"""Suite Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications Level 1, version 1 Generated from /Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2 Folder/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2 AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0 """ import aetools import MacOS _code = 'CoRe' from StdSuites.Standard_Suite import * class Standard_Suite_Events(Standard_Suite_Events): def close(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """close: Close an object Required argument: the objects to close Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'core' _subcode = 'clos' if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected') _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.get('errn', 0): raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def data_size(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """data size: Return the size in bytes of an object Required argument: the object whose data size is to be returned Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary Returns: the size of the object in bytes """ _code = 'core' _subcode = 'dsiz' if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected') _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.get('errn', 0): raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] def get(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """get: Get the data for an object Required argument: the object whose data is to be returned Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary Returns: The data from the object """ _code = 'core' _subcode = 'getd' if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected') _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.get('errn', 0): raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] _argmap_set = { 'to' : 'data', } def set(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments): """set: Set an object\xd5s data Required argument: the object to change Keyword argument to: the new value Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary """ _code = 'core' _subcode = 'setd' aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_set) _arguments['----'] = _object _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode, _arguments, _attributes) if _arguments.get('errn', 0): raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)) # XXXX Optionally decode result if _arguments.has_key('----'): return _arguments['----'] class application(aetools.ComponentItem): """application - An application program """ want = 'capp' class _Prop_alert_application(aetools.NProperty): """alert application - Most of the alerts will be sent to this application using yet unspecified AE interface. We need a few alert boxes: alert, confirm and notify. Any ideas on how to design this event? mailto:atotic@netscape.com. I\xd5d like to conform to the standard. """ which = 'ALAP' want = 'type' alert_application = _Prop_alert_application() class _Prop_kiosk_mode(aetools.NProperty): """kiosk mode - Kiosk mode leaves very few menus enabled """ which = 'KOSK' want = 'long' kiosk_mode = _Prop_kiosk_mode() # element 'cwin' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID '] class window(aetools.ComponentItem): """window - A Window """ want = 'cwin' class _Prop_URL(aetools.NProperty): """URL - Current URL """ which = 'curl' want = 'TEXT' class _Prop_bounds(aetools.NProperty): """bounds - the boundary rectangle for the window """ which = 'pbnd' want = 'qdrt' class _Prop_busy(aetools.NProperty): """busy - Is window loading something right now. 2, window is busy and will reject load requests. 1, window is busy, but will interrupt outstanding loads """ which = 'busy' want = 'long' class _Prop_closeable(aetools.NProperty): """closeable - Does the window have a close box? """ which = 'hclb' want = 'bool' class _Prop_floating(aetools.NProperty): """floating - Does the window float? """ which = 'isfl' want = 'bool' class _Prop_index(aetools.NProperty): """index - the number of the window """ which = 'pidx' want = 'long' class _Prop_modal(aetools.NProperty): """modal - Is the window modal? """ which = 'pmod' want = 'bool' class _Prop_name(aetools.NProperty): """name - the title of the window """ which = 'pnam' want = 'itxt' class _Prop_position(aetools.NProperty): """position - upper left coordinates of window """ which = 'ppos' want = 'QDpt' class _Prop_resizable(aetools.NProperty): """resizable - Is the window resizable? """ which = 'prsz' want = 'bool' class _Prop_titled(aetools.NProperty): """titled - Does the window have a title bar? """ which = 'ptit' want = 'bool' class _Prop_unique_ID(aetools.NProperty): """unique ID - Window\xd5s unique ID (a bridge between WWW! suite window id\xd5s and standard AE windows) """ which = 'wiid' want = 'long' class _Prop_visible(aetools.NProperty): """visible - is the window visible? """ which = 'pvis' want = 'bool' class _Prop_zoomable(aetools.NProperty): """zoomable - Is the window zoomable? """ which = 'iszm' want = 'bool' class _Prop_zoomed(aetools.NProperty): """zoomed - Is the window zoomed? """ which = 'pzum' want = 'bool' application._superclassnames = [] application._privpropdict = { 'alert_application' : _Prop_alert_application, 'kiosk_mode' : _Prop_kiosk_mode, } application._privelemdict = { 'window' : window, } window._superclassnames = [] window._privpropdict = { 'URL' : _Prop_URL, 'bounds' : _Prop_bounds, 'busy' : _Prop_busy, 'closeable' : _Prop_closeable, 'floating' : _Prop_floating, 'index' : _Prop_index, 'modal' : _Prop_modal, 'name' : _Prop_name, 'position' : _Prop_position, 'resizable' : _Prop_resizable, 'titled' : _Prop_titled, 'unique_ID' : _Prop_unique_ID, 'visible' : _Prop_visible, 'zoomable' : _Prop_zoomable, 'zoomed' : _Prop_zoomed, } window._privelemdict = { } # # Indices of types declared in this module # _classdeclarations = { 'capp' : application, 'cwin' : window, } _propdeclarations = { 'ALAP' : _Prop_alert_application, 'KOSK' : _Prop_kiosk_mode, 'busy' : _Prop_busy, 'curl' : _Prop_URL, 'hclb' : _Prop_closeable, 'isfl' : _Prop_floating, 'iszm' : _Prop_zoomable, 'pbnd' : _Prop_bounds, 'pidx' : _Prop_index, 'pmod' : _Prop_modal, 'pnam' : _Prop_name, 'ppos' : _Prop_position, 'prsz' : _Prop_resizable, 'ptit' : _Prop_titled, 'pvis' : _Prop_visible, 'pzum' : _Prop_zoomed, 'wiid' : _Prop_unique_ID, } _compdeclarations = { } _enumdeclarations = { }