
530 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2009 Upi Tamminen <>
# See the COPYRIGHT file for more information
import os, time, anydbm, datetime
from kippo.core.honeypot import HoneyPotCommand
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
from kippo.core.config import config
from kippo.core.auth import UserDB
from kippo.core import utils
commands = {}
class command_whoami(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
commands['/usr/bin/whoami'] = command_whoami
commands['/usr/bin/users'] = command_whoami
class command_uptime(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if len(self.args):
secs = int(self.args[0])
self.honeypot.uptime(time.time() - secs)
self.writeln(' %s up %s, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00' % \
(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), utils.uptime(self.honeypot.uptime())))
commands['/usr/bin/uptime'] = command_uptime
class command_help(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
self.writeln("""GNU bash, version 4.2.37(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
These shell commands are defined internally. Type `help' to see this list.
Type `help name' to find out more about the function `name'.
Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general.
Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about commands not in this list.
A star (*) next to a name means that the command is disabled.
job_spec [&] history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or history -anrw [filename] or history -ps arg [arg...]
(( expression )) if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; ]... [ else COMMANDS; ] fi
. filename [arguments] jobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] or jobs -x command [args]
: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
[ arg... ] let arg [arg ...]
[[ expression ]] local [option] name[=value] ...
alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] logout [n]
bg [job_spec ...] mapfile [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback] [-c quantum] [array]
bind [-lpvsPVS] [-m keymap] [-f filename] [-q name] [-u name] [-r keyseq] [-x keyseq:shell-c> popd [-n] [+N | -N]
break [n] printf [-v var] format [arguments]
builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]] pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir]
caller [expr] pwd [-LP]
case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac read [-ers] [-a array] [-d delim] [-i text] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t timeout>
cd [-L|[-P [-e]]] [dir] readarray [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback] [-c quantum] [array]>
command [-pVv] command [arg ...] readonly [-aAf] [name[=value] ...] or readonly -p
compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F function] [> return [n]
complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-DE] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F> select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; done
compopt [-o|+o option] [-DE] [name ...] set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]
continue [n] shift [n]
coproc [NAME] command [redirections] shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
declare [-aAfFgilrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...] source filename [arguments]
dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] suspend [-f]
disown [-h] [-ar] [jobspec ...] test [expr]
echo [-neE] [arg ...] time [-p] pipeline
enable [-a] [-dnps] [-f filename] [name ...] times
eval [arg ...] trap [-lp] [[arg] signal_spec ...]
exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments ...]] [redirection ...] true
exit [n] type [-afptP] name [name ...]
export [-fn] [name[=value] ...] or export -p typeset [-aAfFgilrtux] [-p] name[=value] ...
false ulimit [-SHacdefilmnpqrstuvx] [limit]
fc [-e ename] [-lnr] [first] [last] or fc -s [pat=rep] [command] umask [-p] [-S] [mode]
fg [job_spec] unalias [-a] name [name ...]
for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS; done unset [-f] [-v] [name ...]
for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMANDS; done until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done
function name { COMMANDS ; } or name () { COMMANDS ; } variables - Names and meanings of some shell variables
getopts optstring name [arg] wait [id]
hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [name ...] while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done
help [-dms] [pattern ...] { COMMANDS ; }""")
commands['help'] = command_help
class command_w(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
self.writeln(' %s up %s, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00' % \
(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), utils.uptime(self.honeypot.uptime())))
self.writeln('%-8s pts/0 %s %s 0.00s 0.00s 0.00s w' % \
time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime(self.honeypot.logintime))))
commands['/usr/bin/w'] = command_w
commands['/usr/bin/who'] = command_w
class command_echo(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
self.writeln(' '.join(self.args))
commands['/bin/echo'] = command_echo
# for testing purposes
class command_exxxit(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if self.honeypot.clientIP.startswith('127.0.0.'):
self.writeln('bash: exxxit: command not found')
commands['exxxit'] = command_exxxit
class command_exit(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
cfg = config()
self.exit_jail = False
if cfg.has_option('honeypot', 'exit_jail'):
if (cfg.get('honeypot', 'exit_jail') == "true"):
self.exit_jail = True
if 'PuTTY' in self.honeypot.clientVersion or \
'libssh' in self.honeypot.clientVersion or \
'sshlib' in self.honeypot.clientVersion or \
self.exit_jail is False:
self.writeln('Connection to server closed.')
self.honeypot.hostname = 'localhost'
self.honeypot.cwd = '/root'
if not self.fs.exists(self.honeypot.cwd):
self.honeypot.cwd = '/'
commands['exit'] = command_exit
commands['logout'] = command_exit
class command_clear(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
commands['/usr/bin/clear'] = command_clear
commands['/usr/bin/reset'] = command_clear
class command_hostname(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
commands['/bin/hostname'] = command_hostname
class command_ps(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
user = self.honeypot.user.username
args = ''
if len(self.args):
args = self.args[0].strip()
_user, _pid, _cpu, _mem, _vsz, _rss, _tty, _stat, \
_start, _time, _command = range(11)
output = (
('USER ', ' PID', ' %CPU', ' %MEM', ' VSZ', ' RSS', ' TTY ', 'STAT ', 'START', ' TIME ', 'COMMAND',),
('root ', ' 1', ' 0.0', ' 0.1', ' 2100', ' 688', ' ? ', 'Ss ', 'Nov06', ' 0:07 ', 'init [2] ',),
('root ', ' 2', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kthreadd]',),
('root ', ' 3', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[migration/0]',),
('root ', ' 4', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[ksoftirqd/0]',),
('root ', ' 5', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[watchdog/0]',),
('root ', ' 6', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:17 ', '[events/0]',),
('root ', ' 7', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[khelper]',),
('root ', ' 39', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kblockd/0]',),
('root ', ' 41', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kacpid]',),
('root ', ' 42', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kacpi_notify]',),
('root ', ' 170', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kseriod]',),
('root ', ' 207', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S ', 'Nov06', ' 0:01 ', '[pdflush]',),
('root ', ' 208', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[pdflush]',),
('root ', ' 209', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kswapd0]',),
('root ', ' 210', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[aio/0]',),
('root ', ' 748', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[ata/0]',),
('root ', ' 749', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[ata_aux]',),
('root ', ' 929', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[scsi_eh_0]',),
('root ', '1014', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'D< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:03 ', '[kjournald]',),
('root ', '1087', ' 0.0', ' 0.1', ' 2288', ' 772', ' ? ', 'S<s ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', 'udevd --daemon',),
('root ', '1553', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ? ', 'S< ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '[kpsmoused]',),
('root ', '2054', ' 0.0', ' 0.2', ' 28428', ' 1508', ' ? ', 'Sl ', 'Nov06', ' 0:01 ', '/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -c3',),
('root ', '2103', ' 0.0', ' 0.2', ' 2628', ' 1196', ' tty1 ', 'Ss ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/bin/login -- ',),
('root ', '2105', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 1764', ' 504', ' tty2 ', 'Ss+ ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/sbin/getty 38400 tty2',),
('root ', '2107', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 1764', ' 504', ' tty3 ', 'Ss+ ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/sbin/getty 38400 tty3',),
('root ', '2109', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 1764', ' 504', ' tty4 ', 'Ss+ ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/sbin/getty 38400 tty4',),
('root ', '2110', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 1764', ' 504', ' tty5 ', 'Ss+ ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/sbin/getty 38400 tty5',),
('root ', '2112', ' 0.0', ' 0.0', ' 1764', ' 508', ' tty6 ', 'Ss+ ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', '/sbin/getty 38400 tty6',),
('root ', '2133', ' 0.0', ' 0.1', ' 2180', ' 620', ' ? ', 'S<s ', 'Nov06', ' 0:00 ', 'dhclient3 -pf /var/run/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclien',),
('root ', '4969', ' 0.0', ' 0.1', ' 5416', ' 1024', ' ? ', 'Ss ', 'Nov08', ' 0:00 ', '/usr/sbin/sshd: %s@pts/0' % user,),
('%s'.ljust(8) % user, '5673', ' 0.0', ' 0.2', ' 2924', ' 1540', ' pts/0 ', 'Ss ', '04:30', ' 0:00 ', '-bash',),
('%s'.ljust(8) % user, '5679', ' 0.0', ' 0.1', ' 2432', ' 928', ' pts/0 ', 'R+ ', '04:32', ' 0:00 ', 'ps %s' % ' '.join(self.args),)
for i in range(len(output)):
if i != 0:
if 'a' not in args and output[i][_user].strip() != user:
elif 'a' not in args and 'x' not in args \
and output[i][_tty].strip() != 'pts/0':
l = [_pid, _tty, _time, _command]
if 'a' in args or 'x' in args:
l = [_pid, _tty, _stat, _time, _command]
if 'u' in args:
l = [_user, _pid, _cpu, _mem, _vsz, _rss, _tty, _stat,
_start, _time, _command]
s = ''.join([output[i][x] for x in l])
if 'w' not in args:
s = s[:80]
commands['/bin/ps'] = command_ps
class command_id(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
u = self.honeypot.user
self.writeln('uid=%d(%s) gid=%d(%s) groups=%d(%s)' % \
(u.uid, u.username, u.gid, u.username, u.gid, u.username))
commands['/usr/bin/id'] = command_id
class command_passwd(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
self.write('Enter new UNIX password: ')
self.honeypot.password_input = True
self.callbacks = [self.ask_again, self.finish]
self.passwd = None
def ask_again(self, line):
self.passwd = line
self.write('Retype new UNIX password: ')
def finish(self, line):
self.honeypot.password_input = False
if line != self.passwd or self.passwd == '*':
self.writeln('Sorry, passwords do not match')
userdb = UserDB()
self.honeypot.user.uid, self.passwd)
self.writeln('passwd: password updated successfully')
def lineReceived(self, line):
log.msg( 'INPUT (passwd):', line )
self.password = line.strip()
commands['/usr/bin/passwd'] = command_passwd
class command_shutdown(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
if len(self.args) and self.args[0].strip().count('--help'):
output = (
"Usage: shutdown [-akrhHPfnc] [-t secs] time [warning message]",
"-a: use /etc/shutdown.allow ",
"-k: don't really shutdown, only warn. " ,
"-r: reboot after shutdown. " ,
"-h: halt after shutdown. " ,
"-P: halt action is to turn off power. " ,
"-H: halt action is to just halt. " ,
"-f: do a 'fast' reboot (skip fsck). " ,
"-F: Force fsck on reboot. " ,
"-n: do not go through \"init\" but go down real fast. " ,
"-c: cancel a running shutdown. " ,
"-t secs: delay between warning and kill signal. " ,
"** the \"time\" argument is mandatory! (try \"now\") **",
for l in output:
elif len(self.args) > 1 and self.args[0].strip().count('-h') \
and self.args[1].strip().count('now'):
'Broadcast message from root@%s (pts/0) (%s):' % \
(self.honeypot.hostname, time.ctime()))
self.writeln('The system is going down for maintenance NOW!')
reactor.callLater(3, self.finish)
elif len(self.args) > 1 and self.args[0].strip().count('-r') \
and self.args[1].strip().count('now'):
'Broadcast message from root@%s (pts/0) (%s):' % \
(self.honeypot.hostname, time.ctime()))
self.writeln('The system is going down for reboot NOW!')
reactor.callLater(3, self.finish)
self.writeln("Try `shutdown --help' for more information.")
def finish(self):
self.writeln('Connection to server closed.')
self.honeypot.hostname = 'localhost'
self.honeypot.cwd = '/root'
if not self.fs.exists(self.honeypot.cwd):
self.honeypot.cwd = '/'
commands['/sbin/shutdown'] = command_shutdown
commands['/sbin/poweroff'] = command_shutdown
commands['/sbin/reboot'] = command_shutdown
commands['/sbin/halt'] = command_shutdown
class command_reboot(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
'Broadcast message from root@%s (pts/0) (%s):' % \
(self.honeypot.hostname, time.ctime()))
self.writeln('The system is going down for reboot NOW!')
reactor.callLater(3, self.finish)
def finish(self):
self.writeln('Connection to server closed.')
self.honeypot.hostname = 'localhost'
self.honeypot.cwd = '/root'
if not self.fs.exists(self.honeypot.cwd):
self.honeypot.cwd = '/'
commands['/sbin/reboot'] = command_reboot
class command_history(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if len(self.args) and self.args[0] == '-c':
self.honeypot.historyLines = []
self.honeypot.historyPosition = 0
count = 1
for l in self.honeypot.historyLines:
self.writeln(' %s %s' % (str(count).rjust(4), l))
count += 1
commands['history'] = command_history
class command_date(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
time = datetime.datetime.utcnow();
self.writeln(time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y"))
commands['/bin/date'] = command_date
class command_yes(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
def y(self):
self.scheduled = reactor.callLater(0.01, self.y)
def ctrl_c(self):
commands['/usr/bin/yes'] = command_yes
class command_sh(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if len(self.args) and self.args[0].strip() == '-c':
' '.join(self.args[1:]))
commands['/bin/bash'] = command_sh
commands['/bin/sh'] = command_sh
class command_chmod(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if len(self.args) < 2:
self.writeln('chmod: missing operand')
self.writeln('Try chmod --help for more information.')
for arg in self.args[1:]:
path = self.fs.resolve_path(arg, self.honeypot.cwd)
if not self.fs.exists(path):
'chmod: cannot access %s: No such file or directory' % \
commands['/bin/chmod'] = command_chmod
class command_perl(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
if not len(self.args):
elif self.args[0] == '-v':
output = (
'This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi',
'Copyright 1987-2014, Larry Wall',
'Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the',
'GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.',
'Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on',
'this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the',
'Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.',
for l in output:
elif self.args[0] == '-h':
output = (
'Usage: perl [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]',
' -0[octal] specify record separator (\0, if no argument)',
' -a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)',
' -C[number/list] enables the listed Unicode features',
' -c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)',
' -d[:debugger] run program under debugger',
' -D[number/list] set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or alphabets)',
" -e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)",
' -E program like -e, but enables all optional features',
" -f don't do $sitelib/ at startup",
" -F/pattern/ split() pattern for -a switch (//'s are optional)",
' -i[extension] edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)',
" -Idirectory specify @INC/#include directory (several -I's allowed)",
' -l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator',
' -[mM][-]module execute "use/no module..." before executing program',
' -n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program',
' -p assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed',
' -s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile',
' -S look for programfile using PATH environment variable',
' -t enable tainting warnings',
' -T enable tainting checks',
' -u dump core after parsing program',
' -U allow unsafe operations',
' -v print version, subversion (includes VERY IMPORTANT perl info)',
' -V[:variable] print configuration summary (or a single variable)',
' -w enable many useful warnings (RECOMMENDED)',
' -W enable all warnings',
' -x[directory] strip off text before #!perl line and perhaps cd to directory',
' -X disable all warnings',
for l in output:
def lineReceived(self, line):
log.msg( 'INPUT (perl):', line )
commands['/usr/bin/perl'] = command_perl
class command_php(HoneyPotCommand):
def start(self):
if not len(self.args):
elif self.args[0] == '-v':
output = (
'PHP 5.3.5 (cli)',
'Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group'
for l in output:
elif self.args[0] == '-h':
output = (
'Usage: php [options] [-f] <file> [--] [args...]',
' php [options] -r <code> [--] [args...]',
' php [options] [-B <begin_code>] -R <code> [-E <end_code>] [--] [args...]',
' php [options] [-B <begin_code>] -F <file> [-E <end_code>] [--] [args...]',
' php [options] -- [args...]',
' php [options] -a',
' -a Run interactively',
' -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory',
' -n No php.ini file will be used',
" -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'",
' -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler',
' -f <file> Parse and execute <file>.',
' -h This help',
' -i PHP information',
' -l Syntax check only (lint)',
' -m Show compiled in modules',
' -r <code> Run PHP <code> without using script tags <?..?>',
' -B <begin_code> Run PHP <begin_code> before processing input lines',
' -R <code> Run PHP <code> for every input line',
' -F <file> Parse and execute <file> for every input line',
' -E <end_code> Run PHP <end_code> after processing all input lines',
' -H Hide any passed arguments from external tools.',
' -s Output HTML syntax highlighted source.',
' -v Version number',
' -w Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.',
' -z <file> Load Zend extension <file>.',
' args... Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument',
' starts with - or script is read from stdin',
' --ini Show configuration file names',
' --rf <name> Show information about function <name>.',
' --rc <name> Show information about class <name>.',
' --re <name> Show information about extension <name>.',
' --ri <name> Show configuration for extension <name>.',
for l in output:
def lineReceived(self, line):
log.msg( 'INPUT (php):', line )
commands['/usr/bin/php'] = command_php
class command_chattr(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
if len(self.args) < 1:
self.writeln('Usage: chattr [-RVf] [-+=AacDdeijsSu] [-v version] files...')
elif len(self.args) < 2:
self.writeln("Must use '-v', =, - or +'")
if not self.fs.exists(self.args[1]):
self.writeln('chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat ' + self.args[1])
commands['/usr/bin/chattr'] = command_chattr
class command_nop(HoneyPotCommand):
def call(self):
commands['umask'] = command_nop
commands['set'] = command_nop
commands['unset'] = command_nop
commands['export'] = command_nop
commands['alias'] = command_nop
commands['jobs'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/kill'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/killall'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/killall5'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/su'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/chown'] = command_nop
commands['/bin/chgrp'] = command_nop
commands['/usr/bin/chattr'] = command_nop
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