# test the invariant that # iff a==b then hash(a)==hash(b) # import test_support import unittest class HashEqualityTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def same_hash(self, *objlist): # hash each object given an raise TestFailed if # the hash values are not all the same hashed = map(hash, objlist) for h in hashed[1:]: if h != hashed[0]: self.fail("hashed values differ: %s" % `objlist`) def test_numeric_literals(self): self.same_hash(1, 1L, 1.0, 1.0+0.0j) def test_coerced_integers(self): self.same_hash(int(1), long(1), float(1), complex(1), int('1'), float('1.0')) def test_coerced_floats(self): self.same_hash(long(1.23e300), float(1.23e300)) self.same_hash(float(0.5), complex(0.5, 0.0)) test_support.run_unittest(HashEqualityTestCase)