os: linux dist: trusty sudo: false group: edge language: python python: - 2.6 - 2.7 - 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5 - &mainstream_python 3.6 - nightly install: - travis_retry pip install --pre -e .[testing,webassets] script: - nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-package=dukpy --cover-erase - if python -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info < (2,7))"; then python setup.py check -rm; fi - if python -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info < (3,6))"; then python setup.py check -s; fi after_success: - coveralls stages: - test - name: deploy if: tag IS present jobs: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - python: nightly include: - stage: deploy python: *mainstream_python install: skip services: - docker script: - mkdir dist # so that it whould have priviliges of the current Travis user - .github/run-docker.sh "dukpy" deploy: provider: pypi # `skip_cleanup: true` is required to preserve binary wheels, built # inside of manylinux1 docker container during `script` step above. skip_cleanup: true # Although Travis CI instructs `setup.py` to build source distribution, # which is default value for distribution option (`distribution: sdist`), # it will also upload all wheels we've previously built in manylinux1 # docker container using `twine upload -r pypi dist/*` command. # Also since commit https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/commit/90b5e39 # it is default that Travis PYPI provider has `skip_upload_docs: true` # set by default. # Besides above, we don't do cleanup of `dist/*`, because it's being done # by Travis CI PYPI deployment provider after upload, unconditionally. on: tags: true all_branches: true user: amol- # just source dist, because binary wheel requires extra work distributions: sdist password: secure: g8mh+wysPGF9VaxHsP/FYjjw+CJ8TJpRKRVQIAi7DRy3yn05lsvfwqHBvKMIOZV26JmI8vxiwCPt0IcsBONzRrKuVp0nS0yXLmaaHH2SIOhZaYLknm1eD9AV7T79Z0uWG7ygFXoCCvkJGiOjZkfrakwYVqvIg9tFCvukJaWLHl8=