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Executable File
1068 lines
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Executable File
// The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License
// Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu/license_1.0.txt
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
// under the License.
// The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project.
// Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002
// University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wingui_listctrl.h"
// CProgressHeaderCtrl message map and member functions
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CProgressBarCtrl, CProgressCtrl)
// CProgressBarCtrl::CProgressBarCtrl
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: initializes color and position
m_crText = RGB(0, 0, 0);
m_xPos = 0;
// CProgressBarCtrl::SetPos
// arguments: xPos: the new position for hte progress bar
// returns: the previous position of the progress bar
// function: sets the position of the progress bar
double CProgressBarCtrl::SetPos(double xPos)
double oldPos = m_xPos;
m_xPos = xPos;
return oldPos;
// CProgressBarCtrl::GetPos
// arguments: void
// returns: the position of the progress bar
// function: gets the position of the progress bar
double CProgressBarCtrl::GetPos()
return m_xPos;
// CProgressBarCtrl::SetTextColor
// arguments: crNew: new color for the text
// returns: void
// function: sets the color of the text in the progress bar
void CProgressBarCtrl::SetTextColor(COLORREF crNew)
m_crText = crNew;
// CProgressBarCtrl::SetBarColor
// arguments: crNew: new color for the bar
// returns: void
// function: sets the color of the progress bar
void CProgressBarCtrl::SetBarColor(COLORREF crNew)
SendMessage(PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)crNew);
// CProgressBarCtrl::SetBkColor
// arguments: crNew: new color for the background
// returns: void
// function: sets the color of the background of the progress bar
void CProgressBarCtrl::SetBkColor(COLORREF crNew)
SendMessage(PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)crNew);
// CProgressBarCtrl::OnPaint
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: writes the progress in text
void CProgressBarCtrl::OnPaint()
InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE);
CString strProg;
strProg.Format("%0.2f%%", GetPos());
CClientDC cdc(this);
CRect rt;
rt.top -= 2; rt.right += 2;
CFont* pOldFont = NULL;
int nOldMode;
COLORREF crOldColor;
pOldFont = cdc.SelectObject(GetParent()->GetFont());
crOldColor = cdc.SetTextColor(m_crText);
nOldMode = cdc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
// CProgressBarCtrl::OnLButtonDown
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: convert point to parent window's coordinates and forward message.
void CProgressBarCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CProgressCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
// if this control has a parent, repackage this message and forward it
CWnd* pWndParent = GetParent();
if(pWndParent) {
MapWindowPoints(pWndParent, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pWndParent->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
// CProgressBarCtrl::OnLButtonUp
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: convert point to parent window's coordinates and forward message.
void CProgressBarCtrl::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CProgressCtrl::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);
// if this control has a parent, repackage this message and forward it
CWnd* pWndParent = GetParent();
if(pWndParent) {
MapWindowPoints(pWndParent, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pWndParent->SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONUP, wParam, lParam);
// CProgressBarCtrl::OnRButtonDown
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: convert point to parent window's coordinates and forward message.
void CProgressBarCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CProgressCtrl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
// if this control has a parent, repackage this message and forward it
CWnd* pWndParent = GetParent();
if(pWndParent) {
MapWindowPoints(pWndParent, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pWndParent->SendMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
// CProgressHeaderCtrl message map and member functions
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CProgressHeaderCtrl, CHeaderCtrl)
// CProgressHeaderCtrl::CProgressHeaderCtrl
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: void
// CProgressHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonDown
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: convert point to parent window's coordinates and forward message.
void CProgressHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
// if this control has a parent, repackage this message and forward it
CWnd* pWndParent = GetParent();
if(pWndParent) {
MapWindowPoints(pWndParent, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pWndParent->SendMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
// CProgressHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonUp
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: convert point to parent window's coordinates and forward message.
void CProgressHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CHeaderCtrl::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point);
// if this control has a parent, repackage this message and forward it
CWnd* pWndParent = GetParent();
if(pWndParent) {
MapWindowPoints(pWndParent, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pWndParent->SendMessage(WM_RBUTTONUP, wParam, lParam);
// CProgressListCtrl message map and member functions
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CProgressListCtrl, CListCtrl)
// CProgressListCtrl::CProgressListCtrl
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: void
// CProgressListCtrl::~CProgressListCtrl
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: destroys menu
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) {
// CProgressListCtrl::InsertColumn
// arguments: nCol: index of new column
// lpszColumnHeading: string for column heading
// nFormat: text alignment
// nWidth: width of column
// nSubitem: subitem assosciated with column
// nSortingType: type of sorting (alpha or numeric)
// returns: index of new column if successful,otherwise -1
// function: adds a new column to the list control
int CProgressListCtrl::InsertColumn(int nCol, LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading, int nFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT, int nWidth = -1, int nSubItem = -1,int nSortingType = SORT_ALPHA)
m_ColWidths.SetAtGrow(nCol, nWidth);
return CListCtrl::InsertColumn(nCol, lpszColumnHeading, nFormat, nWidth, nSubItem);
// CProgressListCtrl::InsertItem
// arguments: nItem: index of new item
// lpszItem: text of new item
// returns: index of new item if successful,otherwise -1
// function: adds a new item to the list control
int CProgressListCtrl::InsertItem(int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem)
m_ItemColors.InsertAt(nItem, RGB(0, 0, 0));
CString StrEmpty;
m_ProjectURLs.InsertAt(nItem, StrEmpty);
return CListCtrl::InsertItem(nItem, lpszItem);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetColumnTitle
// arguments: nCol: column to get title of
// strTitle: reference to string to put title in
// returns: void
// function: gets the title of a column and puts it in a string,
// if the column is out of bounds, sets the empty string
void CProgressListCtrl::GetColumnTitle(int nCol, CString& strTitle)
if(nCol < 0 || nCol >= GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount()) {
char szTitle[256];
ZeroMemory(&lvcol, sizeof(LVCOLUMN));
lvcol.mask = LVCF_TEXT;
lvcol.pszText = szTitle;
lvcol.cchTextMax = 256;
GetColumn(nCol, &lvcol);
strTitle.Format("%s", szTitle);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetColumnWidth
// arguments: nCol: column to get width of
// returns: width of column
// function: gets the width of a column, negative width means hidden
int CProgressListCtrl::GetColumnWidth(int nCol)
if(m_ColWidths.GetAt(nCol) >= 0) {
return CListCtrl::GetColumnWidth(nCol);
} else {
return m_ColWidths.GetAt(nCol);
// CProgressListCtrl::SetColumnWidth
// arguments: nCol: column to set width of
// cx: new width of column
// returns: true if successful, otherwise false
// function: sets the width of the given column, negative means hidden,
// also checking or unchecking the menu item appropriate to
// the column's visibility
BOOL CProgressListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(int nCol, int cx)
if(cx < 0) {
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) {
m_PopupMenu.CheckMenuItem(nCol, MF_UNCHECKED);
m_ColWidths.SetAtGrow(nCol, cx);
return CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(nCol, 0);
} else {
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) {
m_PopupMenu.CheckMenuItem(nCol, MF_CHECKED);
m_ColWidths.SetAtGrow(nCol, cx);
return CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(nCol, cx);
// CProgressListCtrl::DeleteItem
// arguments: nItem: item index
// returns: true if sucessful, false otherwise
// function: deletes given item from the list control
BOOL CProgressListCtrl::DeleteItem(int nItem)
int i, si;
// remove array info
CString empty, strbuf;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
// go through all the subitems and see if they have a progess control
for(si = 0; si < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); si ++) {
strbuf.Format("%d:%d", nItem, si);
pProgCtrl = NULL;
m_Progs.Lookup(strbuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
if(pProgCtrl) {
delete pProgCtrl;
// move other progress controls up
for(i = nItem + 1; i < GetItemCount(); i ++) {
for(si = 0; si < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); si ++) {
strbuf.Format("%d:%d", i, si);
pProgCtrl = NULL;
m_Progs.Lookup(strbuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
if(pProgCtrl) {
strbuf.Format("%d:%d", i - 1, si);
m_Progs.SetAt(strbuf, pProgCtrl);
return CListCtrl::DeleteItem(nItem);
// CProgressListCtrl::SetItemProgress
// arguments: nItem: item index
// nSubitem: item's subitem to set progress for
// xProg: position to set progress control
// returns: void
// function: sets the position of a progress control for a given
// item and subitem; if there is none there, creates a new
// one, otherwise sets the progress of the one it finds.
void CProgressListCtrl::SetItemProgress(int nItem, int nSubItem, double xProg)
CRect rt;
CString strbuf;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
if(xProg < 0) xProg = 0;
if(xProg > 100) xProg = 100;
// lookup the position of the progress control
strbuf.Format("%d:%d", nItem, nSubItem);
m_Progs.Lookup(strbuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
if(pProgCtrl) {
// found, so just update it's progress
} else {
// not found, create one and put it in the map
GetSubItemRect(nItem, nSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, rt);
pProgCtrl = new CProgressBarCtrl();
pProgCtrl->Create(PBS_SMOOTH|WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, rt, this, 0);
pProgCtrl->SetBarColor(RGB(255, 255, 128));
m_Progs.SetAt(strbuf, pProgCtrl);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetItemProgress
// arguments: nItem: item index
// nSubitem: item's subitem to set progress for
// returns: double
// function: returns the position of a progress control for a given
// item and subitem; if there is none there, return 0
double CProgressListCtrl::GetItemProgress(int nItem, int nSubItem)
CString strbuf;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
// lookup the position of the progress control
strbuf.Format("%d:%d", nItem, nSubItem);
m_Progs.Lookup(strbuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
return pProgCtrl->GetPos();
return 0;
// CProgressListCtrl::RepositionProgress
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: repositions and resizes all progress controls appropriate
// to the current window, fitting them into their given subitem.
void CProgressListCtrl::RepositionProgress()
int nItem, nSubItem;
CRect rt, hrt;
CString strbuf;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
// iterate through each progress control
POSITION pos = m_Progs.GetStartPosition();
while (pos != NULL) {
// look at the progress control and move it
m_Progs.GetNextAssoc(pos, strbuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
sscanf(strbuf.GetBuffer(0), "%d:%d", &nItem, &nSubItem);
GetSubItemRect(nItem, nSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, rt);
rt.top ++; rt.left +=2;
rt.bottom --; rt.right --;
// if it's over the header, move it to where it can't be seen
if(rt.top < hrt.bottom) {
rt.top = -10;
rt.bottom = 0;
pProgCtrl->MoveWindow(rt, false);
// CProgressListCtrl::SwapItems
// arguments: nItem1: index of the first item to swap
// nItem2: index of the second item to swap
// returns: void
// function: swaps all relevant information of the two given items. this
// includes text and progress controls of subitems and
// item data
void CProgressListCtrl::SwapItems(int nItem1, int nItem2)
int nCols = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl1;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl2;
CString StrTxt1, StrTxt2;
DWORD dwData1, dwData2;
int nSubItem;
// check item indicies
if(nItem1 >= GetItemCount() || nItem2 >= GetItemCount()) {
// swap color data
bool bOk1 = false, bOk2 = false;
COLORREF tempclr1, tempclr2, emptyclr = RGB(0, 0, 0);
if(nItem1 < m_ItemColors.GetSize()) {
tempclr1 = m_ItemColors.GetAt(nItem1);
bOk1 = true;
if(nItem2 < m_ItemColors.GetSize()) {
tempclr2 = m_ItemColors.GetAt(nItem2);
bOk2 = true;
if(bOk1) {
m_ItemColors.SetAtGrow(nItem2, tempclr1);
} else {
m_ItemColors.SetAtGrow(nItem2, emptyclr);
if(bOk2) {
m_ItemColors.SetAtGrow(nItem1, tempclr2);
} else {
m_ItemColors.SetAtGrow(nItem1, emptyclr);
// swap indices
dwData1 = GetItemData(nItem1);
dwData2 = GetItemData(nItem2);
SetItemData(nItem1, dwData2);
SetItemData(nItem2, dwData1);
for(nSubItem = 0; nSubItem < nCols; nSubItem ++) {
// swap text
StrTxt1 = GetItemText(nItem1, nSubItem);
StrTxt2 = GetItemText(nItem2, nSubItem);
SetItemText(nItem1, nSubItem, StrTxt2);
SetItemText(nItem2, nSubItem, StrTxt1);
// swap progress control if found
StrTxt1.Format("%d:%d", nItem1, nSubItem);
StrTxt2.Format("%d:%d", nItem2, nSubItem);
pProgCtrl1 = NULL;
pProgCtrl2 = NULL;
m_Progs.Lookup(StrTxt1, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl1);
m_Progs.Lookup(StrTxt2, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl2);
if(pProgCtrl1) {
m_Progs.SetAt(StrTxt2, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl1);
if(pProgCtrl2) {
m_Progs.SetAt(StrTxt1, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl2);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetItemTextOrPos
// arguments: nItem: item position
// nSubItem: subitem position
// returns: the string at the given location or the string representation
// of the progress control there
// function: if there is no progress control at the given location, gets the
// text there, otherwise, formats the position of the progress control
// to a string and gets that.
CString CProgressListCtrl::GetItemTextOrPos(int nItem, int nSubItem)
CString strRet;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
strRet.Format("%d:%d", nItem, nSubItem);
m_Progs.Lookup(strRet, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
if(pProgCtrl) strRet.Format("%10.5f", pProgCtrl->GetPos());
else {
strRet = GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem);
int typ = m_ColType.GetAt(nSubItem);
if(typ == SORT_NUMERIC) {
CString msg;
msg.Format("value for column %u is %s\n",nSubItem,strRet);
return strRet;
// CProgressListCtrl::QSort
// arguments: lo: the low index of sorting
// hi: the high index of sorting
// nSubItem: subitem to sort by
// nOrder: the order to sort by, either SORT_ASCEND or SORT_DESCEND
// returns: void
// function: sorts items between lo and hi by the given subitem into the given
// order using quicksort.
void CProgressListCtrl::QSort(int lo, int hi, int nSubItem, int nOrder)
int i = lo, j = hi;
CString x = GetItemTextOrPos((lo+hi)/2, nSubItem);
while(i <= j) {
if(nOrder == SORT_ASCEND) {
while(strcmp(GetItemTextOrPos(i, nSubItem), x) < 0) i ++;
while(strcmp(GetItemTextOrPos(j, nSubItem), x) > 0) j --;
} else {
while(strcmp(GetItemTextOrPos(i, nSubItem), x) > 0) i ++;
while(strcmp(GetItemTextOrPos(j, nSubItem), x) < 0) j --;
if(i <= j) {
SwapItems(i, j);
if(lo < j) QSort(lo, j, nSubItem, nOrder);
if(i < hi) QSort(i, hi, nSubItem, nOrder);
// CProgressListCtrl::Sort
// arguments: nSubItem: subitem to sort by
// nOrder: the order to sort by, either SORT_ASCEND or SORT_DESCEND
// returns: void
// function: sorts items by the given subitem into the given order by calling QSort
void CProgressListCtrl::Sort(int nSubItem, int nOrder)
QSort(0, GetItemCount() - 1, nSubItem, nOrder);
// CProgressListCtrl::SwapColumnVisibility
// arguments: nCol: the column whose visibility to swap
// returns: void
// function: if the given column is visible, makes it invisible, otherwise
// makes it visible.
void CProgressListCtrl::SwapColumnVisibility(int nCol)
int nOldWidth;
CHeaderCtrl* header = GetHeaderCtrl();
if(header && nCol < header->GetItemCount()) {
nOldWidth = m_ColWidths.GetAt(nCol);
if(nOldWidth < 0) {
CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(nCol, -1 * (nOldWidth - 1));
m_ColWidths.SetAtGrow(nCol, -1 * (nOldWidth - 1));
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) m_PopupMenu.CheckMenuItem(nCol, MF_CHECKED);
} else {
CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(nCol, 0);
m_ColWidths.SetAtGrow(nCol, -1 * (nOldWidth + 1));
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) m_PopupMenu.CheckMenuItem(nCol, MF_UNCHECKED);
// CProgressListCtrl::SetItemColor
// arguments: nItem: item whose color is to be set
// crNew: the new color
// returns: void
// function: causes an item to be displayed in the given color
void CProgressListCtrl::SetItemColor(int nItem, COLORREF newclr)
m_ItemColors.SetAtGrow(nItem, newclr);
CProgressBarCtrl *pProgCtrl;
CString strBuf;
// find progress controls and set their color
for(int si = 0; si < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); si ++) {
strBuf.Format("%d:%d", nItem, si);
pProgCtrl = NULL;
m_Progs.Lookup(strBuf, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
if(pProgCtrl) {
// CProgressListCtrl::SetProjectURL
// arguments: nItem: the item to set the url for
// szUrl: the url for the link
// returns: void
// function: sets the project's master url
void CProgressListCtrl::SetProjectURL(int nItem, char* szUrl)
CString StrUrl;
StrUrl.Format("%s", szUrl);
m_ProjectURLs.SetAtGrow(nItem, StrUrl);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetProjectURL
// arguments: nItem: the item to set the url for
// returns: CString of project URL
// function: gets the master url for a project's link
CString CProgressListCtrl::GetProjectURL(int nItem)
return m_ProjectURLs.GetAt(nItem);
// CProgressListCtrl::GetTextRect
// arguments: nItem: item to get the rect of
// nSubItem: subitem to get the rect of
// lpRect: pointer to rect to fill with result
// returns: void
// function: calculates the rect of the text for the given
// item and subitem
void CProgressListCtrl::GetTextRect(int nItem, int nSubItem, LPRECT lpRect)
CRect hrt, vrt;
int left, top, right, bottom;
GetItemRect(nItem, vrt, LVIR_BOUNDS);
GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemRect(nSubItem, hrt);
left = hrt.left + 3;
top = vrt.top + 1;
right = hrt.left + GetStringWidth(GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem)) + 5;
if(hrt.right < right) right = hrt.right - 5;
bottom = vrt.bottom - 1;
if(right < left) right = left;
if(bottom < top) bottom = top;
lpRect->left = left;
lpRect->top = top;
lpRect->right = right;
lpRect->bottom = bottom;
// CProgressListCtrl::SetMenuItems
// arguments: szTitles: an array of strings which contains the column titles
// nLength: the length of the array
// returns: void
// function: sets up the menu for hiding and showing columns
void CProgressListCtrl::SetMenuItems(char** szTitles, int nLength)
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) {
for(int i = 0; i < nLength; i ++) {
if(szTitles[i]) {
m_PopupMenu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, i, szTitles[i]);
m_PopupMenu.CheckMenuItem(i, MF_CHECKED);
// CProgressListCtrl::SaveInactive
// arguments: szFile: name of file to save to
// szSection: section of file to save to
// returns: void
// function: saves inactive elements of list to a file.
void CProgressListCtrl::SaveInactive(char* szFile, char* szSection)
CString strSection, strKey, strValue;
int nMax = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i ++) {
if(GetItemData(i) != NULL) continue;
strSection.Format("%s-%d", szSection, nMax);
for(int si = 0; si < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); si ++) {
GetColumnTitle(si, strKey);
strValue = GetItemText(i, si);
WritePrivateProfileString(strSection, strKey, strValue, szFile);
strValue = GetProjectURL(i);
WritePrivateProfileString(strSection, "proj_url", strValue, szFile);
nMax ++;
strValue.Format("%d", nMax);
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, "max", strValue, szFile);
// CProgressListCtrl::LoadInactive
// arguments: szFile: name of file to load from
// szSection: section of file to load from
// returns: void
// function: loads inactive elements of list from a file.
void CProgressListCtrl::LoadInactive(char* szFile, char* szSection)
CString strSection, strKey;
char szValue[512];
int nMax = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSection, "max", 0, szFile);
for(int i = 0; i < nMax; i ++) {
strSection.Format("%s-%d", szSection, i);
GetColumnTitle(0, strKey);
GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, strKey, "", szValue, 512, szFile);
InsertItem(GetItemCount(), szValue);
for(int si = 1; si < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); si ++) {
GetColumnTitle(si, strKey);
GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, strKey, "", szValue, 512, szFile);
SetItemText(GetItemCount() - 1, si, szValue);
GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, "proj_url", "", szValue, 512, szFile);
SetProjectURL(i, szValue);
// CProgressListCtrl::OnCreate
// arguments: lpcs: a pointer to the create structure
// returns: 0 if successful, otherwise -1
// function: sets up the context menu and subclasses the header.
int CProgressListCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
if(CListCtrl::OnCreate(lpcs) == -1) {
return -1;
// subclass header
CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl();
if(pHeader) {
HWND hWnd = pHeader->GetSafeHwnd();
if(hWnd) {
m_OldFont = NULL;
m_nSort = 0;
return 0;
// CProgressListCtrl::OnCustomDraw
// arguments: pNMHDR: pointer to notification message header
// pResult: pointer to result
// returns: void
// function: handles special cases of drawing text, including changing
// an item's color or displaying project names as links
void CProgressListCtrl::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if(pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) {
// before painting, get notifications for each item
} else if(pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) {
// before item, get notifications for each subitem
} else if(pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage == (CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT | CDDS_SUBITEM)) {
// before subitem, set font
pLVCD->clrText = RGB(0, 0, 0);
CDC* cdc = CDC::FromHandle(pLVCD->nmcd.hdc);
CFont* curFont = cdc->GetCurrentFont();
if((int)pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec < m_ItemColors.GetSize()) {
pLVCD->clrText = m_ItemColors.GetAt(pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec);
CFont* pNewFont = new CFont;
m_OldFont = cdc->SelectObject(pNewFont);
} else if(pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage == (CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT | CDDS_SUBITEM)) {
// after subitem, restore font
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pLVCD->nmcd.hdc);
m_OldFont = pDC->SelectObject(m_OldFont);
delete m_OldFont;
m_OldFont = NULL;
// CProgressListCtrl::OnDestroy
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: deletes progress controls
void CProgressListCtrl::OnDestroy()
CString sKey;
CProgressBarCtrl* pProgCtrl = NULL;
// iterate through each progress control
POSITION pos = m_Progs.GetStartPosition();
while (pos != NULL) {
// remove the control and delete it
m_Progs.GetNextAssoc(pos, sKey, (CObject*&)pProgCtrl);
delete pProgCtrl;
// CProgressListCtrl::OnLButtonDown
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: stops control from highlighting items, opens links
// NOTE: Removed this function to allow highlighting; unsure if this
// will produce unwanted side-effects. -JBK
void CProgressListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// CProgressListCtrl::OnRButtonDown
// arguments: nFlags: message flags (keys down)
// point: mouse's point
// returns: void
// function: if user clicks on a header, show its context menu, otherwise
// do nothing.
void CProgressListCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// see if user clicked on header and do its popup menu
CHeaderCtrl* header = GetHeaderCtrl();
if(header) {
CRect rt;
if(rt.PtInRect(point)) {
if(m_PopupMenu.GetSafeHmenu()) m_PopupMenu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this);
CWnd* pParentWnd = GetParent();
if(pParentWnd) {
MapWindowPoints(pParentWnd, &point, 1);
WPARAM wParam = nFlags;
LPARAM lParam = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y);
pParentWnd->SendMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
//CListCtrl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
// CProgressListCtrl::OnNotify
// arguments: wParam: notification's wparam
// lParam: notification's lparam
// pResult: pointer to result of notification
// returns: true if the notification is processed, otherwise false
// function: handles notifications from children, including:
// user clicking a header sorts by that column.
// user double clicking a header resizes it to longest string in that column.
// user tracking a hidden column does not resize it.
BOOL CProgressListCtrl::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult)
HD_NOTIFY* phdn = (HD_NOTIFY*)lParam;
// notification from header, user has clicked a header
if(phdn->hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCLICKA || phdn->hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCLICKW) {
int newSort = phdn->iItem + 1;
// if this header was clicked before, alternate sorts, other wise just sort
if(newSort == abs(m_nSort)) {
m_nSort *= -1;
if(m_nSort < 0) Sort(abs(m_nSort)-1, SORT_DESCEND);
else Sort(abs(m_nSort)-1, SORT_ASCEND);
} else {
m_nSort = newSort;
Sort(abs(m_nSort)-1, SORT_ASCEND);
// notification from header, user has double clicked a column divider
if(phdn->hdr.code == HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA || phdn->hdr.code == HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW) {
// don't resize if it's hidden
if(m_ColWidths.GetAt(phdn->iItem) < 0) {
*pResult = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// find longest string and resize to its length
CString strTitle;
GetColumnTitle(phdn->iItem, strTitle);
int nMax = GetStringWidth(strTitle) + 12;
for(int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i ++) {
CString strBuf;
strBuf = GetItemText(i, phdn->iItem);
int nWidth = GetStringWidth(strBuf) + 12;
if(nWidth > nMax) nMax = nWidth;
SetColumnWidth(phdn->iItem, nMax);
*pResult = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// notification from header, user has started tracking a header
if(phdn->hdr.code == HDN_BEGINTRACKA || phdn->hdr.code == HDN_BEGINTRACKW) {
// stop the header from tracking
int nCol = phdn->iItem;
if(m_ColWidths.GetAt(nCol) < 0) {
*pResult = TRUE;
return TRUE;
return CListCtrl::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult);
// CProgressListCtrl::OnPaint
// arguments: void
// returns: void
// function: repositions progress bars.
void CProgressListCtrl::OnPaint()
// iterate through each progress control
CProgressBarCtrl* progCtrl = NULL;
CString str;
POSITION pos = m_Progs.GetStartPosition();
while (pos != NULL) {
// redraw control
m_Progs.GetNextAssoc(pos, str, (CObject*&)progCtrl);
// CProgressListCtrl::OnCommand
// arguments: wParam: command's wparam
// lParam: command's lparam
// returns: true if the command is processed, otherwise false
// function: assumes this command is from the context menu and the wparam
// is the column number to swap visibility of.
BOOL CProgressListCtrl::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return CListCtrl::OnCommand(wParam, lParam);
const char *BOINC_RCSID_577b1dbbc2 = "$Id$";