2002-10-17 15:53:02 +00:00
"""Wiki main program. Imported and run by cgi3.py."""
2002-10-17 16:26:45 +00:00
import os, re, cgi, sys, tempfile
2002-10-17 15:53:02 +00:00
escape = cgi.escape
def main():
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
print "Content-type: text/html"
cmd = form.getvalue("cmd", "view")
page = form.getvalue("page", "FrontPage")
wiki = WikiPage(page)
method = getattr(wiki, 'cmd_' + cmd, None) or wiki.cmd_view
class WikiPage:
2002-10-17 16:26:45 +00:00
homedir = tempfile.gettempdir()
2002-10-17 15:53:02 +00:00
scripturl = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
def __init__(self, name):
if not self.iswikiword(name):
raise ValueError, "page name is not a wiki word"
self.name = name
def cmd_view(self, form):
print "<h1>", escape(self.splitwikiword(self.name)), "</h1>"
print "<p>"
for line in self.data.splitlines():
line = line.rstrip()
if not line:
print "<p>"
words = re.split('(\W+)', line)
for i in range(len(words)):
word = words[i]
if self.iswikiword(word):
if os.path.isfile(self.mkfile(word)):
word = self.mklink("view", word, word)
word = self.mklink("new", word, word + "*")
word = escape(word)
words[i] = word
print "".join(words)
print "<hr>"
print "<p>", self.mklink("edit", self.name, "Edit this page") + ";"
print self.mklink("view", "FrontPage", "go to front page") + "."
def cmd_edit(self, form, label="Change"):
print "<h1>", label, self.name, "</h1>"
print '<form method="POST" action="%s">' % self.scripturl
s = '<textarea cols="70" rows="20" name="text">%s</textarea>'
print s % self.data
print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="create">'
print '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="%s">' % self.name
print '<br>'
print '<input type="submit" value="%s Page">' % label
print "</form>"
def cmd_create(self, form):
self.data = form.getvalue("text", "").strip()
error = self.store()
if error:
print "<h1>I'm sorry. That didn't work</h1>"
print "<p>An error occurred while attempting to write the file:"
print "<p>", escape(error)
2002-10-17 21:41:42 +00:00
# Use a redirect directive, to avoid "reload page" problems
print "<head>"
s = '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=%s">'
print s % (self.scripturl + "?cmd=view&page=" + self.name)
print "<head>"
print "<h1>OK</h1>"
print "<p>If nothing happens, please click here:",
print self.mklink("view", self.name, self.name)
2002-10-17 15:53:02 +00:00
def cmd_new(self, form):
2002-10-17 21:41:42 +00:00
self.cmd_edit(form, label="Create")
2002-10-17 15:53:02 +00:00
def iswikiword(self, word):
return re.match("[A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]*)+", word)
def splitwikiword(self, word):
chars = []
for c in word:
if chars and c.isupper():
chars.append(' ')
return "".join(chars)
def mkfile(self, name=None):
if name is None:
name = self.name
return os.path.join(self.homedir, name + ".txt")
def mklink(self, cmd, page, text):
link = self.scripturl + "?cmd=" + cmd + "&page=" + page
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link, text)
def load(self):
f = open(self.mkfile())
data = f.read().strip()
except IOError:
data = ""
self.data = data
def store(self):
data = self.data
f = open(self.mkfile(), "w")
if data and not data.endswith('\n'):
return ""
except IOError, err:
return "IOError: %s" % str(err)