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365 lines
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Executable File
365 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File
"""Utilities for CVS administration."""
import string
import os
import time
import md5
import fnmatch
if not hasattr(time, 'timezone'):
time.timezone = 0
class File:
"""Represent a file's status.
Instance variables:
file -- the filename (no slashes), None if uninitialized
lseen -- true if the data for the local file is up to date
eseen -- true if the data from the CVS/Entries entry is up to date
(this implies that the entry must be written back)
rseen -- true if the data for the remote file is up to date
proxy -- RCSProxy instance used to contact the server, or None
Note that lseen and rseen don't necessary mean that a local
or remote file *exists* -- they indicate that we've checked it.
However, eseen means that this instance corresponds to an
entry in the CVS/Entries file.
If lseen is true:
lsum -- checksum of the local file, None if no local file
lctime -- ctime of the local file, None if no local file
lmtime -- mtime of the local file, None if no local file
If eseen is true:
erev -- revision, None if this is a no revision (not '0')
enew -- true if this is an uncommitted added file
edeleted -- true if this is an uncommitted removed file
ectime -- ctime of last local file corresponding to erev
emtime -- mtime of last local file corresponding to erev
extra -- 5th string from CVS/Entries file
If rseen is true:
rrev -- revision of head, None if non-existent
rsum -- checksum of that revision, Non if non-existent
If eseen and rseen are both true:
esum -- checksum of revision erev, None if no revision
def __init__(self, file = None):
if file and '/' in file:
raise ValueError, "no slash allowed in file"
self.file = file
self.lseen = self.eseen = self.rseen = 0
self.proxy = None
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.file, other.file)
def getlocal(self):
self.lmtime, self.lctime = os.stat(self.file)[-2:]
except os.error:
self.lmtime = self.lctime = self.lsum = None
self.lsum = md5.new(open(self.file).read()).digest()
self.lseen = 1
def getentry(self, line):
words = string.splitfields(line, '/')
if self.file and words[1] != self.file:
raise ValueError, "file name mismatch"
self.file = words[1]
self.erev = words[2]
self.edeleted = 0
self.enew = 0
self.ectime = self.emtime = None
if self.erev[:1] == '-':
self.edeleted = 1
self.erev = self.erev[1:]
if self.erev == '0':
self.erev = None
self.enew = 1
dates = words[3]
self.ectime = unctime(dates[:24])
self.emtime = unctime(dates[25:])
self.extra = words[4]
if self.rseen:
self.eseen = 1
def getremote(self, proxy = None):
if proxy:
self.proxy = proxy
self.rrev = self.proxy.head(self.file)
except (os.error, IOError):
self.rrev = None
if self.rrev:
self.rsum = self.proxy.sum(self.file)
self.rsum = None
if self.eseen:
self.rseen = 1
def getesum(self):
if self.erev == self.rrev:
self.esum = self.rsum
elif self.erev:
name = (self.file, self.erev)
self.esum = self.proxy.sum(name)
self.esum = None
def putentry(self):
"""Return a line suitable for inclusion in CVS/Entries.
The returned line is terminated by a newline.
If no entry should be written for this file,
return "".
if not self.eseen:
return ""
rev = self.erev or '0'
if self.edeleted:
rev = '-' + rev
if self.enew:
dates = 'Initial ' + self.file
dates = gmctime(self.ectime) + ' ' + \
return "/%s/%s/%s/%s/\n" % (
def report(self):
print '-'*50
def r(key, repr=repr, self=self):
value = repr(getattr(self, key))
except AttributeError:
value = "?"
print "%-15s:" % key, value
if self.lseen:
r("lsum", hexify)
r("lctime", gmctime)
r("lmtime", gmctime)
if self.eseen:
r("ectime", gmctime)
r("emtime", gmctime)
if self.rseen:
r("rsum", hexify)
if self.eseen:
r("esum", hexify)
class CVS:
"""Represent the contents of a CVS admin file (and more).
Class variables:
FileClass -- the class to be instantiated for entries
(this should be derived from class File above)
IgnoreList -- shell patterns for local files to be ignored
Instance variables:
entries -- a dictionary containing File instances keyed by
their file name
proxy -- an RCSProxy instance, or None
FileClass = File
IgnoreList = ['.*', '@*', ',*', '*~', '*.o', '*.a', '*.so', '*.pyc']
def __init__(self):
self.entries = {}
self.proxy = None
def setproxy(self, proxy):
if proxy is self.proxy:
self.proxy = proxy
for e in self.entries.values():
e.rseen = 0
def getentries(self):
"""Read the contents of CVS/Entries"""
self.entries = {}
f = self.cvsopen("Entries")
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: break
e = self.FileClass()
self.entries[e.file] = e
def putentries(self):
"""Write CVS/Entries back"""
f = self.cvsopen("Entries", 'w')
for e in self.values():
def getlocalfiles(self):
list = self.entries.keys()
addlist = os.listdir(os.curdir)
for name in addlist:
if name in list:
if not self.ignored(name):
for file in list:
e = self.entries[file]
except KeyError:
e = self.entries[file] = self.FileClass(file)
def getremotefiles(self, proxy = None):
if proxy:
self.proxy = proxy
if not self.proxy:
raise RuntimeError, "no RCS proxy"
addlist = self.proxy.listfiles()
for file in addlist:
e = self.entries[file]
except KeyError:
e = self.entries[file] = self.FileClass(file)
def report(self):
for e in self.values():
print '-'*50
def keys(self):
keys = self.entries.keys()
return keys
def values(self):
def value(key, self=self):
return self.entries[key]
return map(value, self.keys())
def items(self):
def item(key, self=self):
return (key, self.entries[key])
return map(item, self.keys())
def cvsexists(self, file):
file = os.path.join("CVS", file)
return os.path.exists(file)
def cvsopen(self, file, mode = 'r'):
file = os.path.join("CVS", file)
if 'r' not in mode:
return open(file, mode)
def backup(self, file):
if os.path.isfile(file):
bfile = file + '~'
try: os.unlink(bfile)
except os.error: pass
os.rename(file, bfile)
def ignored(self, file):
if os.path.isdir(file): return True
for pat in self.IgnoreList:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pat): return True
return False
# hexify and unhexify are useful to print MD5 checksums in hex format
hexify_format = '%02x' * 16
def hexify(sum):
"Return a hex representation of a 16-byte string (e.g. an MD5 digest)"
if sum is None:
return "None"
return hexify_format % tuple(map(ord, sum))
def unhexify(hexsum):
"Return the original from a hexified string"
if hexsum == "None":
return None
sum = ''
for i in range(0, len(hexsum), 2):
sum = sum + chr(string.atoi(hexsum[i:i+2], 16))
return sum
unctime_monthmap = {}
def unctime(date):
if date == "None": return None
if not unctime_monthmap:
months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
i = 0
for m in months:
i = i+1
unctime_monthmap[m] = i
words = string.split(date) # Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS YEAR
year = string.atoi(words[4])
month = unctime_monthmap[words[1]]
day = string.atoi(words[2])
[hh, mm, ss] = map(string.atoi, string.splitfields(words[3], ':'))
ss = ss - time.timezone
return time.mktime((year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, 0, 0, 0))
def gmctime(t):
if t is None: return "None"
return time.asctime(time.gmtime(t))
def test_unctime():
now = int(time.time())
t = time.gmtime(now)
at = time.asctime(t)
print 'GMT', now, at
print 'timezone', time.timezone
print 'local', time.ctime(now)
u = unctime(at)
print 'unctime()', u
gu = time.gmtime(u)
print '->', gu
print time.asctime(gu)
def test():
x = CVS()
## x.report()
import rcsclient
proxy = rcsclient.openrcsclient()
if __name__ == "__main__":