File menu: New window -- create a new editing window Open file... -- open an existing file from a dialog box Open module... -- asks for a module name, finds it on sys.path, and opens it; if there's a selection, it's the module name Class browser... -- open a class browser for the current module --- Save -- save the current window to its associated file Save As... -- save to a new file from a dialog box Save Copy As... -- save to a new file without changing window name --- Close -- close current window; asks to save if unsaved Exit -- close all windows; asks to save unsaved windows Edit menu: Undo -- Undo last change to current window (max 1000 changes) Redo -- Redo last undone change to current window --- Cut -- Copy selection into system-wide clipboard; then delete selection Copy -- Copy selection into system-wide clipboard Paste -- Insert system-wide clipboard into window --- Find... -- Search (case sensitive, Perl regular expression) Find next -- Repeat last search Fine same -- Search for the string in the selection Go to line -- Ask for a line number and show that line --- Dedent region -- Shift selected lines left 4 spaces Indent region -- Shift selected lines right 4 spaces Comment out region -- Insert ## in front of selected lines Uncomment region -- Remove leading # or ## from selected lines Windows menu: Contains the names of all open windows. The Python Shell entry at the top will recreate the shell window if it has been closed. Debug menu (in the Python Shell window only): Go to line from traceback -- look around the insert point for a filename and linenumber, open the file, and show the line Open stack viewer -- show the stack traceback of the last exception Basic editing and navigation: Backspace deletes to the left; DEL deletes to the right Arrow keys and Page Up/Down to move around Home/End go to begin/end of line Control-Home/End go to begin/end of file Some Emacs bindings may also work, e.g. ^F/^B/^P/^N/^A/^E Python Shell window: ^C interrupts executing command ^D sends end-of-file; closes window if typed at >>> prompt Python syntax colors: the coloring is applied in a background thread Keywords orange Strings green Comments red Definitions blue Console colors: Console output red stdout blue stderr dark green stdin purple