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377 lines
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# Test the functions and main class method of paragraph.py
import unittest
from idlelib import paragraph as fp
from idlelib.editor import EditorWindow
from tkinter import Tk, Text
from test.support import requires
class Is_Get_Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the is_ and get_ functions"""
test_comment = '# This is a comment'
test_nocomment = 'This is not a comment'
trailingws_comment = '# This is a comment '
leadingws_comment = ' # This is a comment'
leadingws_nocomment = ' This is not a comment'
def test_is_all_white(self):
def test_get_indent(self):
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(fp.get_indent(self.test_comment), '')
Equal(fp.get_indent(self.trailingws_comment), '')
Equal(fp.get_indent(self.leadingws_comment), ' ')
Equal(fp.get_indent(self.leadingws_nocomment), ' ')
def test_get_comment_header(self):
Equal = self.assertEqual
# Test comment strings
Equal(fp.get_comment_header(self.test_comment), '#')
Equal(fp.get_comment_header(self.trailingws_comment), '#')
Equal(fp.get_comment_header(self.leadingws_comment), ' #')
# Test non-comment strings
Equal(fp.get_comment_header(self.leadingws_nocomment), ' ')
Equal(fp.get_comment_header(self.test_nocomment), '')
class FindTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the find_paragraph function in paragraph module.
Using the runcase() function, find_paragraph() is called with 'mark' set at
multiple indexes before and inside the test paragraph.
It appears that code with the same indentation as a quoted string is grouped
as part of the same paragraph, which is probably incorrect behavior.
def setUpClass(cls):
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Text
cls.text = Text()
def runcase(self, inserttext, stopline, expected):
# Check that find_paragraph returns the expected paragraph when
# the mark index is set to beginning, middle, end of each line
# up to but not including the stop line
text = self.text
text.insert('1.0', inserttext)
for line in range(1, stopline):
linelength = int(text.index("%d.end" % line).split('.')[1])
for col in (0, linelength//2, linelength):
tempindex = "%d.%d" % (line, col)
self.assertEqual(fp.find_paragraph(text, tempindex), expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
def test_find_comment(self):
comment = (
"# Comment block with no blank lines before\n"
"# Comment line\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('1.0', '3.0', '#', comment[0:58]))
comment = (
"# Comment block with whitespace line before and after\n"
"# Comment line\n"
self.runcase(comment, 4, ('2.0', '4.0', '#', comment[1:70]))
comment = (
" # Indented comment block with whitespace before and after\n"
" # Comment line\n"
self.runcase(comment, 4, ('2.0', '4.0', ' #', comment[1:82]))
comment = (
"# Single line comment\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', '#', comment[1:23]))
comment = (
" # Single line comment with leading whitespace\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', ' #', comment[1:51]))
comment = (
"# Comment immediately followed by code\n"
"x = 42\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', '#', comment[1:40]))
comment = (
" # Indented comment immediately followed by code\n"
"x = 42\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', ' #', comment[1:53]))
comment = (
"# Comment immediately followed by indented code\n"
" x = 42\n"
self.runcase(comment, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', '#', comment[1:49]))
def test_find_paragraph(self):
teststring = (
'"""String with no blank lines before\n'
'String line\n'
self.runcase(teststring, 4, ('1.0', '4.0', '', teststring[0:53]))
teststring = (
'"""String with whitespace line before and after\n'
'String line.\n'
self.runcase(teststring, 5, ('2.0', '5.0', '', teststring[1:66]))
teststring = (
' """Indented string with whitespace before and after\n'
' Comment string.\n'
' """\n'
self.runcase(teststring, 5, ('2.0', '5.0', ' ', teststring[1:85]))
teststring = (
'"""Single line string."""\n'
self.runcase(teststring, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', '', teststring[1:27]))
teststring = (
' """Single line string with leading whitespace."""\n'
self.runcase(teststring, 3, ('2.0', '3.0', ' ', teststring[1:55]))
class ReformatFunctionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the reformat_paragraph function without the editor window."""
def test_reformat_paragraph(self):
Equal = self.assertEqual
reform = fp.reformat_paragraph
hw = "O hello world"
Equal(reform(' ', 1), ' ')
Equal(reform("Hello world", 20), "Hello world")
# Test without leading newline
Equal(reform(hw, 1), "O\nhello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 6), "O\nhello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 7), "O hello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 12), "O hello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 13), "O hello world")
# Test with leading newline
hw = "\nO hello world"
Equal(reform(hw, 1), "\nO\nhello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 6), "\nO\nhello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 7), "\nO hello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 12), "\nO hello\nworld")
Equal(reform(hw, 13), "\nO hello world")
class ReformatCommentTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the reformat_comment function without the editor window."""
def test_reformat_comment(self):
Equal = self.assertEqual
# reformat_comment formats to a minimum of 20 characters
test_string = (
" \"\"\"this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string"
" will it reformat to less than 70 characters for me?\"\"\"")
result = fp.reformat_comment(test_string, 70, " ")
expected = (
" \"\"\"this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string will it\n"
" reformat to less than 70 characters for me?\"\"\"")
Equal(result, expected)
test_comment = (
"# this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string will "
"it reformat to less than 70 characters for me?")
result = fp.reformat_comment(test_comment, 70, "#")
expected = (
"# this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string will it\n"
"# reformat to less than 70 characters for me?")
Equal(result, expected)
class FormatClassTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_init_close(self):
instance = fp.FormatParagraph('editor')
self.assertEqual(instance.editwin, 'editor')
self.assertEqual(instance.editwin, None)
# For testing format_paragraph_event, Initialize FormatParagraph with
# a mock Editor with .text and .get_selection_indices. The text must
# be a Text wrapper that adds two methods
# A real EditorWindow creates unneeded, time-consuming baggage and
# sometimes emits shutdown warnings like this:
# "warning: callback failed in WindowList <class '_tkinter.TclError'>
# : invalid command name ".55131368.windows".
# Calling EditorWindow._close in tearDownClass prevents this but causes
# other problems (windows left open).
class TextWrapper:
def __init__(self, master):
self.text = Text(master=master)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.text, name)
def undo_block_start(self): pass
def undo_block_stop(self): pass
class Editor:
def __init__(self, root):
self.text = TextWrapper(root)
get_selection_indices = EditorWindow. get_selection_indices
class FormatEventTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the formatting of text inside a Text widget.
This is done with FormatParagraph.format.paragraph_event,
which calls functions in the module as appropriate.
test_string = (
" '''this is a test of a reformat for a triple "
"quoted string will it reformat to less than 70 "
"characters for me?'''\n")
multiline_test_string = (
" '''The first line is under the max width.\n"
" The second line's length is way over the max width. It goes "
"on and on until it is over 100 characters long.\n"
" Same thing with the third line. It is also way over the max "
"width, but FormatParagraph will fix it.\n"
" '''\n")
multiline_test_comment = (
"# The first line is under the max width.\n"
"# The second line's length is way over the max width. It goes on "
"and on until it is over 100 characters long.\n"
"# Same thing with the third line. It is also way over the max "
"width, but FormatParagraph will fix it.\n"
"# The fourth line is short like the first line.")
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.root = Tk()
editor = Editor(root=cls.root)
cls.text = editor.text.text # Test code does not need the wrapper.
cls.formatter = fp.FormatParagraph(editor).format_paragraph_event
# Sets the insert mark just after the re-wrapped and inserted text.
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.text, cls.formatter
del cls.root
def test_short_line(self):
self.text.insert('1.0', "Short line\n")
self.assertEqual(self.text.get('1.0', 'insert'), "Short line\n" )
self.text.delete('1.0', 'end')
def test_long_line(self):
text = self.text
# Set cursor ('insert' mark) to '1.0', within text.
text.insert('1.0', self.test_string)
text.mark_set('insert', '1.0')
self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing', limit=70)
result = text.get('1.0', 'insert')
# find function includes \n
expected = (
" '''this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string will it\n"
" reformat to less than 70 characters for me?'''\n") # yes
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
# Select from 1.11 to line end.
text.insert('1.0', self.test_string)
text.tag_add('sel', '1.11', '1.end')
self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing', limit=70)
result = text.get('1.0', 'insert')
# selection excludes \n
expected = (
" '''this is a test of a reformat for a triple quoted string will it reformat\n"
" to less than 70 characters for me?'''") # no
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
def test_multiple_lines(self):
text = self.text
# Select 2 long lines.
text.insert('1.0', self.multiline_test_string)
text.tag_add('sel', '2.0', '4.0')
self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing', limit=70)
result = text.get('2.0', 'insert')
expected = (
" The second line's length is way over the max width. It goes on and\n"
" on until it is over 100 characters long. Same thing with the third\n"
" line. It is also way over the max width, but FormatParagraph will\n"
" fix it.\n")
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
def test_comment_block(self):
text = self.text
# Set cursor ('insert') to '1.0', within block.
text.insert('1.0', self.multiline_test_comment)
self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing', limit=70)
result = text.get('1.0', 'insert')
expected = (
"# The first line is under the max width. The second line's length is\n"
"# way over the max width. It goes on and on until it is over 100\n"
"# characters long. Same thing with the third line. It is also way over\n"
"# the max width, but FormatParagraph will fix it. The fourth line is\n"
"# short like the first line.\n")
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
# Select line 2, verify line 1 unaffected.
text.insert('1.0', self.multiline_test_comment)
text.tag_add('sel', '2.0', '3.0')
self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing', limit=70)
result = text.get('1.0', 'insert')
expected = (
"# The first line is under the max width.\n"
"# The second line's length is way over the max width. It goes on and\n"
"# on until it is over 100 characters long.\n")
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
# The following block worked with EditorWindow but fails with the mock.
# Lines 2 and 3 get pasted together even though the previous block left
# the previous line alone. More investigation is needed.
## # Select lines 3 and 4
## text.insert('1.0', self.multiline_test_comment)
## text.tag_add('sel', '3.0', '5.0')
## self.formatter('ParameterDoesNothing')
## result = text.get('3.0', 'insert')
## expected = (
##"# Same thing with the third line. It is also way over the max width,\n"
##"# but FormatParagraph will fix it. The fourth line is short like the\n"
##"# first line.\n")
## self.assertEqual(result, expected)
## text.delete('1.0', 'end')
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=2)