mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython.git
Run these demo scripts through reindent.py to give them 4-space indents. I've verified that their output is unchanged.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
# ToComplex(z) -> a complex number equal to z; z itself if IsComplex(z) is true
# if z is a tuple(re, im) it will also be converted
# PolarToComplex([r [,phi [,fullcircle]]]) ->
# the complex number z for which r == z.radius() and phi == z.angle(fullcircle)
# (r and phi default to 0)
# the complex number z for which r == z.radius() and phi == z.angle(fullcircle)
# (r and phi default to 0)
# exp(z) -> returns the complex exponential of z. Equivalent to pow(math.e,z).
# Complex numbers have the following methods:
@ -69,230 +69,230 @@
halfpi = math.pi/2.0
def IsComplex(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 're') and hasattr(obj, 'im')
return hasattr(obj, 're') and hasattr(obj, 'im')
def ToComplex(obj):
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj
elif type(obj) == types.TupleType:
return apply(Complex, obj)
return Complex(obj)
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj
elif type(obj) == types.TupleType:
return apply(Complex, obj)
return Complex(obj)
def PolarToComplex(r = 0, phi = 0, fullcircle = twopi):
phi = phi * (twopi / fullcircle)
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
phi = phi * (twopi / fullcircle)
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
def Re(obj):
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj.re
return obj
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj.re
return obj
def Im(obj):
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj.im
return obj
if IsComplex(obj):
return obj.im
return obj
class Complex:
def __init__(self, re=0, im=0):
if IsComplex(re):
im = i + Complex(0, re.im)
re = re.re
if IsComplex(im):
re = re - im.im
im = im.re
self.__dict__['re'] = re
self.__dict__['im'] = im
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
raise TypeError, 'Complex numbers are immutable'
def __init__(self, re=0, im=0):
if IsComplex(re):
im = i + Complex(0, re.im)
re = re.re
if IsComplex(im):
re = re - im.im
im = im.re
self.__dict__['re'] = re
self.__dict__['im'] = im
def __hash__(self):
if not self.im: return hash(self.re)
mod = sys.maxint + 1L
return int((hash(self.re) + 2L*hash(self.im) + mod) % (2L*mod) - mod)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
raise TypeError, 'Complex numbers are immutable'
def __repr__(self):
if not self.im:
return 'Complex(%s)' % `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __hash__(self):
if not self.im: return hash(self.re)
mod = sys.maxint + 1L
return int((hash(self.re) + 2L*hash(self.im) + mod) % (2L*mod) - mod)
def __str__(self):
if not self.im:
return `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __repr__(self):
if not self.im:
return 'Complex(%s)' % `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __neg__(self):
return Complex(-self.re, -self.im)
def __str__(self):
if not self.im:
return `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __neg__(self):
return Complex(-self.re, -self.im)
def __abs__(self):
# XXX could be done differently to avoid overflow!
return math.sqrt(self.re*self.re + self.im*self.im)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __int__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to int"
return int(self.re)
def __abs__(self):
# XXX could be done differently to avoid overflow!
return math.sqrt(self.re*self.re + self.im*self.im)
def __long__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to long"
return long(self.re)
def __int__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to int"
return int(self.re)
def __float__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to float"
return float(self.re)
def __long__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to long"
return long(self.re)
def __cmp__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return cmp((self.re, self.im), (other.re, other.im))
def __float__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to float"
return float(self.re)
def __rcmp__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return cmp(other, self)
def __nonzero__(self):
return not (self.re == self.im == 0)
def __cmp__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return cmp((self.re, self.im), (other.re, other.im))
abs = radius = __abs__
def __rcmp__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return cmp(other, self)
def angle(self, fullcircle = twopi):
return (fullcircle/twopi) * ((halfpi - math.atan2(self.re, self.im)) % twopi)
def __nonzero__(self):
return not (self.re == self.im == 0)
phi = angle
abs = radius = __abs__
def __add__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re + other.re, self.im + other.im)
def angle(self, fullcircle = twopi):
return (fullcircle/twopi) * ((halfpi - math.atan2(self.re, self.im)) % twopi)
__radd__ = __add__
phi = angle
def __sub__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re - other.re, self.im - other.im)
def __add__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re + other.re, self.im + other.im)
def __rsub__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return other - self
__radd__ = __add__
def __mul__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re*other.re - self.im*other.im,
self.re*other.im + self.im*other.re)
def __sub__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re - other.re, self.im - other.im)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __rsub__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return other - self
def __div__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
d = float(other.re*other.re + other.im*other.im)
if not d: raise ZeroDivisionError, 'Complex division'
return Complex((self.re*other.re + self.im*other.im) / d,
(self.im*other.re - self.re*other.im) / d)
def __mul__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return Complex(self.re*other.re - self.im*other.im,
self.re*other.im + self.im*other.re)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return other / self
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __div__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
d = float(other.re*other.re + other.im*other.im)
if not d: raise ZeroDivisionError, 'Complex division'
return Complex((self.re*other.re + self.im*other.im) / d,
(self.im*other.re - self.re*other.im) / d)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
other = ToComplex(other)
return other / self
def __pow__(self, n, z=None):
if z is not None:
raise TypeError, 'Complex does not support ternary pow()'
if IsComplex(n):
if n.im:
if self.im: raise TypeError, 'Complex to the Complex power'
else: return exp(math.log(self.re)*n)
n = n.re
r = pow(self.abs(), n)
phi = n*self.angle()
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
def __rpow__(self, base):
base = ToComplex(base)
return pow(base, self)
def __pow__(self, n, z=None):
if z is not None:
raise TypeError, 'Complex does not support ternary pow()'
if IsComplex(n):
if n.im:
if self.im: raise TypeError, 'Complex to the Complex power'
else: return exp(math.log(self.re)*n)
n = n.re
r = pow(self.abs(), n)
phi = n*self.angle()
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
def __rpow__(self, base):
base = ToComplex(base)
return pow(base, self)
def exp(z):
r = math.exp(z.re)
return Complex(math.cos(z.im)*r,math.sin(z.im)*r)
r = math.exp(z.re)
return Complex(math.cos(z.im)*r,math.sin(z.im)*r)
def checkop(expr, a, b, value, fuzz = 1e-6):
import sys
print ' ', a, 'and', b,
result = eval(expr)
result = sys.exc_type
print '->', result
if (type(result) == type('') or type(value) == type('')):
ok = result == value
ok = abs(result - value) <= fuzz
if not ok:
print '!!\t!!\t!! should be', value, 'diff', abs(result - value)
import sys
print ' ', a, 'and', b,
result = eval(expr)
result = sys.exc_type
print '->', result
if (type(result) == type('') or type(value) == type('')):
ok = result == value
ok = abs(result - value) <= fuzz
if not ok:
print '!!\t!!\t!! should be', value, 'diff', abs(result - value)
def test():
testsuite = {
'a+b': [
(1, 10, 11),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
'a-b': [
(1, 10, -9),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
'a*b': [
(1, 10, 10),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0,10)),
'a/b': [
(1., 10, 0.1),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
(Complex(0, 10), 1, Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0, 10), Complex(1), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
'pow(a,b)': [
(1, 10, 1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 1),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 1),
(2, Complex(4,0), 16),
'cmp(a,b)': [
(1, 10, -1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 1),
(Complex(0,10), 1, -1),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), -1),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 1),
exprs = testsuite.keys()
for expr in exprs:
print expr + ':'
t = (expr,)
for item in testsuite[expr]:
apply(checkop, t+item)
testsuite = {
'a+b': [
(1, 10, 11),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
'a-b': [
(1, 10, -9),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
'a*b': [
(1, 10, 10),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0,10)),
'a/b': [
(1., 10, 0.1),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
(Complex(0, 10), 1, Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0, 10), Complex(1), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
'pow(a,b)': [
(1, 10, 1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 1),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 1),
(2, Complex(4,0), 16),
'cmp(a,b)': [
(1, 10, -1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 1),
(Complex(0,10), 1, -1),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), -1),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 1),
exprs = testsuite.keys()
for expr in exprs:
print expr + ':'
t = (expr,)
for item in testsuite[expr]:
apply(checkop, t+item)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -6,61 +6,61 @@
class Dbm:
def __init__(self, filename, mode, perm):
import dbm
self.db = dbm.open(filename, mode, perm)
def __init__(self, filename, mode, perm):
import dbm
self.db = dbm.open(filename, mode, perm)
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
for key in self.keys():
t = `key` + ': ' + `self[key]`
if s: t = ', ' + t
s = s + t
return '{' + s + '}'
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
for key in self.keys():
t = `key` + ': ' + `self[key]`
if s: t = ', ' + t
s = s + t
return '{' + s + '}'
def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return eval(self.db[`key`])
def __getitem__(self, key):
return eval(self.db[`key`])
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.db[`key`] = `value`
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.db[`key`] = `value`
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.db[`key`]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.db[`key`]
def keys(self):
res = []
for key in self.db.keys():
return res
def keys(self):
res = []
for key in self.db.keys():
return res
def has_key(self, key):
return self.db.has_key(`key`)
def has_key(self, key):
return self.db.has_key(`key`)
def test():
d = Dbm('@dbm', 'rw', 0600)
print d
while 1:
key = input('key: ')
if d.has_key(key):
value = d[key]
print 'currently:', value
value = input('value: ')
if value == None:
del d[key]
d[key] = value
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
print d
except EOFError:
print '[eof]'
print d
d = Dbm('@dbm', 'rw', 0600)
print d
while 1:
key = input('key: ')
if d.has_key(key):
value = d[key]
print 'currently:', value
value = input('value: ')
if value == None:
del d[key]
d[key] = value
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
print d
except EOFError:
print '[eof]'
print d
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
# Wrapper function to emulate the complicated range() arguments
def range(*a):
if len(a) == 1:
start, stop, step = 0, a[0], 1
elif len(a) == 2:
start, stop = a
step = 1
elif len(a) == 3:
start, stop, step = a
raise TypeError, 'range() needs 1-3 arguments'
return Range(start, stop, step)
if len(a) == 1:
start, stop, step = 0, a[0], 1
elif len(a) == 2:
start, stop = a
step = 1
elif len(a) == 3:
start, stop, step = a
raise TypeError, 'range() needs 1-3 arguments'
return Range(start, stop, step)
# Class implementing a range object.
# To the user the instances feel like immutable sequences
@ -25,47 +25,47 @@ def range(*a):
class Range:
# initialization -- should be called only by range() above
def __init__(self, start, stop, step):
if step == 0:
raise ValueError, 'range() called with zero step'
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.step = step
self.len = max(0, int((self.stop - self.start) / self.step))
# initialization -- should be called only by range() above
def __init__(self, start, stop, step):
if step == 0:
raise ValueError, 'range() called with zero step'
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.step = step
self.len = max(0, int((self.stop - self.start) / self.step))
# implement `x` and is also used by print x
def __repr__(self):
return 'range' + `self.start, self.stop, self.step`
# implement `x` and is also used by print x
def __repr__(self):
return 'range' + `self.start, self.stop, self.step`
# implement len(x)
def __len__(self):
return self.len
# implement len(x)
def __len__(self):
return self.len
# implement x[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
if 0 <= i < self.len:
return self.start + self.step * i
raise IndexError, 'range[i] index out of range'
# implement x[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
if 0 <= i < self.len:
return self.start + self.step * i
raise IndexError, 'range[i] index out of range'
# Small test program
def test():
import time, __builtin__
print range(10), range(-10, 10), range(0, 10, 2)
for i in range(100, -100, -10): print i,
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
t2 = time.time()
for i in __builtin__.range(1000):
t3 = time.time()
print t2-t1, 'sec (class)'
print t3-t2, 'sec (built-in)'
import time, __builtin__
print range(10), range(-10, 10), range(0, 10, 2)
for i in range(100, -100, -10): print i,
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
t2 = time.time()
for i in __builtin__.range(1000):
t3 = time.time()
print t2-t1, 'sec (class)'
print t3-t2, 'sec (built-in)'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This module implements rational numbers.
The entry point of this module is the function
rat(numerator, denominator)
rat(numerator, denominator)
If either numerator or denominator is of an integral or rational type,
the result is a rational number, else, the result is the simplest of
the types float and complex which can hold numerator/denominator.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
type. The result of the calculation will be rational if possible.
There is also a test function with calling sequence
The documentation string of the test function contains the expected
@ -21,289 +21,289 @@
from types import *
def gcd(a, b):
'''Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor.'''
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
'''Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor.'''
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
def rat(num, den = 1):
# must check complex before float
if isinstance(num, complex) or isinstance(den, complex):
# numerator or denominator is complex: return a complex
return complex(num) / complex(den)
if isinstance(num, float) or isinstance(den, float):
# numerator or denominator is float: return a float
return float(num) / float(den)
# otherwise return a rational
return Rat(num, den)
# must check complex before float
if isinstance(num, complex) or isinstance(den, complex):
# numerator or denominator is complex: return a complex
return complex(num) / complex(den)
if isinstance(num, float) or isinstance(den, float):
# numerator or denominator is float: return a float
return float(num) / float(den)
# otherwise return a rational
return Rat(num, den)
class Rat:
'''This class implements rational numbers.'''
'''This class implements rational numbers.'''
def __init__(self, num, den = 1):
if den == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError, 'rat(x, 0)'
def __init__(self, num, den = 1):
if den == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError, 'rat(x, 0)'
# normalize
# normalize
# must check complex before float
if (isinstance(num, complex) or
isinstance(den, complex)):
# numerator or denominator is complex:
# normalized form has denominator == 1+0j
self.__num = complex(num) / complex(den)
self.__den = complex(1)
if isinstance(num, float) or isinstance(den, float):
# numerator or denominator is float:
# normalized form has denominator == 1.0
self.__num = float(num) / float(den)
self.__den = 1.0
if (isinstance(num, self.__class__) or
isinstance(den, self.__class__)):
# numerator or denominator is rational
new = num / den
if not isinstance(new, self.__class__):
self.__num = new
if isinstance(new, complex):
self.__den = complex(1)
self.__den = 1.0
self.__num = new.__num
self.__den = new.__den
# make sure numerator and denominator don't
# have common factors
# this also makes sure that denominator > 0
g = gcd(num, den)
self.__num = num / g
self.__den = den / g
# try making numerator and denominator of IntType if they fit
numi = int(self.__num)
deni = int(self.__den)
except (OverflowError, TypeError):
if self.__num == numi and self.__den == deni:
self.__num = numi
self.__den = deni
# must check complex before float
if (isinstance(num, complex) or
isinstance(den, complex)):
# numerator or denominator is complex:
# normalized form has denominator == 1+0j
self.__num = complex(num) / complex(den)
self.__den = complex(1)
if isinstance(num, float) or isinstance(den, float):
# numerator or denominator is float:
# normalized form has denominator == 1.0
self.__num = float(num) / float(den)
self.__den = 1.0
if (isinstance(num, self.__class__) or
isinstance(den, self.__class__)):
# numerator or denominator is rational
new = num / den
if not isinstance(new, self.__class__):
self.__num = new
if isinstance(new, complex):
self.__den = complex(1)
self.__den = 1.0
self.__num = new.__num
self.__den = new.__den
# make sure numerator and denominator don't
# have common factors
# this also makes sure that denominator > 0
g = gcd(num, den)
self.__num = num / g
self.__den = den / g
# try making numerator and denominator of IntType if they fit
numi = int(self.__num)
deni = int(self.__den)
except (OverflowError, TypeError):
if self.__num == numi and self.__den == deni:
self.__num = numi
self.__den = deni
def __repr__(self):
return 'Rat(%s,%s)' % (self.__num, self.__den)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Rat(%s,%s)' % (self.__num, self.__den)
def __str__(self):
if self.__den == 1:
return str(self.__num)
return '(%s/%s)' % (str(self.__num), str(self.__den))
def __str__(self):
if self.__den == 1:
return str(self.__num)
return '(%s/%s)' % (str(self.__num), str(self.__den))
# a + b
def __add__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den + b.__num * a.__den,
a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den) +
long(b.__num) * long(a.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
# a + b
def __add__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den + b.__num * a.__den,
a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den) +
long(b.__num) * long(a.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
def __radd__(b, a):
return Rat(a) + b
def __radd__(b, a):
return Rat(a) + b
# a - b
def __sub__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den - b.__num * a.__den,
a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den) -
long(b.__num) * long(a.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
# a - b
def __sub__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den - b.__num * a.__den,
a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den) -
long(b.__num) * long(a.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
def __rsub__(b, a):
return Rat(a) - b
def __rsub__(b, a):
return Rat(a) - b
# a * b
def __mul__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__num, a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__num),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
# a * b
def __mul__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__num, a.__den * b.__den)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__num),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__den))
def __rmul__(b, a):
return Rat(a) * b
def __rmul__(b, a):
return Rat(a) * b
# a / b
def __div__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den, a.__den * b.__num)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__num))
# a / b
def __div__(a, b):
return rat(a.__num * b.__den, a.__den * b.__num)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) * long(b.__den),
long(a.__den) * long(b.__num))
def __rdiv__(b, a):
return Rat(a) / b
def __rdiv__(b, a):
return Rat(a) / b
# a % b
def __mod__(a, b):
div = a / b
div = int(div)
except OverflowError:
div = long(div)
return a - b * div
# a % b
def __mod__(a, b):
div = a / b
div = int(div)
except OverflowError:
div = long(div)
return a - b * div
def __rmod__(b, a):
return Rat(a) % b
def __rmod__(b, a):
return Rat(a) % b
# a ** b
def __pow__(a, b):
if b.__den != 1:
if isinstance(a.__num, complex):
a = complex(a)
a = float(a)
if isinstance(b.__num, complex):
b = complex(b)
b = float(b)
return a ** b
return rat(a.__num ** b.__num, a.__den ** b.__num)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) ** b.__num,
long(a.__den) ** b.__num)
# a ** b
def __pow__(a, b):
if b.__den != 1:
if isinstance(a.__num, complex):
a = complex(a)
a = float(a)
if isinstance(b.__num, complex):
b = complex(b)
b = float(b)
return a ** b
return rat(a.__num ** b.__num, a.__den ** b.__num)
except OverflowError:
return rat(long(a.__num) ** b.__num,
long(a.__den) ** b.__num)
def __rpow__(b, a):
return Rat(a) ** b
def __rpow__(b, a):
return Rat(a) ** b
# -a
def __neg__(a):
return rat(-a.__num, a.__den)
except OverflowError:
# a.__num == sys.maxint
return rat(-long(a.__num), a.__den)
# -a
def __neg__(a):
return rat(-a.__num, a.__den)
except OverflowError:
# a.__num == sys.maxint
return rat(-long(a.__num), a.__den)
# abs(a)
def __abs__(a):
return rat(abs(a.__num), a.__den)
# abs(a)
def __abs__(a):
return rat(abs(a.__num), a.__den)
# int(a)
def __int__(a):
return int(a.__num / a.__den)
# int(a)
def __int__(a):
return int(a.__num / a.__den)
# long(a)
def __long__(a):
return long(a.__num) / long(a.__den)
# long(a)
def __long__(a):
return long(a.__num) / long(a.__den)
# float(a)
def __float__(a):
return float(a.__num) / float(a.__den)
# float(a)
def __float__(a):
return float(a.__num) / float(a.__den)
# complex(a)
def __complex__(a):
return complex(a.__num) / complex(a.__den)
# complex(a)
def __complex__(a):
return complex(a.__num) / complex(a.__den)
# cmp(a,b)
def __cmp__(a, b):
diff = Rat(a - b)
if diff.__num < 0:
return -1
elif diff.__num > 0:
return 1
return 0
# cmp(a,b)
def __cmp__(a, b):
diff = Rat(a - b)
if diff.__num < 0:
return -1
elif diff.__num > 0:
return 1
return 0
def __rcmp__(b, a):
return cmp(Rat(a), b)
def __rcmp__(b, a):
return cmp(Rat(a), b)
# a != 0
def __nonzero__(a):
return a.__num != 0
# a != 0
def __nonzero__(a):
return a.__num != 0
# coercion
def __coerce__(a, b):
return a, Rat(b)
# coercion
def __coerce__(a, b):
return a, Rat(b)
def test():
Test function for rat module.
Test function for rat module.
The expected output is (module some differences in floating
0 0L 0.1 (0.1+0j)
[Rat(1,2), Rat(-3,10), Rat(1,25), Rat(1,4)]
[Rat(-3,10), Rat(1,25), Rat(1,4), Rat(1,2)]
2 1.5 (3/2) (1.5+1.5j) (15707963/5000000)
2 2 2.0 (2+0j)
The expected output is (module some differences in floating
0 0L 0.1 (0.1+0j)
[Rat(1,2), Rat(-3,10), Rat(1,25), Rat(1,4)]
[Rat(-3,10), Rat(1,25), Rat(1,4), Rat(1,2)]
2 1.5 (3/2) (1.5+1.5j) (15707963/5000000)
2 2 2.0 (2+0j)
4 0 4 1 4 0
3.5 0.5 3.0 1.33333333333 2.82842712475 1
(7/2) (1/2) 3 (4/3) 2.82842712475 1
(3.5+1.5j) (0.5-1.5j) (3+3j) (0.666666666667-0.666666666667j) (1.43248815986+2.43884761145j) 1
1.5 1 1.5 (1.5+0j)
4 0 4 1 4 0
3.5 0.5 3.0 1.33333333333 2.82842712475 1
(7/2) (1/2) 3 (4/3) 2.82842712475 1
(3.5+1.5j) (0.5-1.5j) (3+3j) (0.666666666667-0.666666666667j) (1.43248815986+2.43884761145j) 1
1.5 1 1.5 (1.5+0j)
3.5 -0.5 3.0 0.75 2.25 -1
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 0
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 1
(3+1.5j) -1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (0.5-0.5j) (1.50768393746+1.04970907623j) -1
(3/2) 1 1.5 (1.5+0j)
3.5 -0.5 3.0 0.75 2.25 -1
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 0
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 1
(3+1.5j) -1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (0.5-0.5j) (1.50768393746+1.04970907623j) -1
(3/2) 1 1.5 (1.5+0j)
(7/2) (-1/2) 3 (3/4) (9/4) -1
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 -1
3 0 (9/4) 1 1.83711730709 0
(3+1.5j) -1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (0.5-0.5j) (1.50768393746+1.04970907623j) -1
(1.5+1.5j) (1.5+1.5j)
(7/2) (-1/2) 3 (3/4) (9/4) -1
3.0 0.0 2.25 1.0 1.83711730709 -1
3 0 (9/4) 1 1.83711730709 0
(3+1.5j) -1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (0.5-0.5j) (1.50768393746+1.04970907623j) -1
(1.5+1.5j) (1.5+1.5j)
(3.5+1.5j) (-0.5+1.5j) (3+3j) (0.75+0.75j) 4.5j -1
(3+1.5j) 1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (1+1j) (1.18235814075+2.85446505899j) 1
(3+1.5j) 1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (1+1j) (1.18235814075+2.85446505899j) 1
(3+3j) 0j 4.5j (1+0j) (-0.638110484918+0.705394566962j) 0
print rat(-1L, 1)
print rat(1, -1)
a = rat(1, 10)
print int(a), long(a), float(a), complex(a)
b = rat(2, 5)
l = [a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b]
print l
print l
print rat(0, 1)
print a+1
print a+1L
print a+1.0
print rat(1, 0)
raise SystemError, 'should have been ZeroDivisionError'
except ZeroDivisionError:
print 'OK'
print rat(2), rat(1.5), rat(3, 2), rat(1.5+1.5j), rat(31415926,10000000)
list = [2, 1.5, rat(3,2), 1.5+1.5j]
for i in list:
print i,
if not isinstance(i, complex):
print int(i), float(i),
print complex(i)
for j in list:
print i + j, i - j, i * j, i / j, i ** j,
if not (isinstance(i, complex) or
isinstance(j, complex)):
print cmp(i, j)
(3.5+1.5j) (-0.5+1.5j) (3+3j) (0.75+0.75j) 4.5j -1
(3+1.5j) 1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (1+1j) (1.18235814075+2.85446505899j) 1
(3+1.5j) 1.5j (2.25+2.25j) (1+1j) (1.18235814075+2.85446505899j) 1
(3+3j) 0j 4.5j (1+0j) (-0.638110484918+0.705394566962j) 0
print rat(-1L, 1)
print rat(1, -1)
a = rat(1, 10)
print int(a), long(a), float(a), complex(a)
b = rat(2, 5)
l = [a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b]
print l
print l
print rat(0, 1)
print a+1
print a+1L
print a+1.0
print rat(1, 0)
raise SystemError, 'should have been ZeroDivisionError'
except ZeroDivisionError:
print 'OK'
print rat(2), rat(1.5), rat(3, 2), rat(1.5+1.5j), rat(31415926,10000000)
list = [2, 1.5, rat(3,2), 1.5+1.5j]
for i in list:
print i,
if not isinstance(i, complex):
print int(i), float(i),
print complex(i)
for j in list:
print i + j, i - j, i * j, i / j, i ** j,
if not (isinstance(i, complex) or
isinstance(j, complex)):
print cmp(i, j)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
# >>> for c in Rev( 'Hello World!' ) : sys.stdout.write( c )
# ... else: sys.stdout.write( '\n' )
# ...
# ...
# !dlroW olleH
# The .forw is so you can use anonymous sequences in __init__, and still
# keep a reference the forward sequence. )
# keep a reference the forward sequence. )
# If you give it a non-anonymous mutable sequence, the reverse sequence
# will track the updated values. ( but not reassignment! - another
# will track the updated values. ( but not reassignment! - another
# good reason to use anonymous values in creating the sequence to avoid
# confusion. Maybe it should be change to copy input sequence to break
# the connection completely ? )
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
# >>> nnn = range( 0, 3 )
# >>> rnn = Rev( nnn )
# >>> for n in rnn: print n
# ...
# ...
# 2
# 1
# 0
# >>> for n in range( 4, 6 ): nnn.append( n ) # update nnn
# ...
# >>> for n in rnn: print n # prints reversed updated values
# ...
# >>> for n in range( 4, 6 ): nnn.append( n ) # update nnn
# ...
# >>> for n in rnn: print n # prints reversed updated values
# ...
# 5
# 4
# 2
@ -35,55 +35,55 @@
# >>> nnn = nnn[1:-1]
# >>> nnn
# [1, 2, 4]
# >>> for n in rnn: print n # prints reversed values of old nnn
# ...
# >>> for n in rnn: print n # prints reversed values of old nnn
# ...
# 5
# 4
# 2
# 1
# 0
# >>>
# >>>
# WH = Rev( 'Hello World!' )
# print WH.forw, WH.back
# nnn = Rev( range( 1, 10 ) )
# print nnn.forw
# print nnn
# produces output:
# Hello World! !dlroW olleH
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
# >>>rrr = Rev( nnn )
# >>>rrr = Rev( nnn )
# >>>rrr
# <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9>
# <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9>
from string import joinfields
class Rev:
def __init__( self, seq ):
self.forw = seq
self.back = self
def __len__( self ):
return len( self.forw )
def __getitem__( self, j ):
return self.forw[ -( j + 1 ) ]
def __repr__( self ):
seq = self.forw
if type(seq) == type( [] ) :
wrap = '[]'
sep = ', '
elif type(seq) == type( () ) :
wrap = '()'
sep = ', '
elif type(seq) == type( '' ) :
wrap = ''
sep = ''
wrap = '<>'
sep = ', '
outstrs = []
for item in self.back :
outstrs.append( str( item ) )
return wrap[:1] + joinfields( outstrs, sep ) + wrap[-1:]
def __init__( self, seq ):
self.forw = seq
self.back = self
def __len__( self ):
return len( self.forw )
def __getitem__( self, j ):
return self.forw[ -( j + 1 ) ]
def __repr__( self ):
seq = self.forw
if type(seq) == type( [] ) :
wrap = '[]'
sep = ', '
elif type(seq) == type( () ) :
wrap = '()'
sep = ', '
elif type(seq) == type( '' ) :
wrap = ''
sep = ''
wrap = '<>'
sep = ', '
outstrs = []
for item in self.back :
outstrs.append( str( item ) )
return wrap[:1] + joinfields( outstrs, sep ) + wrap[-1:]
@ -2,63 +2,63 @@
def vec(*v):
return apply(Vec, v)
return apply(Vec, v)
class Vec:
def __init__(self, *v):
self.v = []
for x in v:
def __init__(self, *v):
self.v = []
for x in v:
def fromlist(self, v):
self.v = []
if type(v) <> type([]):
raise TypeError
self.v = v[:]
return self
def fromlist(self, v):
self.v = []
if type(v) <> type([]):
raise TypeError
self.v = v[:]
return self
def __repr__(self):
return 'vec(' + `self.v`[1:-1] + ')'
def __repr__(self):
return 'vec(' + `self.v`[1:-1] + ')'
def __len__(self):
return len(self.v)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.v)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.v[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.v[i]
def __add__(a, b):
# Element-wise addition
v = []
for i in range(len(a)):
v.append(a[i] + b[i])
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def __add__(a, b):
# Element-wise addition
v = []
for i in range(len(a)):
v.append(a[i] + b[i])
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def __sub__(a, b):
# Element-wise subtraction
v = []
for i in range(len(a)):
v.append(a[i] - b[i])
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def __sub__(a, b):
# Element-wise subtraction
v = []
for i in range(len(a)):
v.append(a[i] - b[i])
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def __mul__(self, scalar):
# Multiply by scalar
v = []
for i in range(len(self.v)):
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def __mul__(self, scalar):
# Multiply by scalar
v = []
for i in range(len(self.v)):
return Vec().fromlist(v)
def test():
a = vec(1, 2, 3)
b = vec(3, 2, 1)
print a
print b
print a+b
print a*3.0
a = vec(1, 2, 3)
b = vec(3, 2, 1)
print a
print b
print a+b
print a*3.0
@ -10,323 +10,323 @@
def _check_value(value):
if type(value) != type(0) or not 0 <= value < 2:
raise error, 'bitvec() items must have int value 0 or 1'
if type(value) != type(0) or not 0 <= value < 2:
raise error, 'bitvec() items must have int value 0 or 1'
import math
def _compute_len(param):
mant, l = math.frexp(float(param))
bitmask = 1L << l
if bitmask <= param:
raise 'FATAL', '(param, l) = ' + `param, l`
while l:
bitmask = bitmask >> 1
if param & bitmask:
l = l - 1
return l
mant, l = math.frexp(float(param))
bitmask = 1L << l
if bitmask <= param:
raise 'FATAL', '(param, l) = ' + `param, l`
while l:
bitmask = bitmask >> 1
if param & bitmask:
l = l - 1
return l
def _check_key(len, key):
if type(key) != type(0):
raise TypeError, 'sequence subscript not int'
if key < 0:
key = key + len
if not 0 <= key < len:
raise IndexError, 'list index out of range'
return key
if type(key) != type(0):
raise TypeError, 'sequence subscript not int'
if key < 0:
key = key + len
if not 0 <= key < len:
raise IndexError, 'list index out of range'
return key
def _check_slice(len, i, j):
#the type is ok, Python already checked that
i, j = max(i, 0), min(len, j)
if i > j:
i = j
return i, j
#the type is ok, Python already checked that
i, j = max(i, 0), min(len, j)
if i > j:
i = j
return i, j
class BitVec:
def __init__(self, *params):
self._data = 0L
self._len = 0
if not len(params):
elif len(params) == 1:
param, = params
if type(param) == type([]):
value = 0L
bit_mask = 1L
for item in param:
# strict check
if item:
value = value | bit_mask
bit_mask = bit_mask << 1
self._data = value
self._len = len(param)
elif type(param) == type(0L):
if param < 0:
raise error, 'bitvec() can\'t handle negative longs'
self._data = param
self._len = _compute_len(param)
raise error, 'bitvec() requires array or long parameter'
elif len(params) == 2:
param, length = params
if type(param) == type(0L):
if param < 0:
raise error, \
'can\'t handle negative longs'
self._data = param
if type(length) != type(0):
raise error, 'bitvec()\'s 2nd parameter must be int'
computed_length = _compute_len(param)
if computed_length > length:
print 'warning: bitvec() value is longer than the length indicates, truncating value'
self._data = self._data & \
((1L << length) - 1)
self._len = length
raise error, 'bitvec() requires array or long parameter'
raise error, 'bitvec() requires 0 -- 2 parameter(s)'
def append(self, item):
#self[self._len:self._len] = [item]
self[self._len:self._len] = \
BitVec(long(not not item), 1)
def count(self, value):
if value:
data = self._data
data = (~self)._data
count = 0
while data:
data, count = data >> 1, count + (data & 1 != 0)
return count
def __init__(self, *params):
self._data = 0L
self._len = 0
if not len(params):
elif len(params) == 1:
param, = params
if type(param) == type([]):
value = 0L
bit_mask = 1L
for item in param:
# strict check
if item:
value = value | bit_mask
bit_mask = bit_mask << 1
self._data = value
self._len = len(param)
elif type(param) == type(0L):
if param < 0:
raise error, 'bitvec() can\'t handle negative longs'
self._data = param
self._len = _compute_len(param)
raise error, 'bitvec() requires array or long parameter'
elif len(params) == 2:
param, length = params
if type(param) == type(0L):
if param < 0:
raise error, \
'can\'t handle negative longs'
self._data = param
if type(length) != type(0):
raise error, 'bitvec()\'s 2nd parameter must be int'
computed_length = _compute_len(param)
if computed_length > length:
print 'warning: bitvec() value is longer than the length indicates, truncating value'
self._data = self._data & \
((1L << length) - 1)
self._len = length
raise error, 'bitvec() requires array or long parameter'
raise error, 'bitvec() requires 0 -- 2 parameter(s)'
def index(self, value):
if value:
data = self._data
data = (~self)._data
index = 0
if not data:
raise ValueError, 'list.index(x): x not in list'
while not (data & 1):
data, index = data >> 1, index + 1
return index
def append(self, item):
#self[self._len:self._len] = [item]
self[self._len:self._len] = \
BitVec(long(not not item), 1)
def insert(self, index, item):
#self[index:index] = [item]
self[index:index] = BitVec(long(not not item), 1)
def count(self, value):
if value:
data = self._data
data = (~self)._data
count = 0
while data:
data, count = data >> 1, count + (data & 1 != 0)
return count
def remove(self, value):
del self[self.index(value)]
def index(self, value):
if value:
data = self._data
data = (~self)._data
index = 0
if not data:
raise ValueError, 'list.index(x): x not in list'
while not (data & 1):
data, index = data >> 1, index + 1
return index
def reverse(self):
#ouch, this one is expensive!
#for i in self._len>>1: self[i], self[l-i] = self[l-i], self[i]
data, result = self._data, 0L
for i in range(self._len):
if not data:
result = result << (self._len - i)
result, data = (result << 1) | (data & 1), data >> 1
self._data = result
def sort(self):
c = self.count(1)
self._data = ((1L << c) - 1) << (self._len - c)
def insert(self, index, item):
#self[index:index] = [item]
self[index:index] = BitVec(long(not not item), 1)
def copy(self):
return BitVec(self._data, self._len)
def remove(self, value):
del self[self.index(value)]
def seq(self):
result = []
for i in self:
return result
def __repr__(self):
##rprt('<bitvec class instance object>.' + '__repr__()\n')
return 'bitvec' + `self._data, self._len`
def __cmp__(self, other, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__cmp__'+`(other, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(other) != type(self):
other = apply(bitvec, (other, ) + rest)
#expensive solution... recursive binary, with slicing
length = self._len
if length == 0 or other._len == 0:
return cmp(length, other._len)
if length != other._len:
min_length = min(length, other._len)
return cmp(self[:min_length], other[:min_length]) or \
cmp(self[min_length:], other[min_length:])
#the lengths are the same now...
if self._data == other._data:
return 0
if length == 1:
return cmp(self[0], other[0])
length = length >> 1
return cmp(self[:length], other[:length]) or \
cmp(self[length:], other[length:])
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
return self._data & (1L << key) != 0
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
#rprt(`self`+'.__setitem__'+`key, value`+'\n')
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
if value:
self._data = self._data | (1L << key)
self._data = self._data & ~(1L << key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
#el cheapo solution...
self._data = self[:key]._data | self[key+1:]._data >> key
self._len = self._len - 1
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
#rprt(`self`+'.__getslice__'+`i, j`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if i >= j:
return BitVec(0L, 0)
if i:
ndata = self._data >> i
ndata = self._data
nlength = j - i
if j != self._len:
#we'll have to invent faster variants here
#e.g. mod_2exp
ndata = ndata & ((1L << nlength) - 1)
return BitVec(ndata, nlength)
def __setslice__(self, i, j, sequence, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__setslice__'+`(i, j, sequence) + rest`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if type(sequence) != type(self):
sequence = apply(bitvec, (sequence, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
ls_part = self[:i]
ms_part = self[j:]
self._data = ls_part._data | \
((sequence._data | \
(ms_part._data << sequence._len)) << ls_part._len)
self._len = self._len - j + i + sequence._len
def __delslice__(self, i, j):
#rprt(`self`+'.__delslice__'+`i, j`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if i == 0 and j == self._len:
self._data, self._len = 0L, 0
elif i < j:
self._data = self[:i]._data | (self[j:]._data >> i)
self._len = self._len - j + i
def __add__(self, other):
retval = self.copy()
retval[self._len:self._len] = other
return retval
def __mul__(self, multiplier):
if type(multiplier) != type(0):
raise TypeError, 'sequence subscript not int'
if multiplier <= 0:
return BitVec(0L, 0)
elif multiplier == 1:
return self.copy()
#handle special cases all 0 or all 1...
if self._data == 0L:
return BitVec(0L, self._len * multiplier)
elif (~self)._data == 0L:
return ~BitVec(0L, self._len * multiplier)
#otherwise el cheapo again...
retval = BitVec(0L, 0)
while multiplier:
retval, multiplier = retval + self, multiplier - 1
return retval
def __and__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__and__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data & otherseq._data, \
min(self._len, otherseq._len))
def reverse(self):
#ouch, this one is expensive!
#for i in self._len>>1: self[i], self[l-i] = self[l-i], self[i]
data, result = self._data, 0L
for i in range(self._len):
if not data:
result = result << (self._len - i)
result, data = (result << 1) | (data & 1), data >> 1
self._data = result
def __xor__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__xor__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data ^ otherseq._data, \
max(self._len, otherseq._len))
def sort(self):
c = self.count(1)
self._data = ((1L << c) - 1) << (self._len - c)
def __or__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__or__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data | otherseq._data, \
max(self._len, otherseq._len))
def copy(self):
return BitVec(self._data, self._len)
def __invert__(self):
return BitVec(~self._data & ((1L << self._len) - 1), \
def seq(self):
result = []
for i in self:
return result
def __coerce__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#needed for *some* of the arithmetic operations
#rprt(`self`+'.__coerce__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
return self, otherseq
def __int__(self):
return int(self._data)
def __repr__(self):
##rprt('<bitvec class instance object>.' + '__repr__()\n')
return 'bitvec' + `self._data, self._len`
def __long__(self):
return long(self._data)
def __cmp__(self, other, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__cmp__'+`(other, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(other) != type(self):
other = apply(bitvec, (other, ) + rest)
#expensive solution... recursive binary, with slicing
length = self._len
if length == 0 or other._len == 0:
return cmp(length, other._len)
if length != other._len:
min_length = min(length, other._len)
return cmp(self[:min_length], other[:min_length]) or \
cmp(self[min_length:], other[min_length:])
#the lengths are the same now...
if self._data == other._data:
return 0
if length == 1:
return cmp(self[0], other[0])
length = length >> 1
return cmp(self[:length], other[:length]) or \
cmp(self[length:], other[length:])
def __float__(self):
return float(self._data)
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
return self._data & (1L << key) != 0
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
#rprt(`self`+'.__setitem__'+`key, value`+'\n')
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
if value:
self._data = self._data | (1L << key)
self._data = self._data & ~(1L << key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
key = _check_key(self._len, key)
#el cheapo solution...
self._data = self[:key]._data | self[key+1:]._data >> key
self._len = self._len - 1
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
#rprt(`self`+'.__getslice__'+`i, j`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if i >= j:
return BitVec(0L, 0)
if i:
ndata = self._data >> i
ndata = self._data
nlength = j - i
if j != self._len:
#we'll have to invent faster variants here
#e.g. mod_2exp
ndata = ndata & ((1L << nlength) - 1)
return BitVec(ndata, nlength)
def __setslice__(self, i, j, sequence, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__setslice__'+`(i, j, sequence) + rest`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if type(sequence) != type(self):
sequence = apply(bitvec, (sequence, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
ls_part = self[:i]
ms_part = self[j:]
self._data = ls_part._data | \
((sequence._data | \
(ms_part._data << sequence._len)) << ls_part._len)
self._len = self._len - j + i + sequence._len
def __delslice__(self, i, j):
#rprt(`self`+'.__delslice__'+`i, j`+'\n')
i, j = _check_slice(self._len, i, j)
if i == 0 and j == self._len:
self._data, self._len = 0L, 0
elif i < j:
self._data = self[:i]._data | (self[j:]._data >> i)
self._len = self._len - j + i
def __add__(self, other):
retval = self.copy()
retval[self._len:self._len] = other
return retval
def __mul__(self, multiplier):
if type(multiplier) != type(0):
raise TypeError, 'sequence subscript not int'
if multiplier <= 0:
return BitVec(0L, 0)
elif multiplier == 1:
return self.copy()
#handle special cases all 0 or all 1...
if self._data == 0L:
return BitVec(0L, self._len * multiplier)
elif (~self)._data == 0L:
return ~BitVec(0L, self._len * multiplier)
#otherwise el cheapo again...
retval = BitVec(0L, 0)
while multiplier:
retval, multiplier = retval + self, multiplier - 1
return retval
def __and__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__and__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data & otherseq._data, \
min(self._len, otherseq._len))
def __xor__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__xor__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data ^ otherseq._data, \
max(self._len, otherseq._len))
def __or__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#rprt(`self`+'.__or__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
#sequence is now of our own type
return BitVec(self._data | otherseq._data, \
max(self._len, otherseq._len))
def __invert__(self):
return BitVec(~self._data & ((1L << self._len) - 1), \
def __coerce__(self, otherseq, *rest):
#needed for *some* of the arithmetic operations
#rprt(`self`+'.__coerce__'+`(otherseq, ) + rest`+'\n')
if type(otherseq) != type(self):
otherseq = apply(bitvec, (otherseq, ) + rest)
return self, otherseq
def __int__(self):
return int(self._data)
def __long__(self):
return long(self._data)
def __float__(self):
return float(self._data)
bitvec = BitVec
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# 1) Regular Expressions Test
# Read a file of (extended per egrep) regular expressions (one per line),
# Read a file of (extended per egrep) regular expressions (one per line),
# and apply those to all files whose names are listed on the command line.
# Basically, an 'egrep -f' simulator. Test it with 20 "vt100" patterns
# against a five /etc/termcap files. Tests using more elaborate patters
# would also be interesting. Your code should not break if given hundreds
# of regular expressions or binary files to scan.
# of regular expressions or binary files to scan.
# This implementation:
# - combines all patterns into a single one using ( ... | ... | ... )
@ -24,27 +24,27 @@
def main():
pats = map(chomp, sys.stdin.readlines())
bigpat = '(' + string.joinfields(pats, '|') + ')'
prog = regex.compile(bigpat)
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
fp = open(file, 'r')
except IOError, msg:
print "%s: %s" % (file, msg)
lineno = 0
while 1:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
if prog.search(line) >= 0:
print "%s:%s:%s" % (file, lineno, line),
pats = map(chomp, sys.stdin.readlines())
bigpat = '(' + string.joinfields(pats, '|') + ')'
prog = regex.compile(bigpat)
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
fp = open(file, 'r')
except IOError, msg:
print "%s: %s" % (file, msg)
lineno = 0
while 1:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
if prog.search(line) >= 0:
print "%s:%s:%s" % (file, lineno, line),
def chomp(s):
if s[-1:] == '\n': return s[:-1]
else: return s
if s[-1:] == '\n': return s[:-1]
else: return s
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# 2) Sorting Test
# Sort an input file that consists of lines like this
# var1=23 other=14 ditto=23 fred=2
# such that each output line is sorted WRT to the number. Order
# of output lines does not change. Resolve collisions using the
# variable name. e.g.
# fred=2 other=14 ditto=23 var1=23
# fred=2 other=14 ditto=23 var1=23
# Lines may be up to several kilobytes in length and contain
# zillions of variables.
@ -28,23 +28,23 @@
import sys
def main():
prog = regex.compile('^\(.*\)=\([-+]?[0-9]+\)')
def makekey(item, prog=prog):
if prog.match(item) >= 0:
var, num = prog.group(1, 2)
return string.atoi(num), var
# Bad input -- pretend it's a var with value 0
return 0, item
while 1:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line:
items = string.split(line)
items = map(makekey, items)
for num, var in items:
print "%s=%s" % (var, num),
prog = regex.compile('^\(.*\)=\([-+]?[0-9]+\)')
def makekey(item, prog=prog):
if prog.match(item) >= 0:
var, num = prog.group(1, 2)
return string.atoi(num), var
# Bad input -- pretend it's a var with value 0
return 0, item
while 1:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line:
items = string.split(line)
items = map(makekey, items)
for num, var in items:
print "%s=%s" % (var, num),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# 3) System Test
# Given a list of directories, report any bogus symbolic links contained
# anywhere in those subtrees. A bogus symbolic link is one that cannot
# be resolved because it points to a nonexistent or otherwise
@ -21,54 +21,54 @@
from stat import *
def main():
# Note: can't test for presence of lstat -- it's always there
dummy = os.readlink
except AttributeError:
print "This system doesn't have symbolic links"
if sys.argv[1:]:
prefix = sys.argv[1]
prefix = ''
if prefix:
if prefix[-1:] != '/': prefix = prefix + '/'
# Note: can't test for presence of lstat -- it's always there
dummy = os.readlink
except AttributeError:
print "This system doesn't have symbolic links"
if sys.argv[1:]:
prefix = sys.argv[1]
prefix = ''
if prefix:
if prefix[-1:] != '/': prefix = prefix + '/'
def reportboguslinks(prefix):
names = os.listdir('.')
except os.error, msg:
print "%s%s: can't list: %s" % (prefix, '.', msg)
for name in names:
if name == os.curdir or name == os.pardir:
mode = os.lstat(name)[ST_MODE]
except os.error:
print "%s%s: can't stat: %s" % (prefix, name, msg)
if S_ISLNK(mode):
except os.error:
print "%s%s -> %s" % \
(prefix, name, os.readlink(name))
elif S_ISDIR(mode):
except os.error, msg:
print "%s%s: can't chdir: %s" % \
(prefix, name, msg)
reportboguslinks(prefix + name + '/')
names = os.listdir('.')
except os.error, msg:
print "%s%s: can't list: %s" % (prefix, '.', msg)
for name in names:
if name == os.curdir or name == os.pardir:
mode = os.lstat(name)[ST_MODE]
except os.error:
print "%s%s: can't stat: %s" % (prefix, name, msg)
if S_ISLNK(mode):
except os.error:
print "%s%s -> %s" % \
(prefix, name, os.readlink(name))
elif S_ISDIR(mode):
except os.error, msg:
print "%s%s: can't chdir: %s" % \
(prefix, name, msg)
reportboguslinks(prefix + name + '/')
Reference in New Issue