from test_support import verify, verbose import sys def check_all(modname): names = {} try: exec "import %s" % modname in names except ImportError: # Silent fail here seems the best route since some modules # may not be available in all environments. # Since an ImportError may leave a partial module object in # sys.modules, get rid of that first. Here's what happens if # you don't: importing pty fails on Windows because pty tries to # import FCNTL, which doesn't exist. That raises an ImportError, # caught here. It also leaves a partial pty module in sys.modules. # So when test_pty is called later, the import of pty succeeds, # but shouldn't. As a result, test_pty crashes with an # AtttributeError instead of an ImportError, and regrtest interprets # the latter as a test failure (ImportError is treated as "test # skipped" -- which is what test_pty should say on Windows). try: del sys.modules[modname] except KeyError: pass return verify(hasattr(sys.modules[modname], "__all__"), "%s has no __all__ attribute" % modname) names = {} exec "from %s import *" % modname in names if names.has_key("__builtins__"): del names["__builtins__"] keys = names.keys() keys.sort() all = list(sys.modules[modname].__all__) # in case it's a tuple all.sort() verify(keys==all, "%s != %s" % (keys, all)) check_all("BaseHTTPServer") check_all("Bastion") check_all("CGIHTTPServer") check_all("ConfigParser") check_all("Cookie") check_all("MimeWriter") check_all("Queue") check_all("SimpleHTTPServer") check_all("SocketServer") check_all("StringIO") check_all("UserDict") check_all("UserList") check_all("UserString") check_all("aifc") check_all("anydbm") check_all("atexit") check_all("audiodev") check_all("base64") check_all("bdb") check_all("binhex") check_all("bisect") check_all("calendar") check_all("cgi") check_all("chunk") check_all("cmd") check_all("code") check_all("codecs") check_all("codeop") check_all("colorsys") check_all("commands") check_all("compileall") check_all("copy") check_all("copy_reg") check_all("dbhash") check_all("dircache") check_all("dis") check_all("doctest") check_all("dospath") check_all("dumbdbm") check_all("filecmp") check_all("fileinput") check_all("fnmatch") check_all("fpformat") check_all("ftplib") check_all("getopt") check_all("getpass") check_all("gettext") check_all("glob") check_all("gopherlib") check_all("gzip") check_all("htmlentitydefs") check_all("htmllib") check_all("httplib") check_all("ihooks") check_all("imaplib") check_all("imghdr") check_all("imputil") check_all("keyword") check_all("linecache") check_all("locale") check_all("macpath") check_all("macurl2path") check_all("mailbox") check_all("mhlib") check_all("mimetools") check_all("mimetypes") check_all("mimify") check_all("multifile") check_all("mutex") check_all("netrc") check_all("nntplib") check_all("ntpath") check_all("nturl2path") check_all("os") check_all("pdb") check_all("pickle") check_all("pipes") check_all("popen2") check_all("poplib") check_all("posixfile") check_all("posixpath") check_all("pprint") check_all("pre") check_all("profile") check_all("pstats") check_all("pty") check_all("py_compile") check_all("pyclbr") check_all("quopri") check_all("robotparser")