Output Event Code Reference ########################### This guide documents the event id's used by Cowrie that are sent to the output modules, such as the JSON logging module. Reference ********* Shared Attributes ================= These attributes are shared by all messages. Attributes: * `message`: human readable message * `sensor`: name of the sensor, by default the hostname * `timestamp`: timestamp in ISO8601 format in UTC time zone * `src_ip`: attacker IP address * `session`: unique session identifier cowrie.client.fingerprint ========================= If the attacker attemps to log in with an SSH public key this is logged here Attributes: * `username`: username * `fingerprint`: the key fingerprint * `key`: the key * `type`: type of key, typically ssh-rsa or ssh-dsa cowrie.login.success ==================== Successful authentication. Attributes: * username * password cowrie.login.failed =================== Failed authentication. Attributes: * username * password cowrie.client.size =================== Width and height of the users terminal as communicated through the SSH protocol. Attributes: * width * height cowrie.session.file_upload ========================== File uploaded to Cowrie, generaly through SFTP or SCP or another way. Attributes: * filename * outfile * shasum cowrie.command.input ==================== Command line input Attributes: * input cowrie.virustotal.scanfile ========================== File sent to VT for scanning Attributes: * sha256 * is_new * positives * total cowrie.session.connect ========================== New connection Attributes: * src_ip * src_port * dst_ip * dst_port cowrie.client.version ===================== SSH identification string Attributes: * version cowrie.client.kex ===================== SSH Key Exchange Attributes Attributes: * hassh * hasshAlgorithms * kexAlgs * keyAlgs cowrie.session.closed ===================== Session closed Attributes: * duration cowrie.log.closed ===================== TTY Log closed Attributes: * `duration`: duration of session in seconds * `ttylog`: filename of session log that can be replayed with ``bin/playlog`` * `size`: size in bytes * `shasum`: SHA256 checksum of the attacker input only (honeypot generated output is not included) * `duplicate`: whether this is the first time this attack has been seen cowrie.direct-tcpip.request =========================== Request for proxying via the honeypot Attributes: * dst_ip * dst_port * src_ip * src_port cowrie.direct-tcpip.data =========================== Data attempted to be sent through direct-tcpip forwarding Attributes: * dst_ip * dst_port cowrie.client.var ================= Attributes: * name * value