mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
590 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
590 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
This file is part of RemoteBOINC.
Copyright (C) 2010 Toni Giorgino, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
RemoteBOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RemoteBOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id$
use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin); # where was script installed?
use lib $FindBin::Bin; # use that dir for libs, too
use lib "$Bin/lib/$]";
use Getopt::Long qw(:config ignore_case auto_help);
use XML::Simple;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use HTTP::DAV;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Pod::Usage;
use Error qw(:try);
use constant XMLROOT => "BoincRemote";
require qw(boinc_lib.pl);
# Constant, relative to url
my $cgi_retrieve="boinc_retrieve_server.pl";
# ----------------
# Parsing command line
my $group='';
my $name='';
my $into='',
my $intotree='',
our $verbose='';
my $quiet='';
my $keep='';
my $purge='';
my $stop='';
my $status='';
my $gridstatus='';
my $help='';
my $url=$ENV{RBOINC_URL};
my $user=$ENV{USER};
my $email='';
my $authenticator='';
'group=s' => \$group,
'name=s' => \$name,
'into=s' => \$into,
'intotree=s' => \$intotree,
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'keep' => \$keep,
'purge' => \$purge,
'stop' => \$stop,
'status' => \$status,
'gridstatus' => \$gridstatus,
'help' => \$help,
'url=s' => \$url,
'user=s' => \$user,
'email=s' => \$email,
'authenticator=s' => \$authenticator,
) or die "Error parsing command line";
pod2usage(1) if $help;
# ----------------
# Check arguments
checkMandatoryArguments(["group","url"]) or exit 1;
my $cgi_url = "$url/$cgi_retrieve";
if($intotree) {
# ----------------
# Authentication TODO
# ----------------
# Remote action invocation
if($purge) {
} elsif($stop) {
} elsif($status) {
} elsif($gridstatus) {
} else {
# Handle purge action
sub handlePurge {
if($into) {
print STDERR "Action --purge deletes only. It makes no sense in combination with --into.\n";
exit 1;
confirmOrDie("The operation will IRREVERSIBLY delete results from the server.\n".
"Note: You won't be able to submit new WUs with equal names until old ones\nwill be pending in the server (check with -gridstatus).\nConfirm? ");
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'purge',group=>$group,name=>$name});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
# Handle stop action
sub handleStop {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --stop makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
confirmOrDie("The operation will IRREVERSIBLY stop the WU. Results can still be retrieved. Confirm? ");
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'stop',group=>$group});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
# Handle status action
sub handleStatus {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --status makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'status',group=>$group});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
my $steps=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{StepList};
my %st=%$steps;
foreach my $n (keys %st) {
my $nn=$n; # strip "bin_"
print "$nn\t".$st{$n}."\n";
# Handle status action
sub handleGridStatus {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --gridstatus makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'gridstatus'});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
my $list=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{content};
print "$list\n";
# Handle retrieve action
# TODO -intotree, rename
sub handleRetrieve {
# ----------------
# Change dir and fail early
if($into) {
chdir $into or do {
print STDERR "Cannot chdir to -into directory `$into': $!\n";
exit 1;
# ----------------
# Invoke RMI
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'retrieve',group=>$group,name=>$name});
# ----------------
# Check outcome
my $rfilelist=$xmlcontent->{FileList}->{File};
if(!$rfilelist) {
die "No files ready for retrieval.\n";
my $dav_dir=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Directory};
if(!$dav_dir) {
die "Error requesting download location";
my $aliasTable=$xmlcontent->{AliasTable};
my $finalOutputs=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{FinalOutputs};
my $nMeta=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{MetadataFileCount};
# ----------------
# Download
logInfo("Requesting the DAV address");
my $dav_url=getDavUrl($cgi_url);
logInfo("Connecting to DAV server");
my $dav = new HTTP::DAV;
$dav->open( -url=> $dav_url )
or die("Couldn't open $dav_url: " .$dav->message . "\n");
or die("Couldn't set remote directory $dav_dir: " .$dav->message . "\n");
my $ndone=0;
my $nskip=0;
my @skiplist=();
my $nexpected=scalar @$rfilelist;
foreach my $fn (@$rfilelist) {
my $targetfn=$fn;
if($intotree) {
my $tmp=parseResultName($fn);
my $name=$tmp->{name};
mkdir $name; # may well fail if dir exists
$targetfn=File::Spec->catfile($name,$fn); # OS indepen
if( fileOrAliasExists($targetfn,$aliasTable) ) {
if(!$quiet && $nskip==0) {
print "Warning: some files are present locally and will not be overwritten.\n";
push @skiplist,$fn;
} else {
$targetfn = $targetfn . aliasExtension($fn,$aliasTable);
$dav->get(-url => $fn,
-to => $targetfn) and
if(!$quiet) {
local $|=1;
print sprintf("Retrieved $ndone, already present $nskip, out of $nexpected (% 3d%%)\r",100.*($ndone+$nskip)/$nexpected);
if($verbose) {
print "The following files were not overwritten: @skiplist\n";
print "Successfully retrieved $ndone, already present $nskip, out of $nexpected ($nMeta metadata).\n";
# ----------------
# Request deletion of remote files
if(! $keep) {
logInfo("Going to remove retrieved files");
try {
my $nremoved=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{NumberRemoved};
my $nkept= $xmlcontent->{Success}->{NumberKept} ;
if(!$quiet) {
print "Removed $nremoved server files, $nkept were too recent to remove.\n";
} catch Error with {
my $ex=shift;
my $mess=$ex->text();
print STDERR "Error requesting removal of remote files: $mess; continuing.\n";
# ----------------
# Finalize
logInfo("Removing retrieval directory");
foreach my $fn (@$rfilelist) {
$dav->delete(-url => $fn);
# Return the first extension defined in the alias table
sub aliasExtension {
my $fn=shift;
my $at=shift;
# Extract trailing number
my $fileExt=$1;
my $newExt="";
# iterate over the alias list
my $rAliasList=$at->{File};
foreach my $curAlias ( @$rAliasList ) {
if($curAlias->{Extension} eq "_$fileExt") {
# if alias for current extension, return first Alias
logInfo("Found suffix $fileExt -> $newExt");
return $newExt;
# Check if file exists in current directory (1st arg), checking both
# the literal file name and its aliases, appending extensions
# described in the alias list (2nd arg)
sub fileOrAliasExists {
my $fn=shift;
my $at=shift;
logInfo("Testing existence of $fn...");
if(-e $fn) {
logInfo("...is there");
return 1;
# Extract trailing number
my $fileExt=$1;
# iterate over the alias list
my $rAliasList=$at->{File};
foreach my $curAlias ( @$rAliasList ) {
if($curAlias->{Extension} eq "_$fileExt") {
# if alias for current extension, check appending all extensions
my $rExtList=$curAlias->{Alias};
foreach my $extToTest (@$rExtList) {
logInfo("Testing existence of $fn + $extToTest...");
if(-e $fn.$extToTest) {
logInfo("...is there");
return 1;
return 0;
# ########################################
# Misc. utility functions, shared by all handlers
# ----------------
# Ask for positive confirmation, or throw exception.
sub confirmOrDie {
my $answer=promptUser(shift,"N");
die "Operation aborted." if($answer !~ /^[yY]/ );
# ----------------
# Performs the remote method invokation, die-ing on failure
# Returns a parsed XML structure or throws an exception.
# Will use the $user global variable
sub invokeRMI {
my $params=shift;
logInfo("Invoking CGI");
my $xmlcontent;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $response = $ua->post( $cgi_url,
$params );
if($response->is_success) {
my $content = $response->content;
if($verbose) {
print "Response received:\n";
print $content;
} else {
my $reason=$response->status_line;
die "Error in POST from remote: $reason. Server may be down.\n";
if($xmlcontent->{Failure}) {
die "Server error message: $xmlcontent->{Failure}->{Reason}";
} elsif(!$xmlcontent->{Success}) {
die "Undefined state returned. This is a bug.";
# Check if the calling environment has all the given variables
# defined. If not, print one of them. Else, return false. These are
# passed as string in order to be able to be able to print their name.
# Sadly, must be duplicated because otherwise does not have access to
# scope.
sub checkMandatoryArguments {
my $l=shift;
foreach my $f (@$l) {
if(! eval('$'."$f")) {
print STDERR "Missing mandatory argument: $f. See -help.\n";
return 0;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
boinc_retrieve - Retrieving and administering remote boinc jobs
boinc_retrieve [options]
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 Mandatory parameters
=begin text
-group GROUP The simulation group to be retrieved
=end text
=head2 Modifiers
=begin text
-name NAME Retrieve only a specific job and its metadata
-into DIR Put files into specified directory (default ".")
-intotree DIR Put files into specified directory, with NAMEs in subdirs
-verbose Be verbose
-quiet Hide download progress indicator
-keep Do not remove retrieved files from server
-purge Completely remove GROUP from server (if finished)
-stop Prevent more work to be spawned for a given group
-status Show step numbers for given group
-gridstatus Show resources consumed and statuses for all groups
-help This message
=end text
=head2 Authentication
=begin text
-url URL RBoinc URL contact point (*)
-user NAME Override username [$user]
-email ADDRESS (Not implemented)
-authenticator ID (Not implemented)
(*) You can also use the RBOINC_URL environment variable
For example: http://www.ps3grid.net:8383/rboinc_cgi
=end text
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Toni Giorgino