import string from Tkinter import * import Pmw import ColorDB class LeftArrow: _ARROWWIDTH = 30 _ARROWHEIGHT = 15 _YOFFSET = 13 _TEXTYOFFSET = 1 _TAG = ('leftarrow',) def __init__(self, canvas, x): self._canvas = canvas self.__arrow, self.__text = self._create(x) self.move_to(x) def _create(self, x): arrow = self._canvas.create_line( x, self._ARROWHEIGHT + self._YOFFSET, x, self._YOFFSET, x + self._ARROWWIDTH, self._YOFFSET, arrow='first', width=3.0, tags=self._TAG) text = self._canvas.create_text( x + self._ARROWWIDTH + 13, self._ARROWHEIGHT - self._TEXTYOFFSET, tags=self._TAG, text='128') return arrow, text def _x(self): coords = self._canvas.coords(self._TAG) assert coords return coords[0] def move_to(self, x): deltax = x - self._x() self._canvas.move(self._TAG, deltax, 0) def set_text(self, text): self._canvas.itemconfigure(self.__text, text=text) class RightArrow(LeftArrow): _TAG = ('rightarrow',) def _create(self, x): arrow = self._canvas.create_line( x, self._YOFFSET, x + self._ARROWWIDTH, self._YOFFSET, x + self._ARROWWIDTH, self._ARROWHEIGHT + self._YOFFSET, arrow='last', width=3.0, tags=self._TAG) text = self._canvas.create_text( x - self._ARROWWIDTH + 15, # TBD: kludge self._ARROWHEIGHT - self._TEXTYOFFSET, text='128', tags=self._TAG) return arrow, text def _x(self): coords = self._canvas.bbox(self._TAG) assert coords return coords[2] - 6 # TBD: kludge class StripWidget(Pmw.MegaWidget): _CHIPHEIGHT = 50 _CHIPWIDTH = 10 _NUMCHIPS = 40 def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw): options = (('color', (128, 128, 128), self.__set_color), ('delegate', None, self.__set_delegate), ('chipwidth', self._CHIPWIDTH, Pmw.INITOPT), ('chipheight', self._CHIPHEIGHT, Pmw.INITOPT), ('numchips', self._NUMCHIPS, Pmw.INITOPT), ('generator', None, Pmw.INITOPT), ('axis', None, Pmw.INITOPT), ('label', '', Pmw.INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, options) Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) interiorarg = (self.interior(),) # group component contains a convas containing a bunch of objects # (moveable arrow + text label, relief'd rectangle color chips) chipwidth = self.__chipwidth = self['chipwidth'] chipheight = self.__chipheight = self['chipheight'] numchips = self.__numchips = self['numchips'] canvaswidth = numchips * (chipwidth + 1) canvasheight = chipheight + 43 # TBD: Kludge # create the canvas and pack it self.__canvas = Canvas( parent, width=canvaswidth, height=canvasheight, ## borderwidth=2, ## relief=GROOVE ) self.__canvas.pack() self.__canvas.bind('', self.__select_chip) self.__canvas.bind('', self.__select_chip) # create the color strip chips = self.__chips = [] x = 1 y = 30 for c in range(self.__numchips): color = 'grey' rect = self.__canvas.create_rectangle( x, y, x+chipwidth, y+chipheight, fill=color, outline=color) x = x + chipwidth + 1 # for outline chips.append(color) # create the string tag self.__label = self.__canvas.create_text( 3, y + chipheight + 8, text=self['label'], anchor=W) # create the arrow and text item chipx = self.__arrow_x(0) self.__leftarrow = LeftArrow(self.__canvas, chipx) chipx = self.__arrow_x(len(chips) - 1) self.__rightarrow = RightArrow(self.__canvas, chipx) self.__generator = self['generator'] self.__axis = self['axis'] assert self.__axis in (0, 1, 2) self.initialiseoptions(StripWidget) self.__delegate = self['delegate'] def __set_color(self): rgbtuple = self['color'] self.set_color(self, rgbtuple) def __arrow_x(self, chipnum): coords = self.__canvas.coords(chipnum+1) assert coords x0, y0, x1, y1 = coords return (x1 + x0) / 2.0 def __select_chip(self, event=None): chip = self.__canvas.find_closest(event.x, event.y)[0] if chip and self.__delegate: color = self.__chips[chip-1] rgbtuple = ColorDB.rrggbb_to_triplet(color) self.__delegate.set_color(self, rgbtuple) ## import profile ## import pstats ## import tempfile ## statfile = tempfile.mktemp() ## p = profile.Profile() ## p.runcall(self.__delegate.set_color, self, rgbtuple) ## p.dump_stats(statfile) ## s = pstats.Stats(statfile) ## s.strip_dirs().sort_stats('time').print_stats(10) def __set_delegate(self): self.__delegate = self['delegate'] # # public interface # def set_color(self, obj, rgbtuple): red, green, blue = rgbtuple assert self.__generator i = 1 chip = 0 chips = self.__chips = [] tclcmd = [] for t in self.__generator(self.__numchips, rgbtuple): rrggbb = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb(t) chips.append(rrggbb) ## self.__canvas.itemconfigure(i, ## fill=rrggbb, ## outline=rrggbb) tclcmd.append(self.__canvas._w) tclcmd.append('itemconfigure') tclcmd.append(`i`) tclcmd.append('-fill') tclcmd.append(rrggbb) tclcmd.append('-outline') tclcmd.append(rrggbb) tclcmd.append('\n') tred, tgreen, tblue = t if tred <= red and tgreen <= green and tblue <= blue: chip = i i = i + 1 # call the raw tcl script script = string.join(tclcmd, ' ') # get the arrow's text coloraxis = rgbtuple[self.__axis] text = repr(coloraxis) # move the arrow, and set it's text if coloraxis <= 128: # use the left chip self.__leftarrow.set_text(text) self.__leftarrow.move_to(self.__arrow_x(chip-1)) self.__rightarrow.move_to(-100) else: # use the right chip self.__rightarrow.set_text(text) self.__rightarrow.move_to(self.__arrow_x(chip-1)) self.__leftarrow.move_to(-100) # and set the chip's outline pmwrgb = ColorDB.triplet_to_pmwrgb(rgbtuple) b = Pmw.Color.rgb2brightness(pmwrgb) if b <= 0.5: outline = 'white' else: outline = 'black' self.__canvas.itemconfigure(chip, outline=outline)