mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython.git
20% speedup by Fred
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
import sys, string, regex, getopt, os
from types import IntType, ListType, StringType, TupleType
# Different parse modes for phase 1
@ -53,11 +55,10 @@ def lle(lvl, buf, where):
# This class is only needed for _symbolic_ representation of the parse mode.
class Mode:
def init(self, arg):
def __init__(self, arg):
if arg not in the_modes:
raise ValueError, 'mode not in the_modes'
self.mode = arg
return self
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
@ -83,8 +84,7 @@ def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError, 'mode not in the_modes'
# just a wrapper around a class initialisation
def mode(arg):
return Mode().init(arg)
mode = Mode
# After phase 1, the text consists of chunks, with a certain type
@ -118,11 +118,10 @@ def mode(arg):
# class, just to display symbolic name
class ChunkType:
def init(self, chunk_type):
def __init__(self, chunk_type):
if chunk_type not in the_types:
raise 'ValueError', 'chunk_type not in the_types'
raise ValueError, 'chunk_type not in the_types'
self.chunk_type = chunk_type
return self
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
@ -166,32 +165,32 @@ def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError, 'chunk_type not in the_types'
# ...and the wrapper
def chunk_type(type):
return ChunkType().init(type)
_all_chunk_types = {}
for t in the_types:
_all_chunk_types[t] = ChunkType(t)
def chunk_type(t):
return _all_chunk_types[t]
# store a type object of the ChunkType-class-instance...
chunk_type_type = type(chunk_type(0))
# this class contains a part of the parsed buffer
class Chunk:
def init(self, chtype, where, data):
def __init__(self, chtype, where, data):
if type(chtype) != chunk_type_type:
chtype = chunk_type(chtype)
self.chtype = chtype
if type(where) != type(0):
if type(where) != IntType:
raise TypeError, '\'where\' is not a number'
self.where = where
self.data = data
##print 'CHUNK', self
return self
def __repr__(self):
return 'chunk' + `self.chtype, self.where, self.data`
# and the wrapper
def chunk(chtype, where, data):
return Chunk().init(chtype, where, data)
chunk = Chunk
error = 'partparse.error'
@ -637,14 +636,14 @@ def handlecs(buf, where, curpmode, lvl, result, end):
raise error, `endverbstr` + ' not found.' + lle(lvl, buf, where)
result.append(chunk(ENV, where, (envname, [chunk(PLAIN, newpos, (newpos, pos))])))
newpos = pos + len(endverbstr)
elif s(buf, saveddata) == 'begin':
# start parsing recursively... If that parse returns
# from an '\end{...}', then should the last item of
# the returned data be a string containing the ended
# environment
newpos, data = parseit(buf, curpmode, newpos, lvl)
if not data or type(data[-1]) != type(''):
if not data or type(data[-1]) is not StringType:
raise error, 'missing \'end\'' + lle(lvl, buf, where) + epsilon(buf, newpos)
retenv = data[-1]
del data[-1]
@ -721,32 +720,25 @@ def handlecs(buf, where, curpmode, lvl, result, end):
# this is just a function to get the string value if the possible data-tuple
def s(buf, data):
if type(data) == type(''):
if type(data) is StringType:
return data
if len(data) != 2 or not (type(data[0]) == type(data[1]) == type(0)):
if len(data) != 2 or not (type(data[0]) is type(data[1]) is IntType):
raise TypeError, 'expected tuple of 2 integers'
x1, x2 = data
return buf[x1:x2]
##length, data1, i = getnextarg(length, buf, pp, i + 1)
# make a deep-copy of some chunks
def crcopy(r):
result = []
for x in r:
return result
return map(chunkcopy, r)
# copy a chunk, would better be a method of class Chunk...
def chunkcopy(ch):
if ch.chtype == chunk_type(GROUP):
listc = ch.data[:]
for i in range(len(listc)):
listc[i] = chunkcopy(listc[i])
return chunk(GROUP, ch.where, listc)
return chunk(GROUP, ch.where, map(chunkcopy, ch.data))
return chunk(ch.chtype, ch.where, ch.data)
@ -755,7 +747,7 @@ def chunkcopy(ch):
# or return Command Sequence token, or give back one character
def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
##wobj = Wobj().init()
##wobj = Wobj()
##dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[item:min(length, item + 5)])
##print 'GETNEXTARG, (len, item) =', `length, item` + ' ---> ' + wobj.data + ' <---'
@ -773,7 +765,7 @@ def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
pp[item:item] = newpp
item = item + len(newpp)
if len(newpp) < 10:
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, newpp)
##print 'GETNEXTARG: inserted ' + `wobj.data`
return length, item
@ -806,7 +798,7 @@ def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
# get a LaTeX-optional argument, you know, the square braces '[' and ']'
def getoptarg(length, buf, pp, item):
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[item:min(length, item + 5)])
##print 'GETOPTARG, (len, item) =', `length, item` + ' ---> ' + wobj.data + ' <---'
@ -848,9 +840,8 @@ def getoptarg(length, buf, pp, item):
# Wobj just add write-requests to the ``data'' attribute
class Wobj:
def init(self):
self.data = ''
return self
data = ''
def write(self, data):
self.data = self.data + data
@ -879,7 +870,7 @@ def write(self, data):
def flattext(buf, pp):
pp = crcopy(pp)
##print '---> FLATTEXT ' + `pp`
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
i, length = 0, len(pp)
while 1:
@ -917,7 +908,7 @@ def flattext(buf, pp):
ch.chtype = chunk_type(PLAIN)
markcmd = s(buf, ch.data)
x = markcmds[markcmd]
if type(x) == type(()):
if type(x) == TupleType:
pre, after = x
str = pre+str+after
elif x == 1:
@ -1247,7 +1238,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
ch = pp[i]
i = i + 1
if type(ch) == type(''):
if type(ch) is StringType:
#normally, only chunks are present in pp,
# but in some cases, some extra info
# has been inserted, e.g., the \end{...} clauses
@ -1603,7 +1594,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
elif s(buf, ch.data) == 'e':
# \e --> \
# "\e" --> "\"
ch.data = '\\'
ch.chtype = chunk_type(PLAIN)
elif (s(buf, ch.data) == 'lineiii') or\
@ -1614,7 +1605,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
# a2 [ -- a3]
##print 'LINEIIIIII!!!!!!!'
## wobj = Wobj().init()
## wobj = Wobj()
## dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[i-1:i+5])
## print '--->' + wobj.data + '<----'
if not hist.inenv:
@ -1636,7 +1627,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
del pp[i:newi]
length = length - (newi-i)
## print 'ITEM ARG: --->',
## wobj = Wobj().init()
## wobj = Wobj()
## dumpit(buf, wobj.write, ingroupch)
## print wobj.data, '<---'
pp.insert(i, chunk(GROUP, ch.where, ingroupch))
@ -2061,17 +2052,17 @@ def dumpit(buf, wm, pp):
(chunk_type(ENDLINE), chunk_type(DENDLINE)) \
and (pp[i-2].chtype != chunk_type(PLAIN) \
or s(buf, pp[i-2].data)[-1] != '\n'):
wm('@' + s(buf, ch.data))
if i == length:
raise error, 'CSLINE expected another chunk'
if pp[i].chtype != chunk_type(GROUP):
raise error, 'CSLINE expected GROUP'
if type(pp[i].data) != type([]):
if type(pp[i].data) != ListType:
raise error, 'GROUP chould contain []-data'
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[i].data)
i = i + 1
text = wobj.data
@ -2162,4 +2153,5 @@ def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
import sys, string, regex, getopt, os
from types import IntType, ListType, StringType, TupleType
# Different parse modes for phase 1
@ -53,11 +55,10 @@ def lle(lvl, buf, where):
# This class is only needed for _symbolic_ representation of the parse mode.
class Mode:
def init(self, arg):
def __init__(self, arg):
if arg not in the_modes:
raise ValueError, 'mode not in the_modes'
self.mode = arg
return self
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
@ -83,8 +84,7 @@ def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError, 'mode not in the_modes'
# just a wrapper around a class initialisation
def mode(arg):
return Mode().init(arg)
mode = Mode
# After phase 1, the text consists of chunks, with a certain type
@ -118,11 +118,10 @@ def mode(arg):
# class, just to display symbolic name
class ChunkType:
def init(self, chunk_type):
def __init__(self, chunk_type):
if chunk_type not in the_types:
raise 'ValueError', 'chunk_type not in the_types'
raise ValueError, 'chunk_type not in the_types'
self.chunk_type = chunk_type
return self
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
@ -166,32 +165,32 @@ def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError, 'chunk_type not in the_types'
# ...and the wrapper
def chunk_type(type):
return ChunkType().init(type)
_all_chunk_types = {}
for t in the_types:
_all_chunk_types[t] = ChunkType(t)
def chunk_type(t):
return _all_chunk_types[t]
# store a type object of the ChunkType-class-instance...
chunk_type_type = type(chunk_type(0))
# this class contains a part of the parsed buffer
class Chunk:
def init(self, chtype, where, data):
def __init__(self, chtype, where, data):
if type(chtype) != chunk_type_type:
chtype = chunk_type(chtype)
self.chtype = chtype
if type(where) != type(0):
if type(where) != IntType:
raise TypeError, '\'where\' is not a number'
self.where = where
self.data = data
##print 'CHUNK', self
return self
def __repr__(self):
return 'chunk' + `self.chtype, self.where, self.data`
# and the wrapper
def chunk(chtype, where, data):
return Chunk().init(chtype, where, data)
chunk = Chunk
error = 'partparse.error'
@ -637,14 +636,14 @@ def handlecs(buf, where, curpmode, lvl, result, end):
raise error, `endverbstr` + ' not found.' + lle(lvl, buf, where)
result.append(chunk(ENV, where, (envname, [chunk(PLAIN, newpos, (newpos, pos))])))
newpos = pos + len(endverbstr)
elif s(buf, saveddata) == 'begin':
# start parsing recursively... If that parse returns
# from an '\end{...}', then should the last item of
# the returned data be a string containing the ended
# environment
newpos, data = parseit(buf, curpmode, newpos, lvl)
if not data or type(data[-1]) != type(''):
if not data or type(data[-1]) is not StringType:
raise error, 'missing \'end\'' + lle(lvl, buf, where) + epsilon(buf, newpos)
retenv = data[-1]
del data[-1]
@ -721,32 +720,25 @@ def handlecs(buf, where, curpmode, lvl, result, end):
# this is just a function to get the string value if the possible data-tuple
def s(buf, data):
if type(data) == type(''):
if type(data) is StringType:
return data
if len(data) != 2 or not (type(data[0]) == type(data[1]) == type(0)):
if len(data) != 2 or not (type(data[0]) is type(data[1]) is IntType):
raise TypeError, 'expected tuple of 2 integers'
x1, x2 = data
return buf[x1:x2]
##length, data1, i = getnextarg(length, buf, pp, i + 1)
# make a deep-copy of some chunks
def crcopy(r):
result = []
for x in r:
return result
return map(chunkcopy, r)
# copy a chunk, would better be a method of class Chunk...
def chunkcopy(ch):
if ch.chtype == chunk_type(GROUP):
listc = ch.data[:]
for i in range(len(listc)):
listc[i] = chunkcopy(listc[i])
return chunk(GROUP, ch.where, listc)
return chunk(GROUP, ch.where, map(chunkcopy, ch.data))
return chunk(ch.chtype, ch.where, ch.data)
@ -755,7 +747,7 @@ def chunkcopy(ch):
# or return Command Sequence token, or give back one character
def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
##wobj = Wobj().init()
##wobj = Wobj()
##dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[item:min(length, item + 5)])
##print 'GETNEXTARG, (len, item) =', `length, item` + ' ---> ' + wobj.data + ' <---'
@ -773,7 +765,7 @@ def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
pp[item:item] = newpp
item = item + len(newpp)
if len(newpp) < 10:
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, newpp)
##print 'GETNEXTARG: inserted ' + `wobj.data`
return length, item
@ -806,7 +798,7 @@ def getnextarg(length, buf, pp, item):
# get a LaTeX-optional argument, you know, the square braces '[' and ']'
def getoptarg(length, buf, pp, item):
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[item:min(length, item + 5)])
##print 'GETOPTARG, (len, item) =', `length, item` + ' ---> ' + wobj.data + ' <---'
@ -848,9 +840,8 @@ def getoptarg(length, buf, pp, item):
# Wobj just add write-requests to the ``data'' attribute
class Wobj:
def init(self):
self.data = ''
return self
data = ''
def write(self, data):
self.data = self.data + data
@ -879,7 +870,7 @@ def write(self, data):
def flattext(buf, pp):
pp = crcopy(pp)
##print '---> FLATTEXT ' + `pp`
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
i, length = 0, len(pp)
while 1:
@ -917,7 +908,7 @@ def flattext(buf, pp):
ch.chtype = chunk_type(PLAIN)
markcmd = s(buf, ch.data)
x = markcmds[markcmd]
if type(x) == type(()):
if type(x) == TupleType:
pre, after = x
str = pre+str+after
elif x == 1:
@ -1247,7 +1238,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
ch = pp[i]
i = i + 1
if type(ch) == type(''):
if type(ch) is StringType:
#normally, only chunks are present in pp,
# but in some cases, some extra info
# has been inserted, e.g., the \end{...} clauses
@ -1603,7 +1594,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
elif s(buf, ch.data) == 'e':
# \e --> \
# "\e" --> "\"
ch.data = '\\'
ch.chtype = chunk_type(PLAIN)
elif (s(buf, ch.data) == 'lineiii') or\
@ -1614,7 +1605,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
# a2 [ -- a3]
##print 'LINEIIIIII!!!!!!!'
## wobj = Wobj().init()
## wobj = Wobj()
## dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[i-1:i+5])
## print '--->' + wobj.data + '<----'
if not hist.inenv:
@ -1636,7 +1627,7 @@ def changeit(buf, pp):
del pp[i:newi]
length = length - (newi-i)
## print 'ITEM ARG: --->',
## wobj = Wobj().init()
## wobj = Wobj()
## dumpit(buf, wobj.write, ingroupch)
## print wobj.data, '<---'
pp.insert(i, chunk(GROUP, ch.where, ingroupch))
@ -2061,17 +2052,17 @@ def dumpit(buf, wm, pp):
(chunk_type(ENDLINE), chunk_type(DENDLINE)) \
and (pp[i-2].chtype != chunk_type(PLAIN) \
or s(buf, pp[i-2].data)[-1] != '\n'):
wm('@' + s(buf, ch.data))
if i == length:
raise error, 'CSLINE expected another chunk'
if pp[i].chtype != chunk_type(GROUP):
raise error, 'CSLINE expected GROUP'
if type(pp[i].data) != type([]):
if type(pp[i].data) != ListType:
raise error, 'GROUP chould contain []-data'
wobj = Wobj().init()
wobj = Wobj()
dumpit(buf, wobj.write, pp[i].data)
i = i + 1
text = wobj.data
@ -2162,4 +2153,5 @@ def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue