[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603)
* Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers
Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster
Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue
Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table
Adds swift enum, structs code gen
Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen
Added Mutate function to the code generator
Generated linux test cases
Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer
Swift docker image added
Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift
Fixed createVector api when called with scalars
Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift
Cleaned up project
Added enum vectors, and their readers
Refactored code
Added swift into the support document
Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly
Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys
* Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func
* Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function
* Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read
* Refactored cpp code to be more readable
* casts position into int for position
* Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy
* Removed c_str from struct function
* Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix
* Handles deallocating space allocated for structs
* Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
Use in Swift {#flatbuffers_guide_use_swift}
## Before you get started
Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in Swift, it should be noted that
the [Tutorial ](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial ) page has a complete guide
to general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including Swift).
This page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage, specific to
You should also have read the [Building ](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building )
documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
[Using the schema compiler ](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler ) and
[Writing a schema ](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema ).
## FlatBuffers Swift library code location
The code for the FlatBuffers Swift library can be found at
`flatbuffers/swift` . You can browse the library code on the [FlatBuffers
GitHub page](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/tree/master/swift).
## Testing the FlatBuffers Swift library
The code to test the Swift library can be found at `flatbuffers/Flatbuffers.Test.Swift` .
2020-01-27 18:05:41 +00:00
The test code itself is located in [Flatbuffers.Test.Swift ](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/blob/master/tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift ).
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603)
* Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers
Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster
Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue
Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table
Adds swift enum, structs code gen
Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen
Added Mutate function to the code generator
Generated linux test cases
Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer
Swift docker image added
Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift
Fixed createVector api when called with scalars
Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift
Cleaned up project
Added enum vectors, and their readers
Refactored code
Added swift into the support document
Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly
Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys
* Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func
* Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function
* Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read
* Refactored cpp code to be more readable
* casts position into int for position
* Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy
* Removed c_str from struct function
* Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix
* Handles deallocating space allocated for structs
* Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
2020-01-27 18:05:41 +00:00
To run the tests, use the [SwiftTest.sh ](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/blob/master/tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift/SwiftTest.sh ) shell script.
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603)
* Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers
Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster
Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue
Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table
Adds swift enum, structs code gen
Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen
Added Mutate function to the code generator
Generated linux test cases
Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer
Swift docker image added
Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift
Fixed createVector api when called with scalars
Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift
Cleaned up project
Added enum vectors, and their readers
Refactored code
Added swift into the support document
Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly
Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys
* Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func
* Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function
* Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read
* Refactored cpp code to be more readable
* casts position into int for position
* Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy
* Removed c_str from struct function
* Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix
* Handles deallocating space allocated for structs
* Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
*Note: The shell script requires [Swift ](https://swift.org ) to
be installed.*
## Using the FlatBuffers Swift library
*Note: See [Tutorial ](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial ) for a more in-depth
example of how to use FlatBuffers in Swift.*
FlatBuffers supports reading and writing binary FlatBuffers in Swift.
To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate Swift structs from your
schema with the `--swift` option to `flatc` . Then include FlatBuffers using `SPM` in
by adding the path to `FlatBuffers/swift` into it. The generated code should also be
added to xcode or the path of the package you will be using. Note: sometimes xcode cant
and wont see the generated files, so it's better that you copy them to xcode.
For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in Swift: First,
include the library and copy thegenerated code. Then read a FlatBuffer binary file or
a data object from the server, which you can pass into the `GetRootAsMonster` function.
import FlatBuffers
typealias Monster1 = MyGame.Sample.Monster
typealias Vec3 = MyGame.Sample.Vec3
let path = FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path, isDirectory: true).appendingPathComponent("monsterdata_test").appendingPathExtension("mon")
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return }
let monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb: ByteBuffer(data: data))
Now you can access values like this:
let hp = monster.hp
let pos = monster.pos
In some cases it's necessary to modify values in an existing FlatBuffer in place (without creating a copy). For this reason, scalar fields of a Flatbuffer table or struct can be mutated.
let monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb: ByteBuffer(data: data))
if !monster.mutate(hp: 10) {
fatalError("couldn't mutate")
// mutate a struct field
let vec = monster.pos.mutate(z: 4)
// This mutation will fail because the mana field is not available in
// the buffer. It should be set when creating the buffer.
if !monster.mutate(mana: 20) {
fatalError("couldn't mutate")
The term `mutate` is used instead of `set` to indicate that this is a special use case. All mutate functions return a boolean value which is false if the field we're trying to mutate is not available in the buffer.
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