2021-08-04 10:39:52 +00:00
"""Print a summary of specialization stats for all files in the
default stats folders.
import collections
import os.path
if os.name == "nt":
DEFAULT_DIR = "c:\\temp\\py_stats\\"
DEFAULT_DIR = "/tmp/py_stats/"
TOTAL = "deferred", "hit", "miss", "unquickened"
def print_stats(name, family_stats):
total = sum(family_stats[kind] for kind in TOTAL)
if total == 0:
for key in sorted(family_stats):
if not key.startswith("specialization"):
print(f"{key:>12}:{family_stats[key]:>12} {100*family_stats[key]/total:0.1f}%")
for key in ("specialization_success", "specialization_failure"):
print(f" {key}:{family_stats[key]:>12}")
2021-08-10 13:53:05 +00:00
total_failures = family_stats["specialization_failure"]
2021-12-15 15:32:32 +00:00
failure_kinds = [ 0 ] * 30
2021-08-10 13:53:05 +00:00
for key in family_stats:
if not key.startswith("specialization_failure_kind"):
_, index = key[:-1].split("[")
index = int(index)
failure_kinds[index] = family_stats[key]
for index, value in enumerate(failure_kinds):
if not value:
print(f" kind {index:>2}: {value:>8} {100*value/total_failures:0.1f}%")
2021-08-04 10:39:52 +00:00
def main():
stats = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
for filename in os.listdir(DEFAULT_DIR):
for line in open(os.path.join(DEFAULT_DIR, filename)):
key, value = line.split(":")
key = key.strip()
family, stat = key.split(".")
value = int(value.strip())
stats[family][stat] += value
for name in sorted(stats):
print_stats(name, stats[name])
if __name__ == "__main__":