"""Core implementation of import. This module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such that it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import. As such it requires the injection of specific modules and attributes in order to work. One should use importlib as the public-facing version of this module. """ # Injected modules are '_warnings', 'imp', 'sys', 'marshal', 'errno', and '_os' # (a.k.a. 'posix', 'nt' or 'os2'). # Injected attribute is path_sep. # # When editing this code be aware that code executed at import time CANNOT # reference any injected objects! This includes not only global code but also # anything specified at the class level. # XXX Could also expose Modules/getpath.c:joinpath() def _path_join(*args): """Replacement for os.path.join.""" return path_sep.join(x[:-len(path_sep)] if x.endswith(path_sep) else x for x in args) def _path_exists(path): """Replacement for os.path.exists.""" try: _os.stat(path) except OSError: return False else: return True def _path_is_mode_type(path, mode): """Test whether the path is the specified mode type.""" try: stat_info = _os.stat(path) except OSError: return False return (stat_info.st_mode & 0o170000) == mode # XXX Could also expose Modules/getpath.c:isfile() def _path_isfile(path): """Replacement for os.path.isfile.""" return _path_is_mode_type(path, 0o100000) # XXX Could also expose Modules/getpath.c:isdir() def _path_isdir(path): """Replacement for os.path.isdir.""" return _path_is_mode_type(path, 0o040000) def _path_without_ext(path, ext_type): """Replacement for os.path.splitext()[0].""" for suffix in suffix_list(ext_type): if path.endswith(suffix): return path[:-len(suffix)] else: raise ValueError("path is not of the specified type") def _path_absolute(path): """Replacement for os.path.abspath.""" if not path: path = _os.getcwd() try: return _os._getfullpathname(path) except AttributeError: if path.startswith('/'): return path else: return _path_join(_os.getcwd(), path) class closing: """Simple replacement for contextlib.closing.""" def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __enter__(self): return self.obj def __exit__(self, *args): self.obj.close() def wrap(new, old): """Simple substitute for functools.wraps.""" for replace in ['__module__', '__name__', '__doc__']: setattr(new, replace, getattr(old, replace)) new.__dict__.update(old.__dict__) def set___package__(fxn): """Set __package__ on the returned module.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): module = fxn(*args, **kwargs) if not hasattr(module, '__package__') or module.__package__ is None: module.__package__ = module.__name__ if not hasattr(module, '__path__'): module.__package__ = module.__package__.rpartition('.')[0] return module wrap(wrapper, fxn) return wrapper class BuiltinImporter: """Meta path loader for built-in modules. All methods are either class or static methods, allowing direct use of the class. """ @classmethod def find_module(cls, fullname, path=None): """Try to find the built-in module. If 'path' is ever specified then the search is considered a failure. """ if path is not None: return None return cls if imp.is_builtin(fullname) else None @classmethod @set___package__ def load_module(cls, fullname): """Load a built-in module.""" if fullname not in sys.builtin_module_names: raise ImportError("{0} is not a built-in module".format(fullname)) is_reload = fullname in sys.modules try: return imp.init_builtin(fullname) except: if not is_reload and fullname in sys.modules: del sys.modules[fullname] raise class FrozenImporter: """Meta path class for importing frozen modules. All methods are either class or static method to allow direct use of the class. """ @classmethod def find_module(cls, fullname, path=None): """Find a frozen module.""" return cls if imp.is_frozen(fullname) else None @classmethod @set___package__ def load_module(cls, fullname): """Load a frozen module.""" if cls.find_module(fullname) is None: raise ImportError("{0} is not a frozen module".format(fullname)) is_reload = fullname in sys.modules try: return imp.init_frozen(fullname) except: if not is_reload and fullname in sys.modules: del sys.modules[fullname] raise def chained_path_hook(*path_hooks): """Create a closure which sequentially checks path hooks to see which ones (if any) can work with a path.""" def path_hook(entry): """Check to see if 'entry' matches any of the enclosed path hooks.""" finders = [] for hook in path_hooks: try: finder = hook(entry) except ImportError: continue else: finders.append(finder) if not finders: raise ImportError("no finder found") else: return ChainedFinder(*finders) return path_hook class ChainedFinder: """Finder that sequentially calls other finders.""" def __init__(self, *finders): self._finders = finders def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): for finder in self._finders: result = finder.find_module(fullname, path) if result: return result else: return None def check_name(method): """Decorator to verify that the module being requested matches the one the loader can handle. The first argument (self) must define _name which the second argument is comapred against. If the comparison fails then ImportError is raised. """ def inner(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if self._name != name: raise ImportError("loader cannot handle %s" % name) return method(self, name, *args, **kwargs) wrap(inner, method) return inner class _ExtensionFileLoader: """Loader for extension modules. The constructor is designed to work with FileFinder. """ def __init__(self, name, path, is_pkg): """Initialize the loader. If is_pkg is True then an exception is raised as extension modules cannot be the __init__ module for an extension module. """ self._name = name self._path = path if is_pkg: raise ValueError("extension modules cannot be packages") @check_name @set___package__ def load_module(self, fullname): """Load an extension module.""" is_reload = fullname in sys.modules try: module = imp.load_dynamic(fullname, self._path) module.__loader__ = self return module except: if not is_reload and fullname in sys.modules: del sys.modules[fullname] raise @check_name def is_package(self, fullname): """Return False as an extension module can never be a package.""" return False @check_name def get_code(self, fullname): """Return None as an extension module cannot create a code object.""" return None @check_name def get_source(self, fullname): """Return None as extension modules have no source code.""" return None def suffix_list(suffix_type): """Return a list of file suffixes based on the imp file type.""" return [suffix[0] for suffix in imp.get_suffixes() if suffix[2] == suffix_type] def module_for_loader(fxn): """Decorator to handle selecting the proper module for loaders. Decorated modules are passed the module to use instead of the module name. The module is either from sys.modules if it already exists (for reloading) or is a new module which has __name__ set. If any exception is raised by the decorated method and the decorator added a module to sys.modules, then the module is deleted from sys.modules. The decorator assumes that the decorated method takes self/cls as a first argument and the module as the second argument. """ def decorated(self, fullname): module = sys.modules.get(fullname) is_reload = bool(module) if not is_reload: # This must be done before open() is called as the 'io' module # implicitly imports 'locale' and would otherwise trigger an # infinite loop. module = imp.new_module(fullname) sys.modules[fullname] = module try: return fxn(self, module) except: if not is_reload: del sys.modules[fullname] raise wrap(decorated, fxn) return decorated class _PyFileLoader: # XXX Still smart to have this as a separate class? Or would it work # better to integrate with PyFileFinder? Could cache _is_pkg info. # FileFinder can be changed to return self instead of a specific loader # call. Otherwise _base_path can be calculated on the fly without issue if # it is known whether a module should be treated as a path or package to # minimize stat calls. Could even go as far as to stat the directory the # importer is in to detect changes and then cache all the info about what # files were found (if stating directories is platform-dependent). """Load a Python source or bytecode file.""" def __init__(self, name, path, is_pkg): self._name = name self._is_pkg = is_pkg # Figure out the base path based on whether it was source or bytecode # that was found. try: self._base_path = _path_without_ext(path, imp.PY_SOURCE) except ValueError: self._base_path = _path_without_ext(path, imp.PY_COMPILED) def _find_path(self, ext_type): """Find a path from the base path and the specified extension type that exists, returning None if one is not found.""" for suffix in suffix_list(ext_type): path = self._base_path + suffix if _path_exists(path): return path else: return None @check_name def source_path(self, fullname): """Return the path to an existing source file for the module, or None if one cannot be found.""" # Not a property so that it is easy to override. return self._find_path(imp.PY_SOURCE) @check_name def bytecode_path(self, fullname): """Return the path to a bytecode file, or None if one does not exist.""" # Not a property for easy overriding. return self._find_path(imp.PY_COMPILED) @check_name @module_for_loader def load_module(self, module): """Load a Python source or bytecode module.""" name = module.__name__ source_path = self.source_path(name) bytecode_path = self.bytecode_path(name) code_object = self.get_code(module.__name__) module.__file__ = source_path if source_path else bytecode_path module.__loader__ = self if self._is_pkg: module.__path__ = [module.__file__.rsplit(path_sep, 1)[0]] module.__package__ = module.__name__ if not hasattr(module, '__path__'): module.__package__ = module.__package__.rpartition('.')[0] exec(code_object, module.__dict__) return module @check_name def source_mtime(self, name): """Return the modification time of the source for the specified module.""" source_path = self.source_path(name) if not source_path: return None return int(_os.stat(source_path).st_mtime) @check_name def get_source(self, fullname): """Return the source for the module as a string. Return None if the source is not available. Raise ImportError if the laoder cannot handle the specified module. """ source_path = self._source_path(name) if source_path is None: return None import tokenize with closing(_fileio._FileIO(source_path, 'r')) as file: encoding, lines = tokenize.detect_encoding(file.readline) # XXX Will fail when passed to compile() if the encoding is # anything other than UTF-8. return open(source_path, encoding=encoding).read() @check_name def write_bytecode(self, name, data): """Write out 'data' for the specified module, returning a boolean signifying if the write-out actually occurred. Raises ImportError (just like get_source) if the specified module cannot be handled by the loader. """ bytecode_path = self.bytecode_path(name) if not bytecode_path: bytecode_path = self._base_path + suffix_list(imp.PY_COMPILED)[0] file = _fileio._FileIO(bytecode_path, 'w') try: with closing(file) as bytecode_file: bytecode_file.write(data) return True except IOError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EACCES: return False else: raise @check_name def get_code(self, name): """Return the code object for the module.""" # XXX Care enough to make sure this call does not happen if the magic # number is bad? source_timestamp = self.source_mtime(name) # Try to use bytecode if it is available. bytecode_path = self.bytecode_path(name) if bytecode_path: data = self.get_data(bytecode_path) magic = data[:4] pyc_timestamp = marshal._r_long(data[4:8]) bytecode = data[8:] try: # Verify that the magic number is valid. if imp.get_magic() != magic: raise ImportError("bad magic number") # Verify that the bytecode is not stale (only matters when # there is source to fall back on. if source_timestamp: if pyc_timestamp < source_timestamp: raise ImportError("bytcode is stale") except ImportError: # If source is available give it a shot. if source_timestamp is not None: pass else: raise else: # Bytecode seems fine, so try to use it. # XXX If the bytecode is ill-formed, would it be beneficial to # try for using source if available and issue a warning? return marshal.loads(bytecode) elif source_timestamp is None: raise ImportError("no source or bytecode available to create code " "object for {0!r}".format(name)) # Use the source. source_path = self.source_path(name) source = self.get_data(source_path) # Convert to universal newlines. line_endings = b'\n' for index, c in enumerate(source): if c == ord(b'\n'): break elif c == ord(b'\r'): line_endings = b'\r' try: if source[index+1] == ord(b'\n'): line_endings += b'\n' except IndexError: pass break if line_endings != b'\n': source = source.replace(line_endings, b'\n') code_object = compile(source, source_path, 'exec', dont_inherit=True) # Generate bytecode and write it out. if not sys.dont_write_bytecode: data = bytearray(imp.get_magic()) data.extend(marshal._w_long(source_timestamp)) data.extend(marshal.dumps(code_object)) self.write_bytecode(name, data) return code_object def get_data(self, path): """Return the data from path as raw bytes.""" return _fileio._FileIO(path, 'r').read() @check_name def is_package(self, fullname): """Return a boolean based on whether the module is a package. Raises ImportError (like get_source) if the loader cannot handle the package. """ return self._is_pkg class FileFinder: """Base class for file finders. Subclasses are expected to define the following attributes: * _suffixes Sequence of file suffixes whose order will be followed. * _possible_package True if importer should check for packages. * _loader A callable that takes the module name, a file path, and whether the path points to a package and returns a loader for the module found at that path. """ def __init__(self, path_entry): """Initialize an importer for the passed-in sys.path entry (which is assumed to have already been verified as an existing directory). Can be used as an entry on sys.path_hook. """ absolute_path = _path_absolute(path_entry) if not _path_isdir(absolute_path): raise ImportError("only directories are supported") self._path_entry = absolute_path def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): tail_module = fullname.rpartition('.')[2] package_directory = None if self._possible_package: for ext in self._suffixes: package_directory = _path_join(self._path_entry, tail_module) init_filename = '__init__' + ext package_init = _path_join(package_directory, init_filename) if (_path_isfile(package_init) and _case_ok(self._path_entry, tail_module) and _case_ok(package_directory, init_filename)): return self._loader(fullname, package_init, True) for ext in self._suffixes: file_name = tail_module + ext file_path = _path_join(self._path_entry, file_name) if (_path_isfile(file_path) and _case_ok(self._path_entry, file_name)): return self._loader(fullname, file_path, False) else: # Raise a warning if it matches a directory w/o an __init__ file. if (package_directory is not None and _path_isdir(package_directory) and _case_ok(self._path_entry, tail_module)): _warnings.warn("Not importing directory %s: missing __init__" % package_directory, ImportWarning) return None class ExtensionFileFinder(FileFinder): """Importer for extension files.""" _possible_package = False _loader = _ExtensionFileLoader def __init__(self, path_entry): # Assigning to _suffixes here instead of at the class level because # imp is not imported at the time of class creation. self._suffixes = suffix_list(imp.C_EXTENSION) super().__init__(path_entry) class PyFileFinder(FileFinder): """Importer for source/bytecode files.""" _possible_package = True _loader = _PyFileLoader def __init__(self, path_entry): # Lack of imp during class creation means _suffixes is set here. # Make sure that Python source files are listed first! Needed for an # optimization by the loader. self._suffixes = suffix_list(imp.PY_SOURCE) self._suffixes += suffix_list(imp.PY_COMPILED) super().__init__(path_entry) class PathFinder: """Meta path finder for sys.(path|path_hooks|path_importer_cache).""" @classmethod def _path_hooks(cls, path, hooks=None): """Search sequence of hooks for a finder for 'path'. If 'hooks' is false then use sys.path_hooks. """ if not hooks: hooks = sys.path_hooks for hook in hooks: try: return hook(path) except ImportError: continue else: raise ImportError("no path hook found for {0}".format(path)) @classmethod def _path_importer_cache(cls, path, default=None): """Get the finder for the path from sys.path_importer_cache. If the path is not in the cache, find the appropriate finder and cache it. If None is cached, get the default finder and cache that (if applicable). Because of NullImporter, some finder should be returned. The only explicit fail case is if None is cached but the path cannot be used for the default hook, for which ImportError is raised. """ try: finder = sys.path_importer_cache[path] except KeyError: finder = cls._path_hooks(path) sys.path_importer_cache[path] = finder else: if finder is None and default: # Raises ImportError on failure. finder = default(path) sys.path_importer_cache[path] = finder return finder @classmethod def find_module(cls, fullname, path=None): """Find the module on sys.path or 'path'.""" if not path: path = sys.path for entry in path: try: finder = cls._path_importer_cache(entry) except ImportError: continue loader = finder.find_module(fullname) if loader: return loader else: return None _DEFAULT_PATH_HOOK = chained_path_hook(ExtensionFileFinder, PyFileFinder) class _DefaultPathFinder(PathFinder): """Subclass of PathFinder that implements implicit semantics for __import__.""" @classmethod def _path_hooks(cls, path): """Search sys.path_hooks as well as implicit path hooks.""" try: return super()._path_hooks(path) except ImportError: implicit_hooks = [_DEFAULT_PATH_HOOK, imp.NullImporter] return super()._path_hooks(path, implicit_hooks) @classmethod def _path_importer_cache(cls, path): """Use the default path hook when None is stored in sys.path_importer_cache.""" return super()._path_importer_cache(path, _DEFAULT_PATH_HOOK) class ImportLockContext: """Context manager for the import lock.""" def __enter__(self): """Acquire the import lock.""" imp.acquire_lock() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """Release the import lock regardless of any raised exceptions.""" imp.release_lock() _IMPLICIT_META_PATH = [BuiltinImporter, FrozenImporter, _DefaultPathFinder] def _gcd_import(name, package=None, level=0): """Import and return the module based on its name, the package the call is being made from, and the level adjustment. This function represents the greatest common denominator of functionality between import_module and __import__. This includes settting __package__ if the loader did not. """ if package: if not hasattr(package, 'rindex'): raise ValueError("__package__ not set to a string") elif package not in sys.modules: msg = ("Parent module {0!r} not loaded, cannot perform relative " "import") raise SystemError(msg.format(package)) if not name and level == 0: raise ValueError("Empty module name") if level > 0: dot = len(package) for x in range(level, 1, -1): try: dot = package.rindex('.', 0, dot) except ValueError: raise ValueError("attempted relative import beyond " "top-level package") if name: name = "{0}.{1}".format(package[:dot], name) else: name = package[:dot] with ImportLockContext(): try: return sys.modules[name] except KeyError: pass parent = name.rpartition('.')[0] path = None if parent: if parent not in sys.modules: _gcd_import(parent) # Backwards-compatibility; be nicer to skip the dict lookup. parent_module = sys.modules[parent] path = parent_module.__path__ meta_path = sys.meta_path + _IMPLICIT_META_PATH for finder in meta_path: loader = finder.find_module(name, path) if loader is not None: loader.load_module(name) break else: raise ImportError("No module named {0}".format(name)) # Backwards-compatibility; be nicer to skip the dict lookup. module = sys.modules[name] if parent: # Set the module as an attribute on its parent. setattr(parent_module, name.rpartition('.')[2], module) # Set __package__ if the loader did not. if not hasattr(module, '__package__') or module.__package__ is None: # Watch out for what comes out of sys.modules to not be a module, # e.g. an int. try: module.__package__ = module.__name__ if not hasattr(module, '__path__'): module.__package__ = module.__package__.rpartition('.')[0] except AttributeError: pass return module def _import(name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=0): """Import a module. The 'globals' argument is used to infer where the import is occuring from to handle relative imports. The 'locals' argument is ignored. The 'fromlist' argument specifies what should exist as attributes on the module being imported (e.g. ``from module import ``). The 'level' argument represents the package location to import from in a relative import (e.g. ``from ..pkg import mod`` would have a 'level' of 2). """ if level == 0: module = _gcd_import(name) else: # __package__ is not guaranteed to be defined. try: package = globals['__package__'] except KeyError: package = globals['__name__'] if '__path__' not in globals: package = package.rpartition('.')[0] module = _gcd_import(name, package, level) # The hell that is fromlist ... if not fromlist: # Return up to the first dot in 'name'. This is complicated by the fact # that 'name' may be relative. if level == 0: return sys.modules[name.partition('.')[0]] elif not name: return module else: cut_off = len(name) - len(name.partition('.')[0]) return sys.modules[module.__name__[:-cut_off]] else: # If a package was imported, try to import stuff from fromlist. if hasattr(module, '__path__'): if '*' in fromlist and hasattr(module, '__all__'): fromlist.remove('*') fromlist.extend(module.__all__) for x in (y for y in fromlist if not hasattr(module,y)): try: _gcd_import('{0}.{1}'.format(module.__name__, x)) except ImportError: pass return module # XXX Eventually replace with a proper __all__ value (i.e., don't expose os # replacements but do expose _ExtensionFileLoader, etc. for testing). __all__ = [obj for obj in globals().keys() if not obj.startswith('__')]