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// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// If you change anything, make sure you also change:
// client_types.C (to write and parse it)
// client_state.C (to cross-link objects)
#ifndef _CLIENT_TYPES_
#define _CLIENT_TYPES_
#include "cpp.h"
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "md5_file.h"
#include "hostinfo.h"
#include "miofile.h"
#define P_LOW 1
#define P_MEDIUM 3
#define P_HIGH 5
#define MAX_FILE_INFO_LEN 4096
#define MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN 4096
#define MAX_KEY_LEN 4096
// If the status is neither of these two,
// it will be an error code defined in error_numbers.h,
// indicating an unrecoverable error in the upload or download of the file,
// or that the file was too big and was deleted
#define FILE_PRESENT 1
class FILE_INFO {
char name[256];
char md5_cksum[33];
double max_nbytes;
double nbytes;
double upload_offset;
bool generated_locally; // file is produced by app
int status;
bool executable; // change file protections to make executable
bool uploaded; // file has been uploaded
bool upload_when_present;
bool sticky; // don't delete unless instructed to do so
bool report_on_rpc; // include this in each scheduler request
bool marked_for_delete; // server requested delete;
// if not in use, delete even if sticky is true
// don't report to server even if report_on_rpc is true
bool signature_required; // true iff associated with app version
bool is_user_file;
bool is_project_file;
bool gzip_when_done;
// for output files: gzip file when done, and append .gz to its name
class PERS_FILE_XFER* pers_file_xfer;
// nonzero if in the process of being up/downloaded
struct RESULT* result; // for upload files (to authenticate)
class PROJECT* project;
int ref_cnt;
std::vector<std::string> urls;
int start_url;
int current_url;
char signed_xml[MAX_FILE_INFO_LEN];
// if the file_info is signed (for uploadable files)
// this is the text that is signed
// Otherwise it is the FILE_INFO's XML descriptor
// (without enclosing <file_info> tags)
char xml_signature[MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN];
// ... and this is the signature
char file_signature[MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN];
// if the file itself is signed (for executable files)
// this is the signature
std::string error_msg; // if permanent error occurs during file xfer,
// it's recorded here
void reset();
int set_permissions();
int parse(MIOFILE&, bool from_server);
int write(MIOFILE&, bool to_server);
int write_gui(MIOFILE&);
int delete_file(); // attempt to delete the underlying file
const char* get_init_url(bool);
const char* get_next_url(bool);
const char* get_current_url(bool);
bool is_correct_url_type(bool, std::string&);
bool had_failure(int& failnum);
void failure_message(std::string&);
int merge_info(FILE_INFO&);
int verify_file(bool);
int gzip(); // gzip file and add .gz to name
// Describes a connection between a file and a workunit, result, or application.
// In the first two cases,
// the app will either use open() or fopen() to access the file
// (in which case "open_name" is the name it will use)
// or the app will be connected by the given fd (in which case fd is nonzero)
struct FILE_REF {
char file_name[256];
char open_name[256];
int fd;
bool main_program;
FILE_INFO* file_info;
bool copy_file; // if true, core client will copy the file instead of linking
bool optional;
// for output files: app may not generate file;
// don't treat as error if file is missing.
int parse(MIOFILE&);
int write(MIOFILE&);
// statistics at a specific day
struct DAILY_STATS {
double user_total_credit;
double user_expavg_credit;
double host_total_credit;
double host_expavg_credit;
double day;
void clear();
DAILY_STATS() {clear();}
int parse(FILE*);
class PROJECT {
// the following items come from the account file
// They are a function only of the user and the project
char master_url[256]; // url of site that contains scheduler tags
// for this project
char authenticator[256]; // user's authenticator on this project
std::string project_prefs;
// without the enclosing <project_preferences> tags.
// May include <venue> elements
// This field is used only briefly: between handling a
// scheduler RPC reply and writing the account file
std::string project_specific_prefs;
// without enclosing <project_specific> tags
// Does not include <venue> elements
std::string gui_urls;
// GUI URLs, with enclosing <gui_urls> tags
double resource_share;
// project's resource share relative to other projects.
char host_venue[256];
// logically, this belongs in the client state file
// rather than the account file.
// But we need it in the latter in order to parse prefs.
bool using_venue_specific_prefs;
// the following items come from client_state.xml
// They may depend on the host as well as user and project
// NOTE: if you add anything, add it to copy_state_fields() also!!!
std::vector<std::string> scheduler_urls;
// where to find scheduling servers
char project_name[256]; // descriptive. not unique
char symstore[256]; // URL of symbol server (Windows)
char user_name[256];
char team_name[256];
char email_hash[MD5_LEN];
char cross_project_id[MD5_LEN];
double user_total_credit;
double user_expavg_credit;
double user_create_time;
int hostid;
double host_total_credit;
double host_expavg_credit;
double host_create_time;
double ams_resource_share;
// resource share according to AMS; overrides project
// stuff related to scheduler RPCs and master fetch
int rpc_seqno;
int nrpc_failures; // # of consecutive times we've failed to
// contact all scheduling servers
int master_fetch_failures;
double min_rpc_time; // earliest time to contact any server
// of this project (or zero)
void set_min_rpc_time(double future_time);
bool waiting_until_min_rpc_time();
// returns true if min_rpc_time > now
bool master_url_fetch_pending;
// need to fetch and parse the master URL
int sched_rpc_pending;
// we need to do a scheduler RPC, for various possible reasons:
// user request, propagate host CPID, time-based, etc.
// Reasons are enumerated in scheduler_op.h
double next_rpc_time;
// if nonzero, specifies a time when another scheduler RPC
// should be done (as requested by server)
bool possibly_backed_off;
bool trickle_up_pending; // have trickle up to send
bool tentative; // we haven't done a scheduler RPC to this project yet
// (still need to verify that its name isn't a dup)
double last_rpc_time; // when last RPC finished
// Other stuff
bool anonymous_platform; // app_versions.xml file found in project dir;
// use those apps rather then getting from server
bool non_cpu_intensive;
bool verify_files_on_app_start;
bool send_file_list;
// send the list of permanent files associated/with the project
// in the next scheduler reply
bool suspended_via_gui;
bool dont_request_more_work;
// Return work, but don't request more
// Used for a clean exit to a project,
// or if a user wants to pause doing work for the project
bool attached_via_acct_mgr;
char code_sign_key[MAX_KEY_LEN];
std::vector<FILE_REF> user_files;
std::vector<FILE_REF> project_files;
// files not specific to apps or work - e.g. icons
int parse_preferences_for_user_files();
int parse_project_files(MIOFILE&, bool delete_existing_symlinks);
void write_project_files(MIOFILE&);
void link_project_files(bool recreate_symlink_files);
int write_symlink_for_project_file(FILE_INFO*);
double project_files_downloaded_time;
// when last project file download finished
void update_project_files_downloaded_time();
// called when a project file download finishes.
// If it's the last one, set project_files_downloaded_time to now
// Multiply by this when estimating the CPU time of a result
// (based on FLOPs estimated and benchmarks).
// This is dynamically updated in a way that maintains an upper bound.
// it goes down slowly but if a new estimate X is larger,
// the factor is set to X.
double duration_correction_factor;
void update_duration_correction_factor(RESULT*);
// fields used by CPU scheduler and work fetch
// everything from here on applies only to CPU intensive projects
bool contactable();
// not suspended and not deferred and not no more work
bool runnable();
// has a runnable result
bool downloading();
// has a result in downloading state
bool potentially_runnable();
// runnable or contactable or downloading
bool nearly_runnable();
// runnable or downloading
bool overworked();
// the project has used too much CPU time recently
bool some_download_stalled();
// a download is backed off
bool some_result_suspended();
// temps used in CLIENT_STATE::rr_simulation();
double rrsim_proc_rate;
// fraction of each CPU this project will get in RR simulation
void set_rrsim_proc_rate(double rrs);
// set in CLIENT_STATE::rr_misses_deadline();
double cpu_shortfall;
int rr_sim_deadlines_missed;
int deadlines_missed; // used as scratch by scheduler, enforcer
// "debt" is how much CPU time we owe this project relative to others
double short_term_debt;
// computed over runnable projects
// used for CPU scheduling
double long_term_debt;
// Computed over potentially runnable projects
// (defined for all projects, but doesn't change if
// not potentially runnable).
// Normalized so mean over all projects is zero
double anticipated_debt;
// expected debt by the end of the preemption period
double wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval;
// how much "wall CPU time" has been devoted to this
// project in the current debt interval
struct RESULT *next_runnable_result;
// the next result to run for this project
int nactive_uploads;
// number of file uploads in progress.
// Don't start new results if these exceeds 2.
double work_request;
// the unit is "project-normalized CPU seconds",
// i.e. the work should take 1 CPU on this host
// X seconds of wall-clock time to complete,
// taking into account
// 1) this project's fractional resource share
// 2) on_frac, active_frac, and cpu_effiency
// see doc/sched.php
int work_request_urgency;
int nresults_returned;
// # of results being returned in current scheduler op
const char* get_scheduler_url(int index, double r);
// get scheduler URL with random offset r
bool checked;
// temporary used when scanning projects
// vars related to file-transfer backoff
// file_xfer_failures_up: count of consecutive upload failures
// next_file_xfer_up: when to start trying uploads again
// if file_xfer_failures_up exceeds FILE_XFER_FAILURE_LIMIT,
// we switch from a per-file to a project-wide backoff policy
// (separately for the up/down directions)
int file_xfer_failures_up;
int file_xfer_failures_down;
double next_file_xfer_up;
double next_file_xfer_down;
double next_file_xfer_time(const bool);
void file_xfer_failed(const bool);
void file_xfer_succeeded(const bool);
void init();
void copy_state_fields(PROJECT&);
char *get_project_name();
int write_account_file();
int parse_account(FILE*);
int parse_account_file_venue();
int parse_account_file();
int parse_state(MIOFILE&);
int write_state(MIOFILE&, bool gui_rpc=false);
void attach_failed(int reason);
// statistic of the last x days
std::vector<DAILY_STATS> statistics;
int parse_statistics(MIOFILE&);
int parse_statistics(FILE*);
int write_statistics(MIOFILE&, bool gui_rpc=false);
int write_statistics_file();
struct APP {
char name[256];
char user_friendly_name[256];
PROJECT* project;
int parse(MIOFILE&);
int write(MIOFILE&);
struct APP_VERSION {
char app_name[256];
int version_num;
APP* app;
PROJECT* project;
std::vector<FILE_REF> app_files;
int ref_cnt;
int parse(MIOFILE&);
int write(MIOFILE&);
bool had_download_failure(int& failnum);
void get_file_errors(std::string&);
void clear_errors();
struct WORKUNIT {
char name[256];
char app_name[256];
int version_num;
// This isn't sent from the server.
// Instead, the client picks the latest app version
std::string command_line;
//char env_vars[256]; // environment vars in URL format
std::vector<FILE_REF> input_files;
PROJECT* project;
APP* app;
int ref_cnt;
double rsc_fpops_est;
double rsc_fpops_bound;
double rsc_memory_bound;
double rsc_disk_bound;
int parse(MIOFILE&);
int write(MIOFILE&);
bool had_download_failure(int& failnum);
void get_file_errors(std::string&);
void clear_errors();
struct RESULT {
char name[256];
char wu_name[256];
double report_deadline;
std::vector<FILE_REF> output_files;
bool ready_to_report;
// we're ready to report this result to the server;
// either computation is done and all the files have been uploaded
// or there was an error
double completed_time;
// time when ready_to_report was set
bool got_server_ack;
// we're received the ack for this result from the server
double final_cpu_time;
double fpops_per_cpu_sec; // nonzero if reported by app
double fpops_cumulative; // nonzero if reported by app
double intops_per_cpu_sec; // nonzero if reported by app
double intops_cumulative; // nonzero if reported by app
int state; // state of this result: see lib/result_state.h
int exit_status; // return value from the application
std::string stderr_out;
// the concatenation of:
// - if report_result_error() is called for this result:
// <message>x</message>
// <exit_status>x</exit_status>
// <signal>x</signal>
// - if called in FILES_DOWNLOADED state:
// <couldnt_start>x</couldnt_start>
// - if called in NEW state:
// <download_error>x</download_error> for each failed download
// - if called in COMPUTE_DONE state:
// <upload_error>x</upload_error> for each failed upload
// - <stderr_txt>X</stderr_txt>, where X is the app's stderr output
bool suspended_via_gui;
APP* app;
// this may be NULL after result is finished
PROJECT* project;
void clear();
int parse_server(MIOFILE&);
int parse_state(MIOFILE&);
int parse_name(FILE*, const char* end_tag);
int write(MIOFILE&, bool to_server);
int write_gui(MIOFILE&);
bool is_upload_done(); // files uploaded?
void clear_uploaded_flags();
FILE_REF* lookup_file(FILE_INFO*);
FILE_INFO* lookup_file_logical(const char*);
void abort_inactive(int);
// abort the result if it hasn't started computing yet
// Called only for results with no active task
// (otherwise you need to abort the active task)
// stuff related to CPU scheduling
double estimated_cpu_time();
double estimated_cpu_time_uncorrected();
double estimated_cpu_time_remaining();
bool computing_done();
bool runnable();
// downloaded, not finished, not suspended, project not suspended
bool nearly_runnable();
// downloading or downloaded,
// not finished, suspended, project not suspended
bool downloading();
// downloading, not downloaded, not suspended, project not suspended
bool some_download_stalled();
// some input or app file is downloading, and backed off
// i.e. it may be a long time before we can run this result
// temporaries used in CLIENT_STATE::rr_misses_deadline():
double rrsim_cpu_left;
double rrsim_finish_delay;
bool already_selected;
// used to keep cpu scheduler from scheduling a result twice
// transient; used only within schedule_cpus()
double computation_deadline();
// used by the CPU scheduler to determine if there is a cause for
// a pre-emption of running results.
bool rr_sim_misses_deadline;
bool last_rr_sim_missed_deadline;
// represents an always/auto/never value, possibly temporarily overridden
class MODE {
int perm_mode;
int temp_mode;
double temp_timeout;
void set(int mode, double duration);
int get_perm();
int get_current();
double delay();