""" File generation for APPX/MSIX manifests. """ __author__ = "Steve Dower " __version__ = "3.8" import collections import ctypes import io import os import sys from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from .constants import * __all__ = ["get_appx_layout"] APPX_DATA = dict( Name="PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.{}".format(VER_DOT), Version="{}.{}.{}.0".format(VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_FIELD3), Publisher=os.getenv( "APPX_DATA_PUBLISHER", "CN=4975D53F-AA7E-49A5-8B49-EA4FDC1BB66B" ), DisplayName="Python {}".format(VER_DOT), Description="The Python {} runtime and console.".format(VER_DOT), ) APPX_PLATFORM_DATA = dict( _keys=("ProcessorArchitecture",), win32=("x86",), amd64=("x64",), arm32=("arm",), arm64=("arm64",), ) PYTHON_VE_DATA = dict( DisplayName="Python {}".format(VER_DOT), Description="Python interactive console", Square150x150Logo="_resources/pythonx150.png", Square44x44Logo="_resources/pythonx44.png", BackgroundColor="transparent", ) PYTHONW_VE_DATA = dict( DisplayName="Python {} (Windowed)".format(VER_DOT), Description="Python windowed app launcher", Square150x150Logo="_resources/pythonwx150.png", Square44x44Logo="_resources/pythonwx44.png", BackgroundColor="transparent", AppListEntry="none", ) PIP_VE_DATA = dict( DisplayName="pip (Python {})".format(VER_DOT), Description="pip package manager for Python {}".format(VER_DOT), Square150x150Logo="_resources/pythonx150.png", Square44x44Logo="_resources/pythonx44.png", BackgroundColor="transparent", AppListEntry="none", ) IDLE_VE_DATA = dict( DisplayName="IDLE (Python {})".format(VER_DOT), Description="IDLE editor for Python {}".format(VER_DOT), Square150x150Logo="_resources/idlex150.png", Square44x44Logo="_resources/idlex44.png", BackgroundColor="transparent", ) PY_PNG = "_resources/py.png" APPXMANIFEST_NS = { "": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10", "m": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10", "uap": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10", "rescap": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10/restrictedcapabilities", "rescap4": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10/restrictedcapabilities/4", "desktop4": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/desktop/windows10/4", "desktop6": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/desktop/windows10/6", "uap3": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/3", "uap4": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/4", "uap5": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/5", } APPXMANIFEST_TEMPLATE = """ Python Software Foundation _resources/pythonx50.png """ RESOURCES_XML_TEMPLATE = r""" """ SCCD_FILENAME = "PC/classicAppCompat.sccd" SPECIAL_LOOKUP = object() REGISTRY = { "HKCU\\Software\\Python\\PythonCore": { VER_DOT: { "DisplayName": APPX_DATA["DisplayName"], "SupportUrl": "https://www.python.org/", "SysArchitecture": SPECIAL_LOOKUP, "SysVersion": VER_DOT, "Version": "{}.{}.{}".format(VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_MICRO), "InstallPath": { "": "[{AppVPackageRoot}]", "ExecutablePath": "[{{AppVPackageRoot}}]\\python{}.exe".format(VER_DOT), "WindowedExecutablePath": "[{{AppVPackageRoot}}]\\pythonw{}.exe".format( VER_DOT ), }, "Help": { "Main Python Documentation": { "_condition": lambda ns: ns.include_chm, "": "[{{AppVPackageRoot}}]\\Doc\\{}".format(PYTHON_CHM_NAME), }, "Local Python Documentation": { "_condition": lambda ns: ns.include_html_doc, "": "[{AppVPackageRoot}]\\Doc\\html\\index.html", }, "Online Python Documentation": { "": "https://docs.python.org/{}".format(VER_DOT) }, }, "Idle": { "_condition": lambda ns: ns.include_idle, "": "[{AppVPackageRoot}]\\Lib\\idlelib\\idle.pyw", }, } } } def get_packagefamilyname(name, publisher_id): class PACKAGE_ID(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("reserved", ctypes.c_uint32), ("processorArchitecture", ctypes.c_uint32), ("version", ctypes.c_uint64), ("name", ctypes.c_wchar_p), ("publisher", ctypes.c_wchar_p), ("resourceId", ctypes.c_wchar_p), ("publisherId", ctypes.c_wchar_p), ] _pack_ = 4 pid = PACKAGE_ID(0, 0, 0, name, publisher_id, None, None) result = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(256) result_len = ctypes.c_uint32(256) r = ctypes.windll.kernel32.PackageFamilyNameFromId( pid, ctypes.byref(result_len), result ) if r: raise OSError(r, "failed to get package family name") return result.value[: result_len.value] def _fixup_sccd(ns, sccd, new_hash=None): if not new_hash: return sccd NS = dict(s="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2016/sccd") with open(sccd, "rb") as f: xml = ET.parse(f) pfn = get_packagefamilyname(APPX_DATA["Name"], APPX_DATA["Publisher"]) ae = xml.find("s:AuthorizedEntities", NS) ae.clear() e = ET.SubElement(ae, ET.QName(NS["s"], "AuthorizedEntity")) e.set("AppPackageFamilyName", pfn) e.set("CertificateSignatureHash", new_hash) for e in xml.findall("s:Catalog", NS): e.text = "FFFF" sccd = ns.temp / sccd.name sccd.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(sccd, "wb") as f: xml.write(f, encoding="utf-8") return sccd def find_or_add(xml, element, attr=None, always_add=False): if always_add: e = None else: q = element if attr: q += "[@{}='{}']".format(*attr) e = xml.find(q, APPXMANIFEST_NS) if e is None: prefix, _, name = element.partition(":") name = ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS[prefix or ""], name) e = ET.SubElement(xml, name) if attr: e.set(*attr) return e def _get_app(xml, appid): if appid: app = xml.find( "m:Applications/m:Application[@Id='{}']".format(appid), APPXMANIFEST_NS ) if app is None: raise LookupError(appid) else: app = xml return app def add_visual(xml, appid, data): app = _get_app(xml, appid) e = find_or_add(app, "uap:VisualElements") for i in data.items(): e.set(*i) return e def add_alias(xml, appid, alias, subsystem="windows"): app = _get_app(xml, appid) e = find_or_add(app, "m:Extensions") e = find_or_add(e, "uap5:Extension", ("Category", "windows.appExecutionAlias")) e = find_or_add(e, "uap5:AppExecutionAlias") e.set(ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS["desktop4"], "Subsystem"), subsystem) e = find_or_add(e, "uap5:ExecutionAlias", ("Alias", alias)) def add_file_type(xml, appid, name, suffix, parameters='"%1"', info=None, logo=None): app = _get_app(xml, appid) e = find_or_add(app, "m:Extensions") e = find_or_add(e, "uap3:Extension", ("Category", "windows.fileTypeAssociation")) e = find_or_add(e, "uap3:FileTypeAssociation", ("Name", name)) e.set("Parameters", parameters) if info: find_or_add(e, "uap:DisplayName").text = info if logo: find_or_add(e, "uap:Logo").text = logo e = find_or_add(e, "uap:SupportedFileTypes") if isinstance(suffix, str): suffix = [suffix] for s in suffix: ET.SubElement(e, ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS["uap"], "FileType")).text = s def add_application( ns, xml, appid, executable, aliases, visual_element, subsystem, file_types ): node = xml.find("m:Applications", APPXMANIFEST_NS) suffix = "_d.exe" if ns.debug else ".exe" app = ET.SubElement( node, ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS[""], "Application"), { "Id": appid, "Executable": executable + suffix, "EntryPoint": "Windows.FullTrustApplication", ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS["desktop4"], "SupportsMultipleInstances"): "true", }, ) if visual_element: add_visual(app, None, visual_element) for alias in aliases: add_alias(app, None, alias + suffix, subsystem) if file_types: add_file_type(app, None, *file_types) return app def _get_registry_entries(ns, root="", d=None): r = root if root else PureWindowsPath("") if d is None: d = REGISTRY for key, value in d.items(): if key == "_condition": continue if value is SPECIAL_LOOKUP: if key == "SysArchitecture": value = { "win32": "32bit", "amd64": "64bit", "arm32": "32bit", "arm64": "64bit", }[ns.arch] else: raise ValueError(f"Key '{key}' unhandled for special lookup") if isinstance(value, dict): cond = value.get("_condition") if cond and not cond(ns): continue fullkey = r for part in PureWindowsPath(key).parts: fullkey /= part if len(fullkey.parts) > 1: yield str(fullkey), None, None yield from _get_registry_entries(ns, fullkey, value) elif len(r.parts) > 1: yield str(r), key, value def add_registry_entries(ns, xml): e = find_or_add(xml, "m:Extensions") e = find_or_add(e, "rescap4:Extension") e.set("Category", "windows.classicAppCompatKeys") e.set("EntryPoint", "Windows.FullTrustApplication") e = ET.SubElement(e, ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS["rescap4"], "ClassicAppCompatKeys")) for name, valuename, value in _get_registry_entries(ns): k = ET.SubElement( e, ET.QName(APPXMANIFEST_NS["rescap4"], "ClassicAppCompatKey") ) k.set("Name", name) if value: k.set("ValueName", valuename) k.set("Value", value) k.set("ValueType", "REG_SZ") def disable_registry_virtualization(xml): e = find_or_add(xml, "m:Properties") e = find_or_add(e, "desktop6:RegistryWriteVirtualization") e.text = "disabled" e = find_or_add(xml, "m:Capabilities") e = find_or_add(e, "rescap:Capability", ("Name", "unvirtualizedResources")) def get_appxmanifest(ns): for k, v in APPXMANIFEST_NS.items(): ET.register_namespace(k, v) ET.register_namespace("", APPXMANIFEST_NS["m"]) xml = ET.parse(io.StringIO(APPXMANIFEST_TEMPLATE)) NS = APPXMANIFEST_NS QN = ET.QName data = dict(APPX_DATA) for k, v in zip(APPX_PLATFORM_DATA["_keys"], APPX_PLATFORM_DATA[ns.arch]): data[k] = v node = xml.find("m:Identity", NS) for k in node.keys(): value = data.get(k) if value: node.set(k, value) for node in xml.find("m:Properties", NS): value = data.get(node.tag.rpartition("}")[2]) if value: node.text = value try: winver = tuple(int(i) for i in os.getenv("APPX_DATA_WINVER", "").split(".", maxsplit=3)) except (TypeError, ValueError): winver = () # Default "known good" version is 10.0.22000, first Windows 11 release winver = winver or (10, 0, 22000) if winver < (10, 0, 17763): winver = 10, 0, 17763 find_or_add(xml, "m:Dependencies/m:TargetDeviceFamily").set( "MaxVersionTested", "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(*(winver + (0, 0, 0, 0)[:4])) ) # Only for Python 3.11 and later. Older versions do not disable virtualization if (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR) >= (3, 11) and winver > (10, 0, 17763): disable_registry_virtualization(xml) app = add_application( ns, xml, "Python", "python{}".format(VER_DOT), ["python", "python{}".format(VER_MAJOR), "python{}".format(VER_DOT)], PYTHON_VE_DATA, "console", ("python.file", [".py"], '"%1" %*', "Python File", PY_PNG), ) add_application( ns, xml, "PythonW", "pythonw{}".format(VER_DOT), ["pythonw", "pythonw{}".format(VER_MAJOR), "pythonw{}".format(VER_DOT)], PYTHONW_VE_DATA, "windows", ("python.windowedfile", [".pyw"], '"%1" %*', "Python File (no console)", PY_PNG), ) if ns.include_pip and ns.include_launchers: add_application( ns, xml, "Pip", "pip{}".format(VER_DOT), ["pip", "pip{}".format(VER_MAJOR), "pip{}".format(VER_DOT)], PIP_VE_DATA, "console", ("python.wheel", [".whl"], 'install "%1"', "Python Wheel"), ) if ns.include_idle and ns.include_launchers: add_application( ns, xml, "Idle", "idle{}".format(VER_DOT), ["idle", "idle{}".format(VER_MAJOR), "idle{}".format(VER_DOT)], IDLE_VE_DATA, "windows", None, ) if (ns.source / SCCD_FILENAME).is_file(): add_registry_entries(ns, xml) node = xml.find("m:Capabilities", NS) node = ET.SubElement(node, QN(NS["uap4"], "CustomCapability")) node.set("Name", "Microsoft.classicAppCompat_8wekyb3d8bbwe") buffer = io.BytesIO() xml.write(buffer, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) return buffer.getbuffer() def get_resources_xml(ns): return RESOURCES_XML_TEMPLATE.encode("utf-8") def get_appx_layout(ns): if not ns.include_appxmanifest: return yield "AppxManifest.xml", ("AppxManifest.xml", get_appxmanifest(ns)) yield "_resources.xml", ("_resources.xml", get_resources_xml(ns)) icons = ns.source / "PC" / "icons" for px in [44, 50, 150]: src = icons / "pythonx{}.png".format(px) yield f"_resources/pythonx{px}.png", src yield f"_resources/pythonx{px}$targetsize-{px}_altform-unplated.png", src for px in [44, 150]: src = icons / "pythonwx{}.png".format(px) yield f"_resources/pythonwx{px}.png", src yield f"_resources/pythonwx{px}$targetsize-{px}_altform-unplated.png", src if ns.include_idle and ns.include_launchers: for px in [44, 150]: src = icons / "idlex{}.png".format(px) yield f"_resources/idlex{px}.png", src yield f"_resources/idlex{px}$targetsize-{px}_altform-unplated.png", src yield f"_resources/py.png", icons / "py.png" sccd = ns.source / SCCD_FILENAME if sccd.is_file(): # This should only be set for side-loading purposes. sccd = _fixup_sccd(ns, sccd, os.getenv("APPX_DATA_SHA256")) yield sccd.name, sccd