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import sys
import unittest
import UserList
import weakref
from test import test_support
class C:
def method(self):
class Callable:
bar = None
def __call__(self, x):
self.bar = x
def create_function():
def f(): pass
return f
def create_bound_method():
return C().method
def create_unbound_method():
return C.method
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.cbcalled = 0
def callback(self, ref):
self.cbcalled += 1
class ReferencesTestCase(TestBase):
def test_basic_ref(self):
# Just make sure the tp_repr handler doesn't raise an exception.
# Live reference:
o = C()
wr = weakref.ref(o)
# Dead reference:
del o
def test_basic_callback(self):
def test_multiple_callbacks(self):
o = C()
ref1 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
del o
self.assert_(ref1() is None,
"expected reference to be invalidated")
self.assert_(ref2() is None,
"expected reference to be invalidated")
self.assert_(self.cbcalled == 2,
"callback not called the right number of times")
def test_multiple_selfref_callbacks(self):
# Make sure all references are invalidated before callbacks are called
# What's important here is that we're using the first
# reference in the callback invoked on the second reference
# (the most recently created ref is cleaned up first). This
# tests that all references to the object are invalidated
# before any of the callbacks are invoked, so that we only
# have one invocation of _weakref.c:cleanup_helper() active
# for a particular object at a time.
def callback(object, self=self):
c = C()
self.ref = weakref.ref(c, callback)
ref1 = weakref.ref(c, callback)
del c
def test_proxy_ref(self):
o = C()
o.bar = 1
ref1 = weakref.proxy(o, self.callback)
ref2 = weakref.proxy(o, self.callback)
del o
def check(proxy):
self.assertRaises(weakref.ReferenceError, check, ref1)
self.assertRaises(weakref.ReferenceError, check, ref2)
self.assert_(self.cbcalled == 2)
def check_basic_ref(self, factory):
o = factory()
ref = weakref.ref(o)
self.assert_(ref() is not None,
"weak reference to live object should be live")
o2 = ref()
self.assert_(o is o2,
"<ref>() should return original object if live")
def check_basic_callback(self, factory):
self.cbcalled = 0
o = factory()
ref = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
del o
self.assert_(self.cbcalled == 1,
"callback did not properly set 'cbcalled'")
self.assert_(ref() is None,
"ref2 should be dead after deleting object reference")
def test_ref_reuse(self):
o = C()
ref1 = weakref.ref(o)
# create a proxy to make sure that there's an intervening creation
# between these two; it should make no difference
proxy = weakref.proxy(o)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o)
self.assert_(ref1 is ref2,
"reference object w/out callback should be re-used")
o = C()
proxy = weakref.proxy(o)
ref1 = weakref.ref(o)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o)
self.assert_(ref1 is ref2,
"reference object w/out callback should be re-used")
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 2,
"wrong weak ref count for object")
del proxy
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 1,
"wrong weak ref count for object after deleting proxy")
def test_proxy_reuse(self):
o = C()
proxy1 = weakref.proxy(o)
ref = weakref.ref(o)
proxy2 = weakref.proxy(o)
self.assert_(proxy1 is proxy2,
"proxy object w/out callback should have been re-used")
def test_basic_proxy(self):
o = C()
self.check_proxy(o, weakref.proxy(o))
L = UserList.UserList()
p = weakref.proxy(L)
self.failIf(p, "proxy for empty UserList should be false")
self.assertEqual(len(L), 1)
self.failUnless(p, "proxy for non-empty UserList should be true")
p[:] = [2, 3]
self.assertEqual(len(L), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(p), 2)
self.failUnless(3 in p, "proxy didn't support __contains__() properly")
p[1] = 5
self.assertEqual(L[1], 5)
self.assertEqual(p[1], 5)
L2 = UserList.UserList(L)
p2 = weakref.proxy(L2)
self.assertEqual(p, p2)
## self.assertEqual(`L2`, `p2`)
L3 = UserList.UserList(range(10))
p3 = weakref.proxy(L3)
self.assertEqual(L3[:], p3[:])
self.assertEqual(L3[5:], p3[5:])
self.assertEqual(L3[:5], p3[:5])
self.assertEqual(L3[2:5], p3[2:5])
def test_callable_proxy(self):
o = Callable()
ref1 = weakref.proxy(o)
self.check_proxy(o, ref1)
self.assert_(type(ref1) is weakref.CallableProxyType,
"proxy is not of callable type")
self.assert_(o.bar == 'twinkies!',
"call through proxy not passed through to original")
self.assert_(o.bar == 'Splat.',
"call through proxy not passed through to original")
# expect due to too few args
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ref1)
# expect due to too many args
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ref1, 1, 2, 3)
def check_proxy(self, o, proxy):
o.foo = 1
self.assert_(proxy.foo == 1,
"proxy does not reflect attribute addition")
o.foo = 2
self.assert_(proxy.foo == 2,
"proxy does not reflect attribute modification")
del o.foo
self.assert_(not hasattr(proxy, 'foo'),
"proxy does not reflect attribute removal")
proxy.foo = 1
self.assert_(o.foo == 1,
"object does not reflect attribute addition via proxy")
proxy.foo = 2
o.foo == 2,
"object does not reflect attribute modification via proxy")
del proxy.foo
self.assert_(not hasattr(o, 'foo'),
"object does not reflect attribute removal via proxy")
def test_getweakrefcount(self):
o = C()
ref1 = weakref.ref(o)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 2,
"got wrong number of weak reference objects")
proxy1 = weakref.proxy(o)
proxy2 = weakref.proxy(o, self.callback)
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 4,
"got wrong number of weak reference objects")
def test_getweakrefs(self):
o = C()
ref1 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
del ref1
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefs(o) == [ref2],
"list of refs does not match")
o = C()
ref1 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
ref2 = weakref.ref(o, self.callback)
del ref2
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefs(o) == [ref1],
"list of refs does not match")
def test_newstyle_number_ops(self):
class F(float):
f = F(2.0)
p = weakref.proxy(f)
self.assert_(p + 1.0 == 3.0)
self.assert_(1.0 + p == 3.0) # this used to SEGV
def test_callbacks_protected(self):
# Callbacks protected from already-set exceptions?
# Regression test for SF bug #478534.
class BogusError(Exception):
data = {}
def remove(k):
del data[k]
def encapsulate():
f = lambda : ()
data[weakref.ref(f, remove)] = None
raise BogusError
except BogusError:
self.fail("exception not properly restored")
except BogusError:
self.fail("exception not properly restored")
class Object:
def __init__(self, arg):
self.arg = arg
def __repr__(self):
return "<Object %r>" % self.arg
class MappingTestCase(TestBase):
COUNT = 10
def test_weak_values(self):
# This exercises d.copy(), d.items(), d[], del d[], len(d).
dict, objects = self.make_weak_valued_dict()
for o in objects:
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 1,
"wrong number of weak references to %r!" % o)
self.assert_(o is dict[o.arg],
"wrong object returned by weak dict!")
items1 = dict.items()
items2 = dict.copy().items()
self.assert_(items1 == items2,
"cloning of weak-valued dictionary did not work!")
del items1, items2
self.assert_(len(dict) == self.COUNT)
del objects[0]
self.assert_(len(dict) == (self.COUNT - 1),
"deleting object did not cause dictionary update")
del objects, o
self.assert_(len(dict) == 0,
"deleting the values did not clear the dictionary")
# regression on SF bug #447152:
dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, dict.__getitem__, 1)
dict[2] = C()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, dict.__getitem__, 2)
def test_weak_keys(self):
# This exercises d.copy(), d.items(), d[] = v, d[], del d[],
# len(d), d.has_key().
dict, objects = self.make_weak_keyed_dict()
for o in objects:
self.assert_(weakref.getweakrefcount(o) == 1,
"wrong number of weak references to %r!" % o)
self.assert_(o.arg is dict[o],
"wrong object returned by weak dict!")
items1 = dict.items()
items2 = dict.copy().items()
self.assert_(items1 == items2,
"cloning of weak-keyed dictionary did not work!")
del items1, items2
self.assert_(len(dict) == self.COUNT)
del objects[0]
self.assert_(len(dict) == (self.COUNT - 1),
"deleting object did not cause dictionary update")
del objects, o
self.assert_(len(dict) == 0,
"deleting the keys did not clear the dictionary")
o = Object(42)
dict[o] = "What is the meaning of the universe?"
self.assert_(not dict.has_key(34))
def test_weak_keyed_iters(self):
dict, objects = self.make_weak_keyed_dict()
def test_weak_valued_iters(self):
dict, objects = self.make_weak_valued_dict()
def check_iters(self, dict):
# item iterator:
items = dict.items()
for item in dict.iteritems():
self.assert_(len(items) == 0, "iteritems() did not touch all items")
# key iterator, via __iter__():
keys = dict.keys()
for k in dict:
self.assert_(len(keys) == 0, "__iter__() did not touch all keys")
# key iterator, via iterkeys():
keys = dict.keys()
for k in dict.iterkeys():
self.assert_(len(keys) == 0, "iterkeys() did not touch all keys")
# value iterator:
values = dict.values()
for v in dict.itervalues():
self.assert_(len(values) == 0, "itervalues() did not touch all values")
def test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_dict(self):
o = Object(3)
dict = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({o:364})
self.assert_(dict[o] == 364)
def test_make_weak_keyed_dict_from_weak_keyed_dict(self):
o = Object(3)
dict = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({o:364})
dict2 = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary(dict)
self.assert_(dict[o] == 364)
def make_weak_keyed_dict(self):
dict = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
objects = map(Object, range(self.COUNT))
for o in objects:
dict[o] = o.arg
return dict, objects
def make_weak_valued_dict(self):
dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
objects = map(Object, range(self.COUNT))
for o in objects:
dict[o.arg] = o
return dict, objects
def check_popitem(self, klass, key1, value1, key2, value2):
weakdict = klass()
weakdict[key1] = value1
weakdict[key2] = value2
self.assert_(len(weakdict) == 2)
k, v = weakdict.popitem()
self.assert_(len(weakdict) == 1)
if k is key1:
self.assert_(v is value1)
self.assert_(v is value2)
k, v = weakdict.popitem()
self.assert_(len(weakdict) == 0)
if k is key1:
self.assert_(v is value1)
self.assert_(v is value2)
def test_weak_valued_dict_popitem(self):
"key1", C(), "key2", C())
def test_weak_keyed_dict_popitem(self):
C(), "value 1", C(), "value 2")
def check_setdefault(self, klass, key, value1, value2):
self.assert_(value1 is not value2,
"invalid test"
" -- value parameters must be distinct objects")
weakdict = klass()
o = weakdict.setdefault(key, value1)
self.assert_(o is value1)
self.assert_(weakdict.get(key) is value1)
self.assert_(weakdict[key] is value1)
o = weakdict.setdefault(key, value2)
self.assert_(o is value1)
self.assert_(weakdict.get(key) is value1)
self.assert_(weakdict[key] is value1)
def test_weak_valued_dict_setdefault(self):
"key", C(), C())
def test_weak_keyed_dict_setdefault(self):
C(), "value 1", "value 2")
def check_update(self, klass, dict):
# This exercises d.update(), len(d), d.keys(), d.has_key(),
# d.get(), d[].
weakdict = klass()
self.assert_(len(weakdict) == len(dict))
for k in weakdict.keys():
"mysterious new key appeared in weak dict")
v = dict.get(k)
self.assert_(v is weakdict[k])
self.assert_(v is weakdict.get(k))
for k in dict.keys():
"original key disappeared in weak dict")
v = dict[k]
self.assert_(v is weakdict[k])
self.assert_(v is weakdict.get(k))
def test_weak_valued_dict_update(self):
{1: C(), 'a': C(), C(): C()})
def test_weak_keyed_dict_update(self):
{C(): 1, C(): 2, C(): 3})
def test_weak_keyed_delitem(self):
d = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
o1 = Object('1')
o2 = Object('2')
d[o1] = 'something'
d[o2] = 'something'
self.assert_(len(d) == 2)
del d[o1]
self.assert_(len(d) == 1)
self.assert_(d.keys() == [o2])
def test_weak_valued_delitem(self):
d = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
o1 = Object('1')
o2 = Object('2')
d['something'] = o1
d['something else'] = o2
self.assert_(len(d) == 2)
del d['something']
self.assert_(len(d) == 1)
self.assert_(d.items() == [('something else', o2)])
from test_userdict import TestMappingProtocol
class WeakValueDictionaryTestCase(TestMappingProtocol):
"""Check that WeakValueDictionary class conforms to the mapping protocol"""
__ref = {"key1":Object(1), "key2":Object(2), "key3":Object(3)}
_tested_class = weakref.WeakValueDictionary
def _reference(self):
return self.__ref.copy()
class WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase(TestMappingProtocol):
"""Check that WeakKeyDictionary class conforms to the mapping protocol"""
__ref = {Object("key1"):1, Object("key2"):2, Object("key3"):3}
_tested_class = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary
def _reference(self):
return self.__ref.copy()
def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":