mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython.git
108 lines
3.1 KiB
108 lines
3.1 KiB
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
PYTHON ?= ../../python
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
PYTHON ?= ../../python.exe
VENVDIR ?= ./venv
VENVPYTHON ?= $(VENVDIR)/bin/python
CPYTHON ?= ../../Lib
MYPY ?= mypy
GRAMMAR = ../../Grammar/python.gram
TOKENS = ../../Grammar/Tokens
TESTFILE = data/cprog.py
TIMEFILE = data/xxl.py
TESTFLAGS = --short
$(PYTHON) -m zipfile -e data/xxl.zip data
build: peg_extension/parse.c
peg_extension/parse.c: $(GRAMMAR) $(TOKENS) pegen/*.py peg_extension/peg_extension.c ../../Parser/pegen.c ../../Parser/pegen_errors.c ../../Parser/string_parser.c ../../Parser/action_helpers.c ../../Parser/*.h pegen/grammar_parser.py
$(PYTHON) -m pegen -q c $(GRAMMAR) $(TOKENS) -o peg_extension/parse.c --compile-extension
-rm -f peg_extension/*.o peg_extension/*.so peg_extension/parse.c
-rm -f data/xxl.py
-rm -rf $(VENVDIR)
dump: peg_extension/parse.c
cat -n $(TESTFILE)
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; import ast; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=1); print(ast.dump(t))"
regen-metaparser: pegen/metagrammar.gram pegen/*.py
$(PYTHON) -m pegen -q python pegen/metagrammar.gram -o pegen/grammar_parser.py
# Note: These targets really depend on the generated shared object in peg_extension/parse.*.so but
# this has different names in different systems so we are abusing the implicit dependency on
# parse.c by the use of --compile-extension.
.PHONY: test
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VENVDIR)
$(VENVPYTHON) -m pip install -U pip setuptools
$(VENVPYTHON) -m pip install -r requirements.pip
@echo "The venv has been created in the $(VENVDIR) directory"
test: run
run: peg_extension/parse.c
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)'); exec(t)"
compile: peg_extension/parse.c
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=2)"
parse: peg_extension/parse.c
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=1)"
check: peg_extension/parse.c
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TESTFILE)', mode=0)"
stats: peg_extension/parse.c data/xxl.py
$(PYTHON) -c "from peg_extension import parse; t = parse.parse_file('$(TIMEFILE)', mode=0); parse.dump_memo_stats()" >@data
$(PYTHON) scripts/joinstats.py @data
time: time_compile
time_compile: venv data/xxl.py
$(VENVPYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --target=xxl compile
time_parse: venv data/xxl.py
$(VENVPYTHON) scripts/benchmark.py --target=xxl parse
time_peg_dir: venv
$(VENVPYTHON) scripts/test_parse_directory.py \
-d $(TESTDIR) \
--exclude "*/failset/*" \
--exclude "*/failset/**" \
--exclude "*/failset/**/*"
time_stdlib: $(CPYTHON) venv
$(VENVPYTHON) scripts/test_parse_directory.py \
-d $(CPYTHON) \
--exclude "*/bad*" \
--exclude "*/lib2to3/tests/data/*"
mypy: regen-metaparser
$(MYPY) # For list of files, see mypy.ini
black pegen scripts
format: format-python
$(PYTHON) scripts/find_max_nesting.py
tags: TAGS
TAGS: pegen/*.py test/test_pegen.py
etags pegen/*.py test/test_pegen.py