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* Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
import Foundation
public struct FlatBufferBuilder {
/// Storage for the Vtables used in the buffer are stored in here, so they would be written later in EndTable
@usableFromInline internal var _vtableStorage = VTableStorage()
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
/// Reference Vtables that were already written to the buffer
private var _vtables: [UOffset] = []
/// Flatbuffer data will be written into
private var _bb: ByteBuffer
/// A check if the buffer is being written into by a different table
private var isNested = false
/// Dictonary that stores a map of all the strings that were written to the buffer
private var stringOffsetMap: [String: Offset<String>] = [:]
/// A check to see if finish(::) was ever called to retreive data object
private var finished = false
/// A check to see if the buffer should serialize Default values
private var serializeDefaults: Bool
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
/// Current alignment for the buffer
var _minAlignment: Int = 0 {
didSet {
_bb.alignment = _minAlignment
/// Gives a read access to the buffer's size
public var size: UOffset { _bb.size }
/// Data representation of the buffer
public var data: Data {
assert(finished, "Data shouldn't be called before finish()")
return Data(
bytes: _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex),
count: _bb.capacity &- _bb.writerIndex)
/// Get's the fully sized buffer stored in memory
public var fullSizedByteArray: [UInt8] {
let ptr = UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: _bb.memory.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self),
count: _bb.capacity)
return Array(ptr)
/// Returns the written size of the buffer
public var sizedByteArray: [UInt8] {
assert(finished, "Data shouldn't be called before finish()")
let cp = _bb.capacity &- _bb.writerIndex
let start = _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex)
.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: cp)
let ptr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: start, count: cp)
return Array(ptr)
/// Returns the buffer
public var buffer: ByteBuffer { _bb }
/// Returns A sized Buffer from the readable bytes
public var sizedBuffer: ByteBuffer {
assert(finished, "Data shouldn't be called before finish()")
return ByteBuffer(memory: _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.reader), count: Int(_bb.size))
// MARK: - Init
/// initialize the buffer with a size
/// - Parameters:
/// - initialSize: Initial size for the buffer
/// - force: Allows default to be serialized into the buffer
public init(initialSize: Int32 = 1024, serializeDefaults force: Bool = false) {
assert(initialSize > 0, "Size should be greater than zero!")
guard isLitteEndian else {
fatalError("Reading/Writing a buffer in big endian machine is not supported on swift")
serializeDefaults = force
_bb = ByteBuffer(initialSize: Int(initialSize))
/// Clears the buffer and the builder from it's data
mutating public func clear() {
_minAlignment = 0
isNested = false
stringOffsetMap = [:]
_vtables = []
// MARK: - Create Tables
/// Checks if the required fields were serialized into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - table: offset for the table
/// - fields: Array of all the important fields to be serialized
mutating public func require(table: Offset<UOffset>, fields: [Int32]) {
for field in fields {
let start = _bb.capacity &- Int(table.o)
let startTable = start &- Int(_bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: start))
let isOkay = _bb.read(def: VOffset.self, position: startTable &+ Int(field)) != 0
assert(isOkay, "Flatbuffers requires the following field")
/// Finished the buffer by adding the file id and then calling finish
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of the table
/// - fileId: Takes the fileId
/// - prefix: if false it wont add the size of the buffer
mutating public func finish<T>(offset: Offset<T>, fileId: String, addPrefix prefix: Bool = false) {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size &+ (prefix ? size : 0) &+ FileIdLength, alignment: _minAlignment)
assert(fileId.count == FileIdLength, "Flatbuffers requires file id to be 4")
_bb.push(string: fileId, len: 4)
finish(offset: offset, addPrefix: prefix)
/// Finished the buffer by adding the file id, offset, and prefix to it.
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of the table
/// - prefix: if false it wont add the size of the buffer
mutating public func finish<T>(offset: Offset<T>, addPrefix prefix: Bool = false) {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size &+ (prefix ? size : 0), alignment: _minAlignment)
push(element: refer(to: offset.o))
if prefix { push(element: _bb.size) }
finished = true
/// starttable will let the builder know, that a new object is being serialized.
/// The function will fatalerror if called while there is another object being serialized
/// - Parameter numOfFields: Number of elements to be written to the buffer
mutating public func startTable(with numOfFields: Int) -> UOffset {
isNested = true
_vtableStorage.start(count: numOfFields)
return _bb.size
/// Endtable will let the builder know that the object that's written to it is completed
/// This would be called after all the elements are serialized, it will add the vtable into the buffer.
/// it will fatalError in case the object is called without starttable, or the object has exceeded the limit of
/// 2GB,
/// - Parameter startOffset:Start point of the object written
/// - returns: The root of the table
mutating public func endTable(at startOffset: UOffset) -> UOffset {
assert(isNested, "Calling endtable without calling starttable")
let sizeofVoffset = MemoryLayout<VOffset>.size
let vTableOffset = push(element: SOffset(0))
let tableObjectSize = vTableOffset &- startOffset
assert(tableObjectSize < 0x10000, "Buffer can't grow beyond 2 Gigabytes")
let _max = Int(_vtableStorage.maxOffset) &+ sizeofVoffset
_bb.fill(padding: _max)
value: VOffset(tableObjectSize),
index: _bb.writerIndex &+ sizeofVoffset,
direct: true)
_bb.write(value: VOffset(_max), index: _bb.writerIndex, direct: true)
var itr = 0
while itr < _vtableStorage.writtenIndex {
let loaded = _vtableStorage.load(at: itr)
itr = itr &+ _vtableStorage.size
guard loaded.offset != 0 else { continue }
let _index = (_bb.writerIndex &+ Int(loaded.position))
_bb.write(value: VOffset(vTableOffset &- loaded.offset), index: _index, direct: true)
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
let vt_use = _bb.size
var isAlreadyAdded: Int?
let vt2 = _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex)
let len2 = vt2.load(fromByteOffset: 0, as: Int16.self)
for table in _vtables {
let position = _bb.capacity &- Int(table)
let vt1 = _bb.memory.advanced(by: position)
let len1 = _bb.read(def: Int16.self, position: position)
if len2 != len1 || 0 != memcmp(vt1, vt2, Int(len2)) { continue }
isAlreadyAdded = Int(table)
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
if let offset = isAlreadyAdded {
let vTableOff = Int(vTableOffset)
let space = _bb.capacity &- vTableOff
_bb.write(value: Int32(offset &- vTableOff), index: space, direct: true)
_bb.pop(_bb.capacity &- space)
} else {
_bb.write(value: Int32(vt_use &- vTableOffset), index: Int(vTableOffset))
isNested = false
return vTableOffset
// MARK: - Builds Buffer
/// asserts to see if the object is not nested
mutating internal func notNested() {
assert(!isNested, "Object serialization must not be nested")
/// Changes the minimuim alignment of the buffer
/// - Parameter size: size of the current alignment
mutating internal func minAlignment(size: Int) {
if size > _minAlignment {
_minAlignment = size
/// Gets the padding for the current element
/// - Parameters:
/// - bufSize: Current size of the buffer + the offset of the object to be written
/// - elementSize: Element size
mutating internal func padding(bufSize: UInt32, elementSize: UInt32) -> UInt32 {
((~bufSize) &+ 1) & (elementSize - 1)
/// Prealigns the buffer before writting a new object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - len:Length of the object
/// - alignment: Alignment type
mutating internal func preAlign(len: Int, alignment: Int) {
minAlignment(size: alignment)
_bb.fill(padding: Int(padding(
bufSize: _bb.size &+ UOffset(len),
elementSize: UOffset(alignment))))
/// Prealigns the buffer before writting a new object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - len: Length of the object
/// - type: Type of the object to be written
mutating internal func preAlign<T: Scalar>(len: Int, type: T.Type) {
preAlign(len: len, alignment: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
/// Refers to an object that's written in the buffer
/// - Parameter off: the objects index value
mutating internal func refer(to off: UOffset) -> UOffset {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size, alignment: size)
return _bb.size &- off &+ UInt32(size)
/// Tracks the elements written into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: The offset of the element witten
/// - position: The position of the element
mutating internal func track(offset: UOffset, at position: VOffset) {
_vtableStorage.add(loc: FieldLoc(offset: offset, position: position))
// MARK: - Vectors
/// Starts a vector of length and Element size
mutating public func startVector(_ len: Int, elementSize: Int) {
isNested = true
preAlign(len: len &* elementSize, type: UOffset.self)
preAlign(len: len &* elementSize, alignment: elementSize)
/// Ends the vector of at length
/// The current function will fatalError if startVector is called before serializing the vector
/// - Parameter len: Length of the buffer
mutating public func endVector(len: Int) -> UOffset {
assert(isNested, "Calling endVector without calling startVector")
isNested = false
return push(element: Int32(len))
/// Creates a vector of type Scalar in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: elements to be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Scalar>(_ elements: [T]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
createVector(elements, size: elements.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Scalar in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Elements to be written into the buffer
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Scalar>(_ elements: [T], size: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = size
startVector(size, elementSize: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
_bb.push(elements: elements)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: size))
/// Creates a vector of type Enums in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: elements to be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Enum>(_ elements: [T]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
createVector(elements, size: elements.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Enums in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Elements to be written into the buffer
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Enum>(_ elements: [T], size: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = size
startVector(size, elementSize: T.byteSize)
for e in elements.reversed() {
_bb.push(value: e.value, len: T.byteSize)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: size))
/// Creates a vector of type Offsets in the buffer
/// - Parameter offsets:Array of offsets of type T
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T>(ofOffsets offsets: [Offset<T>]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
createVector(ofOffsets: offsets, len: offsets.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Offsets in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Array of offsets of type T
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T>(ofOffsets offsets: [Offset<T>], len: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
startVector(len, elementSize: MemoryLayout<Offset<T>>.size)
for o in offsets.reversed() {
push(element: o)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: len))
/// Creates a vector of Strings
/// - Parameter str: a vector of strings that will be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector(ofStrings str: [String]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
var offsets: [Offset<String>] = []
for s in str {
offsets.append(create(string: s))
return createVector(ofOffsets: offsets)
/// Creates a vector of Flatbuffer structs.
/// The function takes a Type to know what size it is, and alignment
/// - Parameters:
/// - structs: An array of UnsafeMutableRawPointer
/// - type: Type of the struct being written
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
message: "0.9.0 will be removing the following method. Regenerate the code")
mutating public func createVector<T: Readable>(
structs: [UnsafeMutableRawPointer],
type: T.Type) -> Offset<UOffset>
startVector(structs.count &* T.size, elementSize: T.alignment)
for i in structs.reversed() {
create(struct: i, type: T.self)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: structs.count))
/// Starts a vector of struct that considers the size and alignment of the struct
/// - Parameters:
/// - count: number of elements to be written
/// - size: size of struct
/// - alignment: alignment of the struct
mutating public func startVectorOfStructs(count: Int, size: Int, alignment: Int) {
startVector(count &* size, elementSize: alignment)
/// Ends the vector of structs and writtens the current offset
/// - Parameter count: number of written elements
/// - Returns: Offset of type UOffset
mutating public func endVectorOfStructs(count: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
Offset<UOffset>(offset: endVector(len: count))
// MARK: - Inserting Structs
/// Writes a Flatbuffer struct into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - s: Flatbuffer struct
/// - type: Type of the element to be serialized
/// - returns: Offset of the Object
message: "0.9.0 will be removing the following method. Regenerate the code")
mutating public func create<T: Readable>(
struct s: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
type: T.Type) -> Offset<UOffset>
let size = T.size
preAlign(len: size, alignment: T.alignment)
_bb.push(struct: s, size: size)
return Offset(offset: _bb.size)
/// prepares the ByteBuffer to receive a struct of size and alignment
/// - Parameters:
/// - size: size of written struct
/// - alignment: alignment of written struct
mutating public func createStructOf(size: Int, alignment: Int) {
preAlign(len: size, alignment: alignment)
_bb.prepareBufferToReceiveStruct(of: size)
/// Adds scalars front to back instead of the default behavior of the normal add
/// - Parameters:
/// - v: element of type Scalar
/// - postion: position relative to the `writerIndex`
mutating public func reverseAdd<T: Scalar>(v: T, postion: Int) {
value: v,
position: postion,
len: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
/// Ends the struct and returns the current buffer size
/// - Returns: Offset of type UOffset
public func endStruct() -> Offset<UOffset> {
Offset(offset: _bb.size)
/// Adds the offset of a struct into the vTable
/// The function fatalErrors if we pass an offset that is out of range
/// - Parameter o: offset
mutating public func add(structOffset o: VOffset) {
_vtableStorage.add(loc: FieldLoc(offset: _bb.size, position: VOffset(o)))
// MARK: - Inserting Strings
/// Insets a string into the buffer using UTF8
/// - Parameter str: String to be serialized
/// - returns: The strings offset in the buffer
mutating public func create(string str: String?) -> Offset<String> {
guard let str = str else { return Offset() }
let len = str.utf8.count
preAlign(len: len &+ 1, type: UOffset.self)
_bb.fill(padding: 1)
_bb.push(string: str, len: len)
push(element: UOffset(len))
return Offset(offset: _bb.size)
/// Inserts a shared string to the buffer
/// The function checks the stringOffsetmap if it's seen a similar string before
/// - Parameter str: String to be serialized
/// - returns: The strings offset in the buffer
mutating public func createShared(string str: String?) -> Offset<String> {
guard let str = str else { return Offset() }
if let offset = stringOffsetMap[str] {
return offset
let offset = create(string: str)
stringOffsetMap[str] = offset
return offset
// MARK: - Inseting offsets
/// Adds the offset of an object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of another object to be written
/// - position: The predefined position of the object
mutating public func add<T>(offset: Offset<T>, at position: VOffset) {
if offset.isEmpty { return }
add(element: refer(to: offset.o), def: 0, at: position)
/// Pushes a value of type offset into the buffer
/// - Parameter o: Offset
/// - returns: Position of the offset
mutating public func push<T>(element o: Offset<T>) -> UOffset {
push(element: refer(to: o.o))
// MARK: - Inserting Scalars to Buffer
/// Adds a value into the buffer of type Scalar
/// - Parameters:
/// - element: Element to insert
/// - def: Default value for that element
/// - position: The predefined position of the element
mutating public func add<T: Scalar>(element: T, def: T, at position: VOffset) {
if element == def && !serializeDefaults { return }
track(offset: push(element: element), at: position)
/// Adds a value into the buffer of type optional Scalar
/// - Parameters:
/// - element: Optional element of type scalar
/// - position: The predefined position of the element
mutating public func add<T: Scalar>(element: T?, at position: VOffset) {
guard let element = element else { return }
track(offset: push(element: element), at: position)
/// Pushes the values into the buffer
/// - Parameter element: Element to insert
/// - returns: Postion of the Element
mutating public func push<T: Scalar>(element: T) -> UOffset {
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
len: size,
alignment: size)
_bb.push(value: element, len: size)
return _bb.size
extension FlatBufferBuilder: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
buffer debug:
builder debug:
{ finished: \(finished), serializeDefaults: \(serializeDefaults), isNested: \(isNested) }
/// VTableStorage is a class to contain the VTable buffer that would be serialized into buffer
internal class VTableStorage {
/// Memory check since deallocating each time we want to clear would be expensive
/// and memory leaks would happen if we dont deallocate the first allocated memory.
/// memory is promised to be available before adding `FieldLoc`
private var memoryInUse = false
/// Size of FieldLoc in memory
let size = MemoryLayout<FieldLoc>.stride
/// Memeory buffer
var memory: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer!
/// Capacity of the current buffer
var capacity: Int = 0
/// Maximuim offset written to the class
var maxOffset: VOffset = 0
/// number of fields written into the buffer
var numOfFields: Int = 0
/// Last written Index
var writtenIndex: Int = 0
/// the amount of added elements into the buffer
var addedElements: Int { capacity - (numOfFields &* size) }
/// Creates the memory to store the buffer in
init() {
memory = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(byteCount: 0, alignment: 0)
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
deinit {
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
/// Builds a buffer with byte count of fieldloc.size * count of field numbers
/// - Parameter count: number of fields to be written
func start(count: Int) {
assert(count >= 0, "number of fields should NOT be negative")
let capacity = count &* size
ensure(space: capacity)
/// Adds a FieldLoc into the buffer, which would track how many have been written,
/// and max offset
/// - Parameter loc: Location of encoded element
func add(loc: FieldLoc) {
memory.baseAddress?.advanced(by: writtenIndex).storeBytes(of: loc, as: FieldLoc.self)
writtenIndex = writtenIndex &+ size
numOfFields = numOfFields &+ 1
maxOffset = max(loc.position, maxOffset)
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
/// Clears the data stored related to the encoded buffer
func clear() {
maxOffset = 0
numOfFields = 0
writtenIndex = 0
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00
/// Ensure that the buffer has enough space instead of recreating the buffer each time.
/// - Parameter space: space required for the new vtable
func ensure(space: Int) {
guard space &+ writtenIndex > capacity else { return }
memory = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(byteCount: space, alignment: size)
capacity = space
/// Loads an object of type `FieldLoc` from buffer memory
/// - Parameter index: index of element
/// - Returns: a FieldLoc at index
func load(at index: Int) -> FieldLoc {
memory.load(fromByteOffset: index, as: FieldLoc.self)
internal struct FieldLoc {
var offset: UOffset
var position: VOffset
[Swift] Swift implementation 🎉🎉 (#5603) * Implemented the swift version of Flatbuffers Implemented serailzing, reading, and mutating data from object monster Fixes mis-aligned pointer issue Fixes issue when shared strings are removed from table Adds swift enum, structs code gen Fixed namespace issues + started implementing the table gen Added Mutate function to the code generator Generated linux test cases Fixed an issue with bools, and structs readers in table writer Swift docker image added Updated the test cases, and removed a method parameters in swift Fixed createVector api when called with scalars Fixed issues with scalar arrays, and fixed the code gen namespaces, added sample_binary.swift Cleaned up project Added enum vectors, and their readers Refactored code Added swift into the support document Added documentation in docs, and fixed a small issue with Data() not being returned correctly Fixes Lowercase issue, and prevents generating lookups for deprecated keys * Made all the required funcs to have const + removed unneeded code + fix lowercase func * Removed transform from lowercased and moved it to function * Fixes an issue with iOS allocation from read * Refactored cpp code to be more readable * casts position into int for position * Fix enums issue, moves scalar writer code to use memcpy * Removed c_str from struct function * Fixed script to generate new objects when ran on travis ci: fix * Handles deallocating space allocated for structs * Updated the test cases to adhere to the fileprivate lookup, no mutation for unions, and updated the names of the vector functions
2020-01-09 20:12:10 +00:00