mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
744 lines
21 KiB
744 lines
21 KiB
// This file is part of BOINC.
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
ini_set("memory_limit", "64M");
$generating_xml = false;
$caching = false;
function send_cookie($name, $value, $permanent, $ops=false) {
// the following allows independent login for projects on the same server
$master_url = parse_config(get_config(), "<master_url>");
$url = parse_url($master_url);
$path = $url['path'];
if ($ops) $path = "$path_ops";
$expire = $permanent?time()+3600*24*365:0;
setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path);
function clear_cookie($name) {
$master_url = parse_config(get_config(), "<master_url>");
$url = parse_url($master_url);
$path = $url['path'];
setcookie($name, '', time()-3600, $path);
// if not logged in, put up login form and exit
function require_login($user) {
if (!$user) {
function get_user_from_id($id) {
if ($id) return lookup_user_id($id);
return NULL;
$g_logged_in_user = null;
function get_logged_in_user($must_be_logged_in=true) {
global $g_logged_in_user;
if ($g_logged_in_user) return $g_logged_in_user;
$x = ereg(
"curl|wget|libww|lwp::simple|lwp-trivial|fetch|rufusbot|java/|microsoft url control|webreaper",
if ($x > 0) {
error_page("bad user agent");
$authenticator = null;
if (isset($_COOKIE['auth'])) $authenticator = $_COOKIE['auth'];
$authenticator = process_user_text($authenticator);
if ($authenticator) {
$g_logged_in_user = BoincUser::lookup("authenticator='$authenticator'");
if ($must_be_logged_in) {
return $g_logged_in_user;
function show_login($user) {
if ($user) {
echo "Logged in as %s.\n", $user->name;
echo "<br><a href=\"login_form.php\">Log in as someone else.</a>\n";
} else {
echo "Not logged in.";
// Page_head() is overridable so that projects that want to integrate BOINC
// with an existing web framework can more easily do so.
// To do so, define page_head() in the project include file.
if (!function_exists("page_head")){
function page_head($title, $java_onload=null, $title_plain=null, $prefix="") {
global $caching;
global $cache_control_extra;
$stylesheet = URL_BASE.STYLESHEET;
$rssname = PROJECT . " RSS 2.0";
$rsslink = URL_BASE."rss_main.php";
if (defined("CHARSET")) {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".tra("CHARSET"));
if (!$caching) {
header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 UTC"); // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " UTC"); // always modified
header ("Cache-Control: $cache_control_extra no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd\">\n";
if (!$title_plain) {
echo "<html><head><title>".strip_tags($title)."</title>\n";
} else {
echo "<html><head><title>".strip_tags($title_plain)."</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$stylesheet\">
<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"$rssname\" href=\"$rsslink\">
if ($java_onload){
echo "<body onload=\"".$java_onload."\">";
} else {
echo "<body>";
project_banner($title, $prefix);
function page_tail_aux($show_return, $show_date, $prefix="") {
project_footer($show_return, $show_date, $prefix);
echo "</body>\n</html>";
function page_tail_main($show_date=false) {
page_tail_aux(false, $show_date);
// See the comments for page_head()
if (!function_exists("page_tail")){
function page_tail($show_date=false, $prefix="") {
page_tail_aux(true, $show_date, $prefix);
function display_cvs_versions(){
global $cvs_version_tracker;
echo "\n<!-- SVN VERSIONS -->\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($cvs_version_tracker);$i++) {
echo "<!-- ".$cvs_version_tracker[$i]." -->\n";
function db_error_page() {
page_head("Database error");
echo "A database error occurred while handling your request.
<br>Please try again later.
<br>If the error persists, please submit a
<a href=\"bug_report_form.php\">problem report</a>.
function error_page($msg) {
global $generating_xml;
if ($generating_xml) {
xml_error(-1, $msg);
page_head("Unable to handle request");
echo $msg;
// takes argument in second and returns a human formatted time string
// in the form D days + h Hours + m Min + s sec.
function time_diff($x) {
$days = (int)($x/86400);
$hours = (int)(($x-$days*86400)/3600);
$minutes = (int)(($x-$days*86400-$hours*3600)/60);
$seconds = (int)($x % 60);
$datestring = "";
if ($days) {
$datestring .= "$days days ";
if ($hours || strlen($datestring)) {
$datestring .= "$hours hours ";
if ($minutes || strlen($datestring)) {
$datestring .= "$minutes min ";
if ($seconds) {
$datestring .= "$seconds sec";
return $datestring;
function date_str($x) {
if ($x == 0) return "---";
return gmdate('j M Y', $x);
function time_str($x) {
if ($x == 0) return "---";
return gmdate('j M Y G:i:s', $x) . " UTC";
function pretty_time_str($x) {
return time_str($x);
function start_table($extra="width=\"100%\"") {
echo "<table $extra>";
function start_table_noborder($width="100%") {
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"$width\">";
function end_table() {
echo "</table>\n";
// Table header row with unlimited number of columns
function table_header() {
echo "<tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
if (is_array(func_get_arg($i))) {
$col = func_get_arg($i);
echo "<th ".$col[1].">".$col[0]."</th>\n";
} else {
echo "<th>".func_get_arg($i)."</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// Table row with unlimited number of columns
function table_row() {
echo "<tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
if (is_array(func_get_arg($i))) {
$col = func_get_arg($i);
echo "<td ".$col[1].">".$col[0]."</td>\n";
} else {
echo "<td>".func_get_arg($i)."</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
function row1($x, $ncols=2, $class="heading") {
echo "<tr><td class=\"$class\" colspan=\"$ncols\">$x</td></tr>\n";
function row2($x, $y, $show_error=false) {
if ($x=="") $x="<br>";
if ($y=="") $y="<br>";
if ($show_error) {
$class1 = 'fieldname_error';
$class2 = 'fieldvalue_error';
} else {
$class1 = 'fieldname';
$class2 = 'fieldvalue';
echo "<tr><td width=\"40%\" class=\"$class1\">$x</td><td class=\"$class2\">$y</td></tr>\n";
function row2_init($x, $y) {
echo "<tr><td class=\"fieldname\" width=\"40%\">$x</td><td valign=\"top\"><b>$y\n";
function row2_plain($x, $y) {
echo "<tr><td>$x</td><td>$y</td></tr>\n";
function row3($x, $y, $z) {
echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">$x</td><td>$y</td><td>$z</td></tr>\n";
function row4($xx, $xy, $yx, $yy) {
echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\">$xx</td><td width=\"25%\">$xy</td>"
. "<td width=\"25%\">$yx</td><td width=\"%25\">$yy</td></tr>
function rowify($string) {
echo "<tr><td>$string</td></tr>";
function row_array($x) {
echo "<tr>";
foreach ($x as $h) {
echo "<td>$h</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
function row_heading_array($x) {
echo "<tr>";
foreach ($x as $h) {
echo "<th>$h</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
function random_string() {
return md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
function url_tokens($auth) {
$now = time();
$ttok = md5((string)$now.$auth);
return "&tnow=$now&ttok=$ttok";
function form_tokens($auth) {
$now = time();
$ttok = md5((string)$now.$auth);
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tnow\" value=\"$now\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ttok\" value=\"$ttok\">
function valid_tokens($auth) {
$tnow = get_str('tnow', true);
$ttok = get_str('ttok', true);
if (!$tnow) {
$tnow = $_POST['tnow'];
if (!$ttok) {
$ttok = $_POST['ttok'];
if (!$tnow) return false;
if (!$ttok) return false;
$t = md5((string)$tnow.$auth);
if ($t != $ttok) return false;
if (time() > $tnow + 86400) return false;
return true;
function check_tokens($auth) {
if (valid_tokens($auth)) return;
"Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page,
and try again."
function print_login_form_aux($next_url, $user) {
echo "
<form name=\"f\" method=\"post\" action=\"login_action.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"next_url\" value=\"$next_url\">
row2("Email address:", '<input name="email_addr" size="40" tabindex="1">');
row2("Password:<br><font size=\"-2\"><a href=\"get_passwd.php\">Forgot password?</a>",
'<input type="password" name="passwd" size="40" tabindex="2">'
row2("Stay logged in on this computer",
'<input type="checkbox" name="stay_logged_in" checked>'
$x = urlencode($next_url);
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"mode\" value=\"Log in\" tabindex=\"3\"><br><br>or <a href=\"create_account_form.php?next_url=$x\">create an account</a>/."
if ($user) {
row1("Log out");
row2("You are logged in as $user->name",
"<a href=\"logout.php?".url_tokens($user->authenticator)."\">Log out</a>"
echo "
function print_login_form() {
page_head("Please log in");
$next_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
print_login_form_aux($next_url, null);
function no_computing() {
return parse_bool(get_config(), "no_computing");
// Generates a legal filename from a parameter string.
function get_legal_filename($name) {
$name = ereg_replace(',', '', $name);
return ereg_replace(' ', '_', $name);
// Returns a string containing as many words
// (being collections of characters separated by the character $delimiter)
// as possible such that the total string length is <= $chars characters long.
// If $ellipsis is true, then an ellipsis is added to any sentence which
// is cut short.
function sub_sentence($sentence, $delimiter, $max_chars, $ellipsis=false) {
$words = explode($delimiter, $sentence);
$total_chars = 0;
$count = 0;
$result = '';
do {
if ($count > 0) {
$result = $result . ' ' . $words[$count];
} else {
$result = $result . $words[$count];
$total_chars += strlen($words[$count]) + 1;
} while ($count < count($words) && ($total_chars + strlen($words[$count])) <= $max_chars);
if ($ellipsis && ($count < count($words))) {
$result = $result . '...';
return $result;
// use this for user RAC and result credit
function format_credit($x) {
return number_format($x, 2);
// use this when credit is likely to be large, e.g. team RAC
function format_credit_large($x) {
return number_format($x, 0);
function friend_links($user) {
if (is_banished($user)) {
return "";
$x = "<table height=\"100\" width=\"150\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\"><tr><td class=\"friend\">";
if ($user->has_profile) {
$profile = BoincProfile::lookup_fields("has_picture", "userid=$user->id");
if ($profile && $profile->has_picture) {
$img_url = profile_thumb_url($user->id);
} else {
$img_url = URL_BASE."img/head_20.png";
$x .= ' <a href="'.URL_BASE.'view_profile.php?userid='.$user->id.'"><img class="userimg" title="View the profile of '.$user->name.'" align="top" src="'.$img_url.'" alt="Profile"></a><br>';
$x .= " <a href=\"".URL_BASE."show_user.php?userid=".$user->id."\">".$user->name."</a>";
if ($user->donated == 1) {
$x .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
return $x;
function user_links($user) {
if (is_banished($user)) {
return "(banished: ID $user->id)";
$x = "";
if ($user->has_profile) {
$img_url = URL_BASE."img/head_20.png";
$x .= ' <a href="'.URL_BASE.'view_profile.php?userid='.$user->id.'"><img class="userimg" title="View the profile of '.$user->name.'" align="top" src="'.$img_url.'" alt="Profile"></a>';
$x .= " <a href=\"".URL_BASE."show_user.php?userid=".$user->id."\">".$user->name."</a>";
if ($user->donated == 1) {
return $x;
function host_link($hostid) {
if ($hostid) {
return "<a href=\"show_host_detail.php?hostid=$hostid\">$hostid</a>";
} else {
return "---";
function open_output_buffer() {
function close_output_buffer($filename) {
$fh = fopen($filename, "w");
$page = ob_get_contents();
fwrite($fh, $page);
function html_info() {
return "<br><a href=\"bbcode.php\" target=\"_new\"><span class=\"smalltext\">".tra("Use BBCode tags to format your text")."</span></a>\n";
// strip slashes if magic quotes in effect
function undo_magic_quotes($x) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
return stripslashes($x);
return $x;
function get_int($name, $optional=false) {
if (isset($_GET[$name])) $x = $_GET[$name];
if (!is_numeric($x)) {
if ($optional) {
return null;
} else {
error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name; supplied: ".htmlspecialchars($x));
return (int)$x;
function post_int($name, $optional=false) {
$x = null;
if (isset($_POST[$name])) $x = $_POST[$name];
if (!is_numeric($x)) {
if ($optional) {
return null;
} else {
error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name; supplied: ".htmlspecialchars($x));
return (int)$x;
function get_str($name, $optional=false) {
$x = null;
if (isset($_GET[$name])) $x = $_GET[$name];
if (!$x && !$optional) {
error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name");
return undo_magic_quotes($x);
function get_venue($name) {
$x = $_GET[$name];
if ($x == "") return $x;
if ($x == "home") return $x;
if ($x == "work") return $x;
if ($x == "school") return $x;
error_page("no such venue: $x");
function post_str($name, $optional=false) {
$x = null;
if (isset($_POST[$name])) $x = $_POST[$name];
if (!$x && !$optional) {
error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name");
return undo_magic_quotes($x);
function is_ascii($str) {
// the mb_* functions are not included by default
// return (mb_detect_encoding($passwd) -= 'ASCII');
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++) {
$c = ord(substr($str, $i));
if ($c < 32 || $c > 127) return false;
return true;
// This function replaces some often made mistakes while entering numbers
// and gives back an error if there are false characters
// It will also be checked if the value is within certain borders
// @param string &$value reference to the value that should be verified
// @param double $low the lowest number of value if verified
// @param double $high the highest number of value if verified
// @return bool true if $value is numeric and within the defined borders,
// false if $value is not numeric, no changes were made in this case
function verify_numeric(&$value, $low, $high = false) {
$number = trim($value);
$number = str_replace('o', '0', $number);
$number = str_replace('O', '0', $number);
$number = str_replace('x', '', $number); //if someone enters '0x100'
$number = str_replace(',', '.', $number); // replace the german decimal separator
// if no value was entered and this is ok
if ($number=='' && $low=='') return true;
// the supplied value contains alphabetic characters
if (!is_numeric($number)) return false;
//if ($number < $low) $number = $low;
if ($number < $low) return false;
if ($high) {
//if ($number > $high) $number = $high;
if ($number > $high) return false;
$value = (double)$number;
return true;
// Generate a "select" HTML element from an array of values
function select_from_array($name, $array, $selection) {
$out = "<select name=\"$name\">";
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if ($value) {
$out .= "<option ";
if ($key == $selection) {
$out .= "selected ";
$out .= "value=\"".$key."\">".$value."</option>";
$out.= "</select>";
return $out;
// Convert to entities, while preserving already-encoded entities.
// Do NOT use if $str contains valid HTML tags.
function boinc_htmlentities($str) {
$str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
return $str;
function strip_bbcode($string){
return preg_replace("/((\[.+\])+?)(.+?)((\[\/.+\])+?)/","",$string);
function current_url() {
$url = "http";
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") {
$url .= "s";
$url .= "://";
$url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$url .= ":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$url .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
} else {
$url .= "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
return $url;
function show_button($url, $text, $desc) {
$text_esc = addslashes($text); // for javascript
$desc_esc = addslashes($desc);
echo "
document.write('<input onClick=\"document.location.href=\'$url\'\" class=\"btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"$text_esc\" title=\"$desc_esc\">')
<a href=\"$url\" title=\"$desc\">$text</a>
function show_image($src, $title, $alt, $height=null) {
$h = "";
if ($height) {
$h = "height=\"$height\"";
echo "<img border=\"0\" title=\"$title\" alt=\"$alt\" src=\"$src\" $h>";
function check_web_stopped() {
global $generating_xml;
if (web_stopped()) {
if ($generating_xml) {
} else {
page_head("Project down for maintenance");
echo "This page requires database access.
Our database server is temporarily shut down for maintenance.
Please try again later.
// Connects to database server and selects database as noted in config.xml
// If only read-only access is necessary,
// tries instead to connect to <replica_db_host> if tag exists.
// DEPRECATED - use boinc_db.h
function db_init($try_replica=false) {
$retval = db_init_aux($try_replica);
if ($retval == 1) {
echo "Unable to connect to database - please try again later\n";
echo "Error: ", mysql_errno(), mysql_error();
if ($retval == 2) {
echo "Unable to select database - please try again later";
echo mysql_error();
return 0;
$cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit