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A full Inno Setup script for Python, except for the few hard and esoteric
parts Inno has no good answer for (read the comments at the top of the script).
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
; This is the whole ball of wax for an Inno installer for Python.
; To use, download Inno Setup from http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.htm/,
; install it, and double-click on this file. That launches the Inno
; script compiler. The GUI is extemely simple, and has only one button
; you may not recognize instantly: click it. You're done. It builds
; the installer into PCBuild/Python-2.2a1.exe. Size and speed of the
; installer are competitive with the Wise installer; Inno uninstall
; seems much quicker than Wise.
; What's Done
; -----------
; All the usual Windows Python files are installed by this now.
; All the usual Windows Python Start menu entries are created and
; work fine.
; The Python install is fully functional for "typical" uses (e.g.,
; nothing I ever do with Python requires more than this).
; What's Not Done
; ---------------
; No registry entries are written.
; No installation of files is done into the system dir:
; The MS DLLs aren't handled at all by this yet.
; Python22.dll is unpacked into the main Python dir.
; Inno can't do different things on NT/2000 depending on whether the user
; has Admin privileges, so I don't know how to "solve" either of those,
; short of building two installers (one *requiring* Admin privs, the
; other not doing anything that needs Admin privs).
; Inno has no concept of variables, so lots of lines in this file need
; to be fiddled by hand across releases. Simplest way out: stick this
; file in a giant triple-quoted r-string (note that backslashes are
; required all over the place here -- forward slashes DON'T WORK in
; Inno), and use %(yadda)s string interpolation to do substitutions; i.e.,
; write a very simple Python program to *produce* this script.
; Which of these controls App Path???
AppName=Python 2.2 alpha 1
AppVerName=Python 2.2 alpha 1
AppCopyright=Copyright © 2001 Python Software Foundation
; Default install dir; value of {app} later (unless user overrides).
; {sd} = system root drive, probably "C:".
; Start menu folder name.
DefaultGroupName=Python 2.2
AppId=Python 2.2
; Point SourceDir to one above PCBuild = src.
; YAY! That actually worked: means this script can run unchanged from anyone's
; CVS tree, no matter what they called the top-level directories. Wise
; required hardcoded absolute paths all over the place.
AppPublisher=PythonLabs at Digicool
; uncomment the following line if you want your installation to run on NT 3.51 too.
; MinVersion=4,3.51
Name: normal; Description: "Select desired components"; Flags: iscustom
Name: main; Description: "Python interpreter and library"; Types: normal
Name: docs; Description: "Python documentation (HTML)"; Types: normal
Name: tools; Description: "Python utility scripts"; Types: normal
Name: test; Description: "Python test suite (Lib\test\)"; Types: normal
; Caution: Using forward slashes instead screws up in amazing ways.
; Unknown: By the time Components (and other attrs) are added to these lines, they're
; going to get awfully long. But don't see a way to continue logical lines across
; physical lines.
Source: LICENSE; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: LICENSE.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
Source: README; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
Source: Misc\News; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: NEWS.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
Source: PC\*.ico; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\python.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\pythonw.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\w9xpopen.exe; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\python22.dll; DestDir: "{app}"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: ..\tcl\bin\tcl83.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: ..\tcl\bin\tk83.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: ..\tcl\lib\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\tcl"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: PCbuild\_socket.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_socket.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_sre.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_sre.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_symtable.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_symtable.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_testcapi.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_testcapi.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_tkinter.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_tkinter.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\bsddb.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\bsddb.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\mmap.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\mmap.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\parser.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\parser.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\pyexpat.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\pyexpat.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\select.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\select.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\unicodedata.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\unicodedata.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_winreg.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\_winreg.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\winsound.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\winsound.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\zlib.pyd; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\zlib.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PCbuild\python22.lib; DestDir: "{app}\libs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: ..\expat\bin\xmlparse.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: ..\expat\bin\xmltok.dll; DestDir: "{app}\DLLs"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\lib-tk\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\lib-tk"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\encodings\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\encodings"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\distutils\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\distutils"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\xml\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\xml"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: main
Source: Lib\lib-old\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\lib-old"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\site-packages\README; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Include\*.h; DestDir: "{app}\include"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: PC\config.h; DestDir: "{app}\include"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Tools\scripts\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\scripts\*.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\scripts\*.doc; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\scripts\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\Scripts"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\webchecker\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\webchecker"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\webchecker\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\webchecker"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\versioncheck\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\versioncheck"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\versioncheck\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\versioncheck"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\idle\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\idle\idle.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\idle\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\idle\Icons\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\idle\Icons"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\compiler\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\compiler\compiler\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\compiler\compiler\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\compiler\compiler"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\pynche\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\pynche\pynche.pyw; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\pynche\X\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche\X"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\pynche\README; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; DestName: README.txt; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: Tools\pynche\pynche; DestDir: "{app}\Tools\pynche"; DestName: pynche.py; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tools
Source: html\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: docs
Source: Lib\test\*.py; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Source: Lib\test\*.uue; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Source: Lib\test\*.xml; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Source: Lib\test\*.out; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Source: Lib\test\audiotest.au; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Source: Lib\test\output\*.*; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\test\output"; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test
Name: "{group}\IDLE (Python GUI)"; Filename: "{app}\pythonw.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "{app}\Tools\idle\idle.pyw"
Name: "{group}\Module Docs"; Filename: "{app}\pythonw.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "{app}\Tools\Scripts\pydoc.pyw"
Name: "{group}\Python (command line)"; Filename: "{app}\python.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
Name: "{group}\Python Manuals"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\index.html"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
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