
426 lines
14 KiB

#LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1 : dot.latex2html-init -*- perl -*-
# Significantly revised by Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@acm.org> for use
# with the Python documentation.
# New name to avoid distributing "dot" files with the Python documentation.
package Override;
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
package main;
$INFO = 1; # 0 = do not make a "About this document..." section
$ADDRESS = '';
# Python documentation uses section numbers to support references to match
# in the printed and online versions.
$ICONSERVER = '../icons';
$BODYTEXT = 'bgcolor="#ffffff"';
$CHILDLINE = "\n<p><hr>\n";
# default # of columns for the indexes
# A little painful, but lets us clean up the top level directory a little,
# and not be tied to the current directory (as far as I can tell).
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
($myname, $mydir, $myext) = fileparse(__FILE__, '\..*');
chop $mydir; # remove trailing '/'
$mydir = getcwd() . "$dd$mydir"
unless $mydir =~ s|^/|/|;
push (@INC, $mydir);
($myrootname, $myrootdir, $myext) = fileparse($mydir, '\..*');
chop $myrootdir;
# Hackish way to get the appropriate paper-*/ directory into $TEXINPUTS;
# pass in the paper size (a4 or letter) as the environment variable PAPER
# to add the right directory. If not given, the current directory is
# added instead for use with HOWTO processing.
if (defined $ENV{'PAPER'}) {
$mytexinputs = "$myrootdir${dd}paper-$ENV{'PAPER'}$envkey";
else {
$mytexinputs = getcwd() . $envkey;
$mytexinputs .= "$myrootdir${dd}texinputs";
sub custom_driver_hook{
# This adds the directory of the main input file to $TEXINPUTS; it
# seems to be sufficiently general that it should be fine for HOWTO
# processing.
my $file = @_[0];
my($jobname,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($file, '\..*');
$dir = make_directory_absolute($dir);
$dir =~ s/$dd$//;
$TEXINPUTS = "$dir$envkey$mytexinputs";
print "\nadding $dir to \$TEXINPUTS\n";
sub make_nav_panel{
($NEXT_TITLE ? $NEXT : '')
. ($UP_TITLE ? $UP : '')
. "\n<br>\n"
. ($NEXT_TITLE ? "<b>Next:</b> $NEXT_TITLE\n" : '')
. ($UP_TITLE ? "<b>Up:</b> $UP_TITLE\n" : '')
. ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<b>Previous:</b> $PREVIOUS_TITLE\n" : '');
sub top_navigation_panel {
"<div class=navigation>\n"
. make_nav_panel()
. '<br><hr><p></div>';
sub bot_navigation_panel {
"<p>\n<div class=navigation><hr>"
. make_nav_panel()
. '</div>';
sub add_link {
# Returns a pair (iconic link, textual link)
my($icon, $current_file, @link) = @_;
my($dummy, $file, $title) = split($delim,
$toc_section_info{join(' ',@link)});
if ($title && ($file ne $current_file)) {
$title = purify($title);
$title = get_first_words($title, $WORDS_IN_NAVIGATION_PANEL_TITLES);
return (make_href($file, $icon), make_href($file, "$title"))
elsif ($icon eq $up_visible_mark && $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK) {
return (make_href($EXTERNAL_UP_LINK, $icon),
elsif (($icon eq $previous_visible_mark
|| $icon eq $previous_page_visible_mark)
return (make_href($EXTERNAL_PREV_LINK, $icon),
elsif (($icon eq $next_visible_mark
|| $icon eq $next_page_visible_mark)
return (make_href($EXTERNAL_DOWN_LINK, $icon),
(&inactive_img($icon), "");
sub add_special_link {
my($icon, $file, $current_file) = @_;
(($file && ($file ne $current_file)) ? make_href($file, $icon) : undef)
sub img_tag {
local($icon) = @_;
my $alt;
my $align = " align=bottom ";
$alt = join('|', 'up', 'next_group', 'previous_group'
, 'next', 'previous', 'change_begin_right', 'change_begin'
, 'change_end_right', 'change_end', 'change_delete_right'
, 'change_delete', 'contents', 'index');
if ($icon =~ /(gif|png)$/) {
$used_icons{$icon} = 1;
if ($icon =~ /change_(begin|end|delete)_right/) { $align = ' ' };
my $nav_border = "$NAV_BORDER";
if ($icon =~ /($alt)/) {
$alt = $1;
else {
$nav_border = '1';
$alt = '[*]';
return join('', '<img ', $iconsizes{$1}, $align
,'border=', $nav_border, ' alt="', $alt
,'" src="', $icon, '">' );
return join('', '<img ', $iconsizes{$1}, $align
,'border=', $nav_border, ' alt="', $alt, '"\n'
,' src="', $ICONSERVER, "/$icon", '">' );
else {
return $icon;
sub gen_index_id {
# this is used to ensure common index key generation and a stable sort
my($str,$extra) = @_;
sprintf('%s###%s%010d', $str, $extra, ++$global{'max_id'});
sub make_index_entry {
my($br_id,$str) = @_;
# If TITLE is not yet available (i.e the \index command is in the title of the
# current section), use $ref_before.
$TITLE = $ref_before unless $TITLE;
# Save the reference
$str = gen_index_id($str, '');
$index{$str} .= make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$br_id");
"<a name=\"$br_id\">$anchor_invisible_mark<\/a>";
sub insert_index{
my($mark,$datafile,$columns,$letters) = @_;
my $prog = "$myrootdir/tools/buildindex.py";
my $index;
if ($letters) {
$index = `$prog --columns $columns --letters $datafile`;
else {
$index = `$prog --columns $columns $datafile`;
sub add_idx{
print "\nDoing the index ...";
insert_index($idx_mark, 'index.dat', $INDEX_COLUMNS, 1);
$idx_module_mark = '<tex2html_idx_module_mark>';
$idx_module_title = 'Module Index';
sub add_module_idx{
print "\nDoing the module index ...";
my $key;
open(MODIDXFILE, '>modindex.dat') || die "\n$!\n";
foreach $key (keys %Modules) {
# dump the line in the data file; just use a dummy seqno field
print MODIDXFILE "$Modules{$key}" . $IDXFILE_FIELD_SEP . "$key###\n";
insert_index($idx_module_mark, 'modindex.dat', $MODULE_INDEX_COLUMNS, 0);
# replace both indexes as needed:
sub add_idx_hook{
add_idx() if (/$idx_mark/);
add_module_idx() if (/$idx_module_mark/);
# In addition to the standard stuff, add label to allow named node files.
sub do_cmd_tableofcontents {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $toc_title;
$tocfile = $CURRENT_FILE;
my($closures,$reopens) = preserve_open_tags();
anchor_label('contents', $CURRENT_FILE, $_); # this is added
join('', "<BR>\n", $closures
, make_section_heading($toc_title, 'H2'), $toc_mark
, $reopens, $_);
# In addition to the standard stuff, add label to allow named node files.
sub do_cmd_listoffigures {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $lof_title;
$loffile = $CURRENT_FILE;
my($closures,$reopens) = preserve_open_tags();
anchor_label('lof', $CURRENT_FILE, $_); # this is added
join('', "<BR>\n", $closures
, make_section_heading($lof_title, 'H2'), $lof_mark
, $reopens, $_);
# In addition to the standard stuff, add label to allow named node files.
sub do_cmd_listoftables {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $lot_title;
$lotfile = $CURRENT_FILE;
my($closures,$reopens) = preserve_open_tags();
anchor_label('lot', $CURRENT_FILE, $_); # this is added
join('', "<BR>\n", $closures
, make_section_heading($lot_title, 'H2'), $lot_mark
, $reopens, $_);
# In addition to the standard stuff, add label to allow named node files.
sub do_cmd_textohtmlinfopage {
local($_) = @_;
if ($INFO) { #
anchor_label("about",$CURRENT_FILE,$_); # this is added
} #
( ($INFO == 1)
? join('', $close_all
, "<STRONG>$t_title</STRONG><P>\nThis document was generated using the\n"
, " translator Version $TEX2HTMLVERSION\n"
, "<P>Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,\n"
, "<A HREF=\"$AUTHORADDRESS\">Nikos Drakos</A>, \n"
, "Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.\n"
, "<P>The command line arguments were: <BR>\n "
, "<STRONG>latex2html</STRONG> <tt>$argv</tt>.\n"
, "<P>The translation was initiated by $address_data[0] on $address_data[1]"
, $open_all, $_)
: join('', $close_all, $INFO,"\n", $open_all, $_))
# $idx_mark will be replaced with the real index at the end
sub do_cmd_textohtmlindex {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $idx_title;
$idxfile = $CURRENT_FILE;
if (%index_labels) { make_index_labels(); }
if (($SHORT_INDEX) && (%index_segment)) { make_preindex(); }
else { $preindex = ''; }
my $heading = make_section_heading($idx_title, 'h2') . $idx_mark;
my($pre,$post) = minimize_open_tags($heading);
anchor_label('genindex',$CURRENT_FILE,$_); # this is added
'<br>\n' . $pre . $_;
# $idx_module_mark will be replaced with the real index at the end
sub do_cmd_textohtmlmoduleindex {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $idx_module_title;
'<p>' . make_section_heading($idx_module_title, "h2")
. $idx_module_mark . $_;
# The bibliography and the index should be treated as separate sections
# in their own HTML files. The \bibliography{} command acts as a sectioning command
# that has the desired effect. But when the bibliography is constructed
# manually using the thebibliography environment, or when using the
# theindex environment it is not possible to use the normal sectioning
# mechanism. This subroutine inserts a \bibliography{} or a dummy
# \textohtmlindex command just before the appropriate environments
# to force sectioning.
# XXX This *assumes* that if there are two {theindex} environments, the
# first is the module index and the second is the standard index. This
# is sufficient for the current Python documentation, but that's about
# it.
sub add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands {
my $id = $global{'max_id'};
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*thebibliography)/$bbl_cnt++; $1/eg;
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*thebibliography)/$id++; "\\bibliography$O$id$C$O$id$C $1"/geo
#if ($bbl_cnt == 1)
# (FLD) This was added
my(@parts) = split(/\\begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*theindex/);
if (scalar(@parts) == 3) {
# Be careful to re-write the string in place, since $_ is *not*
# returned explicity; *** nasty side-effect dependency! ***
print "\nadd_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands ==> adding module index";
my $rx = "([\\\\]begin\\s*$O\\d+$C\\s*theindex[\\s\\S]*)"
. "([\\\\]begin\\s*$O\\d+$C\\s*theindex)";
s/$rx/\\textohtmlmoduleindex \1 \\textohtmlindex \2/o;
else {
$global{'max_id'} = $id; # not sure why....
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*theindex)/\\textohtmlindex $1/o;
s/[\\]printindex/\\textohtmlindex /o;
if defined(&lib_add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands);
# The bibliographic references, the appendices, the lists of figures and tables
# etc. must appear in the contents table at the same level as the outermost
# sectioning command. This subroutine finds what is the outermost level and
# sets the above to the same level;
sub set_depth_levels {
# Sets $outermost_level
my $level;
#RRM: do not alter user-set value for $MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH
foreach $level ("part", "chapter", "section", "subsection",
"subsubsection", "paragraph") {
last if (($outermost_level) = /\\($level)$delimiter_rx/);
$level = ($outermost_level ? $section_commands{$outermost_level} :
do {$outermost_level = 'section'; 3;});
#RRM: but calculate value for $MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH when a $REL_DEPTH was given
} elsif (!($MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH)) { $MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 1 };
%unnumbered_section_commands = ('tableofcontents' => $level,
'listoffigures' => $level,
'listoftables' => $level,
'bibliography' => $level,
'textohtmlindex' => $level,
'textohtmlmoduleindex' => $level);
$section_headings{'textohtmlmoduleindex'} = 'h1';
%section_commands = (%unnumbered_section_commands,
# Fix from Ross Moore for ']' in \item[...]; this can be removed once the next
# patch to LaTeX2HTML is released and tested ... if the patch gets included.
# Be very careful to keep this around, just in case things break again!
sub protect_useritems {
local(*_) = @_;
while (/\\item\s*\[/) {
$preitems .= $`;
$_ = $';
$thisitem = $&.'<<'.++$global{'max_id'}.'>>';
$preitems .= $thisitem . '<<' . $global{'max_id'} . '>>]';
$_ = $preitems . $_;
# This changes the markup used for {verbatim} environments, and is the
# best way I've found that ensures the <dl> goes one the outside of the
# <pre>...</pre>.
# Note that this *must* be done in the init file, not the python.perl
# style support file. The %declarations must be set before initialize()
# is called in the main script.
%declarations = ('preform' => '<dl><dd><pre></pre></dl>',
1; # This must be the last line