import string import sys import os from Tkinter import * import linecache from repr import Repr class StackViewer: def __init__(self, root=None, flist=None): self.flist = flist # Create root and/or toplevel window if not root: import Tkinter root = Tkinter._default_root if not root: root = top = Tk() else: top = Toplevel(root)"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.root = root = top top.wm_title("Stack viewer") # Create help label self.helplabel = Label(top, text="Click once to view variables; twice for source", borderwidth=2, relief="groove") self.helplabel.pack(fill="x") # Create top frame, with scrollbar and listbox self.topframe = Frame(top) self.topframe.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.topframe, name="vbar") self.vbar.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.listbox = Listbox(self.topframe, exportselection=0, takefocus=1, width=60) self.listbox.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Tie listbox and scrollbar together self.vbar["command"] = self.listbox.yview self.listbox["yscrollcommand"] = self.vbar.set # Bind events to the list box self.listbox.bind("", self.click_event) self.listbox.bind("", self.double_click_event) self.listbox.bind("", self.popup_event) self.listbox.bind("", self.up_event) self.listbox.bind("", self.down_event) # Create status label self.statuslabel = Label(top, text="status") self.statuslabel.pack(fill="x") # Load the stack linecache.checkcache() stack = getstack() self.load_stack(stack) self.statuslabel.config(text=getexception()) def close(self): def load_stack(self, stack): self.stack = stack l = self.listbox l.delete(0, END) if len(stack) > 10: l["height"] = 10 self.topframe.pack(expand=1) else: l["height"] = len(stack) self.topframe.pack(expand=0) for frame, lineno in stack: try: modname = frame.f_globals["__name__"] except: modname = "?" code = frame.f_code filename = code.co_filename funcname = code.co_name sourceline = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) sourceline = string.strip(sourceline) if funcname in ("?", "", None): item = "%s, line %d: %s" % (modname, lineno, sourceline) else: item = "%s.%s(), line %d: %s" % (modname, funcname, lineno, sourceline) l.insert(END, item) l.focus_set() l.selection_clear(0, "end") l.activate("end") l.see("end") rmenu = None def click_event(self, event): self.listbox.activate("@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y)) self.show_stack_frame() return "break" def popup_event(self, event): if not self.rmenu: self.make_menu() rmenu = self.rmenu self.event = event self.listbox.activate("@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y)) rmenu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root) def make_menu(self): rmenu = Menu(, tearoff=0) rmenu.add_command(label="Go to source line", command=self.goto_source_line) rmenu.add_command(label="Show stack frame", command=self.show_stack_frame) self.rmenu = rmenu def goto_source_line(self): index = self.listbox.index("active") self.show_source(index) def show_stack_frame(self): index = self.listbox.index("active") self.show_frame(index) def double_click_event(self, event): index = self.listbox.index("active") self.show_source(index) return "break" def up_event(self, event): index = self.listbox.index("active") - 1 if index < 0: return "break" self.show_frame(index) return "break" def down_event(self, event): index = self.listbox.index("active") + 1 if index >= len(self.stack): return "break" self.show_frame(index) return "break" def show_source(self, index): if not 0 <= index < len(self.stack): return frame, lineno = self.stack[index] code = frame.f_code filename = code.co_filename if not self.flist: return if not os.path.exists(filename): return edit = edit.gotoline(lineno) localsframe = None localsviewer = None localsdict = None globalsframe = None globalsviewer = None globalsdict = None curframe = None def show_frame(self, index): if not 0 <= index < len(self.stack): return self.listbox.selection_clear(0, "end") self.listbox.selection_set(index) self.listbox.activate(index) self.listbox.see(index) self.listbox.focus_set() frame, lineno = self.stack[index] if frame is self.curframe: return self.curframe = None if frame.f_globals is not self.globalsdict: self.show_globals(frame) self.show_locals(frame) self.curframe = frame def show_globals(self, frame): title = "Global Variables" if frame.f_globals.has_key("__name__"): try: name = str(frame.f_globals["__name__"]) + "" except: name = "" if name: title = title + " in module " + name self.globalsdict = None if self.globalsviewer: self.globalsviewer.close() self.globalsviewer = None if not self.globalsframe: self.globalsframe = Frame( self.globalsdict = frame.f_globals self.globalsviewer = NamespaceViewer( self.globalsframe, title, self.globalsdict) self.globalsframe.pack(fill="both", side="bottom") def show_locals(self, frame): self.localsdict = None if self.localsviewer: self.localsviewer.close() self.localsviewer = None if frame.f_locals is not frame.f_globals: title = "Local Variables" code = frame.f_code funcname = code.co_name if funcname not in ("?", "", None): title = title + " in " + funcname if not self.localsframe: self.localsframe = Frame( self.localsdict = frame.f_locals self.localsviewer = NamespaceViewer( self.localsframe, title, self.localsdict) self.localsframe.pack(fill="both", side="top") else: if self.localsframe: self.localsframe.forget() def getstack(t=None, f=None): if t is None: t = sys.last_traceback stack = [] if t and t.tb_frame is f: t = t.tb_next while f is not None: stack.append((f, f.f_lineno)) if f is self.botframe: break f = f.f_back stack.reverse() while t is not None: stack.append((t.tb_frame, t.tb_lineno)) t = t.tb_next return stack def getexception(type=None, value=None): if type is None: type = sys.last_type value = sys.last_value if hasattr(type, "__name__"): type = type.__name__ s = str(type) if value is not None: s = s + ": " + str(value) return s class NamespaceViewer: def __init__(self, frame, title, dict): width = 0 height = 20*len(dict) # XXX 20 == observed height of Entry widget self.frame = frame self.title = title self.dict = dict self.repr = Repr() self.repr.maxstring = 60 self.repr.maxother = 60 self.label = Label(frame, text=title, borderwidth=2, relief="groove") self.label.pack(fill="x") self.vbar = vbar = Scrollbar(frame, name="vbar") vbar.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.canvas = canvas = Canvas(frame, height=min(300, max(40, height)), scrollregion=(0, 0, width, height)) canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=1) vbar["command"] = canvas.yview canvas["yscrollcommand"] = vbar.set self.subframe = subframe = Frame(canvas) self.sfid = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=subframe, anchor="nw") names = dict.keys() names.sort() row = 0 for name in names: value = dict[name] svalue = self.repr.repr(value) # repr(value) l = Label(subframe, text=name) l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky="nw") ## l = Label(subframe, text=svalue, justify="l", wraplength=300) l = Entry(subframe, width=0, borderwidth=0) l.insert(0, svalue) ## l["state"] = "disabled" l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky="nw") row = row+1 frame.update_idletasks() # Alas! width = subframe.winfo_reqwidth() height = subframe.winfo_reqheight() canvas["scrollregion"] = (0, 0, width, height) if height > 300: canvas["height"] = 300 frame.pack(expand=1) else: canvas["height"] = height frame.pack(expand=0) def close(self): for c in self.subframe, self.label, self.vbar, self.canvas: try: c.destroy() except: pass