'''Test idlelib.macosx.py ''' from idlelib import macosx from test.support import requires import sys import tkinter as tk import unittest import unittest.mock as mock MAC = sys.platform == 'darwin' mactypes = {'carbon', 'cocoa', 'xquartz'} nontypes = {'other'} alltypes = mactypes | nontypes class InitTktypeTest(unittest.TestCase): "Test _init_tk_type." @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): requires('gui') cls.root = tk.Tk() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.root.update_idletasks() cls.root.destroy() del cls.root def test_init_sets_tktype(self): "Test that _init_tk_type sets _tk_type according to platform." for root in (None, self.root): with self.subTest(root=root): macosx._tk_type == None macosx._init_tk_type(root) self.assertIn(macosx._tk_type, mactypes if MAC else nontypes) class IsTypeTkTest(unittest.TestCase): "Test each of the four isTypeTk predecates." isfuncs = ((macosx.isAquaTk, ('carbon', 'cocoa')), (macosx.isCarbonTk, ('carbon')), (macosx.isCocoaTk, ('cocoa')), (macosx.isXQuartz, ('xquartz')), ) @mock.patch('idlelib.macosx._init_tk_type') def test_is_calls_init(self, mockinit): "Test that each isTypeTk calls _init_tk_type when _tk_type is None." macosx._tk_type = None for func, whentrue in self.isfuncs: with self.subTest(func=func): func() self.assertTrue(mockinit.called) mockinit.reset_mock() def test_isfuncs(self): "Test that each isTypeTk return correct bool." for func, whentrue in self.isfuncs: for tktype in alltypes: with self.subTest(func=func, whentrue=whentrue, tktype=tktype): macosx._tk_type = tktype (self.assertTrue if tktype in whentrue else self.assertFalse)\ (func()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)