from .. import util import contextlib import imp import os import os.path import sys import tempfile from test import support def writes_bytecode(fxn): """Decorator that returns the function if writing bytecode is enabled, else a stub function that accepts anything and simply returns None.""" if sys.dont_write_bytecode: return lambda *args, **kwargs: None else: return fxn def bytecode_path(source_path): for suffix, _, type_ in imp.get_suffixes(): if type_ == imp.PY_COMPILED: bc_suffix = suffix break else: raise ValueError("no bytecode suffix is defined") return os.path.splitext(source_path)[0] + bc_suffix @contextlib.contextmanager def create_modules(*names): """Temporarily create each named module with an attribute (named 'attr') that contains the name passed into the context manager that caused the creation of the module. All files are created in a temporary directory specified by tempfile.gettempdir(). This directory is inserted at the beginning of sys.path. When the context manager exits all created files (source and bytecode) are explicitly deleted. No magic is performed when creating packages! This means that if you create a module within a package you must also create the package's __init__ as well. """ source = 'attr = {0!r}' created_paths = [] mapping = {} try: temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() mapping['.root'] = temp_dir import_names = set() for name in names: if not name.endswith('__init__'): import_name = name else: import_name = name[:-len('.__init__')] import_names.add(import_name) if import_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[import_name] name_parts = name.split('.') file_path = temp_dir for directory in name_parts[:-1]: file_path = os.path.join(file_path, directory) if not os.path.exists(file_path): os.mkdir(file_path) created_paths.append(file_path) file_path = os.path.join(file_path, name_parts[-1] + '.py') with open(file_path, 'w') as file: file.write(source.format(name)) created_paths.append(file_path) mapping[name] = file_path uncache_manager = util.uncache(*import_names) uncache_manager.__enter__() state_manager = util.import_state(path=[temp_dir]) state_manager.__enter__() yield mapping finally: state_manager.__exit__(None, None, None) uncache_manager.__exit__(None, None, None) # Reverse the order for path removal to unroll directory creation. for path in reversed(created_paths): if file_path.endswith('.py'): support.unlink(path) support.unlink(path + 'c') support.unlink(path + 'o') else: os.rmdir(path)