2000-09-19 16:35:39 +00:00
# Tests StringIO and cStringIO
import string
def do_test(module):
s = (string.letters+'\n')*5
f = module.StringIO(s)
print f.read(10)
print f.readline()
print len(f.readlines(60))
2000-09-28 04:25:33 +00:00
f = module.StringIO()
print `f.getvalue()`
# This test fails for cStringIO; reported as SourceForge bug #115531;
# please uncomment this test when that bug is fixed.
# http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=115531&group_id=5470
## f.seek(0)
## f.truncate(5)
## print `f.getvalue()`
# This test fails for cStringIO; reported as SourceForge bug #115530;
# please uncomment this test when that bug is fixed.
# http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=115530&group_id=5470
## try:
## f.write("frobnitz")
## except ValueError, e:
## print "Caught expected ValueError writing to closed StringIO:"
## print e
## else:
## print "Failed to catch ValueError writing to closed StringIO."
2000-09-19 16:35:39 +00:00
# Don't bother testing cStringIO without
import StringIO, cStringIO