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Lua (5.3) Language addition (#4804) * starting Lua port of python implmention. Syncing commit * Bulk of Lua module port from Python done. Not tested, only static analysis. Need to work on binary strings. Started work on flatc lua code generation * Fixed all the basic errors to produced a binary output from the builder, don't know if it is generated correctly, but it contains data, so that must be good * fixed binary set command that was extending the array improperly * continued improvement * Moved lua submodules down a directory so their names don't clash with potential other modules. Added compat module to provide Lua versioning logic * Successful sample port from Python * working on testing Lua code with formal tests * continued to work on tests and fixes to code to make tests pass * Added reading buffer test * Changed binaryarray implmentation to use a temporary table for storing data, and then serialize it to a string when requested. This double the rate of building flatbuffers compared to the string approach. * Didn't need encode module as it just added another layer of indirection that isn't need * profiled reading buffers, optimizations to increase read performance of monster data to ~7 monster / millisecond * Writing profiler improvments. Get about ~2 monsters/millisecond building rate * removed Numpy generation from Lua (came from the Python port) * math.pow is deprecated in Lua 5.3, so changed to ^ notation. Also added .bat script for starting Lua tests * adding results of generate_code.bat * simple edits for code review in PR. * There was a buffer overflow in inserting the keywords into the unorder set for both the Lua and Python code gens. Changed insertion to use iterators. * fixed spacing issue * basic documenation/tutorial updates. Updated sample_binary.lua to reflect the tutorial better * removed windows-specific build step in Lua tests
2018-07-05 22:55:57 +00:00
-- automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
-- namespace: Sample
local flatbuffers = require('flatbuffers')
local Monster = {} -- the module
local Monster_mt = {} -- the class metatable
function Monster.New()
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, {__index = Monster_mt})
return o
function Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, offset)
local n = flatbuffers.N.UOffsetT:Unpack(buf, offset)
local o = Monster.New()
o:Init(buf, n + offset)
return o
function Monster_mt:Init(buf, pos)
self.view = flatbuffers.view.New(buf, pos)
function Monster_mt:Pos()
local o = self.view:Offset(4)
if o ~= 0 then
local x = o + self.view.pos
local obj = require('MyGame.Sample.Vec3').New()
obj:Init(self.view.bytes, x)
return obj
function Monster_mt:Mana()
local o = self.view:Offset(6)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:Get(flatbuffers.N.Int16, o + self.view.pos)
return 150
function Monster_mt:Hp()
local o = self.view:Offset(8)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:Get(flatbuffers.N.Int16, o + self.view.pos)
return 100
function Monster_mt:Name()
local o = self.view:Offset(10)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:String(o + self.view.pos)
function Monster_mt:Inventory(j)
local o = self.view:Offset(14)
if o ~= 0 then
local a = self.view:Vector(o)
return self.view:Get(flatbuffers.N.Uint8, a + ((j-1) * 1))
return 0
function Monster_mt:InventoryLength()
local o = self.view:Offset(14)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:VectorLen(o)
return 0
function Monster_mt:Color()
local o = self.view:Offset(16)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:Get(flatbuffers.N.Int8, o + self.view.pos)
return 2
function Monster_mt:Weapons(j)
local o = self.view:Offset(18)
if o ~= 0 then
local x = self.view:Vector(o)
x = x + ((j-1) * 4)
x = self.view:Indirect(x)
local obj = require('MyGame.Sample.Weapon').New()
obj:Init(self.view.bytes, x)
return obj
function Monster_mt:WeaponsLength()
local o = self.view:Offset(18)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:VectorLen(o)
return 0
function Monster_mt:EquippedType()
local o = self.view:Offset(20)
if o ~= 0 then
return self.view:Get(flatbuffers.N.Uint8, o + self.view.pos)
return 0
function Monster_mt:Equipped()
local o = self.view:Offset(22)
if o ~= 0 then
local obj = flatbuffers.view.New(require('flatbuffers.binaryarray').New(0), 0)
self.view:Union(obj, o)
return obj
function Monster.Start(builder) builder:StartObject(10) end
function Monster.AddPos(builder, pos) builder:PrependStructSlot(0, pos, 0) end
function Monster.AddMana(builder, mana) builder:PrependInt16Slot(1, mana, 150) end
function Monster.AddHp(builder, hp) builder:PrependInt16Slot(2, hp, 100) end
function Monster.AddName(builder, name) builder:PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(3, name, 0) end
function Monster.AddInventory(builder, inventory) builder:PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(5, inventory, 0) end
function Monster.StartInventoryVector(builder, numElems) return builder:StartVector(1, numElems, 1) end
function Monster.AddColor(builder, color) builder:PrependInt8Slot(6, color, 2) end
function Monster.AddWeapons(builder, weapons) builder:PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(7, weapons, 0) end
function Monster.StartWeaponsVector(builder, numElems) return builder:StartVector(4, numElems, 4) end
function Monster.AddEquippedType(builder, equippedType) builder:PrependUint8Slot(8, equippedType, 0) end
function Monster.AddEquipped(builder, equipped) builder:PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(9, equipped, 0) end
function Monster.End(builder) return builder:EndObject() end
return Monster -- return the module