -1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$off = ($this->vtable[$i] != 0) ? $vtableloc - $this->vtable[$i] : 0;
$standard_fields = 2; // the fields below
$this->addShort($vtableloc - $this->object_start);
$this->addShort(($this->vtable_in_use + $standard_fields) * Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT);
// search for an existing vtable that matches the current one.
$existing_vtable = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_vtables; $i++) {
$vt1 = $this->bb->capacity() - $this->vtables[$i];
$vt2 = $this->space;
$len = $this->bb->getShort($vt1);
if ($len == $this->bb->getShort($vt2)) {
for ($j = Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT; $j < $len; $j += Constants::SIZEOF_SHORT) {
if ($this->bb->getShort($vt1 + $j) != $this->bb->getShort($vt2 + $j)) {
continue 2;
$existing_vtable = $this->vtables[$i];
if ($existing_vtable != 0) {
// Found a match:
// Remove the current vtable
$this->space = $this->bb->capacity() - $vtableloc;
$this->bb->putInt($this->space, $existing_vtable - $vtableloc);
} else {
// No Match:
// Add the location of the current vtable to the list of vtables
if ($this->num_vtables == count($this->vtables)) {
$vtables = $this->vtables;
$this->vtables = array();
// copy of
for ($i = 0; $i < count($vtables) * 2; $i++) {
$this->vtables[$i] = ($i < count($vtables)) ? $vtables[$i] : 0;
$this->vtables[$this->num_vtables++] = $this->offset();
$this->bb->putInt($this->bb->capacity() - $vtableloc, $this->offset() - $vtableloc);
$this->nested = false;
$this->vtable = null;
return $vtableloc;
* @param $table
* @param $field
* @throws \Exception
public function required($table, $field)
$table_start = $this->bb->capacity() - $table;
$vtable_start = $table_start - $this->bb->getInt($table_start);
$ok = $this->bb->getShort($vtable_start + $field) != 0;
if (!$ok) {
throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: field " . $field . " must be set");
* @param $root_table
* @throws \Exception
public function finish($root_table, $identifier = null)
if ($identifier == null) {
$this->prep($this->minalign, Constants::SIZEOF_INT);
} else {
$this->prep($this->minalign, Constants::SIZEOF_INT + Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
if (strlen($identifier) != Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length %d",
for ($i = Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH - 1; $i >= 0;
$i--) {
* @param bool $forceDefaults
public function forceDefaults($forceDefaults)
$this->force_defaults = $forceDefaults;
* @return ByteBuffer
public function dataBuffer()
return $this->bb;
* @return int
public function dataStart()
return $this->space;
* @return string
public function sizedByteArray()
$start = $this->space;
$length = $this->bb->capacity() - $this->space;
$result = str_repeat("\0", $length);
return $result;
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
abstract class Struct
* @var int $bb_pos
protected $bb_pos;
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
protected $bb;
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
abstract class Table
* @var int $bb_pos
protected $bb_pos;
* @var ByteBuffer $bb
protected $bb;
public function __construct()
* returns actual vtable offset
* @param $vtable_offset
* @return int offset > 0 means exist value. 0 means not exist
protected function __offset($vtable_offset)
$vtable = $this->bb_pos - $this->bb->getInt($this->bb_pos);
return $vtable_offset < $this->bb->getShort($vtable) ? $this->bb->getShort($vtable + $vtable_offset) : 0;
* @param $offset
* @return mixed
protected function __indirect($offset)
return $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset);
* fetch utf8 encoded string.
* @param $offset
* @return string
protected function __string($offset)
$offset += $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$len = $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$startPos = $offset + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
return substr($this->bb->_buffer, $startPos, $len);
* @param $offset
* @return int
protected function __vector_len($offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
$offset += $this->bb->getInt($offset);
return $this->bb->getInt($offset);
* @param $offset
* @return int
protected function __vector($offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
// data starts after the length
return $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset) + Constants::SIZEOF_INT;
// protected function __vector_as_bytebuffer($vector_offset, $elem_size)
// {
// }
* @param Table $table
* @param int $offset
* @return Table
protected function __union($table, $offset)
$offset += $this->bb_pos;
$table->bb_pos = $offset + $this->bb->getInt($offset);
$table->bb = $this->bb;
return $table;
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @param string $ident
* @return bool
* @throws \ArgumentException
protected static function __has_identifier($bb, $ident)
if (strlen($ident) != Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
throw new \ArgumentException("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " . Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
if ($ident[$i] != $bb->get($bb->getPosition() + Constants::SIZEOF_INT + $i)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ const Generator generators[] = {
"Generate Python files for tables/structs",
flatbuffers::GeneralMakeRule },
{ flatbuffers::GeneratePhp, "--php", "PHP",
"Generate Php files for tables/structs",
flatbuffers::GeneralMakeRule },
const char *program_name = NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// independent from idl_parser, since this code is not needed for most clients
#include <string>
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace php {
static std::string GenGetter(const Type &type);
static std::string GenDefaultValue(const Value &value);
static std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field);
static void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr);
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type);
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type);
// Ensure that a type is prefixed with its namespace whenever it is used
// outside of its namespace.
static std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Namespace *ns,
const std::string &name) {
std::string qualified_name = "\\";
for (auto it = ns->components.begin();
it != ns->components.end(); ++it) {
qualified_name += *it + "\\";
return qualified_name + name;
static std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Definition &def) {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, def.name);
// Hardcode spaces per indentation.
const std::string Indent = " ";
// Begin by declaring namespace and imports.
static void BeginFile(const std::string name_space_name,
const bool needs_imports,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "<?php\n";
code += "// automatically generated, do not modify\n\n";
code += "namespace " + name_space_name + ";\n\n";
if (needs_imports) {
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Struct;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\Table;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\ByteBuffer;\n";
code += "use \\Google\\FlatBuffers\\FlatBufferBuilder;\n";
code += "\n";
// Begin a class declaration.
static void BeginClass(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += "class " + struct_def.name + " extends Struct\n";
} else {
code += "class " + struct_def.name + " extends Table\n";
code += "{\n";
static void EndClass(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n";
// Begin enum code with a class declaration.
static void BeginEnum(const std::string class_name, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "class " + class_name + "\n{\n";
// A single enum member.
static void EnumMember(const EnumVal ev, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "const ";
code += ev.name;
code += " = ";
code += NumToString(ev.value) + ";\n";
// End enum code.
static void EndEnum(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n";
// Initialize a new struct or table from existing data.
static void NewRootTypeFromBuffer(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param ByteBuffer $bb\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + struct_def.name + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function getRootAs";
code += struct_def.name;
code += "(ByteBuffer $bb)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new " + struct_def.name + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition())";
code += " + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Initialize an existing object with other data, to avoid an allocation.
static void InitializeExisting(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int $_i offset\n";
code += Indent + " * @param ByteBuffer $_bb\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + struct_def.name + "\n";
code += Indent + " **/\n";
code += Indent + "public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$this->bb_pos = $_i;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$this->bb = $_bb;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $this;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the length of a vector.
static void GetVectorLen(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name) + "Length()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $this->__offset(";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a struct's scalar.
static void GetScalarFieldOfStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return ";
code += GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function " + getter;
code += MakeCamel(field.name) + "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return ";
code += "$this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type));
code += "($this->bb_pos + ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ")";
code += ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a table's scalar.
static void GetScalarFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
");\n" + Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? ";
code += "$this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "($o + $this->bb_pos)";
code += " : " + GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Struct.
static void GetStructFieldOfStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name) + "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj->init($this->bb_pos + ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", $this->bb);";
code += "\n" + Indent + Indent + "return $obj;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Table.
static void GetStructFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "();\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a string.
static void GetStringField(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a union from an object.
static void GetUnionField(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return" + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name) + "($obj)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__union($obj, $o) : null;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's struct member.
static void GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return" + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "($j)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += Indent + Indent + "$obj = new ";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type)) + "();\n";
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->bb_pos +"
+ NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init(";
code += field.value.type.struct_def->fixed
? "$o + $this->bb_pos"
: "$this->__indirect($o + $this->bb_pos)";
code += ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
code += "// base_type_string\n";
// TODO(chobie): do we need this?
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $obj->init(";
if (vectortype.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "$this->__vector($o) + $j *";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype));
} else {
code += "$this->__indirect($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ")";
code += ", $this->bb) : null;\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $this->";
code += GenGetter(field.value.type) + "($obj, $o); null;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's non-struct member. Uses a named return
// argument to conveniently set the zero value for the result.
static void GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int offset\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public function get";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "($j)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent +
"$o = $this->__offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) +
if (field.value.type.VectorType().base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ") : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->get";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeGet(field.value.type));
code += "($this->__vector($o) + $j * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + ") : ";
code += GenDefaultValue(field.value) + ";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Recursively generate arguments for a constructor, to deal with nested
// structs.
static void StructBuilderArgs(const StructDef &struct_def,
const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
// Generate arguments for a struct inside a struct. To ensure names
// don't clash, and to make it obvious
// these arguments are constructing
// a nested struct, prefix the name with the field name.
(nameprefix + (field.name + "_")).c_str(),
} else {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += (std::string)", $" + nameprefix;
code += MakeCamel(field.name, false);
// Recursively generate struct construction statements and instert manual
// padding.
static void StructBuilderBody(const StructDef &struct_def,
const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->prep(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.minalign) + ", ";
code += NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ");\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.rbegin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.rend();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.padding) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->pad(";
code += NumToString(field.padding) + ");\n";
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
(nameprefix + (field.name + "_")).c_str(),
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->put" + GenMethod(field) + "($";
code += nameprefix + MakeCamel(field.name, false) + ");\n";
// Get the value of a table's starting offset.
static void GetStartOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function start" + struct_def.name;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->StartObject(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size());
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return " + struct_def.name + "\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create" + struct_def.name;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, ";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code += "$" + field.name;
if (!(it == (--struct_def.fields.vec.end()))) {
code += ", ";
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startObject(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size());
code += ");\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code += Indent + Indent + "self::add";
code += MakeCamel(field.name) + "($builder, $" + field.name + ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $builder->endObject();\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.required) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->required($o, ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset);
code += "); // " + field.name + "\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Set the value of a table's field.
static void BuildFieldOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
const size_t offset,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param " + GenTypeBasic(field.value.type) + "\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function ";
code += "add" + MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, ";
code += "$" + MakeCamel(field.name, false);
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->add";
code += GenMethod(field) + "X(";
code += NumToString(offset) + ", ";
code += "$" + MakeCamel(field.name, false);
code += ", ";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
code += "false";
} else {
code += field.value.constant;
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Set the value of one of the members of a table's vector.
static void BuildVectorOfTable(const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vector_type = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto alignment = InlineAlignment(vector_type);
auto elem_size = InlineSize(vector_type);
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param array offset array\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int vector offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startVector(";
code += NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", count($data), " + NumToString(alignment);
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + Indent;
code += "for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {\n";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.VectorType().base_type)) {
code += Indent + Indent + Indent;
code += "$builder->add";
code += MakeCamel(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type.VectorType()));
code += "($data[$i]);\n";
} else {
code += Indent + Indent + Indent;
code += "$builder->addOffset($data[$i]);\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "}\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $builder->endVector();\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @param int $numElems\n";
code += Indent + " * @return void\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function start";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->startVector(";
code += NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", $numElems, " + NumToString(alignment);
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Get the offset of the end of a table.
static void GetEndOffsetOnTable(const Parser &parser,
const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int table offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function end" + struct_def.name;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$o = $builder->endObject();\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.required) {
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->required($o, ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset);
code += "); // " + field.name + "\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return $o;\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
if (parser.root_struct_def_ == &struct_def) {
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "public static function finish";
code += struct_def.name;
code += "Buffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->finish($offset";
if (parser.file_identifier_.length())
code += ", \"" + parser.file_identifier_ + "\"";
code += ");\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
// Generate a struct field, conditioned on its child type(s).
static void GenStructAccessor(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GenComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetScalarFieldOfStruct(field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetScalarFieldOfTable(field, code_ptr);
} else {
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetStructFieldOfStruct(field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetStructFieldOfTable(field, code_ptr);
GetStringField(field, code_ptr);
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(field, code_ptr);
GetUnionField(field, code_ptr);
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
GetVectorLen(field, code_ptr);
// Generate table constructors, conditioned on its members' types.
static void GenTableBuilders(const Parser &parser,
const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GetStartOfTable(struct_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
auto offset = it - struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += Indent + "public static function add";
code += MakeCamel(field.name);
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "$builder->addOffsetX(";
code += NumToString(offset) + ", $offset, 0);\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
} else {
BuildFieldOfTable(field, offset, code_ptr);
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
BuildVectorOfTable(field, code_ptr);
GetEndOffsetOnTable(parser, struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate struct or table methods.
static void GenStruct(const Parser &parser, const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
if (struct_def.generated) return;
GenComment(struct_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
BeginClass(struct_def, code_ptr);
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
// Generate a special accessor for the table that has been declared as
// the root type.
NewRootTypeFromBuffer(struct_def, code_ptr);
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
if (parser.file_identifier_.length()) {
// Return the identifier
code += Indent + "public static function " + struct_def.name;
code += "Identifier()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return \"";
code += parser.file_identifier_ + "\";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Check if a buffer has the identifier.
code += Indent + "public static function " + struct_def.name;
code += "BufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return self::";
code += "__has_identifier($buf, self::";
code += struct_def.name + "Identifier());\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
if (parser.file_extension_.length()) {
// Return the extension
code += Indent + "public static function " + struct_def.name;
code += "Extension()\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return \"" + parser.file_extension_;
code += "\";\n";
code += Indent + "}\n\n";
// Generate the Init method that sets the field in a pre-existing
// accessor object. This is to allow object reuse.
InitializeExisting(struct_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
GenStructAccessor(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
if (struct_def.fixed) {
// create a struct constructor function
GenStructBuilder(struct_def, code_ptr);
} else {
// Create a set of functions that allow table construction.
GenTableBuilders(parser, struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate enum declarations.
static void GenEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
if (enum_def.generated) return;
GenComment(enum_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
BeginEnum(enum_def.name, code_ptr);
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
GenComment(ev.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
EnumMember(ev, code_ptr);
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "private static $names = array(\n";
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
it != enum_def.vals.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
code += Indent + Indent + "\"" + ev.name + "\",\n";
code += Indent + ");\n\n";
code += Indent + "public static function Name($e)\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {\n";
code += Indent + Indent + Indent + "throw new \\Exception();\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "}\n";
code += Indent + Indent + "return self::$names[$e];\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
// Returns the function name that is able to read a value of the given type.
static std::string GenGetter(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return "__string";
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: return "__struct";
case BASE_TYPE_UNION: return "__union";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenGetter(type.VectorType());
return "Get";
// Returns the method name for use with add/put calls.
static std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field) {
return IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)
? MakeCamel(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type))
: (IsStruct(field.value.type) ? "Struct" : "Offset");
// Save out the generated code for a Php Table type.
static bool SaveType(const Parser &parser, const Definition &def,
const std::string &classcode, const std::string &path,
bool needs_imports) {
if (!classcode.length()) return true;
std::string namespace_name;
std::string namespace_dir = path;
auto &namespaces = parser.namespaces_.back()->components;
for (auto it = namespaces.begin(); it != namespaces.end(); ++it) {
if (namespace_name.length()) {
namespace_name += "\\";
namespace_dir += kPathSeparator;
namespace_name += *it;
namespace_dir += *it;
std::string code = "";
BeginFile(namespace_name, needs_imports, &code);
code += classcode;
std::string filename = namespace_dir + kPathSeparator + def.name + ".php";
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
static std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type) {
static const char *ctypename[] = {
return ctypename[type.base_type];
static std::string GenDefaultValue(const Value &value) {
if (value.type.enum_def) {
if (auto val = value.type.enum_def->ReverseLookup(
atoi(value.constant.c_str()), false)) {
return WrapInNameSpace(*value.type.enum_def) + "::" + val->name;
switch (value.type.base_type) {
return value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
return "null";
if (value.constant != "0") {
int64_t constant = StringToInt(value.constant.c_str());
return NumToString(constant);
return "0";
return value.constant;
static std::string GenTypePointer(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
return "string";
return GenTypeGet(type.VectorType());
return type.struct_def->name;
// fall through
return "Table";
static std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type) {
return IsScalar(type.base_type)
? GenTypeBasic(type)
: GenTypePointer(type);
// Create a struct with a builder and the struct's arguments.
static void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\n";
code += Indent + "/**\n";
code += Indent + " * @return int offset\n";
code += Indent + " */\n";
code += Indent + "public static function create" + struct_def.name;
code += "(FlatBufferBuilder $builder";
StructBuilderArgs(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
code += ")\n";
code += Indent + "{\n";
StructBuilderBody(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
code += Indent + Indent + "return $builder->offset();\n";
code += Indent + "}\n";
} // namespace php
bool GeneratePhp(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path,
const std::string & /*file_name*/,
const GeneratorOptions & /*opts*/) {
for (auto it = parser.enums_.vec.begin();
it != parser.enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
std::string enumcode;
php::GenEnum(**it, &enumcode);
if (!php::SaveType(parser, **it, enumcode, path, false))
return false;
for (auto it = parser.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
std::string declcode;
php::GenStruct(parser, **it, &declcode);
if (!php::SaveType(parser, **it, declcode, path, true))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace flatbuffers
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
class Any
const NONE = 0;
const Monster = 1;
const TestSimpleTableWithEnum = 2;
private static $names = array(
public static function Name($e)
if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {
throw new \Exception();
return self::$names[$e];
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
class Color
const Red = 1;
const Green = 2;
const Blue = 8;
private static $names = array(
public static function Name($e)
if (!isset(self::$names[$e])) {
throw new \Exception();
return self::$names[$e];
@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
/// an example documentation comment: monster object
class Monster extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return Monster
public static function getRootAsMonster(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new Monster();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function MonsterIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function MonsterBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::MonsterIdentifier());
public static function MonsterExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Monster
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
public function getPos()
$obj = new Vec3();
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @return short
public function getMana()
$o = $this->__offset(6);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getShort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 150;
* @return short
public function getHp()
$o = $this->__offset(8);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getShort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 100;
public function getName()
$o = $this->__offset(10);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : null;
* @param int offset
* @return byte
public function getInventory($j)
$o = $this->__offset(14);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getInventoryLength()
$o = $this->__offset(14);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @return sbyte
public function getColor()
$o = $this->__offset(16);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getSbyte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Color::Blue;
* @return byte
public function getTestType()
$o = $this->__offset(18);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Any::NONE;
* @returnint
public function getTest($obj)
$o = $this->__offset(20);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__union($obj, $o) : null;
* @returnVectorOffset
public function getTest4($j)
$o = $this->__offset(22);
$obj = new Test();
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__vector($o) + $j *4, $this->bb) : null;
* @return int
public function getTest4Length()
$o = $this->__offset(22);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return string
public function getTestarrayofstring($j)
$o = $this->__offset(24);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($this->__vector($o) + $j * 4) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayofstringLength()
$o = $this->__offset(24);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
/// an example documentation comment: this will end up in the generated code
/// multiline too
* @returnVectorOffset
public function getTestarrayoftables($j)
$o = $this->__offset(26);
$obj = new Monster();
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($this->__indirect($this->__vector($o) + $j * 4), $this->bb) : null;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayoftablesLength()
$o = $this->__offset(26);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
public function getEnemy()
$obj = new Monster();
$o = $this->__offset(28);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return byte
public function getTestnestedflatbuffer($j)
$o = $this->__offset(30);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getByte($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestnestedflatbufferLength()
$o = $this->__offset(30);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
public function getTestempty()
$obj = new Stat();
$o = $this->__offset(32);
return $o != 0 ? $obj->init($o + $this->bb_pos, $this->bb) : 0;
* @return bool
public function getTestbool()
$o = $this->__offset(34);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getBool($o + $this->bb_pos) : false;
* @return int
public function getTesthashs32Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(36);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getInt($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return uint
public function getTesthashu32Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(38);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUint($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return long
public function getTesthashs64Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(40);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ulong
public function getTesthashu64Fnv1()
$o = $this->__offset(42);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUlong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTesthashs32Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(44);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getInt($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return uint
public function getTesthashu32Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(46);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUint($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return long
public function getTesthashs64Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(48);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ulong
public function getTesthashu64Fnv1a()
$o = $this->__offset(50);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUlong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @param int offset
* @return bool
public function getTestarrayofbools($j)
$o = $this->__offset(52);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getBool($this->__vector($o) + $j * 1) : 0;
* @return int
public function getTestarrayofboolsLength()
$o = $this->__offset(52);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__vector_len($o) : 0;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return Monster
public static function createMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $pos, $mana, $hp, $name, $inventory, $color, $test_type, $test, $test4, $testarrayofstring, $testarrayoftables, $enemy, $testnestedflatbuffer, $testempty, $testbool, $testhashs32_fnv1, $testhashu32_fnv1, $testhashs64_fnv1, $testhashu64_fnv1, $testhashs32_fnv1a, $testhashu32_fnv1a, $testhashs64_fnv1a, $testhashu64_fnv1a, $testarrayofbools)
self::addPos($builder, $pos);
self::addMana($builder, $mana);
self::addHp($builder, $hp);
self::addName($builder, $name);
self::addInventory($builder, $inventory);
self::addColor($builder, $color);
self::addTestType($builder, $test_type);
self::addTest($builder, $test);
self::addTest4($builder, $test4);
self::addTestarrayofstring($builder, $testarrayofstring);
self::addTestarrayoftables($builder, $testarrayoftables);
self::addEnemy($builder, $enemy);
self::addTestnestedflatbuffer($builder, $testnestedflatbuffer);
self::addTestempty($builder, $testempty);
self::addTestbool($builder, $testbool);
self::addTesthashs32Fnv1($builder, $testhashs32_fnv1);
self::addTesthashu32Fnv1($builder, $testhashu32_fnv1);
self::addTesthashs64Fnv1($builder, $testhashs64_fnv1);
self::addTesthashu64Fnv1($builder, $testhashu64_fnv1);
self::addTesthashs32Fnv1a($builder, $testhashs32_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashu32Fnv1a($builder, $testhashu32_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashs64Fnv1a($builder, $testhashs64_fnv1a);
self::addTesthashu64Fnv1a($builder, $testhashu64_fnv1a);
self::addTestarrayofbools($builder, $testarrayofbools);
$o = $builder->endObject();
$builder->required($o, 10); // name
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addPos(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $pos)
$builder->addStructX(0, $pos, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param short
* @return void
public static function addMana(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $mana)
$builder->addShortX(1, $mana, 150);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param short
* @return void
public static function addHp(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $hp)
$builder->addShortX(2, $hp, 100);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param StringOffset
* @return void
public static function addName(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $name)
$builder->addOffsetX(3, $name, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addInventory(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $inventory)
$builder->addOffsetX(5, $inventory, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createInventoryVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startInventoryVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param sbyte
* @return void
public static function addColor(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
$builder->addSbyteX(6, $color, 8);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param byte
* @return void
public static function addTestType(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testType)
$builder->addByteX(7, $testType, 0);
public static function addTest(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)
$builder->addOffsetX(8, $offset, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTest4(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $test4)
$builder->addOffsetX(9, $test4, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTest4Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 2);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTest4Vector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 2);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayofstring(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayofstring)
$builder->addOffsetX(10, $testarrayofstring, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayofstringVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 4);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayofstringVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 4);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayoftables(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayoftables)
$builder->addOffsetX(11, $testarrayoftables, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayoftablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(4, count($data), 4);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayoftablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(4, $numElems, 4);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addEnemy(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $enemy)
$builder->addOffsetX(12, $enemy, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestnestedflatbuffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testnestedflatbuffer)
$builder->addOffsetX(13, $testnestedflatbuffer, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestnestedflatbufferVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestnestedflatbufferVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTestempty(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testempty)
$builder->addOffsetX(14, $testempty, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param bool
* @return void
public static function addTestbool(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testbool)
$builder->addBoolX(15, $testbool, false);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs32Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs32Fnv1)
$builder->addIntX(16, $testhashs32Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param uint
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu32Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu32Fnv1)
$builder->addUintX(17, $testhashu32Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs64Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs64Fnv1)
$builder->addLongX(18, $testhashs64Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ulong
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu64Fnv1(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu64Fnv1)
$builder->addUlongX(19, $testhashu64Fnv1, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs32Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs32Fnv1a)
$builder->addIntX(20, $testhashs32Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param uint
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu32Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu32Fnv1a)
$builder->addUintX(21, $testhashu32Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addTesthashs64Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashs64Fnv1a)
$builder->addLongX(22, $testhashs64Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ulong
* @return void
public static function addTesthashu64Fnv1a(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testhashu64Fnv1a)
$builder->addUlongX(23, $testhashu64Fnv1a, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param VectorOffset
* @return void
public static function addTestarrayofbools(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $testarrayofbools)
$builder->addOffsetX(24, $testarrayofbools, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param array offset array
* @return int vector offset
public static function createTestarrayofboolsVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, array $data)
$builder->startVector(1, count($data), 1);
for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
return $builder->endVector();
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param int $numElems
* @return void
public static function startTestarrayofboolsVector(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $numElems)
$builder->startVector(1, $numElems, 1);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endMonster(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
$builder->required($o, 10); // name
return $o;
public static function finishMonsterBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $offset)
$builder->finish($offset, "MONS");
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Stat extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return Stat
public static function getRootAsStat(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new Stat();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function StatIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function StatBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::StatIdentifier());
public static function StatExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Stat
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
public function getId()
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $this->__string($o + $this->bb_pos) : null;
* @return long
public function getVal()
$o = $this->__offset(6);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getLong($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @return ushort
public function getCount()
$o = $this->__offset(8);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getUshort($o + $this->bb_pos) : 0;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return Stat
public static function createStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $id, $val, $count)
self::addId($builder, $id);
self::addVal($builder, $val);
self::addCount($builder, $count);
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param StringOffset
* @return void
public static function addId(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $id)
$builder->addOffsetX(0, $id, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param long
* @return void
public static function addVal(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $val)
$builder->addLongX(1, $val, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param ushort
* @return void
public static function addCount(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $count)
$builder->addUshortX(2, $count, 0);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endStat(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Test extends Struct
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Test
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return short
public function GetA()
return $this->bb->getShort($this->bb_pos + 0);
* @return sbyte
public function GetB()
return $this->bb->getSbyte($this->bb_pos + 2);
* @return int offset
public static function createTest(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $a, $b)
$builder->prep(2, 4);
return $builder->offset();
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class TestSimpleTableWithEnum extends Table
* @param ByteBuffer $bb
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public static function getRootAsTestSimpleTableWithEnum(ByteBuffer $bb)
$obj = new TestSimpleTableWithEnum();
return ($obj->init($bb->getInt($bb->getPosition()) + $bb->getPosition(), $bb));
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumIdentifier()
return "MONS";
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumBufferHasIdentifier(ByteBuffer $buf)
return self::__has_identifier($buf, self::TestSimpleTableWithEnumIdentifier());
public static function TestSimpleTableWithEnumExtension()
return "mon";
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return sbyte
public function getColor()
$o = $this->__offset(4);
return $o != 0 ? $this->bb->getSbyte($o + $this->bb_pos) : \MyGame\Example\Color::Green;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return void
public static function startTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return TestSimpleTableWithEnum
public static function createTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
self::addColor($builder, $color);
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @param sbyte
* @return void
public static function addColor(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $color)
$builder->addSbyteX(0, $color, 2);
* @param FlatBufferBuilder $builder
* @return int table offset
public static function endTestSimpleTableWithEnum(FlatBufferBuilder $builder)
$o = $builder->endObject();
return $o;
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// automatically generated, do not modify
namespace MyGame\Example;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Struct;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\Table;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer;
use \Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder;
class Vec3 extends Struct
* @param int $_i offset
* @param ByteBuffer $_bb
* @return Vec3
public function init($_i, ByteBuffer $_bb)
$this->bb_pos = $_i;
$this->bb = $_bb;
return $this;
* @return float
public function GetX()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 0);
* @return float
public function GetY()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 4);
* @return float
public function GetZ()
return $this->bb->getFloat($this->bb_pos + 8);
* @return double
public function GetTest1()
return $this->bb->getDouble($this->bb_pos + 16);
* @return sbyte
public function GetTest2()
return $this->bb->getSbyte($this->bb_pos + 24);
* @return Test
public function getTest3()
$obj = new Test();
$obj->init($this->bb_pos + 26, $this->bb);
return $obj;
* @return int offset
public static function createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder $builder, $x, $y, $z, $test1, $test2, $test3_a, $test3_b)
$builder->prep(16, 32);
$builder->prep(2, 4);
return $builder->offset();
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
..\flatc.exe -c -j -n -g -b -p --php -s --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
..\flatc.exe -b --schema monster_test.fbs
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
../flatc -c -j -n -g -b -p -s --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
../flatc -c -j -n -g -b -p -s --php --gen-mutable --no-includes monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json
../flatc -b --schema monster_test.fbs
@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
// manual load for testing. please use PSR style autoloader when you use flatbuffers.
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Constants.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "ByteBuffer.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "FlatbufferBuilder.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Table.php"));
require join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), "php", "Struct.php"));
foreach (glob(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(__FILE__), "MyGame", "Example", "*.php"))) as $file) {
require $file;
function main()
/// Begin Test
$assert = new Assert();
// First, let's test reading a FlatBuffer generated by C++ code:
// This file was generated from monsterdata_test.json
// Now test it:
$data = file_get_contents('monsterdata_test.mon');
$bb = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($data);
test_buffer($assert, $bb);
// Second, let's create a FlatBuffer from scratch in JavaScript, and test it also.
// We use an initial size of 1 to exercise the reallocation algorithm,
// normally a size larger than the typical FlatBuffer you generate would be
// better for performance.
$fbb = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// We set up the same values as monsterdata.json:
$str = $fbb->createString("MyMonster");
$inv = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateInventoryVector($fbb, array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
$fred = $fbb->createString('Fred');
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $fred);
$mon2 = \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::StartTest4Vector($fbb, 2);
\MyGame\Example\Test::CreateTest($fbb, 10, 20);
\MyGame\Example\Test::CreateTest($fbb, 30, 40);
$test4 = $fbb->endVector();
$testArrayOfString = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayofstringVector($fbb, array(
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddPos($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Vec3::CreateVec3($fbb,
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, //float
3.0, // double
5, //short
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddHp($fbb, 80);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $str);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddInventory($fbb, $inv);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestType($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Any::Monster);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTest($fbb, $mon2);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTest4($fbb, $test4);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestarrayofstring($fbb, $testArrayOfString);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::AddTestbool($fbb, false);
$mon = \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
\MyGame\Example\Monster::FinishMonsterBuffer($fbb, $mon);
// Test it:
test_buffer($assert, $fbb->dataBuffer());
// testUnicode($assert);
echo 'FlatBuffers php test: completed successfully' . PHP_EOL;
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
printf("Fatal error: Uncaught exception '%s' with message '%s. in %s:%d\n", get_class($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
printf("Stack trace:\n");
echo $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL;
printf(" thrown in in %s:%d\n", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
function test_buffer(Assert $assert, Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer $bb) {
$monster = \MyGame\Example\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($bb);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetHp(), 80);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetMana(), 150); // default
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetName(), 'MyMonster');
$pos = $monster->GetPos();
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetX(), 1.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetY(), 2.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetZ(), 3.0);
$assert->Equal($pos->GetTest1(), 3.0);
$assert->strictEqual($pos->GetTest2(), \MyGame\Example\Color::Green);
$t = $pos->GetTest3();
$assert->strictEqual($t->GetA(), 5);
$assert->strictEqual($t->GetB(), 6);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestType(), \MyGame\Example\Any::Monster);
$monster2 = new \MyGame\Example\Monster();
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTest($monster2) != null, true);
$assert->strictEqual($monster2->GetName(), 'Fred');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetInventoryLength(), 5);
$invsum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $monster->GetInventoryLength(); $i++) {
$invsum += $monster->GetInventory($i);
$assert->strictEqual($invsum, 10);
$test_0 = $monster->GetTest4(0);
$test_1 = $monster->GetTest4(1);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTest4Length(), 2);
$assert->strictEqual($test_0->GetA() + $test_0->GetB() + $test_1->GetA() + $test_1->GetB(), 100);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstringLength(), 2);
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring(0), 'test1');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring(1), 'test2');
$assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestbool(), false);
//function testUnicode(Assert $assert) {
// // missing unicode_test.mon, implemented later
// $correct = file_get_contents('unicode_test.mon');
// $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('unicode_test.json'));
// // Test reading
// $bb = flatbuffers\ByteBuffer::Wrap($correct);
// $monster = \MyGame\Example\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($bb);
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetName(), $json["name"]);
// //$assert->deepEqual(new Buffer(monster.name(flatbuffers.Encoding.UTF8_BYTES)), new Buffer(json.name));
// //assert.strictEqual(monster.testarrayoftablesLength(), json.testarrayoftables.length);
// foreach ($json["testarrayoftables"]as $i => $table) {
// $value = $monster->GetTestArrayOfTables($i);
// $assert->strictEqual($value->GetName(), $table["name"]);
// //assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(value.name(flatbuffers.Encoding.UTF8_BYTES)), new Buffer(table.name));
// }
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstringLength(), $json["testarrayofstring"]["length"]);
// foreach ($json["testarrayofstring"] as $i => $string) {
// $assert->strictEqual($monster->GetTestarrayofstring($i), $string);
// //assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(monster.testarrayofstring(i, flatbuffers.Encoding.UTF8_BYTES)), new Buffer(string));
// }
// // Test writing
// $fbb = new FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// $name = $fbb->CreateString($json["name"]);
// $testarrayoftablesOffsets = array_map(function($table) use($fbb) {
// $name = $fbb->CreateString($table["name"]);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::StartMonster($fbb);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::AddName($fbb, $name);
// return \MyGame\Example\Monster::EndMonster($fbb);
// }, $json["testarrayoftables"]);
// $testarrayoftablesOffset = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayoftablesVector($fbb,
// $testarrayoftablesOffsets);
//// $testarrayofstringOffset = \MyGame\Example\Monster::CreateTestarrayofstringVector($fbb,
//// $json["testarrayofstring"].map(function(string) { return fbb.createString(string); }));
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::startMonster($fbb);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addTestarrayofstring($fbb, $testarrayoftablesOffset);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addTestarrayoftables($fbb, $testarrayoftablesOffset);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::addName($fbb, $name);
// \MyGame\Example\Monster::finishMonsterBuffer($fbb, \MyGame\Example\Monster::endMonster($fbb));
// //;assert.deepEqual(new Buffer(fbb.asUint8Array()), correct);
// Low level stress/fuzz test: serialize/deserialize a variety of
// different kinds of data in different combinations
function fuzzTest1(Assert $assert)
// Values we're testing against: chosen to ensure no bits get chopped
// off anywhere, and also be different from eachother.
$bool_val = true;
$char_val = -127; // 0x81
$uchar_val = 0xFF;
$short_val = -32222; // 0x8222;
$ushort_val = 0xFEEE;
$int_val = 0x83333333 | 0;
// for now
$uint_val = 1;
$long_val = 2;
$ulong_val = 3;
// var uint_val = 0xFDDDDDDD;
// var long_val = new flatbuffers.Long(0x44444444, 0x84444444);
// var ulong_val = new flatbuffers.Long(0xCCCCCCCC, 0xFCCCCCCC);
$float_val = 3.14159;
$double_val = 3.14159265359;
$test_values_max = 11;
$fields_per_object = 4;
// current implementation is not good at encoding.
$num_fuzz_objects = 1000;
$builder = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatBufferBuilder(1);
// can't use same implementation due to PHP_INTMAX overflow issue.
// we use mt_rand function to reproduce fuzzy test.
$objects = array();
// Generate num_fuzz_objects random objects each consisting of
// fields_per_object fields, each of a random type.
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fuzz_objects; $i++) {
for ($f = 0; $f < $fields_per_object; $f++) {
$choice = mt_rand() % $test_values_max;
switch ($choice) {
case 0:
$builder->addBoolX($f, $bool_val, 0);
case 1:
$builder->addByteX($f, $char_val, 0);
case 2:
$builder->addSbyteX($f, $uchar_val, 0);
case 3:
$builder->addShortX($f, $short_val, 0);
case 4:
$builder->addUshortX($f, $ushort_val, 0);
case 5:
$builder->addIntX($f, $int_val, 0);
case 6:
$builder->addUintX($f, $uint_val, 0);
case 7:
$builder->addLongX($f, $long_val, 0);
case 8:
$builder->addUlongX($f, $ulong_val, 0);
case 9:
$builder->addFloatX($f, $float_val, 0);
case 10:
$builder->addDoubleX($f, $double_val, 0);
$objects[] = $builder->endObject();
$builder->prep(8, 0); // Align whole buffer.
mt_srand(48271); // Reset
$builder->finish($objects[count($objects) - 1]);
$view = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($builder->sizedByteArray());
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fuzz_objects; $i++) {
$offset = $view->capacity() - $objects[$i];
for ($f = 0; $f < $fields_per_object; $f++) {
$choice = mt_rand() % $test_values_max;
$vtable_offset = fieldIndexToOffset($f);
$vtable = $offset - $view->getInt($offset);
$assert->ok($vtable_offset < $view->getShort($vtable));
$field_offset = $offset + $view->getShort($vtable + $vtable_offset);
switch ($choice) {
case 0:
$assert->strictEqual(!!$view->getBool($field_offset), $bool_val);
case 1:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getSbyte($field_offset), $char_val);
case 2:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getByte($field_offset), $uchar_val);
case 3:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getShort($field_offset), $short_val);
case 4:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUShort($field_offset), $ushort_val);
case 5:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getInt($field_offset), $int_val);
case 6:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUint($field_offset), $uint_val);
case 7:
if (PHP_INT_SIZE <= 4) break;
$assert->strictEqual($view->getLong($field_offset), $long_val);
case 8:
if (PHP_INT_SIZE <= 4) break;
$assert->strictEqual($view->getUlong($field_offset), $ulong_val);
case 9:
$assert->strictEqual(floor($view->getFloat($field_offset)), floor($float_val));
case 10:
$assert->strictEqual($view->getDouble($field_offset), $double_val);
function fieldIndexToOffset($field_id) {
// Should correspond to what EndTable() below builds up.
$fixed_fields = 2; // Vtable size and Object Size.
return ($field_id + $fixed_fields) * 2;
function testByteBuffer(Assert $assert) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_Length_MatchesBufferLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 100);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal($uut->capacity(), strlen($buffer));
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutBytePopulatesBufferAtZeroOffset
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putByte(0, "\x63"); // 99
$assert->Equal("\x63", $uut->_buffer[0]); // don't share buffer as php user might confuse reference.
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutByteCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putByte(1, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putShort(0, 1);
// Ensure Endiannes was written correctly
$assert->Equal(chr(0x01), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putShort(0, -32768);
// Ensure Endiannes was written correctly
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x80), $uut->_buffer[1]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(2, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortChecksLength
$buffer = "\0";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(0, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutShortChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putShort(1, "\x63"); // 99
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putInt(0, 0x0A0B0C0D);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0D), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0C), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0B), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0A), $uut->_buffer[3]);
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putInt(0, -2147483648);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x00), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x80), $uut->_buffer[3]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(2, 0x0A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(0, 0x0A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutIntChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putInt(2, 0x0A0B0C0D);
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongPopulatesBufferCorrectly
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$uut->putLong(0, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0D), $uut->_buffer[0]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0C), $uut->_buffer[1]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0B), $uut->_buffer[2]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x0A), $uut->_buffer[3]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x04), $uut->_buffer[4]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x03), $uut->_buffer[5]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x02), $uut->_buffer[6]);
$assert->Equal(chr(0x01), $uut->_buffer[7]);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(2, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongCannotPutAtOffsetPastLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(0, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_PutLongChecksLengthAndOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
$uut->putLong(2, 0x010203040A0B0C0D);
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetByteReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$buffer[0] = "\x63";
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal("\x63", $uut->get(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetByteChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 1);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x01);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(1, $uut->getShort(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortReturnsCorrectData (signed value)
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x80);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(-32768, $uut->getShort(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetShortChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x0A0B0C0D, $uut->getInt(0));
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x00);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x80);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(-2147483648, $uut->getInt(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetIntChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongReturnsCorrectData
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$buffer[4] = chr(0x04);
$buffer[5] = chr(0x03);
$buffer[6] = chr(0x02);
$buffer[7] = chr(0x01);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x010203040A0B0C0D, $uut->getLong(0));
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongChecksOffset
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 8);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: ByteBuffer_GetLongChecksLength
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 7);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Throws(new OutOfRangeException(), function() use ($uut) {
//Test: big endian
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 2);
// 0xFF 0x00
// Little Endian: 255
// Big Endian: 65280
$buffer[0] = chr(0xff);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x00);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(65280, $uut->readLittleEndian(0, 2, true));
$buffer = str_repeat("\0", 4);
$buffer[0] = chr(0x0D);
$buffer[1] = chr(0x0C);
$buffer[2] = chr(0x0B);
$buffer[3] = chr(0x0A);
$uut = Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer::wrap($buffer);
$assert->Equal(0x0D0C0B0A, $uut->readLittleEndian(0, 4, true));
class Assert {
public function ok($result, $message = "") {
if (!$result){
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "{$result} is not true.");
public function Equal($result, $expected, $message = "") {
if ($result != $expected) {
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "given the result {$result} is not equals as {$expected}");
public function strictEqual($result, $expected, $message = "") {
if ($result !== $expected) {
throw new Exception(!empty($message) ? $message : "given the result {$result} is not strict equals as {$expected}");
public function Throws($class, Callable $callback) {
try {
throw new \Exception("passed statement don't throw an exception.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (get_class($e) != get_class($class)) {
throw new Exception("passed statement doesn't throw " . get_class($class) . ". throwws " . get_class($e));
Reference in New Issue