# tempfile.py unit tests. import tempfile import os import sys import re import errno import warnings import unittest from test import test_support if hasattr(os, 'stat'): import stat has_stat = 1 else: has_stat = 0 has_textmode = (tempfile._text_openflags != tempfile._bin_openflags) # This is organized as one test for each chunk of code in tempfile.py, # in order of their appearance in the file. Testing which requires # threads is not done here. # Common functionality. class TC(unittest.TestCase): str_check = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{6}$") def failOnException(self, what, ei=None): if ei is None: ei = sys.exc_info() self.fail("%s raised %s: %s" % (what, ei[0], ei[1])) def nameCheck(self, name, dir, pre, suf): (ndir, nbase) = os.path.split(name) npre = nbase[:len(pre)] nsuf = nbase[len(nbase)-len(suf):] self.assertEqual(ndir, dir, "file '%s' not in directory '%s'" % (name, dir)) self.assertEqual(npre, pre, "file '%s' does not begin with '%s'" % (nbase, pre)) self.assertEqual(nsuf, suf, "file '%s' does not end with '%s'" % (nbase, suf)) nbase = nbase[len(pre):len(nbase)-len(suf)] self.assert_(self.str_check.match(nbase), "random string '%s' does not match /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{6}$/" % nbase) test_classes = [] class test_exports(TC): def test_exports(self): """There are no surprising symbols in the tempfile module""" dict = tempfile.__dict__ expected = { "NamedTemporaryFile" : 1, "TemporaryFile" : 1, "mkstemp" : 1, "mkdtemp" : 1, "mktemp" : 1, "TMP_MAX" : 1, "gettempprefix" : 1, "gettempdir" : 1, "tempdir" : 1, "template" : 1 } unexp = [] for key in dict: if key[0] != '_' and key not in expected: unexp.append(key) self.failUnless(len(unexp) == 0, "unexpected keys: %s" % unexp) test_classes.append(test_exports) class test__once(TC): """Test the internal function _once.""" def setUp(self): tempfile.once_var = None self.already_called = 0 def tearDown(self): del tempfile.once_var def callMeOnce(self): self.failIf(self.already_called, "callMeOnce called twice") self.already_called = 1 return 24 def do_once(self): tempfile._once('once_var', self.callMeOnce) def test_once_initializes(self): """_once initializes its argument""" self.do_once() self.assertEqual(tempfile.once_var, 24, "once_var=%d, not 24" % tempfile.once_var) self.assertEqual(self.already_called, 1, "already_called=%d, not 1" % self.already_called) def test_once_means_once(self): """_once calls the callback just once""" self.do_once() self.do_once() self.do_once() self.do_once() def test_once_namespace_safe(self): """_once does not modify anything but its argument""" env_copy = tempfile.__dict__.copy() self.do_once() env = tempfile.__dict__ a = env.keys() a.sort() b = env_copy.keys() b.sort() self.failIf(len(a) != len(b)) for i in xrange(len(a)): self.failIf(a[i] != b[i]) key = a[i] if key != 'once_var': self.failIf(env[key] != env_copy[key]) test_classes.append(test__once) class test__RandomNameSequence(TC): """Test the internal iterator object _RandomNameSequence.""" def setUp(self): self.r = tempfile._RandomNameSequence() def test_get_six_char_str(self): """_RandomNameSequence returns a six-character string""" s = self.r.next() self.nameCheck(s, '', '', '') def test_many(self): """_RandomNameSequence returns no duplicate strings (stochastic)""" dict = {} r = self.r for i in xrange(100): s = r.next() self.nameCheck(s, '', '', '') self.failIf(s in dict) dict[s] = 1 def test_supports_iter(self): """_RandomNameSequence supports the iterator protocol""" i = 0 r = self.r try: for s in r: i += 1 if i == 20: break except: failOnException("iteration") test_classes.append(test__RandomNameSequence) class test__candidate_tempdir_list(TC): """Test the internal function _candidate_tempdir_list.""" def test_nonempty_list(self): """_candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings""" cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list() self.failIf(len(cand) == 0) for c in cand: self.assert_(isinstance(c, basestring), "%s is not a string" % c) def test_wanted_dirs(self): """_candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories""" # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set. added = [] try: for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP': dirname = os.getenv(envname) if not dirname: os.environ[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname) added.append(envname) cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list() for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP': dirname = os.getenv(envname) if not dirname: raise ValueError self.assert_(dirname in cand) try: dirname = os.getcwd() except (AttributeError, os.error): dirname = os.curdir self.assert_(dirname in cand) # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific # paths in this list. finally: for p in added: del os.environ[p] test_classes.append(test__candidate_tempdir_list) # We test _get_default_tempdir by testing gettempdir. class test__get_candidate_names(TC): """Test the internal function _get_candidate_names.""" def test_retval(self): """_get_candidate_names returns a _RandomNameSequence object""" obj = tempfile._get_candidate_names() self.assert_(isinstance(obj, tempfile._RandomNameSequence)) def test_same_thing(self): """_get_candidate_names always returns the same object""" a = tempfile._get_candidate_names() b = tempfile._get_candidate_names() self.assert_(a is b) test_classes.append(test__get_candidate_names) class test__mkstemp_inner(TC): """Test the internal function _mkstemp_inner.""" class mkstemped: _bflags = tempfile._bin_openflags _tflags = tempfile._text_openflags _close = os.close _unlink = os.unlink def __init__(self, dir, pre, suf, bin): if bin: flags = self._bflags else: flags = self._tflags (self.fd, self.name) = tempfile._mkstemp_inner(dir, pre, suf, flags) def write(self, str): os.write(self.fd, str) def __del__(self): self._close(self.fd) self._unlink(self.name) def do_create(self, dir=None, pre="", suf="", bin=1): if dir is None: dir = tempfile.gettempdir() try: file = self.mkstemped(dir, pre, suf, bin) except: self.failOnException("_mkstemp_inner") self.nameCheck(file.name, dir, pre, suf) return file def test_basic(self): """_mkstemp_inner can create files""" self.do_create().write("blat") self.do_create(pre="a").write("blat") self.do_create(suf="b").write("blat") self.do_create(pre="a", suf="b").write("blat") self.do_create(pre="aa", suf=".txt").write("blat") def test_basic_many(self): """_mkstemp_inner can create many files (stochastic)""" extant = range(1000) for i in extant: extant[i] = self.do_create(pre="aa") def test_choose_directory(self): """_mkstemp_inner can create files in a user-selected directory""" dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: self.do_create(dir=dir).write("blat") finally: os.rmdir(dir) def test_file_mode(self): """_mkstemp_inner creates files with the proper mode""" if not has_stat: return # ugh, can't use TestSkipped. file = self.do_create() mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(file.name).st_mode) expected = 0600 if sys.platform in ('win32',): # There's no distinction among 'user', 'group' and 'world'; # replicate the 'user' bits. user = expected >> 6 expected = user * (1 + 8 + 64) self.assertEqual(mode, expected) def test_noinherit(self): """_mkstemp_inner file handles are not inherited by child processes""" # FIXME: Find a way to test this on Windows. if os.name != 'posix': return # ugh, can't use TestSkipped. file = self.do_create() # We have to exec something, so that FD_CLOEXEC will take # effect. The sanest thing to try is /bin/sh; we can easily # instruct it to attempt to write to the fd and report success # or failure. Unfortunately, sh syntax does not permit use of # fds numerically larger than 9; abandon this test if so. if file.fd > 9: raise test_support.TestSkipped, 'cannot test with fd %d' % file.fd pid = os.fork() if pid: status = os.wait()[1] self.failUnless(os.WIFEXITED(status), "child process did not exit (status %d)" % status) # We want the child to have exited _un_successfully, indicating # failure to write to the closed fd. self.failUnless(os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0, "child process exited successfully") else: try: # Throw away stderr. nul = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(nul, 2) os.execv('/bin/sh', ['sh', '-c', 'echo blat >&%d' % file.fd]) except: os._exit(0) def test_textmode(self): """_mkstemp_inner can create files in text mode""" if not has_textmode: return # ugh, can't use TestSkipped. self.do_create(bin=0).write("blat\n") # XXX should test that the file really is a text file test_classes.append(test__mkstemp_inner) class test_gettempprefix(TC): """Test gettempprefix().""" def test_sane_template(self): """gettempprefix returns a nonempty prefix string""" p = tempfile.gettempprefix() self.assert_(isinstance(p, basestring)) self.assert_(len(p) > 0) def test_usable_template(self): """gettempprefix returns a usable prefix string""" # Create a temp directory, avoiding use of the prefix. # Then attempt to create a file whose name is # prefix + 'xxxxxx.xxx' in that directory. p = tempfile.gettempprefix() + "xxxxxx.xxx" d = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="") try: p = os.path.join(d, p) try: fd = os.open(p, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) except: self.failOnException("os.open") os.close(fd) os.unlink(p) finally: os.rmdir(d) test_classes.append(test_gettempprefix) class test_gettempdir(TC): """Test gettempdir().""" def test_directory_exists(self): """gettempdir returns a directory which exists""" dir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.assert_(os.path.isabs(dir) or dir == os.curdir, "%s is not an absolute path" % dir) self.assert_(os.path.isdir(dir), "%s is not a directory" % dir) def test_directory_writable(self): """gettempdir returns a directory writable by the user""" # sneaky: just instantiate a NamedTemporaryFile, which # defaults to writing into the directory returned by # gettempdir. try: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() file.write("blat") file.close() except: self.failOnException("create file in %s" % tempfile.gettempdir()) def test_same_thing(self): """gettempdir always returns the same object""" a = tempfile.gettempdir() b = tempfile.gettempdir() self.assert_(a is b) test_classes.append(test_gettempdir) class test_mkstemp(TC): """Test mkstemp().""" def do_create(self, dir=None, pre="", suf="", ): if dir is None: dir = tempfile.gettempdir() try: (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dir, prefix=pre, suffix=suf) except: self.failOnException("mkstemp") try: self.nameCheck(name, dir, pre, suf) finally: os.close(fd) os.unlink(name) def test_basic(self): """mkstemp can create files""" self.do_create() self.do_create(pre="a") self.do_create(suf="b") self.do_create(pre="a", suf="b") self.do_create(pre="aa", suf=".txt") def test_choose_directory(self): """mkstemp can create directories in a user-selected directory""" dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: self.do_create(dir=dir) finally: os.rmdir(dir) test_classes.append(test_mkstemp) class test_mkdtemp(TC): """Test mkdtemp().""" def do_create(self, dir=None, pre="", suf=""): if dir is None: dir = tempfile.gettempdir() try: name = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir, prefix=pre, suffix=suf) except: self.failOnException("mkdtemp") try: self.nameCheck(name, dir, pre, suf) return name except: os.rmdir(name) raise def test_basic(self): """mkdtemp can create directories""" os.rmdir(self.do_create()) os.rmdir(self.do_create(pre="a")) os.rmdir(self.do_create(suf="b")) os.rmdir(self.do_create(pre="a", suf="b")) os.rmdir(self.do_create(pre="aa", suf=".txt")) def test_basic_many(self): """mkdtemp can create many directories (stochastic)""" extant = range(1000) try: for i in extant: extant[i] = self.do_create(pre="aa") finally: for i in extant: if(isinstance(i, basestring)): os.rmdir(i) def test_choose_directory(self): """mkdtemp can create directories in a user-selected directory""" dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: os.rmdir(self.do_create(dir=dir)) finally: os.rmdir(dir) def test_mode(self): """mkdtemp creates directories with the proper mode""" if not has_stat: return # ugh, can't use TestSkipped. dir = self.do_create() try: mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(dir).st_mode) expected = 0700 if sys.platform in ('win32',): # There's no distinction among 'user', 'group' and 'world'; # replicate the 'user' bits. user = expected >> 6 expected = user * (1 + 8 + 64) self.assertEqual(mode, expected) finally: os.rmdir(dir) test_classes.append(test_mkdtemp) class test_mktemp(TC): """Test mktemp().""" # For safety, all use of mktemp must occur in a private directory. # We must also suppress the RuntimeWarning it generates. def setUp(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="mktemp") def tearDown(self): if self.dir: os.rmdir(self.dir) self.dir = None # XXX This clobbers any -W options. warnings.resetwarnings() class mktemped: _unlink = os.unlink _bflags = tempfile._bin_openflags def __init__(self, dir, pre, suf): self.name = tempfile.mktemp(dir=dir, prefix=pre, suffix=suf) # Create the file. This will raise an exception if it's # mysteriously appeared in the meanwhile. os.close(os.open(self.name, self._bflags, 0600)) def __del__(self): self._unlink(self.name) def do_create(self, pre="", suf=""): try: file = self.mktemped(self.dir, pre, suf) except: self.failOnException("mktemp") self.nameCheck(file.name, self.dir, pre, suf) return file def test_basic(self): """mktemp can choose usable file names""" self.do_create() self.do_create(pre="a") self.do_create(suf="b") self.do_create(pre="a", suf="b") self.do_create(pre="aa", suf=".txt") def test_many(self): """mktemp can choose many usable file names (stochastic)""" extant = range(1000) for i in extant: extant[i] = self.do_create(pre="aa") def test_warning(self): """mktemp issues a warning when used""" warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=RuntimeWarning, message="mktemp") self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning, tempfile.mktemp, (), { 'dir': self.dir }) test_classes.append(test_mktemp) # We test _TemporaryFileWrapper by testing NamedTemporaryFile. class test_NamedTemporaryFile(TC): """Test NamedTemporaryFile().""" def do_create(self, dir=None, pre="", suf=""): if dir is None: dir = tempfile.gettempdir() try: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dir, prefix=pre, suffix=suf) except: self.failOnException("NamedTemporaryFile") self.nameCheck(file.name, dir, pre, suf) return file def test_basic(self): """NamedTemporaryFile can create files""" self.do_create() self.do_create(pre="a") self.do_create(suf="b") self.do_create(pre="a", suf="b") self.do_create(pre="aa", suf=".txt") def test_creates_named(self): """NamedTemporaryFile creates files with names""" f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.failUnless(os.path.exists(f.name), "NamedTemporaryFile %s does not exist" % f.name) def test_del_on_close(self): """A NamedTemporaryFile is deleted when closed""" dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dir) f.write('blat') f.close() self.failIf(os.path.exists(f.name), "NamedTemporaryFile %s exists after close" % f.name) finally: os.rmdir(dir) def test_multiple_close(self): """A NamedTemporaryFile can be closed many times without error""" f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() f.write('abc\n') f.close() try: f.close() f.close() except: self.failOnException("close") # How to test the mode and bufsize parameters? test_classes.append(test_NamedTemporaryFile) class test_TemporaryFile(TC): """Test TemporaryFile().""" def test_basic(self): """TemporaryFile can create files""" # No point in testing the name params - the file has no name. try: tempfile.TemporaryFile() except: self.failOnException("TemporaryFile") def test_has_no_name(self): """TemporaryFile creates files with no names (on this system)""" dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=dir) f.write('blat') # Sneaky: because this file has no name, it should not prevent # us from removing the directory it was created in. try: os.rmdir(dir) except: ei = sys.exc_info() # cleanup f.close() os.rmdir(dir) self.failOnException("rmdir", ei) def test_multiple_close(self): """A TemporaryFile can be closed many times without error""" f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() f.write('abc\n') f.close() try: f.close() f.close() except: self.failOnException("close") # How to test the mode and bufsize parameters? class dummy_test_TemporaryFile(TC): def test_dummy(self): """TemporaryFile and NamedTemporaryFile are the same (on this system)""" pass if tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile is tempfile.TemporaryFile: test_classes.append(dummy_test_TemporaryFile) else: test_classes.append(test_TemporaryFile) def test_main(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() for c in test_classes: suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(c)) test_support.run_suite(suite) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()